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Received: 27 December 2019 Accepted: 5 June 2020

DOI: 10.1002/sam.11475


The future of precision health is data-driven

decision support

John Sperger† Nikki L. B. Freeman† Xiaotong Jiang David Bang

Daniel de Marchi Michael R. Kosorok

Department of Biostatistics, University of

North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Abstract
Hill, North Carolina In the applied sciences, the ultimate goal is not just to acquire knowledge
but to turn knowledge into action. The next wave for data disciplines may be
John Sperger, Department of Biostatistics, experimental designs and analytical methods for closing the gap between the
University of North Carolina at Chapel “real-world” situations faced by decision-makers and their idealized represen-
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
tations in optimization problems, and the health sciences are poised to be the
discipline where these developments substantially improve lives. We discuss
three recent trends in research—experimental designs and analytical meth-
ods for precision medicine and pragmatic trials; technological developments in
sensors, wearables, and smartphones for measuring health data; and methods
addressing algorithmic bias and model interpretability—and argue that these
seemingly disparate trends point to a future where data-driven decision support
tools are increasingly used to promote wellbeing.

clinical decision-making, decision support systems, machine learning, precision medicine

1 I N T RO DU CT ION has focused on developing statistical tools for precision

medicine, “ … the paradigm wherein patient heterogene-
The era of data-driven decision support is arriving, and the ity is leveraged through data-driven approaches to improve
health sciences have the potential to be the field where treatment decisions so that the right treatment is given to
it makes the most significant impact on people’s lives. the right patient at the right time” [13]. The short history
From rapid advancements in sensors, wearables, and elec- of contemporary precision medicine is exhilarating and
tronic health records (EHRs) to nimble analytic methods includes the application of Markov decision process the-
in statistics, data science, machine learning (ML), and ory to sequential health care decision-making [7,17], the
artificial intelligence (AI), the data types available, the advent of the sequential, multiple assignment, random-
infrastructure for storing and accessing those data, and the ized trial (SMART) [21], and the translation of the search
methods for synthesizing data into credible recommen- for optimal treatment regimes from a statistical problem
dations are tremendous resources to harness for health into a ML problem [32,34,35]. To further clarify our stance,
care decision improvement. To this end, much of our work we emphasize that we take “precision” to mean advancing
health science by leveraging heterogeneity to find optimal

John Sperger and Nikki L. B. Freeman shared co-first authorship. or near-optimal interventions for people or populations.

Stat Anal Data Min: The ASA Data Sci Journal. 2020;1–7. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC 1
2 SPERGER et al.

