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English paper 1 Pointers

Paper 1/ Compo writing

1) Exposition
2) Rising action
3) Conflict [Where most of the action takes place]
4) Falling action
5) Resolution

2. Character- Human, non-human

Dynamic / round character
-A character who changes as a result of conflict
-A character who resembles a real character

3. Setting- Time, place and general conditions

4. Tone/ Theme/ Mood ~

Theme:- Moral of the story
Mood- Emotion of the story
Tone- Attitude of the author towards the story [adding details necessary to
the story]

5. Conflict -
External conflict : -Person vs Person
-Person vs Nature
-Person vs society

Internal conflict: Person vs himself/herself

6. POV [Point of View] What perspective is this story told in?

1st person- The storywriter recounts events from their own perspective

2nd person- Where the narrator tells the story to another character using
the word 'you. ' The author could be talking to the audience, which we
could tell by the use of 'you,' 'you're,' and 'your.
3rd person- a form of storytelling in which a narrator relates all the action
of their work using third-person pronouns such as "he," "she," and "they.

7. Characterization - How the author describes the Protagonist and


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