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Progress checl< C

Consider this scenario:

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Figure 8.04Trainrng courses scenar o,

A training agency offers courses in software skrlls for popular PC software, Courses run for I to 5 days.

Each course is delivered by one tralner: Courses offered are shown in table Course, Each course is available
many times throughout the year and this course schedule data is stored n tabe COURSEDIARY.

a What attribute is used for the primary key of table CouRsE?

b Suggest two other attributes which the company mlght store about each trainer:
c What rs a suitable primary key for the TRAINER table?

d What is a suitable primary 1<ey for COURSEDIARY?

e Descrbe 1r,,ro relationsh ps wh ch exist between the tables TRAINER, COLIRSE and COURSEDIARY,

f The COURSEDIARY table has two foreign keys. What are theyT
g Draw the ent ty-relationshrp diagram for th s scenario.

Normalisation process Consider the PROGRESS CHECK C scenario:

A firm encourages its staff to attend tra n ng courses,
When design ng the database tables/re ationships, we Each course has a un que course ttle and duration
must ask the question;'How do we know we have a from to 5 days, Some courses aTe offered more than
design that wi not result in duplicated data?'
once on different dates. t
There s a normalisation process n which there Emp oyees have a Staf f ID and their name recorded,
are three forma rules, called First, Second and Third Data is recorded showrng all courses attended by each
Norma form (l NF, 2NF and 3NF) that are used to employee,
checl< the design.

A fully norma ised set of tables will contain no

redundant data,

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