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Paulo Henrique
© Draco Studios. All Rights Reserved
Based on the universe created by Daniel Servitje Disclaimer: This is a book of fiction. Characters and
Additional Worldbuilding: Tom Babbey, JC Alvarez, creatures represented within are intended for a fantasy
Daniel Ehrli, Rubén Bañuelos, Bernardo Álvarez, role playing game setting. The publisher respects all
Txabier Etxeberri cultures, religions and beliefs.

Publisher: Draco Studios PDF VERSION 1.0

Creative Director: Daniel Ehrli Dragonbond and their respective logos Great Wyrms
Writing & Game Design: JC Alvarez and Bernardo Alvarez of Drakha, Battles of Valerna, Lords of Vaala are
Editing and Proofreading: JC Alvarez trademarks of Draco Gaming Inc.

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Paulo Henrique
© Draco Studios. All Rights Reserved

The Kingdom of Allaria was built on fear

of its own citizens and their ability to summon dreams.
But the true masters of nightmare,
the Dream Elves of the Fell Courts.
still haunt the woods at the Kingdom’s borders.

Castle Calai, an old fortress at the edge of the woods,

is in danger of losing its heir to a nightmare curse.
And those heroes that try to retrieve his lost dreams
Shall plunge into a briar maze of intrigue.

A first tier introductory adventure in the world of Dragonbond

Paulo Henrique
© Draco Studios. All Rights Reserved

RUNNING THIS ADVENTURE................................................ 3

TYVERIA.............................................................................. 9

NAHUAC.............................................................................. 18

HOLLOWDEPTHS................................................................. 28

ALLARIA.............................................................................. 33

AFTERMATH........................................................................ 40

APPENDIX............................................................................ 41

Paulo Henrique 1
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Paulo Henrique 2
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Running this adventure


astle of Lost Dreams sees the adventurers through
a series of encounters and a couple of side quests
in four key areas that make up Valerna: Tyveria,
Nahuac, the Hollowdepths and the Fai woods in the
Kingdom of Allaria. It is a retrieve/rescue mission
with difficult encounters throughout that will see the
characters level up, whether they want to or not. If the
characters take on every encounter detailed in this book,
they will all have reached level 3 by the end.
The Adventure Background section below tells
you everything you need to know to understand the
The Blood Empire of
adventure’s immediate setting. The Adventure Overview Tyveria
section describes how the adventure is expected to run,
giving you a broad sense of the story events and how they
might unfold. It includes the sidequests and how they fit Born from sacrifice in the face of unspeakable danger, the
thematically with the overarching adventure. Empire of Tyveria is a land of Maghyri and their subjects.
Your subscription to Draco content may give you Maghyri are humans whose blood has awakened, bestowing
access to several different stat blocks and variant CRs for them with blood sorcery. They set up noble houses and
some of the creatures included in this adventure. Castle connections with other maghyri, the incredibly strong
of Lost Dreams is balanced and intended to use the stats vampyri and other denizens of Valerna. The empire’s short
included herein, as seen in the Appendix. history stands out due to all the bloodshed, both in battle
and diplomacy.
Tyveria is a land of passions and pleasure. The
streets—often darkened by the fumes of the local Tyvalite
foundries—are filled with drink, parties, entertainment,
ruthless business and blood, willingly given and otherwise.
Their barracks are filled with ogerron, humans, vampyri,
quill and shiv halflings, and any gladiator who has accepted
their place in the army.
After a long time in decline, the Empire is being rebuilt
by Blood Emperor Adrael Id Tyveriannes, dragonbonded
of Nagasha Magnifex. His quick temper, fancy for combat
and bigger-picture mentality have ensured a steady pace for
this purpose. Currently, the empire’s relations with Allaria,
its closest neighbor and most important relation, have been
eroding due mainly to criminal activity from the Xiandi
criminal family, Allaria’s latest source of law-breaking
imported from Tyveria. The emperor has communicated to
the other houses the importance of the alliance. Whether
they have listened or not and are willing to obey or not,
all Maghyr houses know that there are consequences to
Vampyr crossing Adrael.

Paulo Henrique 3
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Dream elves, also known simply as The Fell, are
not living creatures, but dreams given physical shape
by ancestral, dark magic. In the Fell Courts, their
domain at the heart of the woods, the dream elves
rule supreme, and their every thought becomes reality.
A mortal can go mad just from experiencing the
world there, shifting at the Fell’s whim. But there is a
secret to the Fell’s supremacy: they need to feed their
magic with the actual dreams of mortals, for they are
powerless on their own. To this end, they raid the sleep
of mortals, or even kidnap them to the Fell Courts,
The Dragon Kingdom of where people must live forever as anchors for the
dream elves’ imagination.
Allaria The Fell have plagued both human and elven
peoples since before Allaria was founded, haunting the
dreams of mortals with enticing imagery and switching
their children with changelings. Many people have lost
One of the oldest and mightiest realms of Valerna, the their dreams, or lost their way forever into the woods,
Kingdom of Allaria was founded centuries ago by an alliance thanks to the magic of the Fell.
of elves, gnomes and humans, and to date it remains mostly
under the rule of half-elves—a privileged caste, who style
themselves Allai, or “honor elves.”
Shortly after the founding of the kingdom, a dark threat
known as The Null was summoned into the world—a force
of sheer emptiness, of pure non-existence, which threatened
to consume Valerna and plunge the lands into oblivion. The
rulers of Allaria at the time blamed the Null on pure-bred
silver elves, or ellari, since their innate magic allowed them
to summon and share dreams, through which the Null could
manifest. Even centuries after the threat of the Null subsided,
Allaria relegated silver elves to second-class citizenship, with
most Ellari becoming unable to inherit or own land, and
forced to work for the Allai, because of their association with
the Null, and the fear of their dream magic.
The era of subjugation came to an end with the rise of
Queen Elyse, the first silver elf to sit in the Allarian Throne,
who abolished the second-class status of her people and
made everybody equal under the law. Of course, this did not
change things overnight, and the Ellari are still an unusual
sight at the Realm’s courts and official positions—but the
first steps have been taken.

The Fell Courts

For all of Allaria’s prejudice against silver elves, dream

magic is a very real danger. Deep in the Fai Woods that
surround the Kingdom—which are officially a part of
Allaria, but in practice rule themselves—there is a dark
realm of literal nightmare: the Fell Courts. The Home
of Dream Elves.

Fell awakener

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Running this adventure

The Waada

The most feared and widespread denizens of the

Hollowdepths, the Waada are a species of toad-like
humanoids with incredibly developed minds, which use
their mental power to enslave other peoples. Ruthless,
cunning and phenomenally ambitious, the Waada run
a vast network of organized crime in the Hollowdepths,
through which they handle humanoid trafficking between
The Nahuac Coalition of the surface and the various underground realms. They trick
surface dwellers with shady deals and illusion magic, and
States then keep them in the underworld as servants, feeding on
their thoughts as they move the ‘merchandise’ around.
As mortals spend more and more seasons under the
Waada’s control, their minds are gradually stripped of will
Similarly as ancient as Allaria is the history of the Nahuidd. and initiative, until they are nothing more than husks—
Today, Nahuac stands as its very own realm, a collection thoughtless creatures, who barely prove any nourishment
of states of different peoples, all usually closely linked to to their master, and now exist only as animated tools of the
Kaab. A land of beastfolk who have learned to collaborate waada’s needs.
in following Kaab’s balance of nature. This is a land rich
in lifeforms and terrain types. Though they mostly behave
peacefully, their war efforts are tremendously powerful. The Daimoi
Nahuac’s towns and cities are filled with folk from
everywhere in Valerna. The beastfolk dwellers of the land
welcome tourists and merchants and, depending on where The rulers of the Hollowdepths are the Daimoi, a caste of
you are, adventurers. Some cities are more closed than incredibly powerful entities that can wield the fundamental
others, but nahuinn are not known to close their borders forces of magic—mortal desires and drives—to control
without provocation. Even their border with Allaria, their their thousands of subjects, soldiers and slaves.
closest foe due to their natural resource-obsessed endeavors,
To retain its power, a daimos must send raids into other
is mostly open, but closely watched.
regions of the Hollowdepths, or into the world’s surface
Today, Nahuac is an incredibly defensive land. Ever itself, to collect followers and feed on their worship and
since the destruction of the Null Epitome, the event that sacrifices. A daimos’ followers are a mark of its power when
closed the second Null wars, they have slowly opened their compared with the other daimoi, and their brainwashed
borders and conversations. They keep an eye peeled on the minds are the Hollowdepths’ main currency.
horizon for the next time Allaria strikes, or the impending
Sikarian raid.
The Z’aari
The Hollowdepths
The only people to have successfully stood up to the dark
forces of the Hollowdepths, including the Daimoi and the
Waada cartels, are the Z’aari, or Deep Elves. Once silver
Part earth’s core, part classic hellscape, the Hollowdepths elves, mutated by the dark forces of the underground,
are a bottomless network of deep tunnels that cross the the Z’aari managed to retain a link to nature through the
world’s underground, settled with different cultures and underground tree roots that grow through the vast caverns
civilizations that span its tiered levels. The deeper into closest to the surface.
the Hollowdepths you go, the mightier, crazier and more
dangerous its denizens are. In time, the Z’aari broke free of Daimoi rule and
built their own violent, primal culture, focused on getting
back at their tormentors and preventing anyone else from
enslaving them ever again.

Paulo Henrique 5
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There are two Z’aari tribes in the Hollowdepths - Clear
Z’aari, who believe in direct action and violence, and Haze
A Doomed Affair
Z’aari, who believe in long-term planning and ruthless
order. Both tribes struggle with each other almost as much
as they do against the Waada and Daimoi.
The Z’aari cultures build flying ships made out of The current ruler of the Castle is Shinu Shaenis—or Lady
enchanted roots, with which they sail through the massive Shae. The eldest of her siblings, she never married, but she
underground caverns and tunnels of the Hollowdepths. was famously involved in an affair with one of her house’s
most bitter enemies—Adai the Arrow, the leader of a band
of Ellari rebels in the nearby woods. Her family forbade
Adventure Background the relationship, but she managed to see Adai in secret, and
even plotted to escape Castle Calai and live with him.
Adai and Shae loved each other for one year, at the end
of which she found herself pregnant with his child. When
There has been relative peace throughout Valerna in the last Shae was about to give birth, Adai tried to sneak into the
couple of years. All of the realms have reached a form of castle to be with her, but he was careless in his fatherly love
armistice for the time being, but tensions rise nonetheless. and the guards killed him on sight. At the same time, Shae
Most recently, for instance, a Tyverian merchant was gave birth to a boy—a silver elf, like his father. She named
assaulted in a main highway that crosses from Tyverian him Essai.
to Allarian territory through the Primalian range. The
After Adai’s death, Shae’s brothers decimated the rebel
merchant, a quill shop owner in one of the towns that
gang, and there were no more Ellari rebels in the Deep Hills.
border Auga Tyveria, identified the culprits as part of the
Xiandi crime family as he sprinted away to safety. Heartbroken after Adai’s death, Shae raised Essai on her
own; he grew to become the spitting image, and the bitter
Envoys from both realms have come and gone seeking a
reminder, of his mother’s lost love.
solution to the event. Allaria has launched an investigation,
which they kindly noted, will interfere with their ongoing
investigation of Tyveria’s Crimson Crow illegal trading
with bucentaur forces. Rumors pile up of Tyveria sending Essai
spies across the Primalian mountains and to the West. Both
realms understand the importance of their agreements and
treatises, but the tipping point is getting closer.
Elsewhere, deeper danger stirs. Castle Calai is an As the eldest of her siblings, Shae became head of the
ancient domain on the border of Allaria’s Fai Woods. For family and ruler of Castle Calai. With Adai dead, her
centuries it has been a reliable defense against advances family let her be; her younger brother, Lord Shan, was
from Fai invaders and Nahuac scouts in the Deep Hills second in line, and he knew he’d succeed Shae as owner of
region of East Allaria. the Castle. Being Ellari, Essai could not inherit the land.
Founded by a loyalist Warden dynasty in the early And Shae doted on her son anyway, seeing the gaze of Adai
years of the realm, the Castle has a tradition of serving as a in his eyes.
prison for Ellari malcontents and escapees, and its founder, Essai grew morose and introverted, with a deep
lord Shaenan, was known for quelling a silver elf rebellion melancholy for the father he’d never known, and smothered
and executing its leaders in his castle. Some say Castle Calai by his mother’s overbearing love. He was content to remain
remains haunted by the dreams of those executed rebels, a second-class citizen, and dreamed of one day getting lost in
who cursed Shaenan’s family with their last thoughts. the woods where his father had lived.
Today, twelve generations after the time of Shaenan, the But then, shortly after Essai’s coming of age, Queen
castle has never seemed more cursed. Elyse I rose to the throne, and annulled the edict that
forbade Ellari from owning land. This had little effect
on most of Allaria, where silver elves were unable to buy
property anyway, but in Calai it was another story—Elyse’s
reform had made Essai, a lowly silver elf, the true heir of his
family’s property.
A year after the new edict, the family gathered in Castle
Calai to find things had changed - Shae had decided to

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Running this adventure

groom her son to be the ruler of the land, and Essai had as well, to make a case for Ilirae’s right over Castle Calai if
redoubled his training with weapons and mounted combat, Essai dies.
taken with a sudden inspiration to become a worthy heir of
Facing this tug of war of ambitions and interests, Lady
his mixed blood.
Shae is forced to make a decision. Essai has been cursed for
Even more alarming, Shae was quick to secure an the better part of a year, with no sign of waking up, and the
alliance with a neighboring dynasty, betrothing Essai to pressure on the Lady of Calai mounts. Every day without a
the Lady Ilirae, an Allai noble, to legitimize his claim and cure is another day that the Null may pour out of her son’s
protect him from his uncle’s claim. And Essai was smitten dreams, consuming the Castle and the Deep Hills. Shae
with Ilirae, her love giving him yet another reason to live refuses to accept her brother’s plan of euthanizing Adai,
and fight for. and even if Shan went to the Queen and pushed to take
inheritance rights from Essai, that may still not save her
Seeing they could not dissuade Shae, and the betrothal
son’s life.
tied their hands legally, the family, led by Lord Shan, began
plotting against the bastard heir... but an unexpected evil
complicated things, unrelated to their scheming. Or was it?
The Truth
The Curse of the Fell
Who cursed Essai?
It was the Fell, yes. But a mortal gave Essai’s dreams to
One day, Essai fell inexplicably ill. It was discovered them. The dream elves never take anything by force; they
a magic curse had taken hold of his dreams, making prefer to make deals and trick mortals into giving more
him unable to wake up. Lady Shae’s dreamshapers have than they bargained for.
determined the Fell, the Dream Elves of the Woods,
stole part of Essai’s Fai power, and the void in his dreams
prevents him from regaining consciousness. This is Who gave Essai’s dreams to the
worrying enough, but it brings far-reaching political Fell?
consequences as well.
Before Elyse’s reforms, Allaria spent centuries believing,
or knowing, that a silver elf’s rampant dreams could bring It was Lady Shae, of course.
the Null back to the world. A void in an Ellari’s dreams is a
true danger to the safety of Calai and the realm itself. The When Adai the Arrow died, his grief-stricken lover
law against silver elves not only subjugated them—it kept summoned the Dream Elves to ask for his return; they
their dreams in check. agreed, but promised it would only happen when Essai was
a grown man.
If the Null came back through Essai’s dreams, it could
make a case against Elyse’s reform. The Shaenan dynasty, As soon as Essai came of age, the Knight of Diamonds,
once influential nobles, could take the case to the Royal a lesser noble of the Fell Courts, came to Shae, and took
Senate, and demand that silver elves be put on a leash the young heir’s dreams; in return, Adai the Arrow would
again, setting the reforms back a century. return to Lady Shae—in dream form.
Lord Shan, Essai’s uncle, has given his sister an The Knight of Diamonds had always known that Shae’s
ultimatum. Either Essai is killed in his sleep for the safety deal would plunge her own house into chaos, and spent
of Calai and the Deep Hills, or he will personally travel to all of Essai’s childhood savoring the nightmares that would
Allaria City to demand an audience with Queen Elyse on come from it. Thus the deal was sealed, Essai was cursed,
the issue of Ellari rights. and Shae was caught in the Fell’s scheme. But now, every
night, Adai the Arrow visits the Lady in her sleep—an
Governor Han, the civilian ruler of the Deep Hills, image conjured from Essai’s very stolen dreams.
is in favor of the second option, believing Essai’s curse is
a natural consequence of trying to raise silver elves above Now, with her son on the brink of death, her legacy on
their natural station. He constantly visits Castle Calai to the brink of collapse and the Realm’s very stability on the
oversee the situation and advise Lady Shae on the subject. line, Shae realizes what she has done. But every night Adai
visits her dreams, and she would rather die, along with her
Ilirae, Essai’s fiance, has spent long months by her son and her dynasty, than renounce that prize. Thus she
betrothed’s bedside, tending him and hoping for his decided to send mercenaries to the Fell Courts to keep the
recovery. Lord Iliren, her father, invited himself to Calai

