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London Bridge Is Going Up

A young man enters his office the smell of freshly made tea and cologne comes to his
nostrils,he sits down opening his computer.He sees charts going up, profit margins in the
thousands,in his portfolio are steel mills,coal mines,railways,shipyards.This man operates all
of this yet he is in one of the most isolated parts of the world.Falklands.

The world since the 20s has changed the world is much different each decade,each decade
brings more prosperity more opportunities and more territory for her majesty.War was a thing
of the past now the only thing you will get is a small insurgency,No revolution has been won
No election has gone unnoticed and No one except the British Empire had a saying on
global affairs.But how did the world fell to this tea filled fever dream?Everything began in
Anatolia,after the first world war The British and French were left to govern Europe they set
up the League of Nations an organization that made their empires even stronger and while
this was happening a group of officers in what is now known as the Ottoman Mandate began
an uprising the occupiers were shocked,the French,Greeks,Italians all began to lose against
this national salvation government.Only her majesty can now bring peace to these wretched
lands,and so the Tommies march their way from Constantinople to the small village of
Ankara relieving their Greek allies and crushing this faul attempt at revolution.This will start a
chain of events that will eventually lead to the world unifying under the banner of civilization
and prosperity where one has the opportunity change what he or she wants if she is in the
right group.The decades go by each decade unifies the world one bit, at this time the
ideology of Anglo Populism gains traction,this ideology is the thought that the Anglos will be
the ones to bring peace and prosperity to this diseased world.

The young man continues to look at his profit margins,he doesn’t need money he has money
to retire to the beautiful beaches of the Ottoman mandate ten times over,he is in it for the
challenge to see how much he can compete against his fellow citizens then the shock hits
harder than a RAF bomber,he spills his tea
-Mary he yells
-Is there a problem with the Internet?
His shock is over the red before his eyes,it's the stocks of the Trans Atlantic Shipping Lane
.For twenty years he hasn’t seen one of his stocks go red,than another and another
-What is going on?
Still in disbelief he decides to go downstairs to the freshly cooked bacon and eggs. The
smell of an authentic British breakfast can be smelled even in the most isolated parts of the
world.He sits down the image of thundering clouds before him
-Have you finally decided if we should move to the golden coasts of Smyrne? She asks
-No I’ll eventually get to it’ trying to ignore the discussion he gives a bland answer
-That's what you said last year’ says his wife, still jealous of her friends who all now live
comfortable lives in the Jewel colonies of the Empire.
The man opens the newspaper the top headlines are nothing but for the poor to care for
except for one ‘‘Oil crisis expected,London increases Oil consumption tax by 20%’’
-Well this is outrageous! He yells in disbelief
-What is it Jack ?
-Nothing, nothing just politicians being politicians.

Jack finishes his breakfast,he gets up from the table grabbing his black and shiny coat
-I am going out, do you need anything ?
-No except maybe a ticket off of these isles, it may not be London but it certainly feels like it
-Maybe it's your lucky day
Closing the door behind him jack begins walking,each aspect of his outfit spells out a British
Gentleman except the lack of a top hat.He passes through the streets making his way to the
harbor,he thought to himself ‘‘The oil crisis is just beginning we may be trying to spread
civilization but it comes at a cost a cost I will not pay’’ he knows what the oil crisis could bring
to the empire he can see the closing door his fellow citizens can’t see.

-Good morning sir how may I be of assistance The harbor worker asks
Jack inspects the man he is a young Argentine boy most of the hard jobs are done by the
other groups as citizens are too intellectual to even be bothered with such tasks
-Yes I am looking to buy a ticket to Cape Town when is the next ship is available?
-Unfortunately sir due to restrictions from London all Atlantic shipping lanes in the southern
hemisphere are closed until further notice
-Then how is our small island be able to receive food or even the most basic needs
The Argentine boy is reluctant to answer,a non citizen criticizing the Empire? Unacceptable.

