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Podcast Education :

Steven : “What do you think about education quality of Indonesian?

Nicholas :I can say that Indonesian quality is much lower than other country like Singapore and

Malaysia. It can proven from human resourse and the development in the country.

Steven :Can Indonesian education compete with other countrys Indonesian like Australia?

Nicholas :maybe yes but if you compere our education quality with Australia, honestly Australia

Educational quality is much better than our educational quality.

Steven :do you think all Indonesian get proper education from government?

Nicholas :for timing Indonesian government is trying to gave all Indonesian equal education from sabang

To merauke

Steven :what do you think to increase Indonesian education all quality?

Nicholas :by developing human resourse the development in some solitary regions in Indonesian by

Building some facilitys,infrastructurs, we will probly develop educational in that regions

Steven :what do you think about the current education minister?

Nicholas :the minister is now carrying out his duties as minister of education with his new curriculum,

Which is more intended for students activity in class

Steven :how long will it take for Indonesian education to catch up with todays develop countries?

Nicholas :of course, it will not be easy to catch up with our current educational lag, however Indonesian

Is a nex colonial countrys which causes our country to lag heading terms of education soon

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