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appearance of concern, and to delay her brother’s actions. too terrible. And then it becomes so. A Waada has learned
She doesn’t expect them to succeed, however. Perhaps they of their intrusion and will make every attempt to turn our
will become lost in the Fai woods, die at the hands of Fai heroes into thoughtless—the Waada’s mental slaves. The
beasts, or the Fell will take their dreams as tribute. characters will find a group of Tlapehuainn locals who
became trapped by the Waada’s power. They can help them
Shae only wants a bit more time—a bit more of Adai
return home for close to no reward other than weakening
in her dreams, a bit longer for her son to remain peacefully
their foe.
outside the reach of ambitions, relatives and politics. And
she intends to keep sending one mercenary group after Having successfully completed their trip, the characters
another, to keep the fantasy going for as long as she can. will arrive at the Fai Woods and Allaria. In this chapter,
they will explore the dream-like land that hides in the
forest. Following the trail and the information on the
Adventure Overview dreams given by Hamadis’ spies—who they can meet in
Tlapehuainn—, they will find the Knight of Diamonds’
shrine. In this stage, the characters will fight a Fai Hydra for
the elf’s dreams. The knight of Diamonds, who has known
of their intrusion since they entered his domain, will face
This adventure takes place over four main locations. In
them as they exit. He will bargain with the characters, and
Tyveria, the adventurers can arrive at the town of Dara
their decision will shape the future of Valerna.
Urelis as the beginning of their campaign or as part of an
ongoing one. They can use their time exploring the town
and its surroundings, but will eventually hear the call to
action and meet with Lady Hamadis. She will explain the Adventure hooks
situation and offer the quest to them. There is a chance that
players will also have to perform a small test alongside a band
of rogues to ensure that they are trustworthy and up for the
Your players can start this adventure as part of their
task. They can still take this optional test if they want to
journeys. They can follow their adventuring intuition to
make a stop for better gear, because Hamadis doesn’t offer an
arrive at lady Hamadis. The following are two hooks we
advance. The players may recruit an ally during this mission
suggest to involve your characters with this adventure.
that will really help throughout their mission.
Once they have succeeded in the test, they can take on
the quest. Hamadis will explain that she can’t openly use
A spy approaches
the borders for this. Allaria is too much on the lookout
for Tyverian intervention and crossing will take ages. She
will suggest that the adventurers go to Nahuac instead. Hamadis has sent word across her network, which spans
In this chapter, the characters will travel to a town in the throughout Tyveria and the neighboring regions. Your
Nahuwoods across the river from the Fai Woods in Allaria. character is well connected at home and one of Hamadis’
Tlapehuainn, the town in question, is not only a land agents offered you the job. The Lady Hamadis requests you
just as open as Dara Urelis to adventurers, but rumors go to visit her before embarking to iron out any details.
about of a tunnel that can take countless warriors into
Allaria. Why they have never used it for their war efforts is
beyond Hamadis. Perhaps not everybody knows as much Politics be damned
as her. During their time in Tlapehuainn, the adventurers
will learn of the town’s history and can learn about a
tree-creature near the river, which may be or may be not You are a traveler in Valerna. You owe some allegiance to
making people disappear. your land of origin, but it has never stopped you from
The creature in turn is a deep elf by the name of Saynu. taking on tasks in the rest of the continent. Your journey
Saynu will show the tunnel to the characters after ample has taken you to Tyveria, where you learned of Hamadis’
warnings of the nature of this pass. She will also ask the task through the grapevine. You will need the specifics, so
characters for help. Her weapons were stolen by a local you have decided to pay Lady Hamadis a visit.
band who lives near Tlapehuainn. If the characters bring
back her weapons, she may even join them in their travels.
And they will need her to.
The Hollowdepths section sees the characters traverse
the twisting, impossibly dark tunnels that make up the
Hollowdepths. It is a near surface trip, so it shouldn’t be

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Mandate of Strength


yveria is a land of pleasure and high stakes, Tyveria is an incredibly large empire. The entirety of
forged on a stern belief of legacy and its eternal the eastern reaches of Valerna belongs to them, and their
purpose. As anyone who has spent a few minutes borders stand steadfast to their neighbors in Ysval in the
researching their history can tell you, Tyveria’s leadership north, Allaria in the West past the Primalian range and
is complicated, and many foreign historians blame their Nahuac in the South west. It is a land rich in spices and
competitive structure for the years of decadence the an unforgiving environment that maghyri and vampyri
empire went through in the recent past. What they fail alike see as a challenge. Their lands are spotted by travelling
to understand is what the Emperor knows so well: every bands of Ogerron. Most of these are allied with the empire,
maghyr house has an advantage to all the others, and it has but it is not uncommon for a few of them to have their
to be exploited for the benefit of the empire. own allegiances and interests. Where Tyveria shines most,
of course, is in their tyvalite.
And still, the houses continue to bicker among one
another. After all, though the emperor has the final Tyvalite is both a unique metal and the product of a
word in any matter, the Blood Council—where Maghyr process unique to tyveria. Due to the use of blood sorcery
houses debate and betray one another on the more serious in the process, tyvalite is both incredibly strong and
decisions with the empire moving forward—continues resistant and wonderfully pliable. Thanks to the alchemical
to showcase that the houses are all but united. It is no proficiency of shivs, tyvalite dust can be added to a weapon
surprise, thus, that each Maghyr has their own plan to to imbue id-channeling properties, as well as creating
grow in the ranks and benefit their legacy. stronger weapons.

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Tyveria’s population as lady and representative of the town’s taxation and law.
Her ear is constantly to the ground, and her network has
a vast reach for a small house such as hers. Through this
network, she has learned of Castle Calai’s situation and has
come up with a plan.
Tyveria is made up of all sorts of folk, most in service or She will lead an expedition to the Fai woods, sending
allegiance to a Maghyr. Humans are incredibly common, her best and brightest to ensure success. Her people will
either citizens or gladiators proving their mettle and bring back the elf’s dreams. Her army, however small, must
earning their way home in the arena. Among these are remain in Dara Urelis in case things get messy, so she will
those who performed so well in the arena that the emperor need outsiders.
welcomed them into his army. Tyverian humans are hard- Her motivations are simple, but part of a bigger plot.
working and fearful of consequence. This fear never stops If the adventurers succeed, they will do so representing
them from speaking their mind and taking what is theirs; Tyveria and, most importantly, her. In turn, having done
it simply reminds them that there are consequences to not such a gesture for Allaria could ease the growing heat
playing along and pulling their weight. between the realms. Having the Emperor himself owe you
Halflings live in Tyveria too, particularly Quills and a small favor is a good idea in a land such as Tyveria.
Shivs. Quills take charge of the empire’s money and any Dara Urelis is a small, mining town, with only a
business’ numbers. Shivs are more alchemically inclined fraction of the output of cities such as Sehir Aldam itself.
creatures with a penchant for violence and intrigue, and Instead, it has focused mostly on trade, since Nahuac and
easier to get along with. After all, at least they know there Allaria are so close to its borders. They have a solid bug
are rules to society. Quills spend so much time hunched industry, revolving around the training of giant insects for
over a desk with poor lighting that they often forget how to war, that keeps their economy in the greens. The Crimson
deal with others. Crow criminal infrastructure operates openly in Dara
Allied ogerron usually stick to the outskirts. Especially Urelis, but they tend to do so with great discretion, keeping
in towns such as Dara Urelis, which never accounted their louder conflicts indoors and quiet so as to not slow
for their larger peers when constructing. In cities like down tourism and trade.
Auga Tyveria, however, they are part of the landscape.
Newcomers to Tyveria often find their decorations strange;
even more so when the decoration is explained. Ogerron, What Dara Urelis people know
after all, claim jewelry, bone and armor from their defeated
foes and wear them as adornments to remind their
peers how strong they are. And yet, they are no brutes. Dara Urelians know the history of Tyveria as well as any
Whenever they defeat a creature and feed from its corpse, other Tyverian, but they do know a bit of lore that may
they learn its wisdom and carry it with them forever. make a difference in communication with adventurers.
Maghyri and vampyri are, of course, natural in the • The Emperor may be the all-ruler, but his rule is
landscape. These are people whose blood has “awakened,” always up for debate, provided a strong enough
as they call it. It is a semi-natural process whereby the Id, maghyr challenge him.
the will magic in someone’s blood, takes over. People who
• Our mining efforts are constantly shadowed by house
survive can wake up as maghyr or as vampyr. Maghyr
Baryena in Sehir Aldam and their collectives.
are fantastic blood sorcerers even in their most average
example, and they have built a civilization around this • The border with Nahuac is safe to cross, but that
simple fact. They are known to create blood pacts with doesn’t mean we are friends.
potential allies and as a way to reach an armistice in victory. • A maghyr will always beget the creation of a kadhah.
Vampyri, whose awakening manifests more in physical This creature will hunt their maghyr until the maghyr
strength, are usually linked to a maghyr and offer the blood dies. It is a rite of passage for them.
they collect in battle for the maghyr to use in their magic.
• Not all bugs can be domesticated.
• There’s a group of deserters hiding in the mountains;
Dara Urelis former prisoners of war forced to fight as gladiators for
entertainment. They are not the first to escape. The
only way to solve the situation is to kill them.
Nestled at the base of the Primalian Range, Dara Urelis is a
small walled town that owes allegiance to house Baryena in
Sehir Aldam. The town itself has Hamadis of House Seren

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Arriving at Dara Urelis the noises more clearly. A guard at the door of an upper story
hall halts their entry. This is a House Seren private event, and
the characters don’t have the clearance, nor an invitation.
If the characters manage to get through, describe an event
The guard finally lets you cross. At a certain point, of luxury, excess and lust among many people, who lewdly
it feels like the vampyr was having a joke at your carouse and revel.
expense with the hoops he made you go through. They also find a group of travelling shivs preparing and
There was no tax to enter, let alone a trial. testing all sorts of concoctions and explosives. They fling
Castle Seren stretches to the skies as a long, crooked them to the distance and celebrate every explosion. If the
finger of black iron and rock. If your contact was to players want to buy explosives, the shivs refer them to ‘the
be trusted, you will find this Lady Hamadis person Twins’, the owners of the local alchemy shop.
within. Every building, however short they all are, Dara Urelis is a small walled city (with around 6,000
acts as a celebration of the main castle itself. inhabitants) that certainly has yet to reach its full potential.
Many of the buildings are half-way through construction
Perhaps the strangest discovery regarding Dara and plenty of others seem as if they had been there since
Urelis, is how short it is. It is grim and oppressive, long before anyone called this place a settlement, let alone a
but the largest building—not counting the castle town. The newer buildings seem to intentionally copy Lady
at the center—can’t be taller than two stories. The Hamadis’ castle, and this results in a mixture of sharp spires
hammering against tyvalite and the roaring of fire and square stumps. The air smells like smoke, tar and spices,
in the smitheries quickly become background noise, and the cobbles that make up the streets feel smooth and
easy to ignore. recent. Despite the long time it will take to bring this town
up, it has everything an adventurer may need to carry on
Everyone throws dirty looks, but you have learned their information.
to see posturing for what it is.

Upon arrival, let the characters explore the town. There

is a smithy, led by a loud and strangely accommodating
shiv named Segala Twitchfinger, named so for her
twitching finger. She sells common weapons and armor
and can also make a few rare and uncommon items,
but the price must go up 20% for the added effort and
material recollection. The party also finds an alchemist’s
shop managed by a couple of shiv twins who give a 10%
discount to anyone shorter than 5 feet.
The party can also find a stable of horses and giant
insects. It is owned by an ogerron named Ul Chik’uk.
He used to be an adventurer, but left his life behind as a
favor to Lady Hamadis. He is willing to take the party to
Nahuac as long as they find a skorpikon, a giant scorpion
mount, which is missing from his stables. He indicates it as
“marked with green.”
If the characters try to proceed to the castle as soon as
they enter, inform them that Lady Hamadis will be open to
visitors tomorrow. The characters can stay in the local inn
as they await their audience.

Exploring Dara Urelis

Dara Urelis is a town of smoke and cobblestones. Talking to
Lady Hamadis marks the start of the main quest.
The characters come across a building humming with
music and revelry. They can enter the building and make out Ogerron

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Gulyev’s stop
The door cracks open, revealing a flight of stairs
and bathing you with the stench of closed spaces
and dried blood. You hear deep skittering within,
hidden in the darkness, echoing against the wood
You enter the Gulyev’s Stop Inn. Here, amidst the and stone. You can spot a trough against a wall, the
music, joy and camaraderie, with travelers and one object bathed by the light coming from the
adventurers sharing a drink and a story, Dara Uralis door behind you.
feels a bit less Tyveria. The roof, supported by two You sneak ahead and spot a gigantic skorpikon,
main pillars, shows a painting - It is the history of branded with the mark of the local stables. Its
town, in red and chrome. The artistry is lacking, but chitinous carapace is unarmored, as opposed to the
at least it’s finished. On the edge of the main dining ones you’ve seen in your travels.
hall, on top of a dais, stands a nwoda dwarf picking
at his lute.
Inside the basement, the characters encounter a chained
skorpikon, who is kept fed and trained, judging by the
Gulyev’s stop is the only inn in town, and a place goodtray and blood stains in the room. The characters can
of contradictions at that. The owner is Gulyev the directly interact with the creature or sneak about to learn
Sour, a Quill halfling who decided that the best way to more. The creature has a passive Perception of 14.
challenge his numbers is to open an inn. It offers no
such thing as constant numbers, with urgent needs all If the characters manage to sneak here, they can learn
the time - truly the dream. The people who populate the the following things with a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
inn keep to themselves mostly, but this is a great place or Intelligence (Investigation) check.
to get information at the bar or opening your table to • The skorpikon is branded with the local stables mark.
lone travelers.
• The skorpikon wears a green handkerchief that has
Gulyev the sour holds up to his name. The players can been stuck to its carpace for years.
find him in a small room beside the bar, hacking away at
the books. He’s not necessarily mean, but he sure represents • The skorpikon has fresh blood on its jaws.
Quills as a people. He never smiles, even when tickled • Whoever brought the skorpikon down here came
by his work; his speech is always a bark, and his face and down earlier today.
hands are always stained with ink. If characters approach
• The skorpikon’s middle left leg was hurt long ago and
looking for help, he tells them where to get it, but he
still limps.
doesn’t offer help himself. If approached diplomatically, he
speaks of intruders in the mines to the North of town. If combat ensues, use the wild skorpikon stats in
appendix A. After four rounds, or if two party members
During the night, after the dining hall has been closed,
fall, Gulyev rushes down the stairs and stops the creature
one can hear scratching and bumping coming from under
with a few calming words.
the floorboards. Characters with a Passive Perception of 13
can hear the scratchings in their room.
Gulyev’s explanation
Gulyev’s pet
Gulyev can explain the following as prompted by the
characters. His first intention is always to lie until he gets
If the players hear the scraping noises and decide to
called out or cornered. The characters can bring out the
explore, they must wait until the night when most
truth with a Charisma-based skill check of DC 12. Until
customers have left. Then, allow them a DC 13 Wisdom
then, here are a few excuses the quill can make up.
(Perception) check or Intelligence (Investigation) to find
a loose floorboard that leads to a basement right next to • “I am a breeder. This one here? She is my main source
Gulyev’s rooms. of income.” The creature is actually a male, so a DC 10
Wisdom (Medicine) check can disprove it.
• “It is my mate’s. He won it at an auction.”

