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CHRISTIAN MORALITY notes • What do you expect to learn in

and reviewer (2nd sem prelim) this course?

CHRISTIAN MORALITY • Moral issues always confront us

as a human being. There are
Introduction to the nature of faith many ways of making sense of
lived in daily circumstances of life moral issues in our day to day
Module 1: Introduction of lives.
Important Terms in Christian • In this course, you will learn
Morality about the wisdom of the Catholic
Theology - is the study of our Christian religion in making sense
contemporary human experience of moral issues in life and more
in the light of Christian faith and importantly in your day to day life.
our Judeo-Christian tradition.

Christian – is a person who

believes that Jesus Christ is Lord,
and who tries to model his or her Module 2: 5 Ways of Looking at
life on him. Morality

Morality – is the practice or effort 1. Morality as Law

to become ever more truly and
fully human by living peacefully “Morality not only comes outside
with others or by co-existence us but also outside authority
with others. According to Fr. Marc figures. It is founded on the
Oraison, “it is the science of what nature of things.”
man ought to be by reason of  There is a moral order of
what he is.” the universe.
Christian Morality – is the lived  Authority figures just
response to God’s revelation with interpret it.
the Bible as the primary source.  Own Role: Duty,
Catholic Morality – is living a  Outcome: Reward versus
Christian way of life based on Punishment
Catholic teaching. 2. Morality as Inner
Ethics - is the reflective
investigation into what is morally This way is not something that we
proper to do. just make for ourselves but rather
morality has been internalized.
• What do you already know
about “Christian Morality”?
The Vatican 2 document the It is an invitation and response
Church in the Modern World type of morality.
teaches that
It focuses on a loving relationship,
“Deep within our conscience we becoming alive to that fact, and
discover a law that we have not being responsive to the demands
laid upon ourselves, but which we that it entails.
must obey.”
“It’s about going beyond
Own Role: Conscience, Integrity ourselves, transcending our own
egoism and egoistic horizons,
Outcome: Inner Peace versus and in the process realizing our
Inner Disquiet existence as love.”
3. Morality as Personal Own Role: Faithfulness,
Growth Response
What is happening to the person Outcome: Communion versus
as a result of the action? Isolation
Are you becoming virtuous or 5. Morality as Social
vicious? Transformation
Ex. Telling of lies To be moral, in this perspective,
The real tragedy in deceit lies not means that we allow ourselves to
in the violation of the law but in be personally affected by
the person becoming dishonest or suffering and injustice and being
a relationship becoming false. motivated to do what one can in
“It is very hard for people in the
state of grace to commit sin We respond, not just by providing
because their whole inclination immediate aid, but also by asking
goes against it.” - St. Thomas why the wrongs are happening
Aquinas and why things are structured the
way they are in society.
Own Role: Value, Conversion
Own Role: Justice, Solidarity
Outcome: Wholeness versus
Fragmentation Outcome: Social Peace versus
4. Morality as Love

In this way, the other is as

important as the I. The primary
moral experience is an Module 3: Integrating the 5
experience of the I with the other. Approaches to Morality
In a sense, we can say that all the of love and justice, and without
5 perspectives are right but failure this understanding we may be left
to integrate one with the rest with much impoverished idea of
leaves us with an impoverished growth as a pursuit of fulfilment in
and possibly distorted a very self-centered sense.
● If we will look at morality in
● If we will look at morality in terms of love only, we might refer
terms of law neglecting the other to the term ‘situation ethics.’
four, we will have the problem of
legalism. • This stands for the theory which
holds that morality has only one
• In this distortion, the law will absolute, namely, to do the loving
become just a law, absorbed in thing. Here love comes to mean
itself, missing the wood for the nothing because it can mean
trees – so that people are anything.
burdened with demands that
makes no sense because there is ● If we will look at morality in
no meaningful reference frame. terms of social transformation
only, we will have the following
● If we will look at morality in problem, that is, commitment to
terms of inner conviction ignoring justice is distorted if seen in
the rest, we will encounter the isolation.
problem of subjectivism
• It must be subject to the
• Subjectivism in its pejorative demands of love and integrity if it
sense means an emphasis on is not to justify the use of any
‘following my conscience’ that is means in achieving its end.
oblivious to the truth that
conscience itself is nothing more • One thinks of the utilitarian
than the capacity to appreciate theory of the ‘greatest good of the
the underlying meaning of moral greatest number’ whereby the
law, of the dynamics of moral individual might be sacrificed for
growth, and of the complex the greater good.
demands of love and justice. The 5 Approaches and
● If we will look at morality in Christian Morality
terms of personal growth only, it All five approaches can be found
may be reduced to a search for represented in the Bible.
personal fulfilment that has little
reference to others. ✓ Many would think immediately
of the 10 Commandments.
• What the moral law reveals is
that personal growth is a matter
✓ If morality is approached in whereas the Bible is more
terms of inner conviction, we properly focused on the salvation
might think of the theme of the of a people.
biblical theme of the heart as the
• They also concentrate on what
source of moral decisions, or of
the person is doing, whereas the
Jesus’ emphasis on the
Bible concentrates on the action
significance of intention behind
of God as primary.
the action.
The 4th and 5th perspectives,
✓ When it comes to the language
with their language of invitation-
of personal growth, Paul’s three response and of social
great virtues of faith, hope, and transformation are the most
love come to mind. promising approaches to the
✓ Morality as love is familiar
through the pages of the gospels. ✓ The covenant that lies at the
heart of both testaments is
✓ When one thinks of morality as
presented as God’s invitation
social transformation, the concern
calling on our response.
of the prophets for right
relationships in society, as well as ✓ And responding as a people to
Jesus’ love for the poor, come to God’s invitation is seen as the
mind. way towards right relationships
Even though the language of law throughout society.
figures prominently throughout
the Bible, it can be argued that it
is not the crucial perspective in
the Bible and that, as a key, it is
limited in what it can unlock of the Module 4: Moral Theology
riches of biblical and Christian according to the Council of
morality. Trent and the Vatican II Council

