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positive sits about the show negative pent about the show ; leis definitly worth evn ain characteris (Owen, ‘a f I woul recommend to Television reviews needed fs (Paul Fairburn) as ee We'd like to hear about a television series you watch er ae siiapap to (anyone regularly. Write us a review, telling us what you enjoy eo opinion Untarested in spor. about the series and whether there is anything you 0 (Young children) are sure to don’t like about it. Don’t forget to say who you would ofits strengthsiveaknesses enjoy it recommend itt. /seful language for reviews Task Giing information about The acting) oustancing! Either: a write sfim, TV series, play or dsappointiog 140-190 words Ready for Writing Part 2: Review ‘You have seen this notice in an English-language magazine called Stageshow. Have you been to see a musical, a concert, a circus, a comedian or any other kind of live show recently? If so, write us a review, telling us what you did and did not enjoy about the show and whether you would recommend it to other people. Write your review in 140-190 words. Model answer wizard Warren whizzbang Thad a truly magical evening when (went to see Warren introduction, whizzbang with my ten-year-old nephew last month. tt including was the first live msgte show | hao been to, and ft won't be ageneral my last pinion, Warren started the show with a few of the typical tricks you often see on television, but it was so much vnore Lupressive to see them performed Live. The audience watched wv-wouthed as he made a vartety of objects disappear, turned rabbits into birds and seemed to cut his assistant in half Tne wost entertaining part of the show came wher he invited members of the audience onto the stage. We couldn't stop laughing as he produced pencils from people's ears ana mice from their pockets. tt was absolutely hilarious. | The cord tricks were a little disappointing, mainly because user linkin it wasn’t always easy to see what was happening. M cee nephew and ( both Lost interest at this point, cen | phrases fortunntely, this section of the show was quite short. Whatever Your age, Warren Whizzbang is definitely worth | going to ste, even f you are unimpressed oy rangie on the Seen television, the live experience is simply Core eae arange of adjectives four own answer to the task above in The bestivvorst part ofthe (ply) or b answer the following question. ereyathe iam) Bwhen.. ‘You have seen this notice in your school’s English- ‘Making a recommendation of humourtaction! Write your review in 140-190 words. 201

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