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• “This is my very own, nobody else’s.” If any character

has noticed the mark of the local stables, they can use
I have thought upon our conversation, and perhaps
that to call it out.
it is time I let go; but I need your help. I’m a business
Once Gulyev has been caught on his lie, read the owner, see. And I can’t run a business if I can’t receive
following out loud. food and fuel. It’s all because of them filthy deserters.
Robbing honest folk. If you can’t survive the pit fights,
then just die, mate. It’s more dignified than running
Gella is my daughter’s, Gulyev signals at the creature. away from imprisonment.
She gifted it to the stables as her final words on the
One of the shiv twins—you can’t honestly expect me to
battlefield. I am a dutiful father and I obeyed her
know which one—insists that the deserters are hiding
wishes, but… I simply couldn’t let it go. She placed the
to the west and jumping merchants. If you deal with
green handkerchief on the creature’s carapace when she
them, I can take you to Nahuac myself.
was very young. I couldn’t keep it so far away from me.
She died a hero, that one.
Gulyev is honest about his motivations. If the characters
I was meaning to return it. I promise, but the grief
prefer that he return the skorpikon to the stables in return
remains. Please do not expose me. I will be ruined.
for their help, he will.
If the skorpikon dies in combat, the information
becomes useless to everyone and Gulyev stops offering
Developments lodging and services to the characters.
Regardless of the outcome of this encounter,
reward the player characters the appropriate XP, as if
The characters must make a choice, provided the skorpikon they defeated the skorpikon.
survived the encounter.
They can inform Ul Chik’uk the ogerron of the
situation, so he can get his missing skorpikon back. If they
do so, Gulyev stops offering lodging or any other services.
However, lady Hamadis is so grateful with them that
she allows the characters to rest and eat in her castle. In
addition, Ul Chik’Uk agrees to take the players to Nahuac
in his cart.
They can keep the secret. This prompts Gulyev’s
gratitude and earns them half-off prices on everything
in the inn. He can be further persuaded (with a DC 20
Charisma-based skill check) to reward them with a +1
battle axe, which belonged to Sugela, his daughter.
If the players have already received their quest from
Lady Hamadis, Gulyev agrees to release the skorpikon if
they deal with the deserters in the mountains.


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Hamadis’ castle Traversing into Allaria is difficult; Hamadis’ scouts and
agents have informed her that only essential transport can
be allowed across the border. Allaria is also on the lookout
for intruders, and they see spies everywhere. It’s best to
Like a spiked, sore thumb, the black grim castle rises avoid the border.
at the dead center of town. More than a castle, this
looks more like a very tall mansion that has been A small town in the Nahuwoods has a secret, safe
built upon as opportunity presents itself. Yet it keeps passage into the Fai Woods, unknown to Allaria. More
the dark, ornate aesthetic natural to Tyveria. information is unavailable. Nahuinn people are distrustful
and too smart to fall for spies. The town is named
Inside, all is leather and drapery. Even the side halls Tlapehuainn, a day and a half west of the border. They are
where massive blood canisters are stored are highly mostly open to strangers and tourists and, recently, they
decorated. Lady Hamadis is clearly proud of where have had a real influx of neighboring folk escaping to rest
she has taken Dara Uralis. You can also spot a few in the endless greenery of the forest. The party can meet
old Nahuac crafts on mantelpieces, and other such Hamadis’ agent in town.
decorations and paintings given to Hamadis as a gift
from travelling merchants and other acquaintances. Find Zamaj in Nahuac. There is a small town with
a border into Allaria, named Tlapehuainn. Find my
contact there. He seems to think there is a quick way to
Most of the castle is off-limits to the adventurers. They cross into Allaria avoiding the patrols into the forest of
can, as all locals, enter and visit the audience hall, but dreams, where he insists the solution to Castle Calai’s
that’s it. If the adventurers earn Hamadis’ respect and trust, problem lies.
they can eat and rest in the barracks down below. If this is
the case, the vampyri and soldiers who rest here leave the
adventurers alone. The reason behind Hamadis’ endeavors—or the one
she agrees to share—is to earn favor with the Emperor
The Castle of Lost Dreams while avoiding further military conflict. Even Tyverians
know that the answer isn’t always war and that war, more
than anything, costs money.
When the characters have their audience with Hamadis, If the players did not return the skorpikon to Ul
the day after their arrival, she offers them the quest to travel Chik’Uk’s stables, the lady Hamadis also informs them
to the Fai Woods and help the Allai nobles. She explains that, regrettably, they have to walk to their destination. The
the situation as detailed in the Adventure Background stables are short one skorpikon and while the investigation
section of this book. Here is what she knows, additional to is open, they offer their services to no one until the matter
the information in that section. She is unaware of the plot is resolved.
surrounding the curse. She only knows how it works: enter The characters can ask questions to the lady, getting to
the Fai Woods and recover the dreams. know her and understanding their task. Before they leave,
she asks something more.
The incoming war is bad for business. I mean, of course
war is good when business is dying, but otherwise it
muddles trade. Besides, if we make enemies, we lose Before you leave, I must ask for your assistance. One
customers. The emperor knows it well, for he pays more thorn stings at the side of my good name. My
attention, unlike the queen of Allaria and the idiots niece Fareina has, in recent years, lost her ways.
that make up the blood court. In times such as these, it Rising as maghyr is a complicated endeavor, a time of
is key to find alternate solutions. Lucky for me, my web confusion and inner strife as your blood literally tries
spans wider than is normal for a house such as mine. to kill you. She took her blood and is stronger than she
There’s a castle not tremendously far from here, on the was before, but she no longer seeks any connection to
other side of the Primalian mountains. Their lord is my family’s legacy.
cursed, nobody knows what happened, and the lady Find her. She left the house on a wyrming “trial of
ruler has started considering looking for help. passing” by which she simply means wasting her time
I want my hand to be faster than her brain. I want you in the wilderness. She left a few days back, perhaps you
to go and help her, bearing the colors of Tyveria. She can still catch up to her. Return her to me. The roads
will be thankful, Tyveria will have done them a favor are a dangerous place for a maghyr who won’t take
and Allaria will ease their threat of war. I will pay what is hers.
each of you two hundred gold pieces for your efforts.

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Roleplaying lady Hamadis of party received the quest to look for Fareina or for the
Deserters, they spot the bodies automatically.
house Seren
If the players decide to approach the bodies and
investigate, they notice there was fighting here, and they
find an eroded path that leads north.
Lady Hamadis is a smart, cunning woman. Like any good
Tyverian in the politics game, she knows the best way to If the players ignore the bodies and the path, their
play it is to think plenty of steps ahead, and she will step journey continues peacefully for one day; proceed to
on anyone’s toes to get her way. She understands sweetness, Crossing the Border.
perhaps from her upbringing. She knows that most people If the players take the path up the mountain, they
are more eager to help when your first approach is kind need a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. If they
and nurturing. She is also an outright liar; if caught on a lie succeed, it takes them one hour to follow the trail. If they
and publicly called out, she only compounds the lie with fail, they lose one full day finding the tracks of whoever
new inventions. survived the fight and buried the bodies.
Her kind approach is usually honest. After all, she is If Ul Chik’Uk the ogerron is with the party, he chooses
not an evil figure, but rather a woman with conviction and to stay on the road, camping and watching the cart until
who knows how to play the game. Her critical weakness is the adventurers return.
how easily she becomes entangled in complication. Once
she turns to more cunning tools and approaches, it’s hard
for her to back out.
Fareina’s hideout
Lady Hamadis knows that her position can easily be
disputed and constantly takes steps to be ahead of the
curve. Her biggest tool is her army of informants. Like
many Tyverian nobles, Lady Hamadis has a vast network
of informants spread around the continent, but also in her Once the party is on the right track, any character with
own town. People are aware of this and tend to watch their a passive Perception above 9 spots a trail to the left,
tongues unless they are with someone they trust. with bloodstains on a few leaves and twigs, indicating
a maghyr or its vampyri. Whoever left this trail was
alone. If the adventurers ignore the new trail, proceed
The West Road straight to The Deserters’ Camp. If they explore it
instead, read the following.

The trail leads you under the scrambled branches of

Read the following when the adventurers leave Dara Urelis a tall bush. Behind it, a small cave opens up, filled
to begin their quest, be it on foot or on Ul Chik’Uk’s cart. with fungi and weeds. The closer you get, the more
signs of life and blood you find. And then, before
you know it, a blood tendril threateningly hovers
A heavy, ornate gate hangs open to a cobbled road over you.
which leads westward to a valley in the distance. In
daytime, sunlight bathes the road as life blossoms in
the Nahuwoods. The tendrils are being controlled by Fareina of
House Seren, who is ready to strike, but not without
asking questions first. Fareina has been surviving on her
There are plenty of roads leading in and out of Dara own for the better part of the week, and she heard the
Uralis, but the western road leads straight to Nahuac. noise of the deserters attacking a merchant caravan. Just
The characters can take this road whether they secured because she’s on a mission to find herself doesn’t mean
transport or not. It is a relatively peaceful road, but here are she’ll stop helping Tyveria.
a few random encounters for the party. The distance from If the characters agree to parley and succeed on a
Dara Uralis to Tlapehuainn is about a two days’ walk of DC 15 Charisma check, they can recruit Fareina (female
simple paved road. maghyr upstart) as an ally, controlled by the Game
At the four mile mark, any characters with a passive Master. Fareina knows a way to ambush the deserters. She
Perception of 13 or higher notice a few bodies, messily
buried, a hundred paces to the north of the road. If the

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has spotted a path to climb to a slight elevation behind the
camp to the North. If the characters take this strategy, they
The Deserter’s Camp
gain surprise at the start of the fight with the deserters.

Roleplaying Fareina of house

The path swerves through the shrubbery and rock
Seren and into a campsite huddled in the base of the
mountain. Three makeshift tents, a fireplace with
dying smoke, and an overturned, half-disassembled
Fareina has had a life of betrayal and manipulation. carriage decorate the landing.
Having had enough, she took her opportunity when
she felt comfortable with her blood sorcery to find
herself. Her legacy, as she understands it, can only come The deserter’s camp is the current resting spot for a group
to be when she knows her true potential. A journey to of gladiator deserters who escaped the arena of Sehir Aldam
Nahuac and the dream forest of Allaria sounds just like and are trying to stay hidden in the mountains to hide, but
the challenge she needs. meanwhile they survive by raiding caravans.
Fareina is a selfish combatant. She often forgets to The deserters are on high alert, so approaching through
protect folk, even though she very well can. In fact, she the road will have them attack immediately. There is
struggles with this aspect and how she wishes to be. Her another form of access through the North; to get there, the
nature says “go get yours,” her ideal suggests “maybe characters need to approach through Fareina’s hideout in
consider others.” the previous section.
At any point during the adventure, Fareina has the These deserters are waiting for an ogerron tracker
following to share, if prompted. who has offered to lead them out to safety to piss off
the Emperor. The players encounter two bloodfangs.
• She has been primed as a runner up for lady If the players approached from the North via Fareina’s
Hamadis’ heir, but she has to earn it. Fareina is not hideout, they have surprise for this encounter. If the player
excited about it. characters survive the fight with the bloodfangs, they must
• She fears her own taking of the blood. When face one ogerron who just woke up to the noise.
she reaches a proper age, and after lady Hamadis If the characters fight alongside Fareina, add one
dies, Fareina is expected to claim her blood bloodfang to each of the two encounters.
legacy. She fears failing and dying, or succeeding
and ending up so hurt by the blood that she
ends up as a bad leader.
• When the blood rejects the claimer, it whips and
Crossing the Border
slashes at their body, often bursting from within.
These are gruesome events, regardless of the outcome.
• Fareina fears that her maghyr development is
not complete. After one day of travel, the characters reach the border
between Tyveria and Nahuac. It is a simple sign to the side
By the end of this adventure, if she survives, Fareina will
next to a hut. This place is always guarded by 5 guards.
understand that she is ready; that the power she thought
Unless the characters have committed any crimes in Dara
she was lacking was within her all along, all she had to do
Uralis, they are left alone. If they have, the Tyverian guards
was stop thinking about it. She will also learn that thinking
try to arrest them. After two rounds, 5 more guards join in
of others is part of her legacy and who she is as a person
to help.
and as a Maghyr.
If the party recruited Fareina, they are attacked during
their first long or short rest after crossing the border. Two
valakyri jump the party while camping; they are bounty
hunters from maghyr house Kuuruk, whose goal is to
kidnap Fareina and use her as a bargaining tool to bring
down house Seren. Fareina deals with one of the valakyri,
while the player characters must fight the other one.

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If the party survives the encounter, they hear a man If both checks succeed, the adventurers arrive at a
calling for help in the distance. If the characters look for hidden cave.
the voice, it lures them south to a ravine, where they are
attacked by a young manticora - the leader of the House
Kuuruk mercenaries sent to kidnap Fareina. As soon as the shade covers the entrance, you start
to notice discarded boots and food remains that lead
If Ul Chik’uk is driving the party in his cart, he does
to a small camp deeper in the cave. The deeper you
not fight during either encounter—the manticora poisoned
go, the more digging tools you find. Two voices chat
him unconscious from the start. In addition, his cart is
to one another in a language you don’t understand;
damaged during the fight. It can still move, but it makes
it may even be mispronounced Common.
the journey a day longer.
The characters can attempt to fix the cart with a DC 14
Intelligence check using any tool proficiency the characters These bandits have been drilling a side vein from the
can apply. If they succeed, the cart returns to normal speed. main lode of tyvalite in the mountains. They used the hard
path, inaccessible to heavy machinery, to enter and get to
work. Instead of selling wholesale and paying taxes from
The Northern halls their mining, these people have taken it upon themselves
to sell their tyvalite creations as retail.Dara Urelis could
benefit from taking these outlaws out of the game, since
most of the town’s income comes from tyvalite.
The player characters encounter 2 bog shivs and 1
After the previous encounters, the party finally enters the bloodfang in the cave. They attack as soon as they notice
Primalian Mountains. There is a trade road that allows fast the party. If the players have recruited Fareina at this point,
crossing, filled with merchants and travelers. However, add 1 bloodfang to the encounter.
something’s holding up traffic—turns out a group of
outlaws were located up the mountains, and the guard is
holding up all traffic until they are caught.
The players can choose to wait it out, adding
another day to their travel time, or help the search
for the outlaws. To enter the outlaws’ territory, the
characters must climb the mountains, which requires a
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, and then a DC 18
Wisdom (Survival) check to spot the hidden trail used
by the outlaws, which the scouting soldiers have so far
failed to find. If either check fails, the characters fail in
their search and must wait a full day before traffic can
proceed across the mountain pass.