• There is the paradox that to love In the early Middle Ages, some
simply in obedience to a manuals for confessions were
commandment is not really to already written. However, it was
love. not until the Council of Trent
(1545-65) that the development of
The language of the second and full-blown theological treaties on
third ways of looking at morality is morality appeared. It was only at
incomplete also. that time that morality, as a
separate theological discipline,
• For one thing, they are too much could be spoken about. Roman
focused on the individual,
Catholics called the discipline to the person who tries to live a
Moral Theology. Christian life. In discerning about
whether the act is good or
evil, moral theologians look
at the motivation of the
person and also take into
account the circumstances
within which the act was
done. Taking again the
example of stealing

Using an ahistorical or classicist

Roman Catholic authors started worldview, a law-oriented morality
to write textbooks of moral understood the law as fixed and
theology, which remained within unchangeable. Until the late
the perspective of the sacrament Middle Ages, scientists
of reconciliation. The approach of considered the world as a
the textbooks was act-oriented, finished product. They believed
working with a fixed natural law, that the world was created with a
within an ahistorical or classicist number of natural and
worldview, and following a unchanging principles that were
deductive method. forever valid. Moral theology was
then based on these external
In a morality that was act-
principles, which were contained
oriented, the only important thing
in what was called “the natural
in a moral judgment was the
nature of the act. Textbooks
described moral decision-making Example: the Church’s moral
in terms of the acts of an judgments in sexual ethics
individual that were sinful. They
also made an attempt at The classicist worldview was
describing the degree of abandoned by modern science,
sinfulness: mortal or serious, or which adopted an evolutionary
venial sin. view of reality. Stability was
replaced by historical
Example: a person involved in the consciousness. Scientists made
act of stealing us realize that our world is in
constant evolution. Making a
The act-centered approach was
moral judgment within such a
abandoned at the time of the
worldview becomes a different
Second Vatican Council and was
task. We are now aware that our
replaced by a person-centered
knowledge is conditioned by time
approach. The question that is
and place. We also have a limited
asked in this approach directs us
self-awareness and a limited By adopting such a relative and
grasp of reality. We agree that historical view, we are in fact
change, development, and closer to the Biblical view that
revision are not signs of understood the “Ten
imperfection, but are ways of Commandments” not as laws, but
arriving at the truth. Taking as guidelines for their covenant
again the example of relationship with God, which had
contraceptives to be realized on their historical
Exodus experience towards the
In relation to the method of Promised Land. Commandments
reflection, the approach of the are patnubay, rather than batas.
textbooks was deductive. They They show direction rather than
started from the presupposition coerce thinking and action.
that we have a clear and
thorough grasp of reality, of The Renewal of Christian
human nature and human good. Morality and the 5 Approaches
By pointing to the prescriptions of to Christian Morality
the law, we could arrive, by
deduction, at a conclusion about The renewal of Christian morality
the good or evil of a particular

Ex: You shall not steal, You

shall not intervene in the
process of procreation, and
You shall not kill or harm the
integrity of the human body.
can also be understood in the
The historically conscious
perspective of the 5 approaches
worldview of contemporary
of Christian morality which can be
Christian ethics uses a method
distilled to 3 groups, representing
that is empirical and inductive.
what might be called an
An act belongs to a human
‘objective’, a ‘subjective’ and a
person who has to live within the
‘social’ style of moral reflection,
complexities of human existence.
and that these three appear as
We need an inductive method
successive emphases in the
that gives attention to the
recent history.
concrete, the personal, and the
historical. The norms that we The style of moral theology up to
formulate will not be the middle of the 20th century was
unambiguous, clear-cut laws, but very objective, very much a
rather guidelines for Christian morality in terms of law. By
living. objective is meant an approach to
morality that concentrates on the In more recent years, there has
action that is done or omitted. It been taking place a further
works out whether a given line of development in moral theology,
action is right or wrong and it which might be described as a
does this by considering, not so move from the personal to the
much the consequences of the social.
act, but the principles and values
that should guide moral behavior, The shift to the social in moral
and the conformity, or lack of it, of theology has to do with its
the particular action to such experiencing the fruits of the
principles or values. ‘liberation theology’ that swept
western thinking from Latin
In the years leading up to Vatican America in the 1970s. Here
II, there emerged a new theology starts with reflecting on
emphasis on morality from a the inequalities and injustices in
subjective or personalist society.
perspective, that is, with the focus
on the person acting and not just
on the act being done. Originally,
this was inspired by the renewed
scriptural scholarship of the Module 5: Perspectives on the
previous decades. Human Person