With no answer on his hands he decides to go to the one place with any sort of answer.As
he passes the streets Bobbies stop and inspect non citizens for any any sort of evidence to
be used against them,the bobbies are not a big threat to citizens friendly even.He arrives at
the municipality building,entering it to see it empty
-Where in the seven teas is everyone ?
He reads a note on the desk
‘‘Margaret,the ship leaves at 2pm wednesday be there’’
The note is from yesterday
-Well that certainly doesn’t give an answer but great if someone is trying to build up tension
for no reason
Reluctant to go home Jack goes to the corner pub seeing that he still cannot get off the
island.Entering the Pub he is welcomed by the bartender
-One tea please
Everyone looks at him like he said something in Arabic
-Ye mate we ain’t that kind of a bar,how about I get you the finest irish beer
The bartender hands him a Guiness, one of the finest beverages you can find in the empire
considering the alternative is tea.
Drinking like it was his last day on earth was not his style but he drank like it was his last day
on earth and almost became his last day on earth too as he passed out.

2 Months Later
A young man enters his office the smell of rotten eggs and expired cologne bursts through
his nostrils,the room is cold and opening any sort of window is not a viable option.This room
once where he made millions where he was relaxed now it's just a room as he is sitting down
sounds of sirens breaks the silence soon followed by gunshots he looks through the
window,he sees one of his citizens who broke curfew get shot and fall to the ground.In just
two months the municipality in the island collapsed leaving the small Naval Garrison and the
Constabulary to take control,in the days following they cut water,electricity and flow of
natural gas to preserve dwindling supplies.They took control of the press the island’s
newspaper began producing news of Argentine rebellion in the island which was used as a
cover up to the shortages of almost everything in reality the island was cut off from the rest
of the empire due to the Oil Crisis.suddenly a loud voice on the megaphone declares
‘‘All citizens report to the square those who fail to comply will be judged by her majesty’’

Jack and Mary arrive at the square so do hundreds of other people

The garrison commander then proclaims
-In times like these we cannot differentiate what is right or wrong so too can our Argentinian
neighbors who underestimate our might,If you want our civilization come and get it
The crowd begins to cheer
‘‘Come and get it !’’
‘‘Come and get it !’’
-Have they gone mad ?’ Jack thought to himself ‘why would they cheer for something that
cuts their electricity,water,heat
Hundreds of meters away on a rooftop Argentine resistance members see the uncheering
Jack,they found their man.

After the speech Mary and Jack arrive at their home but before they can get comfortable the
door is knocked Jack opens the door two masked men burst in knocking down Jack in the
process and close the door behind them then looking down at Jack one of the men asks
-You are a spaniard?
Hoping to defuse the situation Jack says
-Si I am a spaniard
-Ah that is very good’ one of the men puts a gun on his forehead
-That si had a certain accent attached to it
-Anyways it doesn’t matter what matters is that you are against the system so do we let's
help each other.We will stay in your house for the next three weeks and in return we will give
you forged tickets to the last ship that will leave the island The offer sounded pretty good
especially because the couple was sick of the weather and wished to return home
-I thought all ship lines were closed until further notice ? How can there be a ship leaving the
island ?
-It’s an Argentine ship in the south side of the island once you fulfill your part of the deal we
will provide you with safe passage and allow you to board the ship

And so weeks passed by everything was usual except two Argentinans now lived with
them,inspectors came and go as no one wanted to enter the cold office room where the two
men hid,Mary brought them food and water but one day when Jack was away Mary brought
them food again but this time she saw what the two men were working on using motor oil
and a bunch of other components the two men had made a bomb.Mary terrified by the sight
ran downstairs and opened the door but before she was able to call out to Police she was
shot dead by one of the men,realizing their cover was blown the two men left and as they
were running out Jack came home seeing his dead wife he stood terrified as he heard the
sound of a shoe he was knocked out cold by a Bobby and taken into custody

He spent weeks in jail inspectors found the bomb the two men had made and the dead body
found next him didn’t made things any better.Finally after waiting day and night rain and
cloud he was blindfolded and taken to the square.his case had no lawyers,judges,witnesses
or valid evidence but for the constabulary those mattered little.How different were these
people from the very same ‘‘barbarians’’ whom they call others? How were they any better
than the people they fight with?And how were they civilized when they are the ones
controlling what it means.

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