Bloodclaw Soldier

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In their independence, the many peoples of Nahuac

hold no identifying behavior other than their need to carry
The landscape shortly changes as you cross the hills
on the work of Vaala, mostly through its aspect of Kaab.
toward Nahuac. The green of leaves sneaks through
Balance is paramount, as all change must come from an
the cracks of exposed rock. The only ringing in your
understanding of nature. Collectivists and traditionalists to
ears is simply the residue of the hammering you’ve
a fault, Náhuinn folk value rules and tradition far above the
left behind—it’s still pretty loud, though. And
individual. All seek to fulfill their role in society; they have
then, the noise of absolute silence. You hear your
a deep love for numbers and their makaab crafts.
heartbeat for a moment before continuing forward.
The collectivism of Náhuinn people is more of a
pragmatic understanding. When dealing with others, they
Nestled in the lush jungles of Western Valerna, are often nice, wise folk who are more than willing to
Nahuac rises as a land of ceremony. After a history of share their experiences and teachings. Their meals, mostly
oppression and stark division, Nahuac now stands as a vegetable-based, are to be shared with friends, and their
coalition of near independent states. Each ápal (state trade is their pride. So many years after the Null Wars, they
in nahuinn speech, though closer to a community have learned to keep political matters to themselves, for
in practice) makes its own choices. Their mahauíd, they never know who may be listening.
or monarchs, function as leaders, and their speakers
represent them in the Council of Speakers.

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Nahuac population Arriving at Tlapehuainn

The road to Tlapehuainn remains steady throughout the

journey. Read the following as the adventurers approach
Nahuac is a melting pot of people by its very nature. It is the town.
made up mostly of source-gifted humans and saurians.
The most common population are the ocelinn jaguar-kin,
bendavee lizardfolk, munkisuut bat-kin, and bunkuun Almost hidden within the lush forest, a wide and
birdfolk. There are other peoples of the same nature - massive tree reaches out into the canopy. Then you
humanoid animals - but their population varies depending notice the small town built around it. Soon, you realize
on where you are in Nahuac. this is the place you’ve been looking for. Beast-kin go
about their business. Everyone notices your presence and
Nahuac is not a truly open and welcoming realm, studies you hard wherever you go. The tree, seen from a
even though they can allow foreigners into their lands. closer vantage, is really a tower of stone and nature.
Generally, visitors know where they can’t go without a lot
of signaling. Still, It is common to find foreign humans,
wandering Nwoda ships and, of course, halflings. If the players arrive using a cart, they can leave it at the
stables. If Ul Chik’uk is with them, he drops them off at
the entrance to town and leaves back to Tyveria.
Tlapehuainn All Tlapehuainn locals are actively aware of the
adventurers, making sure no foul business takes place. If
the players travel with a Nahuinn individual, like Talac,
they can speak openly to other Nahuinn and have them as
friends or even allies.
Tlapehuainn is a small village of 300 people, built as a
spiritual retirement for makaab practitioners. The logic
behind its construction, as suggested by the wizard Exploring Tlapehuainn
Mígtann the Four, was to ensure open makaab practice,
drawing inspiration from the strange shadow cast by
Tyveria so close to town. It is a peaceful spot, open for
tourists and visitors from Valerna, provided they leave their Tlapehuáinn is a peaceful town where rain is incredibly
conflicts at the door. common. The buildings in this area flood constantly, but
people don’t seem to mind it. A few events are of note in
Tlapehuainn is an open village, both in its lack of walls this town.
and uneven distribution. The paths are decorated with
flowers that rise from the cobblestones. The canopy that For one, the characters spot other locals, specifically
softly covers the area leaves just enough space for the sun to xibac casting powerful magics. Their practice is just the
do its work. There’s almost a mathematical design in how same as the makaab practiced everywhere (and detailed
every plant blooms eternal. later) but they use the force of death. The characters can
also meet a family in need of help.
Recently, people have been disappearing every few
days. Strange, hidden attackers strike from the shadows While the characters explore, they further advance
and friends and family vanish. Some have blamed a tree- their progress toward Castle Calai to complete their main
creature reportedly living in the forest, in a hiding spot mission. They can help Lady Hamadis’ contact escape
just east of the border bridge leading to Allaria and the Fai Tlapehuáinn to continue exploring the world. A new
Woods. No theory has yet been confirmed. friend may reveal themselves to the party and ask for their
aid in taking an important trinket to Allaria.
The people have heard of the issues with Tyveria and
Allaria, but they are doing their best to stay out of it. The party can also learn of a family in danger, a young
girl who steals crafts and leaves home in the night. As part
of the unraveling of the main quest, the characters can aid
a z’aari in hunting down a Waada in the forest.

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What Tlapehuainn people know The convoy is one of many travelling makaab weavers.
Makaab, in general, is a complex process of
craftsmanship created with intention. The characters can
• Tlapehuainn folk know the same base lore as the see what they mean with the bendave craftsperson. They
rest of Nahuac. Additionally, they collectively know truly pour their very being into crafting.
the following. When the characters are ready to move on, they can
• If the players ask for Zamaj, the townsfolk refer them enter the city proper. From where they stand with the
to The Tannery. convoy, the characters can see the tannery, the local inn
and tavern.
• The Xibac lords, while scary, don’t really seek to harm
anyone. They do not wish to accelerate death nor cheat
it, but simply to use its power to better understand life. The tannery
• The Tower of Numbers is open to all who are willing
to obey the rules.
• Right now, a family has gone in to petition something The tannery is the local inn and tavern. The name started
from Garak at the Tower of Numbers. Their young as a joke from the owner Orac Green Finger, regarding
daughter Xiadac is in trouble. the ‘pelts’ of his clientele. Here, characters can rest
and purchase any common meals, along with Nahuac
• Everyone believes they have seen the tree-creature, but delicacies. Orac can also offer lodging for regular prices.
not everyone thinks it is related to the kidnappings Read the following when the players enter the building:
and disappearances.
• Rains in Tlapehuainn hit hard; some think it must be
a form of compensation for how close Tyveria is. The The warm light and roar of laughter and music
fact remains that most buildings get leaks. draws you in. The roof, oblong and irregular in
texture, is full of patches and dripping holes. If there
• Outsiders mean trouble. They can be here as long as ever were a place to find work or a contact, this is it.
they behave.

Two people of note, other than Orac, can be found

The rattling of wheels and clacking of boots and here during the day: Zamaj and Leynn Ennea.
hooves on pavement calls your eye to the road. A
short convoy approaches town. They look more
like simple travellers than merchants. They carry Leynn Ennea
no shipments and anything they carry seems
This is an ellari refugee who might need some help. She
focused on travelling necessities for the members
approaches the characters when they settle in the tavern.
of the convoy.
Soon, the convoy stops and you can approach.
You realize that this convoy is made up of all kinds You travel to Allaria, then? Perhaps you can help me.
of folk. Humans, ocelinn, bunkuun, munkisuut, I took something from my home. It was an accident,
everything. One of them, a tall bendavee, prepares but I was so heartbroken that I could think of nothing
a charm as well. Their makaab looks different from at all. This quill. It was my mother’s, her last reminder
the one practiced in town; more colorful, far less of me. Could you take it? I have nothing to offer, but
bone, but just as loving. maybe we can take care of that later. I have no reason
to leave Tlapehuainn.
The players can approach the convoy and they learn the
following lore. Leynn Ennea left the kingdom of Allaria in a hurry shortly
after the Null Wars, and took with her a myriad of trinkets
• Not everyone in Nahuac likes the xibac. More
that were near her. She, like many others, was afraid of the
than a social thing, it is because their magic,
kingdom’s responsibility in the matters that complicated
focused on death, has been used in the past to
the war. Having had enough guilt, she seceded to Nahuac
make wanton destruction.
knowing full well that she would not be welcome. And yet
• Some makaab practitioners fear their connection to she was, thanks to the friendship of one Garak the Tall.
death in the first place. More knowledgeable ones
Unfortunately, she later realized, she had also taken
understand that death is a key part of life, and thus
her mother’s quill, which she had given onto her by
should be just as celebrated.

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the Great Golden Ettano Dap himself as a token of • Garak the Tall and the wizard lord Migtann the Four
friendship long before he ascended to leadership. are currently quarreling. Nobody talks about it, but
Remorseful, Ennea wants to give the quill back, but her there’s a reason why the Wise Lord has shunned the
current situation reveals that this is perhaps not the best land and his friend.
time. She wishes to return the quill to her mother, at the
• There is a shipwreck in the middle of the forest nearby,
village that surrounds Castle Calai.
not far from Chilkot Clearing. The militia brálaid
This quest offers a new friend and room for new have searched the area and have found no survivors
adventures. It also rewards the characters with a healing and no victims. The latest group of brálaid returned
item as forward payment before they leave. The characters incomplete, but nobody acknowledged it.
can also receive a unique piece of armor, detailed later.
• Tlapehuainn folk usually keep crates whenever they
receive any kind of shipment to be used for later
Roleplaying Leynn Ennea purposes. Finding hiding spots in town is easy, if you
don’t mind confinement.
Ennea is tired. That is probably the best way to describe
her. She once was a fantastic archer who served in the many
battles that tore Allaria apart, including the Null wars.
Roleplaying Zamaj the shiv
She was never close to the now queen Elyse, but they had
Zamaj has been in Tlapehuainn for years. He arrived
interacted at some point in their lives. After the Null wars,
shortly after Leynn Ennea, but the two don’t really speak.
when scouring the battlefield for survivors, she spotted her
Zamaj has made sure to hide as much as possible; even
teacher Den Valin among the null cultists that brought
when dealing with locals, he seems like he’s always hiding.
destruction to Valerna.
He has procured food through many means, most often
Disgusted by the sheer possibility of being connected to theft and lies. All of these have gone undetected, but people
a harbinger of destruction, she left the kingdom. For a long know he’s a scheming creature.
time she was all resentment, but living with the nahuinn
Garak the Tall allows Zamaj to stay thanks to his sob
has steadily eased her temper.
story of being driven out by Sikarians in his travels. It also
Living in Nahuac has given Ennea a sliver of hope for helps that Zamaj often helps the locals by brewing healing
people and Valerna. It has calmed her mind and eased her potions “and nothing else,” he insists.
nightmares. She now stands glad in her exhaustion, and her
Zamaj is rude and coarse, but he has a few redeeming
humor keeps getting better and better. She still owns her
qualities. He has an impeccable memory, great attention to
bow, hidden in her hut.
detail and an unwavering loyalty to lady Hamadis. Sure, a
lot of these qualities are used for vengeful murder, but they
Zamaj, the shiv work for other things.
Zamaj is Lady Hamadis’ contact, and he can give the Before the shiv offers any help, he tries to shake himself
characters enough information to carry their mission clean. Regardless of where the conversation is going, if
forward. Leynn Ennea is a half-elven renegade from Allaria, one of the characters asks for what they need from Zamaj
who has earned her place among the Nahuinn. She has a directly, he replies the following.
favor to ask of the characters.
When the people in the tavern—and Tlapehuainn, for I know why you’re here, but we’ll have to keep our
that matter—have room for one dirty look, it is reserved pants on. Before I can help you out, I need you to do
for Zamaj the shiv. Constantly dirty, terribly foul-mouthed, something for me. We are still Tyverians, are we not?
and inexplicably, an excellent spy. Characters can find
Zamaj in the main dining hall of the tannery. He expects I want out. Lady Hamadis is great and all, but I can’t
the characters, but won’t seek them out himself. That is not stay in this backward stinky town. And if I want to do
his job. so, I will have to be quiet about it. A caravan passes
through here in three days. They will trade cargo with
Zamaj knows the following about the town. a different merchant who arrived today and carry on
• The defensiveness of Tlapehuainn people is really just a their way. I have a box that we can use to hide me
great fear of strangers. among the merchandise to Hueminu. I’d have to leave
here inside the box to avoid detection and I can’t very
• Xiadac has been running into the forest looking for well convince others that I am a normal walking box.
people. She insists that she has found the missing folk,
but nobody believes her. I’ll tell you a key piece of information when you
complete your end. Deal?

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Zamaj has grown tired of Tlapehuainn. Everyone Developments
is too soft for his liking. Helping the heroes is his final
task for lady Hamadis for the time being, and he is If the characters reject the quest and offer no other form
allowed to return to Tyveria if he so desires. He doesn’t. of assistance, they have to find the next step on their own.
Instead, he wishes to learn more about Nahuac’s Xibac Perhaps following the quest in The Tower of Numbers.
lords, deeper inland. This also happens if the party takes too long in delivering
He asks the characters if they can get him into an Zamaj to the South Roads.
outpost nearby. This outpost is meant to receive a shipment If the characters reject the quest but are willing to
of grains and spices from Tyveria, soon to be sent to bargain, Zamaj can offer a price for his intel. His starting
Hueminu, the Xibac capital. The characters are to sneak price is 100 gold pieces, but it can be reduced with a DC
him into the cargo. In return, he offers to reward them 16 Charisma check. The lowest Zamaj is willing to go is 25
with two healing potions and the formula, if they need it. gold pieces.
The truth is, this is a test for the characters and their If the characters agree and begin their adventure,
loyalty by Hamadis. Depending on how they help the proceed to South Roads.
shiv and the information they are willing to share, it may
influence future adventures. You can find this development
in the Aftermath chapter. South roads
The characters and Zamaj can organize their adventure
however they want, but there is a time limit for this. The
shipment currently in the outpost will ship out in three
days’ time.
A long, cobbled road stretches southward and forks
in two directions. The sign at the fork reads “Zerod’s
pond” to the left and “Old Graveyard,” to the right.
Ahead and to the right, you can spot a short building:
a cart station.

If the characters explore this area with Zamaj, they can

confirm that the path to the right leads to the outpost,
which does have a set of crates where they can hide Zamaj.
A man, Tonac the Patient, keeps an eye out on the cargo.
He takes his job seriously, but it’s easy to sneak past him;
his passive Perception is an 11.
If the characters have Zamaj with them, however
well-hidden he is, they are jumped by a band of 4 ocelinn
stalkers before they reach Tonac’s vicinity—agents sent to
stop the shiv. If the players survive the encounter, they may
smuggle Zamaj in the crates as he asked.
After the characters successfully place Zamaj among the
crates, he whispers through a hole at them.

You’re looking for an elf. Do not expect a silver elf;

she’s not from around here. She hides in the forest near
Chilkot Clearing. You can’t really get there from here.
You can cut through the forest, though the terrain’s too
uneven. There’s a pretty quick exit from town. These
people don’t go there, except for this little girl, but she
shouldn’t be a problem to adventurers like you.
Good luck.