This view is counter to the use of “precision” that narrowly settings and contexts, innovations in study design and how
focuses on using “-omics” type data exclusively or near data from those studies are analyzed will be needed. We
exclusively. Our notion may include “-omics” data but also believe that the legacy of well-designed studies and the
includes other sources of patient and group heterogeneity ongoing quest to improve study design by statisticians in
as not all heterogeneity or all illness is due to genetic fac- the medical and health sciences are compelling reasons to
tors. Confusion around the use of precision has, at times, believe that precision thinking and data-driven decision
clouded discussions around precision methods in health. support are poised to radically change health care.
We believe in a bold future in which the precision Lauded as the “gold standard” of evidence, the ran-
medicine framework of embracing patient heterogeneity domized controlled trial (RCT) is the traditional tech-
as a rich source of information for better decision-making nology for making causal inferences in health care and
serves as a model for other disciplines, improves health thereby providing the engine for decision support and
outcomes, and enables new lines of scientific inquiry evidence-based medicine. Through careful selection cri-
by identifying sources of heterogeneity for investigation. teria, randomization, and, when possible, blinding, the
In our view, decision support is the ultimate goal for design features of RCTs, theoretically, bypass problems of
the future of statistics and ML. Decision support and selection bias and confounding and enable us to make
health care are fundamentally causal—the goal is to act inferences about the expected outcomes of the choices
to improve outcomes, and intervention generally requires (treatments and/or actions) at hand. Unfortunately, this
knowledge of the causal mechanism or, at a minimum, the comes at a cost. First, RCTs often have stringent inclu-
ability to predict what will happen if treatment is given. sion criteria to ensure adequate homogeneity among the
The critical element for tailored data-driven decision sup- study participants. Homogeneity of this type improves the
port to improve outcomes is heterogeneity. Ignoring het- internal validity of the study, but the study sample and,
erogeneity implicitly assumes that differences in response therefore, the inferences from the study may not reflect
to treatment do not exist or do not rise to the level of clin- the actual diversity in the affected population. Moreover,
ical significance. The numerous determinants of health, most RCTs analyze for the “one-size-fits-all” treatment,
including environmental, social, behavioral, and genetic comparing the effect of giving everyone one treatment to
factors, create the heterogeneity necessary for tailoring to the effect of giving everyone a different therapy, which
be effective, and recent technological developments are may be a placebo or care as usual. Given the heterogene-
making it feasible to measure factors once impossible or ity inherent in human health, it is likely that in many
cost-prohibitive. cases, different types of patients would benefit from dif-
ferent types of treatments. Finally, because of the cost and
administrative burden of RCTs, analyses usually consider
2 T H E POW E R OF DE SIG N a relatively short-term outcome and do not factor in the
long-term efficacy of the treatments, second-line therapies
Inherently causal, data-driven decision-making weighs in the case of first-line therapy failure, patient preferences,
the “what-ifs” of each choice and the resultant conse- and treatment side effects.
quences. In an imaginary but useful world to consider, The current frontier of study design attempts to address
weighing choices in this way is easy. The consequence of the shortcomings of the traditional RCT to produce data
each course of action for each person would be known for which causal inferences are valid but also reflect the
at the time of the decision, and the optimal choices diversity and heterogeneity in patients observed in clini-
would be the ones with the best outcomes. In the real cal practice and leverage that diversity for improved out-
world, decision-making is harder. For a specific person, comes overall. Two exciting contemporary designs are
only one decision can be made, and only one outcome pragmatic trials and SMARTs. Pragmatic trials seek to
observed; the only way forward with this missing data provide directly relevant evidence for decision-making by
problem is to consider the effects of decisions in the evaluating treatments under conditions similar to usual
aggregate. With aggregation, potential confounders and patient care rather than the idealized setting of a tradi-
selection biases threaten valid causal inferences. Mean- tional RCT while maintaining internal validity through
while, decision-making is often complicated by trade-offs randomization and careful measurement of treatment
and tensions between proximal and distal outcomes. From fidelity and adherence [8]. To this end, pragmatic trials
this seemingly hopeless situation, designed studies, when typically include few exclusion criteria, use outcome mea-
feasible, provide a powerful way to overcome these chal- surements collected as part of routine care or that present
lenges. As the types of health care decisions being analyzed a minimal burden and could become part of routine
through precision methods become more complex and care, and randomize between multiple active interven-
data-driven decision support strategies are used in novel tions. One recent innovative example combines pragmatic
SPERGER et al. 3

