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Bank loans

1. A type of interest rate which can change during the time of the loan, is called _____variable

2. The amount of time to pay back a loan to a bank or lending institution is instcalled the
____repayment period_____________ _

3. A lower rate of interest that somebody is given on a loan because they are an important customer
of a bank is

a ______preferential rate______________

4. Another name for the 'small print' is the _____terms and conditions________________

5. A type of loan where you won't lose your property or assets if you can't pay is called an
______unsecured loan________________

6. The actual amount of money that a customer/borrower receives when they take out a loan is
called the ______principal________________

7. A type of interest rate which doesn't increase or decrease during the time of the loan is called
____fixed rate________________

8. The extra money/charges that you have to pay a bank for paying back a loan early are called
_______redemption penalties______________

9. The extra costs that you have to pay the bank for getting a loan are called

10. The name of the extra money a customer has to pay a bank if they are late with a payment, are
called ______charges________________

11. A type of loan interest rate which is a mixture of variable and fixed rates is called _____split

12. A type of loan where you can lose your property or assets if you can't pay is called a
_____secured loan ________________
1. A different way to say you 'don't have to' pay tax is ____exempte_____________

2. The period of time that a government uses to calculate the amount of tax that people have to pay
is called the _____tax year_______________

3. Income or earnings before tax has been removed is called _____gross salary_________________

4. A document that a company or person sends to the government, so the amount of tax they have to
pay can be calculated is called a ____tax return_________________

5. The amount of money required before you begin to pay tax is called the

6. When the government tells you to pay more money in tax than you have already done is called a
___tax demand________________

7. The percentage of tax that is taken from an income by the government is called the _____tax

8. If a tax has different tax rates, the tax rates corresponding to different income ranges is called a
____tax bracket_____________

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