Ocelinn full jaguar form

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Once this mission is fulfilled, the party can return to The man and the woman are Tacad and Hadainn, to
Tlapehuainn and head to Chilkot Clearing from there. local ocelinn humans.Tacad and Hadainn have reason
If they leave town straight towards Chilkot, proceed to to believe their daughter Xiadac has been stealing. They
Hureinn’s Lookout. discovered this one night while tending to the house’s
cleanliness, for it is their gratitude to the materials that
The party can now attempt to track the elf in question.
made their home, they spotted a small wicker doll that had
A DC 18 Wisdom (Survival or Perception) check can reveal
been made in the likeness of Tabirr Maak Tlapehuainn, the
unique tracks that can be spotted from inside of town and
local fisher. They have asked Xiadac time and again about
lead to the Northern exit and off the road into the forest.
the purpose of her theft, to no avail.
The tracks, followed entirely, lead to Saynu’s hut.
Last night, Tacad and Hadainn waited late through
Otherwise, they may loiter around a while and meet
the night. They had noticed her absence after a nightly
Leynn Ennea or other NPCs they may have missed, or seek
patrol and decided to ambush her upon return. And
the town’s leader at The Tower of Numbers.
return she did, except in no fashion they expected.
Xiadac was severely bruised and cut, but she walked
The Tower of Numbers around as if it were nothing. Hadainn could tell the girl
was in pain, but much too proud and adamant in her
hidden agenda to let it show.
Xiadac came from the Western woods, the region
known to the locals as Chilkot Clearing.
A large, wooden swirl of a building rises dead at
the center of town. At first glance it may look like You can have the players overhear all or some of this
simple wood, but a lot of the construction is living while Tacad and Hadainn tell it to Garak, or have the
trees. The doors are wide open to all, and a group of couple directly approach the party with a plea for aid.
makaab weavers enter its premises. The characters can offer to help. In doing so, they can
Inside, the tree branches and its rising roots criss-cross in earn Garak’s trust. At first, Garak resists entrusting them
a geometric ascension. Birds and buunkun fly swiftly, with one of the young ones, but he can be convinced with
the former building nests, the latter carrying books and a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the characters
scrolls with grace. The wind from the mountains leaks don’t get permission, they can still use the information for
into the tower. At last, a cool spot. future reference and to make choices regarding their main
quest. Or take the quest without Garak’s sanction anyway.

The tower of numbers is the main source of visitors and Roleplaying Garak the Tall
point of interest of Tlapehuainn. It is a kind of academy
and meditation center for makaab weavers, and it ensures Garak is a wise man, he has simply forgotten. He is a
that the town’s needs are covered. This is also the lodging powerful makaab weaver, and he knows that his word
and workplace for Garak the Tall, the closest thing to a carries in town. Garak came back to Tlapehuainn
leader Tlapehuáinn has. shortly after the fall of the Null Epitome at the end of
the second Null Wars. He felt betrayed by the magic
Most of the rooms and locations within are off-limits to users of Valerna for allowing the Null to return despite
characters. The building’s plea court, however, is open to all the many warnings. To him, any foreigner to his land is
locals and visitors. a fool who will make a mistake.
Garak is not a violent man and he barely uses the
A tall ceiling offers welcome to all and houses a chair braláid, or soldiers, that wish to protect his town. He
behind a large stone desk. A man and a woman speak prefers to tackle any issue before it even happens, and his
to a huge ocelinn man at the chair. solution is usually to drive out the guests in turn.
Garak is willing and able to tell them how to reach the
Chilkot Clearing section, provided the party proves they
The party can talk to Garak the Tall, the man behind mean no ill intent.
the desk. He takes their presence defensively, as he
would anyone else’s. He only lets the characters leave the When the party is ready to investigate Chilkot’s
hall when he is satisfied that Tlapehuainn is safe with Clearing, proceed to Hureinn’s lookout.
their presence.

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Hureinn’s lookout The lodgings of the tree-creature are only temporary.
Saynu is a deep elf. Like many others of her ancestry, she
holds a dire grudge against the Waada and the Daimoi
in the Hollowdepths. She can lead the characters to the
Hollowdepths and may join them in their ventures. Saynu
The climb up the hill, despite the stairs and railings, is not interested in following the adventurers, but she may
leaves you winded. Perhaps it’s the heat and be willing to show them the quickest way to the Fai Woods
humidity. The summit welcomes you with a fresh from the tunnels.
wind, clearly carried all the way from the ocean.
A couple of benches await weary travelers to take If the characters attack and kill Saynu, they can
in the northern grace of Nahuac and the world search her lodgings and find a few notes that tell the
expanding before you. Mountains beyond mountains characters how to find the access to the Hollowdepths in
rise to the north and the skies offer daytime stars and The Hidden Tunnel.
a distant, minuscule red moon. If the characters approach peacefully, Saynu tries to
scare them away.
From this vantage point, characters can see the entire
region where the adventure takes place. Here are a few
things they can see depending on their choices. Back away from here, you! I am one and many
and your kind will not defeat me. Typical others,
• Up north is a tight bridge with heavy lookouts on so ready to wreck and tear all and I never came to
both sides. harm your land.
• With enough attention, they can see movement in the
northern river bank. A couple hundred steps west from
the bridge that crosses to Allaria. A huge tree stands If the players want to talk to Saynu, they must succeed
nearby. This is the location of Saynu’s Hut. on a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Any indication
of violence makes Saynu attack. If they travel with Fareina,
• To the West lies Tlapehuainn, where they came from. Saynu is resistant to the conversation. She ceases her attack,
• Two roads fork to the south. One gets lost in the but doesn’t feel too comfortable sharing. If asked for a
woods, the other leads to an outpost around two miles reason, it’s mostly a feeling.
from Tlapehuainn; where the players left Zamaj if they If the players succeed in gaining Saynu’s trust, she asks a
performed the mission he requested. favor of them.
• To the East, in one of the clearings, they can see a
perfectly still man. He looks like a statue. It looks I seek a Waada, those disgusting toad monsters that
human, not source-gifted or Saurian like most fill innocent’s brains with dung and obedience. Me
Náhuinn folk. and my expedition were transporting one from around
here when the creature made our ship crash. We found
• The characters may spot Xiadac from the lookout it in the forest, but, well. I don’t believe you see an
if they come here during the night (and have expedition here.
Darkvision). They can spot her leaving her home, as
Tacad and Hadainn may have indicated if the players Find it and kill it. I will take you to the Hollowdepths
talked to them. if you are so insistent, but do it.

Saynu is part of a deep elf expedition who was

Saynu’s hut transporting and then hunted down a waada Broker-
Saynu’s ship crashed through the surface nearby and the
Waada took it as its shelter. For a while, the creature had
‘Saynu’s hut’ is actually an impromptu shelter inside a thick turned a couple of locals and other survivors the waada
tree. Your characters can track Saynu, the ‘tree-creature’, all found on their travels into thoughtless. Saynu is the final
the way over here, survivor of a great battle against the creature, but only
so because she fled the combat, terrified by one of the
creature’s spells.
The tracks stop all of a sudden, but there was no need
to keep looking. It has to be the massive tree a couple Indicate to the players that Saynu wears a badge on her
of yards ahead. Lonely, tranquil and just a touch out hip: a circle of small bones, root, and dark, opaque gems.
of place. You can’t shake the feeling that someone is From an angle, it looks like a tree twisting around itself. If
watching you from within.

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they ask her about it, she only reveals that it is the sigil of Xiadac’s Hideout
her people. She also suggests that a few people from her
crew also wore it, in case it helps finding the waada.
Saynu wants to know whether the waada is alive or Xiadac, a girl from town, has been bringing dolls to the
dead. She’d go herself, but one z’aari ranger alone could thoughtless in hopes of luring them back to the safety
never take down a waada, much less one who has already of Tlapehuainn. Unfortunately, the only way to release
fallen for its magic. If the characters help out, she rewards them is to kill the waada, but Xiadac doesn’t know this.
them with information about the Hollowdepths, all of During the night, the characters may find Xiadac herself
which you can find in the appropriate section in the in the clearing.
Adventure Background chapter in this book. She can also
share information regarding the waada. Finally, she leads Development
the players to The Hidden Tunnel. If the characters approach the hideout, they encounter
Xiadac as she takes dolls and other crafts to the thoughtless
who wander aimlessly. She tries to flee at first, but she stops
Chilkot clearing if the characters call out to her.
Xiadac is a nervous little girl. She is convinced that
giving the thoughtless their favorite makaab craft can
return them to normal. She has been warned against it
The bones of old merge with the rest of nature vaguely, but she still believes it. She stammers and talks too
throughout the forest. No wonder the Xibac fast when questioned, but she eventually lands on a more
settled here. Ahead, a clearing opens up, bathed understandable speech.
in moon and starlight. A few paces from you, you
spot a man standing perfectly still. He breathes,
but he does not move. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know dad said it wouldn’t help
them but I had to try. I am giving them their makaab,
the one closest to them. These people have been sick, and
Chilkot clearing was once the rummaging ground for disappearing into the woods. I knew that when that
a waada, a psychic monster who had escaped from the ship crashed on the shore last week it was not good. I
Hollowdepths. The waada’s toughtless servants, the just wanted to know if it worked, because they don’t
brainwashed victims of its power, used to take the clearing seem happy.
as the most direct route to reconvene with their master.
The situation was addressed and the Waada, seemingly,
defeated. And yet, its thoughtless remain. The characters can explain the situation to Xiadac
if they know it. Otherwise, they can make sure the girl
During the day, the clearing is mostly empty and an returns to town. The characters will be considerably better
excellent spot for heroes to catch their breath. During the received if they lead her back to Tlapehuainn, and Xiadac’s
night, the thoughtless come out. Most are empty-minded parents reward them with Xiadac’s protection.
and not aggressive, but the rest are ready to jump at any
stranger, as a means to protect their Waada, who hides If the characters help out the family, they invite them
further into the clearing in a cave toward the water. to witness the stars. This event can only occur after the
characters have led Xiadac back home.
If the characters explore Chilkot clearing by night,
they are attacked by 3 thoughtless. The characters can
investigate their bodies afterwards and learn the following: You come out of your resting spot, led by your visitor. You
• One of them has a doll that is identical to them in a soon notice that every fire in Tlapehuainn has been put
pocket, clearly placed there by someone else. out and every single inhabitant has come outside. They
all lie on their backs in groups of eight. Some people take
• Another is missing a shoe and there is a huge cut on notes, other whisper stories, all in incredible solemnity.
their foot. You can follow this trail of blood to a pile of
bones near the cave.
• During the fight, one of the more peaceful thoughtless The characters can lie down and stare at the sky. This
wanders Northwest. You can follow its trail to the cave counts as a full rest, as they hear a tale, as told by their
with a Wisdom (Survival) check of 15. A failed check Nahuinn friends. As they tell the tales, they point at
makes the search longer and costs the characters one constellations they have spotted that replicate tales as
day of rations. true as history.

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Chalchihuinn’s cove
Alas, not all is Vaala. For though its aspects bring
together reality and replicate the change offered by the
creatures of Valerna, one other opposes its very nature.
Null, its terrible, insidious threads embrace those who Moss and vines cover the entire cave. There is another
seek it, and it transforms them forever. smell, accompanied by a low, painful growl. It is entirely
new to you, but it smells simultaneously acrid, putrid
But Valerna is a land of heroes, a land of life and and cold.
decision. And among those heroes three and then more
have shaped our ways with Null. Tyveris, Qan Zai
and our very own Tálan. The three found a solution, Chalchihuinn’s cove used to be the barrow mound of
one of sacrifice and pain, but thus are the ways of a hero of old. The deeper the characters go, the more
Null. This is the path of change. And Null was sealed drawings and sentient intervention they can find. They can
forever, its creatures of hate and stagnation held also reach the final resting place of a waada procurer, a
forever in a curse of their own. The bond was lost, but creature from the underworld who came to die here after it
victory was ours, together. escaped from a Z’aari ship that held it captive. The Z’aari
ship crashed nearby from the skies..
Time, as it does, forgot, and the Null returned; yet
with it arose the bond. And the dragonbonded order
came together upon returning from the Red Moon. The You find a chamber in the cave filled with pillows, tin
Nephali entity, born from a former ally, consumed by buckets and, clearly, the source of the smell. Inside, you
curiosity shredded our lands asunder before falling by the spot a massive toad-like creature, resting on a makeshift
fist and fire of the order. and yet somehow gorgeous palanquin. Come closer,
And though our morning sunlight, Erandi, the bonded critter, a voice rings in your head. Deep, gurgling,
of Tezcoatl has left our presence, joining the monks of threatening. Join me and my friends.
Fandred, our land has found peace in comparison with
our past. We must be aware still, for danger sneaks
outside our very walls and, what is worse, within. Inform the characters that the entrance to the tower is
on the other side of the building. Before they can approach
A new dawn awaits Valerna. the entrance at all, 4 thoughtless come out to attack the
players. After they have defeated them, they encounter the
wada procurer. If the characters refuse to face the waada,
it sends four more thoughtless after the party (every day),
Xiadac’s protection until the party confronts the Waada. If they still refuse to
meet it head on, you can have them realize that the creature
Uncommon; requires attunement will keep sending its innocent thoughtless to die unless
Xiadac’s protection is a small twig amulet with they cut the evil at the root.
a light rope on one end to be worn around Regardless of how the characters deal with the Waada,
a bearer’s neck. Once per day, by speaking a they can study it after its death by succeeding on a DC 13
command word, the cord can be thrown at Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Nature) check,
a target who must then succeed on a DC 13 which gives them the following information.
Dexterity save or become Restrained. This ability
recharges after a long rest. • This creature uses its tongue as a weapon.
• Judging by the palanquin, this creature doesn’t move a
lot and uses others for melee combat.
If the characters follow the trail of the Thoughtless, they
arrive at a cave. Proceed to Chalchihuinn’s Cove. • This creature is capable of controlling other
creatures mentally.
• This creature is resistant to magic.
• A DC20 Intelligence (Arcana, History, Investigation)
check indicates that the paintings on this creature’s
skin are reminiscent of knowledge regarding a place
named the Hollowdepths, an underground realm of
monsters and dark forces.

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Developments Read the following when they have found the tunnel:

The party finds a strange crystal in the Waada’s possessions.

This is Dero’s sight. A massive, gaping hole reveals itself to you. It is
uncanny how such a large tunnel was so easy to miss.
Dero’s sight is a crystal that can be worn or added to a You look down into the darkness, endless and terrible.
piece of clothing or armor during a short rest. It can show
the path to Dero, a forgotten adventurer who became lost
in the Hollowdepths. It does not offer any other form of If the characters journey with Fareina, this is where
protection or power. Saynu returns to her hiding spot.
The party can take this chance to regroup. Just before
they enter the tunnel, however, anyone with a passive
The Hidden Tunnel Perception of 13 can hear movement behind the party.
They discover a group of stalkers in the forest, all ready to
ambush them. If the characters fail to spot the invaders,
The passage through the Hollowdepths is hidden under a these invaders have surprise.
huge rock near Saynu’s hideout. The characters can attempt a The party encounters 3 bendavee protectors and one
DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) bunkuun weaver. These are part of a Nahuinn outfit that
check to find it themselves, have Dero’s sight lead them to it, want Allaria and Tyveria to go to war so that they can enact
or have Saynu show them the location. vengeance on their neighbors in the north. They know
what the party intends to do and aim to stop them. There
is no reasoning with these attackers.

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T Arriving at the
he seemingly endless tunnels of the Hollowdepths
are a maze filled with danger and inconspicuously
high roofs. Any light within the Hollowdepths comes
from very limited fires and dim bioluminescent sources.
For this adventure, the Hollowdepths functions as
a closed dungeon that the characters must traverse to
complete their quest. Due to the hostile environment of
the Hollowdepths, taking a long rest requires a successful
DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a failed check, the You walk down into the unending darkness. Every
party must travel another hour before being able to rest. All step you take requires concentration, not only to avoid
noise travels farther and every find should be questioned. tripping on the ground, but not to fall into the abyss
beside you. You can see a couple of dim lights here and
Inform your players that a dreadful feeling overcomes there: plants and mushrooms, along with the noise and
them the second they step into the tunnels. Additionally, flitting shadows of critters trapped in eternal night.
throughoout their journey in these tunnels, they may see
things that aren’t really there or hear voices that sound a lot
closer than is comfortable. Whether the characters discovered the entrance on their
own or were aided by Saynu, they descend a seemingly
endless flight of stairs in the darkness. There are two ways
of traversing the tunnels accurately: Saynu and Dero’s sight.