The word personalist describes Philosophy #1: I cannot live

the enrichment to moral theology. locked up inside myself. I must be
Without any depreciation of open to the world and those
objectivity in morals, it brings the around me. I must be meditative
person to center stage. It so that other people and the
considers morality as a personal forces found in the universe can
calling; it reflects on what that flow through me so that I can
calling is and on what it entails. overcome all illusion about myself
We can readily see how the and the world and thus discover
perspectives on morality as inner an ultimate reality.
conviction and as personal
growth correspond to this. Seeing ✓ Philosophy #1 describes an
morality as love also belongs Oriental view of man. Some
here, in that the personal calling Buddhists, for example, try to live
that is at the heart of Christian a life of gentle submissiveness to
morality is fundamentally a call to the cosmic powers flowing in the
love. universe, powers which they try to
let control their destiny.

Philosophy # 2: I’m here for one

purpose: to get as much ‘gusto’
out of life as I can. Pain and Philosophy #5: I have worth. I
suffering are evils that must be must strive to live a life of loving
avoided at all costs. The main service for my fellowmen, all of
thing is to always feel good. whom in the last analysis are my
brothers and sisters. Life has a
✓ Philosophy # 2: corresponds to final meaning which resides
the Playboy theory of life. This is outside of me, that is, in God, and
sometimes called as hedonism in my relationship to Jesus Christ.
where pleasure, especially of the
physical, sensual type, is almost ✓ Philosophy #5: describes a
made into a god. You will find this Christian way of life.
philosophy pushed in many
advertisements in popular Philosophy # 6: In the light of
magazines today. death, life has no real meaning. It
is a joke – the tale of an idiot
Philosophy #3: My purpose in life signifying nothing.
is to work for the glorification of
the group. The individual has no ✓ Philosophy # 6: corresponds to
worth as such. I’m like a cog in a a nihilistic world view which
big machine as I submit my maintains that man and his life
efforts to the larger efforts of the have no ultimate meaning.
The Importance of the Concept
✓ Philosophy #3: delineates a of Man
communistic view of man. An
✓ It is impossible to escape a
individual has worth only to the
particular concept of man.
degree that he Over half the
world’s population is dominated ✓ We are brought up in an
by this view of humanity. environment which works on
certain assumptions about man.
Philosophy # 4: I must do
We naturally, and very often
whatever I can to increase my
unconsciously, absorb these
own ‘freedom.’ Freedom means
assumptions and theories without
doing what I want to do. ‘Hell is
ever really examining them
other people.’ What is good is
critically to see how valid they
that which furthers my interests.
✓ Philosophy # 4: depicts an
✓ Environmental factors like
individualistic way of looking at
advertising, sports, movies,
man. It is sometimes called
television, business ethics and
atheistic existentialism. This holds
numerous other social pressures
that each person is radically
greatly affect the way we view a
alone and separated from all
person and consequently how we hear the excuse that ‘everyone
should act. else is doing it.’

Examples of Environmental ✓ This view of humanity is not

Influence in our Concept of much different from the view of
Man advertising that sees a person as
just a body to be beautified.
✓ Commercials for deodorants,
mouthwashes, skin blemish Different Philosophies and How
removers and other cosmetics One Should Act
have a basic assumption that
man is a creature who must be ✓ What we think a person is
physically attractive to have much greatly affects the way we act
worth in the eyes of his towards others.
✓ The Playboy theory of life will
“How many of us judge the value tend to frown upon any total
of others on external such as how commitment to the other which
they look rather than on what might involve sacrifice or pain
they are internally?” because sacrifice and pain will
lessen his pleasure.
✓ Advertising has another subtle
effect on us in that it creates Ex. Marriage
needs promoting the philosophy
✓ The Marxian-communist view
of consumerism. Consumerism
of man has strong appeal in the
works on the principle of “buy,
world today. In this view, the right
buy, buy” even if you cannot
to worship, to work where one
afford the product or even if you
pleases, to speak out freely
do not need it.
against injustices will all be
✓ A silent assumption on which curtailed if the larger group, the
some politicians and state, wants them limited.
businessmen work is “the public
be damned.” The man who can
‘get away with something’ without
getting caught is often presented
as an ideal.

✓ These unethical practices are

seen as o.k. as long as the
businessman or the politician can
get away with them. And even if
one should get caught, we often

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