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Choose the correct answer

1- let's bid our

farewell .Expression to .........
A.end the conversation ( )
B.turning someone down
C.offering help to someone

2-we should be on our way .

Expression to.......
A.Asking someone for a date
B.End the conversation (✔️
C.Inviting someone to dance

3- let's say our good-byes.

Expression to.........
A.Saying Hi
B.Expressing support for
C.End the conversation (✔️)
4-To approaching the opposite
sex we say...... to dance?
B.we are very close.
C.that's apretty outfit_ (✔️
D.may I join you?

5-"That's apretty dress" is an

expression of......
A.approaching the opposite sex .
B.expressing friend ship.
C.asking someone for adate.
D.inviting someone to dance.

6-"what's shaking" is an
expression of.....
A.asking someone for adate.
B.turning someone down.
C.agreeing with a speaker.
D.approaching the opposite sex.
7- Are you free Saturday
evening? Expression to
A.Asking someone for a date (✔️
B.turning someone down
C.commenting on the
uniqueness of someone
D. none of them

8-Are you free Saturday night?

Expression to
A.turning someone down
B.commenting on the
uniqueness of someone
C.asking someone for a date (✔️)
D.none of them

9-Are you busy on the 15 th ?

Expression to
A.commenting on the
uniqueness of someone
B.asking someone for a date (✔️
C.turning someone down
D.none of them
10- He's one of kind. Expression
to A.commenting on the
uniqueness of someone (✔️ )
B. inviting someone to talk
C.turning someone down
D. none of them

11- what a character .Expression

to A.Turning someone down
B. inviting someone to talk
C.commenting on the
uniqueness of someone (✔️ )
D. none of them

12- we use some Expressions to

comment on the uniqueness of
someone like ..
A.what a character
B. he's one of a kind
C. both a and b (✔️
D. none of them

13-We're very close . Is an

example of an...
A.Expressing friendship (✔️)
B.invitation someone to dance
C.Asking for adate
D.a and b

14-To invitation someone to

dance in informal we say .......
A.You want to dance (✔️)
B.May I have the next dance?
C.a and b
D.none of them

15-Expressing support for

A.I have faith in you
B.I'll stand by you
c.I'am with you
D.A&c (✔️ )
16-To Asking someone for a
A.Are you free Saturday evening
B.Do you have light
C.He's One of a kind
D. A&c

17-We use some expressions to

make friends at a bar or café
like .……….
A. May I join you?
B.Is this stool taken?
C. Is this seat taken?
D.all of them (✔️ )

18- “What are you drinking?”,

Expression to .…………..
A.Inviting someone to dance
B.Bringing a conversation to an
C. Make friends at a bar or café
D.Turning someone down
19-We use some expressions to
make friends at a bar or café like
A.I have a headache
B.Let's say our good-byes
C. Do you mind if I join you? (✔️)
D.Care to dance?

20-"I'm not interested" is an

expression used to ......
A.begin a conversation.
B. End the conversation.
C.turn someone down. (✔️ ) support for some one.

21- To turn someone down, we

can say .........
A.You are not my type.
B.I am not interrested.
C. a and b (✔️
D. none of the above
22- "I don't feel up to it" is an
expression used to:
A.begin a conversation.
B.End the conversation.
C.turn someone down. (✔️ ) support for some one.

23-We use some Commenting

on personal similarities like
A.They're two of a kind (✔️ )
B.he's one of a kind
C. we're very close

24- "We're made from the same

mold" Commenting on
A.Inviting someone to dance
B. the uniqueness of someone
C. personal similarities (✔️
25-To express Friendship we say
A.we're very close (✔️
B. he is one of kind
C.may l join you to dance

26- what a character is an

example of an ...
A.inviting some one to dance
B.commenting on the
uniqueness of someone (✔️ )
C. asking someone for a date
D both of them

27-To invite someone to dance

we say :
A.would you like to dance (✔️
) you have a smoke
C.How are you
D.none of them
28- Expression used to make
friends at a café
A.May l join you?
B. Is this seat taken?
C. Do you care if l join you ?
D.both of them (✔️)

29-Are you free Saturday

evening? is an example of an ...
A.asking someone for a date (✔️ )
B. inviting someone to talk
C.starting an informal
conversation D.expressing refual

30-"could I have the next dance"

is an expression used to .......
A. make friends at a bar.
B. invite someone to dance. (✔️ )
C. ask someone for a date.
D. turn someone down.

31- "Care to dance?" is an

expression used to .......
A.make friends at a bar.
B. invite someone to dance. (✔️
C. ask someone for a date.
D. turn someone down.

32- To invite someone to dance,

we can say:
A. Mind if I join you?
B. Coul I gift you q lift?
C.Would you like to dance? (✔️
D. Would you like to go to

33- To invite someone to dance,

you say ……..
A.what are you drinking?
B.We are very close
C. Care to dance? (✔️)
D.I am seeing someone else

34-We use some Commenting

on personal similarities lik
A.They're two of a kind (✔️ )
B. he's one of a kind
C.we're very close

35-"We're made from the same

mold" Commenting on
A.Inviting someone to dance
B. the uniqueness of someone
C.personal similarities (✔️

True and False

1-We use some Commenting on

personal similarities like (We're
two of a kind.)(We're like rwo
peas in a pod) ✔️
‫آيه عبد الحميد عطيه منصور‬
‫حنين مصطفى محروس مصطفى‬
‫شهد هشام محمد محمود‬
‫ايمان احمد السيد محمد عرابي‬
‫امنيه رضا السعيد يوسف‬
‫وفاء السيد احمد علي شعيشع‬
‫آالء محمد محمد نبيه عمرو‬
‫نجالء محمد السيدعلي السعيد منصور‬
‫ردينه صالح الدين علي محمد‬
‫أسماء ياسر إبراهيم الغاياتي‬

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