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It’s easy to get lost. If the characters travel without Hollow spikes
Saynu or Dero’s Sight, have them make a DC 10 Wisdom
Natural trap
(Survival) check for every day of travel. On a failed check,
add one day to their travel time.. When a creature stands near the half-buried plant life
in this area, three root-like spikes shoot out as a reflex.
This is a simple biological reaction from some of the less
The Landing understood regions of the Hollowdepths.
Each of the three spikes makes a melee attack with a +8
bonus against a random target within 10 feet of the area.
On a hit, the target takes 1d8 piercing damage and 1d6
necrotic damage.

At last you reach the end of the rocky staircase. Your eyes
have become accustomed to the darkness. This place is The blind
unsettling even to those who can see in the dark. The
shapes you make out, along with the lack of color, feel
unearthly. Those glowing plants and creatures only
increase the frustration of a darkly psychedelic reality.
After the adventurers have finished their first long rest
in the Hollowdepths and continue their journey, they
The heros’ arrival is met with 4 thoughtless. Three eventually reach a blind.
attack immediately, while the fourth one tries to get
reinforcements. If this thoughtless isn’t stopped, three more
thoughtless arrive. If the characters recruited Saynu or You walk through another eerie tunnel, trudging
Fareina, the reinforcements are there from the start (a total through the harsh ground. You hear what seem to be
of 7 thoughtless). hushed voices past a suspiciously well constructed pile of
rocks. You can hardly make out what they’re saying, but
If the adventurers survive the fight, they may continue
this is the Common tongue.
exploring the Hollowdepths.

The characters pass a hidden hunting blind. This blind

You walk and walk for hours until your feet can hold
is inhabited by a group of Deepdwellers. These people
you no longer and your vision grows impaired with use.
used to live in the nearby town and are looking for a new
passage to cross the Hollowdepths. The blind they’re in
is a pile they created themselves using tools and nearby
The characters spend one day wandering the
materials. The characters can destroy it or enter it by
Hollowdepths. They need one day of rations each by the
succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check.
end of this encounter. During their exploration, have the
players make a DC 13 Perception check with disadvantage. The deepdwellers are defensive, but not hostile. They
If the check fails, the party triggers a hidden pit trap. are willing to trade from their pack of survival supplies.
They have plenty of rope and can spare three days’ rations.
Hidden pit.
If the characters decide to attack, they must fight 4
Natural trap deepdweller watchers.
This pit is hidden under a pile of loose rocks.
When a creature steps on the rocks, they crumble down The deepdwellers’ situation
causing every creature within 10 feet to slide into the pit
below unless they make a DC 15 Dexterity save. On a
failed save, the affected creatures fall down 20 feet, taking These specific deepdwellers used to reside in the Town
2d6 bludgeoning damage. Forgotten. They no longer remember its name, the pain
The first time the party tries to take a short or long rest repressed behind Hollowdepths barriers. They have instead
after this trap - even if they try to rest inside the pit, have turned to temporary homes and recently settled nearby,
them succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception or Survival) but the Hollowdepths are confusing even to underground
check to notice the area is filled with poisonous plants that natives. They, like other deepdwellers, only want to be
react to foreign movement. If the players remain in the area
for more than 1 minute, they trigger a root spike trap.

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left alone by other creatures. The characters can choose resolve the encounter peacefully, the Tyverians huddle
whether or not they want to help the deepdwellers. together and continue on their own path, apologetic.
Regardless of their choice, their journey takes them to the
After the adventurers leave the ruined town, they reach
Town Forgotten.
Tolen’s Last Stand.

The Town Forgotten Developments

If the characters cross the town with the deepdweller party,

they can try and convince the deepdwellers to tear down
After one more day of travel, the player characters reach the effigy and come back to living here, by succeeding on
what seem to be underground ruins. a DC 17 Charisma check. If the characters succeed, both
players and deepdwellers are ambushed by a waada who
has been hunting the deepdweller party. If the characters
did not recruit Fareina, the deepdwellers help the players in
You climb the steps to another open alcove. At your feet, the fight.
slowly but surely, the hewn rock gives way to cobbled
ground. Walls of torn buildings rise around you.
From the highly modern to the improvised structures, Tolen’s Last Stand
everything is destroyed. Forgotten.
At the very center of the ransacked town stands an
effigy, built from bone and decomposed tissue hooked
up to rotting wood and rusted chain. Decomposing
tissue wouldn’t withstand the time, so this is clearly After another day of traversing the Hollowdepths, the
replaced often. This “town” never saw the light of day. adventurers reach a junction with a dead body.
It looks closer to a place that tried to mimic reality,
but was ripped apart from within. The different
architectural styles tell a story not of progression, but You soon realize that the light that united the tunnels
of a town that has given up. All the town seems built came from moss and fungi. It all stems from an old
around the effigy, which has apparently stood for eons. corpse who perished in solitude. The smell is long gone,
now mixed with the regular stench of humidity.

When the adventurers enter this area they have some

time to explore. Regardless of how creepy the place looks, The characters can examine the body by succeeding
it is deserted. However you decide to lead the exploration, on a DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
this is what the characters can find out. (Perception or Medicine) check. This reveals the following
If Saynu is with the players, she reveals that the effigy
is a celebration of allegiance to Rakid the Conjuress. The • These remains used to belong to a male human,
denizens of this land are probably now followers of Rakid. according to the remains’ bone structure.
Perhaps they are now closer to her. • The man was Ysvalian, judging by what remains of
This seems like a good place to rest. After this rest, a sigil under the bones. This sigil shows excellent
before they leave the area, any character with a Passive craftsmanship and could sell for 50 gp, but whoever
Perception of 13 can hear rock shifting in the distance. looted the rest of the body couldn’t find it.
Upon finishing their rest and before they leave, the • The notches in the bone that make up the ribcage
characters encounter 1 maghyr upstart and 2 vampyri. indicate this man was stabbed repeatedly, as well as
These were Tyverian agents, sent to a different mission beaten by bludgeoning weapons. The final cause of
long ago, and they have utterly lost their sense of reality death was exhaustion and pain-induced shock.
with their time in the Hollowdepths. They are maddened,
convinced that the adventurers are Hollowdepths creatures. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion)
check indicates the man tried to cast a spell before dying,
If the players try to parley with the Tyverians, have and identifies a Galadyan Light protection glyph on the
them attempt a DC 18 Charisma check. Whether the ground, under the moss.
characters kill the Tyverians or successfully reason with
them, they get full XP for the encounter. If the players

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Regardless of what else they discover, the characters find

an ancient document (no check required). It is the last will
The Procurer’s Station
and word of one Tolen Brevensan.

The light protect me body and return my being

to Vaala. To my father, I tried. The paths of the A couple of hours after leaving Tolen’s body behind, the
Hollowdepths are long and winding. Food is scarce and players arrive at the lair of another Hollowdepths creature.
whatever water can be found is certainly poisoned. To
the Holy Duk Ysea, wait not for the expedition’s return.
To the families of Gregor, Karena, Aurora and Sigrid, A short tower slouches in the dark. Rock and wood
celebrate their lives and learn from our fate. To you put together with the remains of fallen folk and beast.
who have arrived at these Hollowdepths, go back to Candlelight leaks out from a crack in the structure.
where you came from. Within, the only piece of furniture is a palanquin, torn
and wrecked days ago.

If the characters wish to keep this letter, they can

choose to have it sent to Ysval or take it themselves as part This tower used to be the lair of a waada procurer who
of a new adventure. monitored the nearby exit to the surface. There is no sign
of them anywhere in sight. A successful DC 14 Intelligence
An opening behind the corpse reveals a new tunnel that (Investigation) check can reveal that there was a struggle
can lead the characters to a shortcut ahead in the dungeon days ago and whoever sat on the palanquin was dragged
to the Procurer’s station. out of there. It can also reveal the remnants of thick chains,
blood from different owners and a fallen sigil, exactly like
After a moment, anyone with a passive Perception of
14 becomes aware of someone approaching.

Waada and its thoughtless

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Dero’s Resting Place
Four shapes move around in the shadow. Slender and
strong, clad in leather and scraps. Their skin dark as
roots and wild as moss. As they come closer, you see an
image on some of their tabards. A circle of bone, root
and gem, within, a shape of a tree twisting into itself. If the players are carrying Dero’s sight, after 1
more day of traveling it leads them to a small cave
just above ground. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
The party encounters 4 clear z’aari. They think of the (Perception or Survival) check reveals they have
party as waada thoughtless and no reasoning will change finally reached the surface.
their mind. If the party travels with Saynu, the clear z’aari
focus their aggression on Saynu. Saynu later explains that
her peers sought to kill her specifically. She failed her As you struggle to climb into this cave, your panting
mission and now the other z’aari see her as tainted and becomes confused with that of someone else’s. You
taken by the waada. Her people clearly are paranoid. ready your weapons, but soon you find an overturned
The characters may loot the waada’s treasures. Most are vegetables cart. The produce has gone bad, as has the
gunk, but they can find one uncommon item and one rare wood. As you approach the cart, you realize that the
item: A Bent Shillelagh and one Freefall gem. panting comes from a frightened man behind it.
He turns his eyeless, exhausted face at you before he
exhales for the last time.
Bent Shillelagh
Simple weapon, uncommon
The man behind the cart was Dero, an Allarian
A short, thick shillelagh made out of Deepwood, adventurer who was tasked with finding the cart, which
a root found in the deepest reaches of the was lost halfway through its expedition through the Fai
Hollowdepths. It acts as a club, dealing 1d6 Woods. Dero became lost and followed a voice which
bludgeoning damage on a successful hit. It also has left him stranded in the Hollowdepths. He discovered
3 charges of a hypnotizing agent that allows the a Waada who had a terrible plan to kidnap folk from
wielder to cast detect thoughts. aboveground directly and feast on the war that would
Freefall gem ensue. Dero only just managed to escape after a deep
slice from the waada’s thoughtless.
Rare item
Part of Dero’s wounds claimed his sight and trapped
A gem to be inserted into a piece of armor or a it inside the crystal that the players are now carrying.
weapon. This gem has 3 charges of the feather The party can leave Dero’s sight with its owner and find
fall spell. a tunnel that leads upward and into the light of Allaria.
They can search Dero’s body to find a map to Dero’s spot.
Alternatively, if the characters decide to keep Dero’s Sight,
it can lead them to Dero’s spot in Castle Calai.
There are two exits from the Procurer’s post. One leads
directly out of the Hollowdepths and into Allaria. The
other, marked and called by Dero’s sight, leads to Dero’s
Resting Place.

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Mandate of Strength


T Allarian population
he ancient, diplomatic Dragon Kingdom of
Allaria is as vast as it is gorgeous. Its cities and
castles extend throughout the Western ridges of
Valerna, including certain areas that border the Fai Woods
to the East of the city of Allaria. Allarians are proud and
honorable by design. They do their jobs and ensure order
in their procedures, so as to better fuel their creativity. Allaria is a melting pot of peoples. Far more open
commercially than any of its neighbors, it is common
The Fai Woods are an ever-shifting landscape where to see every kind of people in the capital. Towns
the dreams that make up the Fai bleed into reality. It is a outside the capital may be more commonly composed
dangerous place where adventurers never get a second’s of humans, ellari, allai and godao, but you can still see
respite. There are a few survivors and Qirin raiders to find plenty of the others.
in the forest, but even they are in such a hurry to survive
that they may not be as helpful as desired. Allarians are open and welcoming of anyone who
doesn’t mean trouble. As long as people behave honorably
Castle Calai, one of the locations near the and dutifully, they are welcome to hang around.
Fai Forest, has been cursed, as explained in the Everywhere in Allaria, except for most roads, one may find
Adventure Background. guards, qirin riders or any other form of security.

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Castle Calai
The cobblestones of the road hammer in rhythm. A
group of armored folk approach. They stop as soon
as they spot you and whisper among one another.
Without ever saying a word to you, they prepare
Enough information regarding Castle Calai can be found combat formations.
in the Adventure Background section, but here are a few
additional details you may use in your adventure.
The party encounters 1 oathguard halberdier and 2
The town outside Castle Calai is a simple feudal-like oathguard duelists. These are not sanctioned oathguards.
scenario. People work and pay taxes to the castle rulers. Instead, they are spies from house Kuuruk trying to
They, in turn, offer their income to the Queen. The stop the party from reaching their goal. If they travel
townsfolk are usually happy, but recently, starting from the with Fareina, their goal is to bring her back to Tyveria.
young lord’s curse, people seem on edge. They remain nice The characters can learn their real intentions after they
and well-cared for, but all worry for Essai. What is more, have defeated them. The halberdiers can try to lead the
many are annoyed at the political pressures being exerted characters to the city to further complicate things.
into the young lord.
The city itself is a festival of lights, regardless of the
time of visit. The sunlight reflects against the walls of Dreams Haven
every building, and the constant dream magic that
overflows from the Fai Woods covers the streets with a
light, iridescent fog, which dissipates along the gabled
roofs and many layers that divide the buildings’ stories.
An orderly, wonderfully quaint inn in town. The notes
The characters can hear string music every other block and
of guqins and wind instruments flutter around the tall
smell sweet, caramel pastries almost everywhere.
gabled roof. The dining hall is mostly empty, but the
Trade is simple, and the economy doesn’t seem to morale is blissful and calm. The ornaments on the walls
be growing any time soon, but that is the least of the defy geometry, and many seem to extend infinitely.
town’s problems. Once more your nose is filled with sweet smells, many
new to you, and even completely different from other
scents you have experienced. Dreamshaping cuisine sure
Exploring Calai smells delicious.

Dreams haven is the local inn. It was built by lady Shae

as an attempt to keep her people happy and honorable. It
has mostly worked, but since Essai’s curse, the place has
Regardless of how the characters left the Hollowdepths,
seen fewer and fewer customers.
they emerge just outside of Castle Calai’s town walls.
The characters can purchase any common meals and
The party can reach the castle through the main street,
rent a room for the night at the standard prices.
where they can learn more about this curse.
If the party kept Dero’s sight or found the map among
his stuff, they can find Dero’s friends in town, who meet at
Dero’s Rest. If they have it, they may deliver Leyn Ennea’s
quill at the House of Leynn Adeyra, Ennea’s mother.
They can also explore the Eliadu Garden, a celebration
of Allaria’s key philosophy. If they need a place to rest, the
Dreams Haven Inn is always open. Finally, The Leathery
is open for business at all daylight hours.
Just before their approach to the gates of the city, the
party hears marching.

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Dero’s spot Walu cares relatively little about the curse, nodding
her compassion for the lost but almost instinctively
changing the subject towards the (admittedly high)
quality of her supplies.
The party only learns of this place if they kept Dero’s sight
or if they found the map on Dero in the precious chapter.
The Eliadu Garden
The path winds through the cobbled streets and
beautiful statues. He turns into alleys and less lit
locations. Then, after enough turns, he enters a pile of
cloth and wood, held together masterfully. Confident, A round threshold welcomes you into a vast, square
he opens a door and leads you into a large room. lot of land. The mist of fai is thicker here, but also
Other men and women like Dero, along with other more vibrant. The colors of the flowers and the
people who are clearly also adventurers look up at you reflections on the ponds are more clear and detailed
and ready their weapon. than anywhere else on your journey. Tall statues
of great thinkers and dragons, poems celebrating
thinkers and warriors cover the walls. All forms of
One of the adventurers who ready their weapons noise, natural to a city surrounding a castle, vanish
steadies it as soon as she finds Dero’s sight among the behind you as soon as you enter.
party’s possessions and instructs her peers to do the
same. The party can also stop the combat by explaining
their situation. Looking almost out of place in the simple village
outside the castle, this exquisite garden serves as a shrine
Dero’s spot is a common room for local adventurers. for the town scholars and priests of the Eliadu, the orderly
Though they don’t always travel together, they all have philosophy of Allarian tradition. Other than the housing
formed a closely-knit family. The characters won’t likely for masters and acolytes, the garden contains two larger
find this place on their own. Upon giving the party the buildings—an academy where the scholars live and
sad news of Dero’s passing, and in thanks for going out of practice, and a repository with sacred tenets of the Eliadu
their way, the other adventurers offer the party free, safe and shrines to its greatest truths, displayed on the walls
lodging, and help them fix their weapons and tools, as well amidst censers and torches.
as replenish consumables.