trial design with EHR data collection to minimize patient reassessment methods will become routine aspects of
burden and compares two active interventions and usual health care improvement. The collected data will support
care to prevent suicide attempts [26]. SMARTs sequen- reinforcement learning for hypothesis generation, finding
tially randomize patients at critical decision points [21]. problems, and testing solutions that can be seen in the
Consequently, SMARTs produce the type of information data without the need for substantial human intervention
that can be used to discover optimal dynamic treatment that can push hypotheses tested toward personal biases.
regimes, treatment strategies across time tailored to indi- These yet-to-be-realized innovations to statistical design
vidual patient characteristics that maximize (or minimize, for improving health care, like more traditional designs
depending on context) the desired outcome. A SMART can that have provided a cornerstone for building evidence
help answer the question of what types of patients benefit in the medical and health sciences, are poised to push
most from having one therapy versus a different ther- the science forward by opening up the types and scope
apy, a distinction from the “one-size-fits-all” paradigm, of questions that can be answered using a formal causal
and does so by embracing patient heterogeneity as infor- framework and warranting optimism for the transforma-
mation to capitalize on rather than as a nuisance to be tive power of data-driven decision support in health care
excluded. Because of the sequential randomization struc- to improve lives.
ture, SMARTs can determine which second-line therapies
are best for which types of patients if front-line therapies
fail. Moreover, analyses of SMARTs can balance competing 3 THE PRO MISE O F EMERGING
proximal and distal outcomes into the resulting recom- DATA S O U RC E S
mended dynamic treatment regimes.
Together, SMART and pragmatic trials have moved Technological developments in sensors and wearable tech-
us closer to having the optimal data for more practical, nologies and the ubiquity of smartphones are making
more clinically relevant data-driven decision support in it possible to measure and act on a greater array of
the future. We believe that design thinking will continue health determinants than ever before. Wearable sensors
to move us in the direction of clinically actionable, fully collect real-time EKG data, body temperature, activity
data-supported decision-making in health care. In the near level, sleep patterns, and blood glucose levels while smart-
future, we believe that an essential next step is designing phone apps capture frequent snapshots of mental health
validation studies for decision support tools. The dynamic over time and measure social and behavioral patterns.
treatment rules derived from SMART trials are inferred Meanwhile, substantial advances in the measurement and
from the SMART trial sample; assessing whether they methods for analyzing genomic and metabolomic data
hold up more generally and whether they reliably improve such as single-cell sequencing have been made, though
the effectiveness of care is an important next step. This they have not yet reached the point of cost-effectiveness for
type of assessment can provide valuable feedback on how widespread uses.
to improve methods for deriving treatment rules. More Recent work has focused on applying ML tools to these
importantly, this type of assessment can aid in building data for prediction. For example, deep learning archi-
trust among practitioners in implementing decision sup- tectures have shown remarkable ability to predict sepsis
port tools in the daily practice of health care. Another [10,23] from patient vital signs, hospital records, fluid
near-future frontier for design thinking is constructing information, laboratory test results, treatment orders, and
studies that incorporate patient preferences. Health care free-text medical records. Deep learning has also been
decisions are deeply personal, and what are acceptable applied to computed chest tomography volumes to pre-
risks and levels of discomfort for one patient may be dif- dict lung cancer risk [1]. Methodological developments
ferent from another. Incorporating these preferences into outside of deep learning, such as Bayesian rule lists, have
the health care decision-making process is often referred to also shown impressive predictive ability. They have been
as shared decision-making. Formal integration of patient applied to predicting strokes from a high dimensional fea-
preferences into a data-driven approach has been explored ture space, yielding a posterior distribution over possible
in the precision medicine literature [3,14,18], but the inte- decision lists; this approach provides risk predictions as
gration of patient preferences into formal study design interpretable as the traditional risk models used in clinical
is still a crucial aspect of health care decision-making practice and yields more accurate results [15].
that has yet to be captured fully. Even farther into the The focus of current work on prediction highlights
future, we envision the role of study design to be ever- some of the challenges of working with the types of data
more essential to building decision support tools. Through and volume of data coming from emerging data collec-
carefully designed health care systems constructed for tion technologies. First, incorporating data collected from
ongoing studies and analyses, semi-automated continual consumers of wearable products, purchases of smartphone
4 SPERGER et al.

