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Committee: International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Country : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Agenda: Addressing the post-pandemic Economy in Developing Countries

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia led by King Salman bin Abdulaziz has demonstrated proactive
measures to tackle the post-pandemic economy. The country's strategies encompass diversifying
sectors, implementing fiscal packages, prioritizing investments in healthcare and digitalization, and
emphasizing international cooperation. These comprehensive actions are designed to bolster the
economy, provide support to businesses, safeguard employment, and foster sustainable growth in
the aftermath of the pandemic. By pursuing these multifaceted approaches, Saudi Arabia aims to
navigate the economic challenges and contribute to the global recovery process.

Developing countries must prioritize diversification for sustainable growth and reduced dependency
on a single sector. Key sectors to explore include tourism, renewable energy, technology, and
agriculture. Implementing fiscal stimulus measures is crucial to counter the pandemic's economic
impact. Support for small and medium-sized businesses through financial assistance, tax incentives,
and aid will stimulate economic activity and protect jobs. Investment in healthcare infrastructure,
testing capabilities, and widespread vaccine access is imperative for public health and economic
recovery. Embracing digital transformation fosters entrepreneurship, improves market access, and
enhances economic resilience. International cooperation is vital, as developing nations should
collaborate with countries and organizations, sharing best practices for inclusive and sustainable
economic recovery.

In conclusion, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is dedicated to addressing the post-pandemic economy
in developing countries through diversification, fiscal stimulus, healthcare investments, digitalization,
and international cooperation. Our strategies prioritize economic activity, job protection, and public
health promotion. We advocate for collaboration, sharing best practices, and working inclusively for
sustainable economic recovery. Saudi Arabia is committed to supporting the prosperity of all
developing nations and contributing to the global recovery process.


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