The Leathery

You hear scraping as soon as you enter, the scent of

freshly made boots grasps your senses. This room,
the first floor of a taller building, is clearly divided
into two well-defined spaces: the leathery and the
smithy. The symbols on the tools and crates indicate
the same ownership.

Walu the Pint (female halfling commoner CN) runs

the town’s sole leathery, which, leaving the smell aside, is
a popular destination in town for its well-made leather
armor, clothing, boots, belts, saddles, bags, backpacks and
other explorer’s supplies.
Walu also doubles as a smith, and while there’s little
demand for metalwork in Calai save for logging and fishing
tools, she’s willing to make metal weapons on commission,
charging 10% above the standard price.
Ellari dreamshaper

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The head of the garden, Lady Swansong (female half-elf
priest, LN), has been distraught lately, as she ponders the
Ennea’s mail
dangers of the curse outside the effects it may have on
Essai. She and her Eliadu acolytes meditate during long, Heavy armor
inspiring walks among the woods, but they dare not go This armor was once worn by Leynn
alone anymore. Ennea in times of the Null. She still
Upon their exit, the characters can spot a group of considers it her possession, but has left
travelling vampyri. it behind to forget the betrayals of her
past. It offers an armor class of 15 and no
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Wandering through the opalescent mist, and standing
Allarian home-recipe
out like a sore thumb, a troupe of vampyri approaches.
You saw the crest they wear on their chest in your Healing potion
travels through Tyveria: another smaller house. As soon This is a local specialty brewed by Leynn
as they spot you, they bring out their weapons. Adeyra. Once, she supported a whole family
with its efficiency. This potion heals 2d6 hit
points to any creature who takes it. It also
These vampyri belong to a different house: house Terezh,
boosts a dreamshaper’s spell attack bonus by an
and their maghyr has sent them on your exact mission. They
additional +2.
arrived at Allaria through the forest, which explains their
latency in arrival. They were warned about the party and aim
to destroy them to keep the glory to themselves. The party
encounters 1 vampyr officer and 4 vampyri.
Castle Calai
The House of Leynn Adeyra

Castle Calai is a fortress in the oldest Allarian style,

with a heavy architecture and gloomy towers. It marks
The dust of grief has taken over this home, its wooden the border between the Deep Hills farmland and the
floors and paper windows. Dust settles on the furniture, thick Fai Woods to the Northeast.The mossy black
an accidental mockery of order that once celebrated the ramparts seem to look down on you sadly as you cross
elliadu. Only pain remains to the home, and to the old the gate, escorted by the Allai guards.
woman who sits within.

The characters can take this chance to inform the Lady

The woman on the chair is Leynn Ennea’s mother, and of the Castle about the quest they have undertaken, if they
she has stayed behind in life, stuck in her chair, her eyes want to.
glued to where her daughter’s quill once hung . Offering
the quill to the lady will simply see her place the quill on
the mantle and return to her grief. Leynn Adeyra is not ‘Lady Shae, the ruler of these lands’, the guard captain
hostile, but offers little conversation. announces as he leads you into the chamber.
Adeyra, without speaking a word, rewards the The woman on the throne nods to you. The people she
characters with a potion and a piece of armor. The was talking with - two middle-aged men in aristocratic
potion is an Allarian home-recipe, explained later. clothing and a slightly younger bureaucrat in official-
Additionally, the characters can explore the rest of the looking robes - look up as you approach. A timid young
house and find Ennea’s mail. girl sits quietly in a lower chair. They are all Allai - All
half-elves. None of them smile.

Roleplaying Lady Shae

Lady Shae knows exactly what is at stake, but she will do
everything in her power to keep her son trapped in dreams,

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to keep seeing her late love. She often ponders about her Captain Ellan looks uncomfortable as he escorts the
actions and how they impact the work Queen Elyse is party away from the castle. If asked about it, he complains
trying to do for ellari, and how true the suggestions of about the lady using strangers for the mission.
the Null being connected to the curse may be. At first,
“With respect, I don’t know why the lady is sending
however, she will only recognize this as a way to buy more
you. I was his friend. I am a Fai hunter. I should be risking
time, but eventually, she will understand.
myself, not some...” at which point he cuts himself off.
Deep inside her, within the confines of what
If the players succeed on a DC 18 Charisma
will eventually lead her to change, she wants the
(Persuasion) check, he reveals his full concerns.
adventurers to succeed.
“This is a conspiracy. Gotta be. Why else… I mean
The characters can ask to see the patient, Essai—Lady
they want my lord’s blood, it’s obvious. All of them.
Shae’s son. The players may attempt a DC 18 Charisma
His title, his land, his name. Even the girl... I mean no
(Persuasion) check; on a success, they are allowed to look
disrespect, I mean she loves him, but her father… and even
at Essai for themselves. Lady Shae, Lady Ilirae and guard
Lord Shan… ah, I’ve said too much. Just please… please
captain Ellan escort them. Essai lies on a massive bed in a
succeed. The dynasty depends on you. My friend depends
luxurious room, as dimly-lit as the rest of the castle. He is
on you.”
a young man in his early twenties, his Ellari complexion
made even paler by sickness. Were it not for his shallow Upon their exit from the city toward the Fai Woods, as
breathing and the occasional quivering of his eyelids, there they walk through the forest, Fareina gets a queasy feeling
would be no doubt that he was dead. As the ladies dote she had only ever been warned of. Her Kadhah is upon her.
over the unmoving body, captain Ellan comments Essai
was his childhood friend, and his malady is heartbreaking
even for the castle guard. A pool of blood forms before you, growing from the
ground through the cobblestones. Fareina you hear
A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom inside your head in a language you can’t speak and yet,
(Medicine) check confirms what Lady Shae said: Essai is understand. Fareina’s eyes grow wide.
cursed, his Fai - his dreams - stolen from him.
I had only ever been warned of this. My
Shae then has Captain Ellan outfit the players (a map of Kadhah… Brace yourselves.
the Fai Woods and 5 days of trail rations for each character,
plus any mundane items they require within reason, such The pool in front of you takes shape; humanoid at first,
as ropes or ammunition) and lead them to the Northeast but otherworldy in an instant. Tendrils and arms and
path that leads into the woods. spikes galore. Your head becomes burdened with white
noise and an unshakeable sense of peril.

The characters face a kadhah carcass. It is a being

made of pure Id energy and set on one mission: killing
Fareina whatever the cost. All maghyri are haunted
by their own kadhah, a manifestation of their
power and its consequences. Fareina knows
this, as do all maghyri. This creature’s
attacks are focused mainly on the maghyr,
but it can and will defend itself from
outside combatants.
If Fareina reaches 0 hit points in
battle, the kadhah vanishes from reality,
never to be seen again. Logically, since
the kadhah is single-minded, the
characters can choose not to fight it, but
Fareina alone will surely perish.


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The Fai Woods Despite the ominous backdrop, the first long rest goes
by without incident, except that some of the characters
(your choice) dream of a white knight riding in pursuit.
By the next afternoon, the party arrives at a clearing
marked by two trees that form a curved arch with their
The Knight of Diamonds’ realm branches, as if by design. The clearing is surrounded with
perpetually falling leaves.This arch marks the beginning of
the Knight of Diamonds’ domain.
Read the following when the players enter the Fai Woods, There is a half-circle of wooden pikes planted on the
after speaking to Lady Shae. ground, one pike for each player; furthermore, each of the
pikes has the name of one of the player characters carved,
as if waiting for their head to be placed at the end.
If the adventurers cross the threshold, after a few
Ever deeper you walk into the Fai Woods. Ever deeper, minutes they realize the arch has disappeared behind them.
through steep hills with a thick mantle of leaves, past There is no way back.
ancient moss-covered boulders and sloping ravines; As the player characters enter the Knight of Diamonds’
brushing past saplings and skipping the roots of the domain, they realize it was not their imagination - there
oldest trunks, stepping over fungal mats and under is actual whispering coming from the tree branches, and
birds’ nests. occasional giggling can be heard in the wind.
After a while, they hear the following:
The woods get gradually creepier as the day advances.
By nightfall, inform your players they feel a growing
apprehension, like something wrong, something Clunk and clonk,
imminent. They can almost make out whispers amidst the Mink and monk,
wind in the branches.
Rank of stink and thick as trunk;
Beets and boots
Fell dreamrunner and fell fox
In feets and foots,
rackets romping on my roots!

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Then the giggling becomes louder and 3 Fai goblins In the main wing of the shrine, outlined by the light
fly into view, fluttering around the party, cackling and coming through the arches and ceiling cracks, there is a
rhyming nonsense. They attack immediately. dais upon which rests a silver arrow. A successful DC 13
Intelligence (Arcana), or Wisdom (Insight or Perception)
During the battle, the goblins make seemingly
reveals the arrow is the physical form of Essai’s lost dreams.
meaningless rhymes that are actually clues about the
If Ellan is with the party, he confirms this and asks for the
adventure. Use any or all of the following as the goblins’
honor of carrying the arrow back to his lord.
taunts during the fight:
The way back to Castle Calai takes two days with a
single long rest midway. After the rest, the party encounters
- five heads, one head, then none! The guardian will
a lone armored elf mounted on a large, thin fox-like
eat you alone!
creature, blocking their path.
- Sleep of flesh, dream of sorrow, never wake, hide the
It is the Knight of Diamonds, the Fell
Dreamrunner and master of this region. He demands
- Once and will, Thrice and thrill, There’s no curse the return of the arrow, claiming that Essai’s dreams
without a deal! were given to him willingly.
- Win or wail, find or fail, knight of diamonds on If the players agree to speak with the Knight, he shares
your trail! them the following information:
• Once, silver elf rebels operated out of these woods,
If the party survives the fight, they realize there’s a clear under the leadership of Adai the Arrow.
trail among the shrubbery that they hadn’t noticed before. • Lady Shae of Castle Calai, then a young girl,
As they walk the trail, the adventurers feel something romanced Adai against the wishes of both the rebels
closing in on them. Like a cold wind, or an approaching and the Castle.
noise. A successful DC 15 Insight or Arcana check reveals • Adai was killed by Calai’s guards, but Shae gave birth
the master of this domain has sensed their intrusion, and to his child: Essai.
he is coming; nothing more specific than that.
• The night of the child’s birth, Lady Shae summoned
the Fell, the dream elves, who promised to return her
The Deep Woods lover to life the night of Essai’s coming of age.
When Essai became a man, the Fell came to grant
This is the core of the Knight of Diamonds’ domain. Here Shae’s wish, and they created Adai the Arrow again in her
is where he stashed the dreams of Essai, and set a terrible dreams. But their price was the dreams of Essai, who would
monster to guard them. sleep forever in exchange for his father’s return.
Since the deal was made willingly, the knight demands
You come across what seems to be an ancient shrine in the arrow back. If the players refuse, or if they attack
the woods, glimpsed at a distance through the trees and without listening to the knight, they must fight The
bushes. It is made of crumbling white stone, covered in Knight of Diamonds and his Fell fox.
the vines and moss of many centuries. If Captain Ellan and his men are with the party, they
There is an ominous silence in the area. attack the Knight of Diamonds without giving or asking
for an explanation.
If the players join Ellan’s attack, conduct the
As soon as the adventurers approach the shrine, a Fai encounter normally, but add 2 Fell freamrunners (same
hydra stomps out of the shrubbery to face them. stats as the Knight of Diamonds) and 2 Fell foxes to the
This is a very dangerous battle, one that may easily encounter; these fight the NPCs while the players face the
defeat the whole party. If you think they need it, you Knight of Diamonds and his mount. If the adventurers
can have Captain Ellan (male half-elf knight) and his let Ellan fight alone, the Knight and his Dreamrunners
men (4 half-elf scouts) appear and help in the fight. kill Ellan’s men effortlessly.
After all, the captain was quite restless about not being If the adventurers survive the encounter with the
included in the mission. Knight of Diamonds, they may return to Castle Calai
If the party survives the battle, they may explore without incident.
the shrine. It is a ruined temple from the time of
the Silver Kingdoms, the elven domain before the
Dreambleed cataclysm.

Paulo Henrique 39
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T Additional developments
he fate of Castle Calai depends on what the players
decide to do with the arrow.
If the players bring the silver arrow and give it
to Lady Shae, she is both anguished and relieved. The silver
arrow never returns to Essai, who remains asleep forever;
however, the safeguarding of the arrow prevents the Null If the players sided with Zamaj and then return to Lady
from invading Castle Calai. Hamadis, she will submit them to questioning, as she has
If the players sided with the Knight of Diamonds with the rest of her staff. If the characters manage to trick
but don’t confront the Lady about it, they don’t earn her, she will ease off and send them off on a new adventure.
the reward for saving lord Essai, but Lord Shan offers Otherwise, the characters will be sent to her dungeons,
them lands near Castle Calai for their loyalty and silence. where they may meet a new ally.
However, the Null invades Castle Calai shortly after, If the characters don’t help Zamaj, they will find
turning it into a haunted, devastating ruin, and probably him upon their return to Hamadis. The party can
the springboard for further adventures. witness as Hamadis offers Zamaj a new task. Hamadis
If the party gives the silver arrow to Captain Ellan, or will remain amicable to the characters, but may not
they place it directly on Essai’s sleeping body, he wakes offer a new mission.
up to his mother’s relief and dismay. She lost what she The reality is that Hamadis constantly tests her subjects.
loved most, but her son shall live to rule Calai. Governor The right thing to do in her eyes was to disobey her and
Han and Lord Iliren stop their whining and let Essai and keep it from her. She doesn’t want mindless lemmings, but
Ilirae’s wedding proceed. Lord Shan discreetly leaves soon active agents who will care for each other.
after, already plotting how to take Calai back from his
nephew. In addition to the promised reward, Essai gives
them Grazer, a +1 longsword that belonged to his half-
elf grandmother, and offers the adventurers a place as his
honor guard, giving them a job to fight threats against
Castle Calai, which could lead to further adventures.
Otherwise, the adventurers can prepare for a return
to Tyveria, where Lady Hamadis may have many new
adventures for them.

And in the woods, the deep woods, the dream elves

scheme and plot, for they need mortal dreams to
keep weaving their magic, as they have done ever
since the cataclysm.