apps, highly specialized disease-specific sensors, and 4 THE POSSIBILITY O F C ARING

deeply specific “-omics” analyses into a rigorous causal DEC ISION SUPPORT
framework is challenging as the individuals with access
to these technologies—and hence also the ones generat- Truly optimizing a decision requires an extremely
ing the data to train ML and AI algorithms—may look restricted context where all the relevant costs and bene-
different than those individuals without access. Dealing fits can be measured. While data sources, experimental
with this type of confounding is essential for unbiased, designs, and analytical methods are bridging the gap
trustworthy decision support. Second, self-reported data between the idealized decision problems our methods
from a smartphone app or mass-marketed consumer wear- optimize and the actual problems facing decision-makers,
able is different in quality from data collected by trained the existence of this gap causes problems when algorith-
medical personnel in EHRs or collected from approved mic decision making is applied without due care. There
medical devices. Ensuring data quality while integrating is a growing appreciation for what some of the common
data from a wide range of sources will be a crucial step. omissions are, such as societal fairness, and developing
Another challenge associated with observational data of methods to address these shortcomings will be significant
this type is whether the action or treatment of interest work. Interpretable models also present a more gen-
is even in the observed data. Having a massive volume eral remedy for addressing this gap by allowing human
of data is not equivalent to having enough information decision-makers to better understand what the model
for the clinically relevant question at hand. Finally, meth- does and does not consider. The potential for data-driven
ods for integrating functional, longitudinal, cross-sectional decision support in health care to benefit people’s lives
data from many different levels—the molecular to the directly is vast but the wellspring of that potential, that
environmental—into formal sequential decision analyses health care can literally be a matter of life or death, also
will be needed to efficiently use information captured by means that the utmost care must be taken to avoid harm.
emerging technologies. With this in mind, data-driven decision support must be
Despite these real challenges, hints to the future for fair, transparent, and accountable both to patients and
using these data are already here. Micro-randomized tri- physicians.
als (MRTs) support just-in-time adaptive interventions, Tailoring treatments to patient characteristics necessi-
mobile health (mHealth) technologies that try to improve tates treating people differently, and addressing fairness
individuals’ health by delivering the right intervention considerations will be essential for the adoption of decision
component at the right time and location [11]. MRTs support tools to benefit all of society. Having no intention
are designed for causal analyses of intervention compo- to discriminate is not enough as the numerous examples of
nents and those effects over time. HeartSteps, an mHealth bias in ML tools for prediction and decision support amply
intervention, tailors prompts for individuals to get up demonstrate [22,36]. Addressing fairness requires defining
and walk based on their context (current situation). An it, and to complicate matters, there are multiple definitions
MRT to assess the efficacy of HeartSteps’ activity sug- of algorithmic fairness that are mutually exclusive except
gestions has illustrated the promise of using mHealth in special cases [2,4,16]. “Anti-classification” approaches
data for formal data-driven analysis for decision support emphasize excluding specific protected attributes like sex
[12]. Progress has also been made in estimating optimal from being used for decision making. Other definitions,
dynamic treatment regimes from mHealth data. Applied including classification parity and calibration permit the
to data from continuous glucose monitors, physical activ- use of protected attributes but require that some perfor-
ity trackers, and self-reported dietary intake data from mance metric (possibly predictive, possibly causal) has
patients with type 1 diabetes, V-learning is an example parity across groups defined by the protected attribute.
of the types of methodological developments that will The mathematical formalization of fairness measures is
be needed to capture the nuance in complex health in its infancy, and within these categories of metrics, we
care decision support [17]. MRTs and the methodological expect exciting developments in the coming years. How-
advances from the field of precision medicine are moving ever, we view the choice between these general classes
beyond prediction and using new data sources for preci- of fairness measure as a question of context and values,
sion decision-making that more fully capture health care not an open technical question. For certain diseases and
decision-making processes. The opportunities in this line conditions, incorporating protected characteristics such as
of research are wide open; it is indeed an exciting time to biological sex is critical to our scientific understanding
be a part of building the precision medicine framework and our statistical modeling [27]. A risk prediction tool
and extending precision methods to decision-making more for prostate cancer which ignored biological sex would be
generally. missing an important attribute. Additionally, when bias
SPERGER et al. 5