Paulo Henrique 40
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Mandate of Strength


his list includes every monster that appears in this Fell Fox
adventure. If you need different Challenge Ratings Knight of Diamods
for your table, please refer to the additional
content included in your Tribes membership. Kadhah Carcass
Maghyr upstart/Fareina
Monster list Manticora
Oathguard duelist
Oathguard halberdier
Bendavee protector Ocelinn Stalker
Buunkun weaver Ogerron
Bloodfang Skorpikon, wild
Bog Shiv Valakyri
Clear Z’aari Vampyr
Deepdweller watcher Vampyr officer
Fai Goblin Waada Procurer
Fai Hydra Waada Thoughtless

Paulo Henrique 41
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Bendavee Protector Buunkun Weaver
Medium humanoid (saurian), warden (source) Medium humanoid (saurian), builder (source)

Armor Class 17 (half-plate + shield) Armor Class 13 (leather armor)

Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (-) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (-) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+3)

Saving Throws Strength +6, Constitution +6 Saving Throws Dexterity +5, Wisdom +6
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4 Skills Insight +6, Medicine +6, Nature +4, Perception
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 +6, Survival +6
Languages Common, Boa’a, Náhuinn Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Languages Common, Buun, Náhuinn
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Regeneration. The bendavee protector regains 2 hit
points each round. Spellcasting. The buunkun weaver is an 8th-level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell
save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It knows
ACTIONS the druidcraft, guidance and mending cantrips, and
it has the following spells prepared:
Multiattack. The bendavee protector makes two weapon 1st level: cure wounds, faerie fire, fog cloud,
attacks. thunderwave
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. 2nd level: gust of wind, heat metal, moonbeam
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
3rd level: call lightning, daylight, wind wall
Macahui blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
4th level: freedom of movement, ice storm.
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.


Multiattack. The buunkun weaver makes two weapon

attacks of any type.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d3 + 2) piercing damage.
Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage.

Paulo Henrique 42
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Bloodfang Bog Shiv

Medium humanoid (human), ardent (will) Small humanoid, seeker (source)

Armor Class 15 (shield) Armor Class 15 (Studded leather armor)

Hit Points 30 (4d8 + 12) Hit Points 18 (2d6 + 4)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (-) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (-) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)

Saving Throws Strength +5, Constitution +5 Saving Throws Strength +3, Dexterity +5
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +1 Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Senses Passive Perception 11 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Tyverian Languages Common, Tyverian
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Throwing Rhythm. A bloodfang may Dash as a Bog Mastery. While in a swamp environment, the bog
bonus action. During its move, a bloodfang may shiv gains advantage on Stealth and Survival checks, and on
pick up any thrown weapon adjacent to it as a free Dexterity checks to determine Initiative.
action. Hunter’s Mark. As a bonus action, the bog shiv may
choose a target as its mark. Until the end of the bog shiv’s
ACTIONS next turn, the bog shiv’s weapon attacks deal an additional
3 (1d6) damage on a successful hitagainst the chosen
Multiattack. The bloodfang Dashes and makes two wea-
pon attacks during its move.
War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ACTIONS
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80 ft.,
5 ft. or ranged 20 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 2 poison
damage. damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 2 poison

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Clear Z’aari Deepdweller Watcher
Medium humanoid (elf), challenger (Source) Small humanoid, outsider (source)

Armor Class 15 (root carapace) Armor Class 13 (leather armor)

Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (-) 12 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (-) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (-)

Saving Throws Strength +4, Dexterity +5 Saving Throws Dexterity +4, Constitution +3
Skills Nature +2, Perception +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3 Skills Animal Handling +5, Insight +5, Nature +3,
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning Perception +5, Survival +5
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Senses Blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this range), passive
Perception 15
Languages Common, Primordial, Wadeep
Languages Common, Wadeep
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Paulo Henrique 44
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Fai Goblin Fai Hydra

Tiny fey, challenger (dream) Huge monstrosity, outsider (dream)

Armor Class 14 Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 5 (2d4) Hit Points 187 (15d12 + 90)
Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (-) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (-) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +2 Skills Perception +4

Skills Perception +1, Stealth +8, Survival +1 Damage vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing and
Damage vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing and slashing slashing from deadsteel weapons
from deadsteel weapons Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
Senses darkvision 40 ft., passive Perception 11 Incapacitated, Stunned, Unconscious
Languages Ellari, Fai Senses darkvision 80 ft., passive Perception 14
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Languages -
Fai speed. A fai goblin can teleport 10 feet as a bonus Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Multiple Heads. A fai hydra has five heads. When it
ACTIONS attacks, two heads bite the target at the same time, which
gives the hydra advantage on the attack roll.
Fai bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 30 ft., Ferocious Reaction. If a fai hydra is the target of a
one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing piercing damage. melee attack, it may use its reaction to make a melee attack
against the attacker.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 slashing damage. Regeneration. A fai hydra regains 10 hit points at the
start of its turn. If the fai hydra takes damage from a
deadsteel weapon, this trait does not activate during next


Multiattack. The fai hydra makes two attacks against

separate targets.
If the fai hydra does not use this ability, it gains an
additional reaction this round. The fai hydra may only use
one reaction at a time.
Multiple Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage. The fai
hydra gains advantage on the die roll for this attack.

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Fell Fox The Knight of Diamonds
Large fey, outsider (dream) Medium fey, lawful evil

Dragonbond alignment: sovereign (dream)

Armor Class 13
Armor Class 20 (Faiglass plate)
Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
Hit Points 49 (11d8)
Speed 40 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
17 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (-) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (-) 10 (-) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +5, Perception +5
Saving Throws Wisdom +5, Charisma +8
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Skills Insight +5, Perception +5, Performance +8,
Languages Understands Fai but can’t speak Persuasion +8
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Damage Vulnerabilities psychic
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and
Camouflage. If a fell fox takes the Dodge action, it Slashing from nonmagical attacks that are not deadsteel
becomes Invisible along with any creature that is ri- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
ding it. If either the fell fox or its rider attack, both Languages Common, Allai, Fai
become visible. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Confounding Tails. When a fell fox Disengages, Fey Ancestry. The Knight of Diamonds gains
any creature within 5 feet of the fell fox at the start advantage on saving throws against being charmed,
of its move must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence
and magic can’t make it sleep.
saving throw or become Incapacitated until the end
of its next turn. Faiglass Plate. Faiglass plate counts as medium armor,
allowing the Knight of Diamonds to add 2 points of its
Fai Leap. A fell fox may jump its full speed without
Dexterity modifier to its AC.
a running start. It doesn’t provoke opportunity
attacks when it jumps. Faiglass Lance. The Knight of Diamonds’s faiglass
lance can be wielded with one hand even on foot.
Spellcasting. The Knight of Diamonds is an 11th-level
ACTIONS spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (save DC
16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The dreamrunner has
Bring Down. The fell fox moves its speed and makes the following spells prepared:
a paws attack. If the target falls Prone, the fell fox 1st level (4 slots): charm person, command, fog cloud
can make a bite attack against the target as a free 2nd level (3 slots): enthrall, find steed, misty step
action. 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, hypnotic pattern, spirit
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., guardians
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Paws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 5 ft., ACTIONS
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage, and
the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving Multiattack. The Knight of Diamonds makes two
throw or fall Prone. weapon attacks.
Faiglass Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage
plus 4 (1d8) psychic damage.
Faiglass Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
20 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus
4 (1d8) psychic damage.

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Kadhah Carcass
Medium aberration, Seeker (will)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 11 (-) 9 (-1)

Saving Throws constitution +7, charisma +2

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
from nonmagical attacks
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 10
Languages -
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Blood Hunt. The kadhah was created by the magic of one

specific maghyr. The kadhah gains advantage on all attack
rolls against its maghyr, and the kadhah’s maghyr suffers a
disadvantage on all saving throws against the kadhah’s spells.
The damage resistances and immunities of the kadhah’s
maghyr don’t work against the kadhah’s attacks.
Bloodcasting. A kadhah feeds on its maghyr’s awakened
blood. If the kadhah’s maghyr is at less than 100% hit points
and within 20 feet of the kadhah, the kadhah may use
an action to cast any spell known by its maghyr, using its
maghyr’s save DC and spell attack bonus.
Magic Resistance. The kadhah has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The kadhah carcass makes two blood

slash attacks.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 10
(3d6) psychic damage, and the kadhah regains 6 hit points.

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Maghyr Upstart While a maghyr upstart has bloodcasting, it can use
its blood slash attack, and it may also change the
Medium humanoid (id-chosen), Ardent (will) damage type of any of its spells to slashing damage.
Spellcasting. The maghyr upstart is a 7th-level
Armor Class 14 (mage armor) spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14) save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It knows
the following spells:
Speed 30 ft.
cantrips (at will): acid splash, chill touch, mage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hand, message, true strike
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 1st level (4 slots): false life (already cast), mage
armor (already cast), shield
Saving Throws Constitution +5, Charisma +6 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, web
Skills Deception +6, Insight +2, Perception +2, 3rd level (3 slots): haste, slow
Persuasion +6
4th level (1 slot): blight
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and
Slashing (from stoneskin)
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Magy, Tyverian
Multiattack. The maghyr upstart makes two blood
Challenge 2 (450 XP) slash attacks.
Blood Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Awakened Blood. When an effect causes the reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
maghyr upstart to take damage on each of its turns, slashing damage and the maghyr upstart regains
it may end the effect on itself as a bonus action. 6 hit points.
Bloodcasting. A maghyr upstart can use the blood
of others to power its spells. If there is a living
creature - a humanoid, beast, dragon, giant or
monstrosity - at less than maximum hit points
within 30 feet of the maghyr upstart, it gains

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Manticora Oathguard Duelist

Large monstrosity, sovereign (will) Medium humanoid (elf), warden (dream)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (Splint armor)

Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33) Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (-) 10 (-) 11 (-) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (-) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive perception 10 Saving Throws Strength +4, Constitution +4
Languages Common, Tyverian Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3
Challenge 4 (1,100) Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Allai
Spiked Beast. When a creature targets the manticora Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
with a melee attack, it must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity
saving throw or take 5 (2d4) piercing damage. Coordinated Guard. If there is a friendly Oathguard
within 5 feet, the Oathguard duelist may Dodge as a
ACTIONS bonus action.
Fey Ancestry. The Oathguard gains advantage on
Multiattack. The Manticora makes one claw attack, one saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t
sting attack and one tail attack. make it sleep.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2 piercing damage and the manticora regains ACTIONS
3 hit points.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage and the target one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage.
becomes Grappled (Escape DC 14) Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150 ft.,
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, plus the target
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 10
(3d6) necrotic damage on a failed safe or half as much on a
successful one.
Swiping barbs. The manticora makes a swiping tail attack
against any creatures behind it. Every creature in a 10-foot
cone behind the manticora must succeed on a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw, taking 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage
on a failed save.

Paulo Henrique 49
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Oathguard Halberdier Ocelinn Stalker
Medium humanoid (elf), warden (dream) Medium humanoid (source-gifted), outsider (source)

Armor Class 17 (Splint armor) Armor Class 14 (studded leather)

Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6) Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.

15 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 9 (-) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (-) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Strength +4, Constitution +4 Saving Throws Strength +3, Dexterity +4
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3 Skills Athletics +3, Perception +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Allai Languages Common, Nahuinn
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Coordinated Guard. If there is a friendly Spellcasting. The ocelinn stalker is a 3rd-level

Oathguard within 5 feet, the Oathguard halberdier Spellcaster. Its Spellcasting Ability is Wisdom (spell
may use its reaction to make a melee attack against save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It knows
any creature that attacks it in melee or enters a space the following spells:
within 5 feet of it. 1st level (3 slots): animal friendship, cure wounds,
Fey Ancestry. The Oathguard gains advantage on fog cloud
saving throws against being charmed, and magic
can’t make it sleep.

ACTIONS Multiattack. The ocelinn stalker makes two weapon

Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 Macahui Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage. reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range damage.
150 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20
damage. ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Paulo Henrique 50
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Ogerron Skorpikon, Wild

Large humanoid (orc), challenger (will) Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (leather armor + shield) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.

19 (+4) 10 (-) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (-) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 9 (-1) 4 (-3)

Saving Throws Strength +6, Constitution +4 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Skills History +3, Perception +3, Survival +3 Languages -
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive perception 13 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Languages Common, Ogerri, Tyverian
Challenge 1 (200 XP) ACTIONS

Oversized. An ogerron can use Small or Medium Multiattack. The skorpikon makes two weapon attacks.
objects as improvised weapons, dealing 1d10 base Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
damage on a successful hit. It has a 10-ft. reach with creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage and if the target
melee weapon attacks. is Medium or smaller it is Grappled (Escape DC 12).
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
ACTIONS creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
take an additional 4 (1d8) poison damage.
Multiattack. The ogerron makes two weapon attacks.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Paulo Henrique 51
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Vampyr Vampyr Officer
Medium humanoid (id-chosen), Ardent (will) Medium humanoid (id-chosen), Ardent (will)

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.


17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 10 (-) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (-) 10 (-) 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing Saving Throws Strength +6, Constitution +5
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6, Perception +3
Incapacitated, Paralyzed Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Senses Passive Perception 6 Languages Common, Magy, Tyverian
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Sensory Block. The Thoughtless cannot suffer ACTIONS

disadvantage on attack rolls or saving throws.
Magic Resistance. The Thoughtless has advantage on Multiattack. The vampyr officer makes three weapon
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. attacks.
Waada Link. If the Waada that controls the Thoughtless Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
is defeated or unconscious, the Thoughtless loses its target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
resistances and immunities, and its sensory block trait. Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Multiattack. The Thoughtless makes two weapon attacks.

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

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© Draco Studios. All Rights Reserved

Waada Procurer Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The Waada procurer’s

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15,
Large aberration, sovereign (will)
spell attack bonus +7). It can innately cast the following
spells, requiring no components:
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) At will: charm person, detect thoughts, message
Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24) 1/day: modify memory
Speed 30 ft. Leap. The Waada Broker may Disengage as a bonus
action, ignoring difficult terrain and moving through
other creatures’ spaces.
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 17 (+3)
Magic Resistance. The Waada Broker has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Saving Throws Wisdom +6, Charisma +6
Skills Deception +6, Insight +6, Investigation +7,
Persuasion +6 ACTIONS
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13,
telepathy 90 ft. Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and if
Languages Common, Primordial, Wadeep
the creature is Medium or smaller it moves to a space
Challenge 2 (450 XP) within 5 feet of the Waada procurer and it becomes
Grappled (escape DC 14). The Waada may not make
Command Thoughtless. While the waada procurer lies tongue attacks while it has a creature grappled.
on its palanquin, every creature that starts their turn Psychic Drain. The Waada Broker chooses a living
within 5 feet of the Waada procurer must make a DC creature it can see within 90 feet. That creature must
14 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d4) bludgeoning succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or take 11
damage and become Restrained from the Thoughtless (2d10) psychic damage and become Restrained until
porters that carry the Waada’s palanquin. the end of its turn. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by
Create Thoughtless. A creature that remains this attack is not dead or unconscious, but it becomes
Charmed by a Waada for more than 24 hours Incapacitated and Charmed by the Waada until the
becomes permanently Charmed by that Waada; the Waada dies.
creature becomes a Thoughtless (see statistics in this Command Thoughtless. The Waada procurer commands
section), and its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma all creatures it has Charmed to perform a single action.
are reduced to 3. If the Waada dies, the creature The command may be generic, such as ‘protect me’ or
becomes permanently Incapacitated instead. Only ‘attack them’.
heal, greater restoration or similar magic can remove
the Charmed or Incapacitated condition and restore
the creature’s abilities.

Paulo Henrique 53
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Waada Thoughtless
Medium humanoid, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
Speed 20 ft.


14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 3 (-4) 3 (-4)

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing

Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
Incapacitated, Paralyzed
Senses Passive Perception 6
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Sensory Block. The Thoughtless cannot suffer

disadvantage on attack rolls or saving throws.
Magic Resistance. The Thoughtless has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Waada Link. If the Waada that controls the Thoughtless
is defeated or unconscious, the Thoughtless loses its
resistances and immunities, and its sensory block trait.


Multiattack. The Thoughtless makes two weapon attacks.

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Paulo Henrique 54
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