exists in society related to a protected attribute, ignoring and by recognizing the limits of what we can do on our
that attribute is likely to propagate bias. This point has own. Methodological development for decision support
been forcefully raised in the health inequities literature and optimization will involve numerous fields, including
generally and in the epidemiological literature on racism applied math, computer science, economics, operations
as a fundamental cause of adverse health outcomes [30]. research, and statistics. Identifying the needs of patients
Model interpretability will play a key role in making and clinicians, the gaps between the existing evidence and
precision health decisions transparent to patients and clin- the decisions being made, and how best to communicate
icians and making it possible to hold models accountable. what we do and do not know and the uncertainty will
Interpretable models permit auditing by domain experts, involve patients, clinicians, and activists as well as experts
help generate new scientific hypotheses, and allow com- in design, health behavior, human-computer interaction,
peting outcomes in fuzzy decision scenarios to be weighed political science, psychology, sociology, and other fields.
[6]. Research on interpretable classes of models spans
decades but until recently received comparatively little
attention compared to successes enjoyed by black-box 5 CO N C LU S I O N
ML methods. As these black-box methods began to be
deployed in domains like finance where decisions can Propelled by emerging technologies and novel streams of
severely impact people, their inscrutability has led to calls data, many areas of statistical science are rapidly mov-
for a right to an explanation when algorithmic decision ing toward developing and employing methods that are
making is employed. This push is exemplified by the “right directly applicable to decision-making and decision sup-
to explanation” codified in the European Union’s General port. With this in mind, we believe that the next wave
Data Protection Regulation implemented in May 2018 [5] in statistics is the development of designs and methods
though the true scope of the regulations is a matter of ongo- for closing the gap between the data that exists and the
ing legal debate [19,29]. Two competing approaches have creation of actionable evidence for realistic decision sup-
arisen, which emphasize either models which are inter- port. In the statistics of health, some progress toward
pretable by design or which employ methods to peer into this end has been made. Pragmatic trials and SMARTs,
black-box models and explain them [9]. Recent advances advances in the interpretability and fairness of algorithms,
in interpretable models include super-sparse linear integer and serious methodological work for rigorously incor-
models [31] and Bayesian rule lists [15] for prediction and porating patient preferences and dealing with multiple
decision trees for decision support [33]. It remains an open outcomes are all advances toward building the statistical
point of debate whether explainability is enough, or, if not, foundation for generating useful, actionable evidence for
under what circumstances does explainability suffice [24]. settings and decisions actually observed in the practice of
What counts as interpretable depends on the audience; health care.
a table of regression coefficients for a generalized linear With our optimism for the promise of precision health
model may be interpretable to a statistician but not a clin- comes a serious understanding that many challenges lay
ician or a patient. Moreover, we recognize that there are ahead. As a relatively new framework, we highlight one
important settings where unexplainable models which are particularly important challenge: helping our clinical and
effective need to be employed to improve outcomes while non-statistician collaborators not only understand but har-
similarly effective but explainable models are being devel- ness the precision health toolbox to improve patient lives.
oped. How to appropriately balance both black-box and Potential collaborators can face a high barrier to entry with
interpretable approaches will be fundamental to scrutinize this type of research. Formulating a research question in
going forward. the precision health and defining its associated estimands
In the future, we believe checking models for bias and are not covered in the methods curriculum included in the
interpretability will be as natural as plotting regression training of practitioner-researchers and non-statisticians.
diagnostics, but getting there will take interdisciplinary Even after overcoming the “what-is-precision-health” hur-
efforts. Statistical prediction tools have outperformed clin- dle, collaborators eager to use precision health approaches
ical judgment for certain tasks for more than half a century, in their research will need to garner institutional and
but their widespread adoption has been slow and piece- peer buy-in to successfully navigate precision health stud-
meal [20]. There are myriad psychological, sociological, ies to completion. For example, precision health studies
and economic reasons for this which are beyond our ken, can have a higher cost due to data management require-
but as methodological researchers, we can contribute to ments, and implementation may be more challenging
the adoption of decision support tools by developing meth- when there is re-randomization; clearly articulating and
ods and diagnostic tools which narrow the gap between weighing the trade-offs between precision health meth-
the available evidence and the needs of decision-makers ods and traditional methods in these types of situations
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