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Research into Practice:

Variables as Fixed Unknown vs. Varying Quantity

Brooklyn K. Hunt

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Purdue University

EDCI 535003: Teaching and Learning Algebra and Functions

Doris Fulwider

June 23, 2023



Research on students’ thinking about algebra has shown students struggle with

developing algebraic thinking (Asquith et al., 2007; Ayalon & Wilkie, 2020; Blanton et al., 2019;

Brizuela et al., 2015; Christou et al., 2022). Students have a particularly difficult time using literal

symbols to represent algebraic generalizations (Usiskin, 1988). Blanton et al. (2019) stated,

“Generalizing—the mental activity of compressing multiple, related instances into a unitary form

or common structure is often described as the heart of algebraic thinking” (Blanton et al., 2019,

p. 196). One of the primary “common structures” used in algebra is letters as variables in

conjunction with numbers and operations to create expressions, equations, and relations.

Literature Review

Many researchers recognize an algebraic variable, symbolized with a letter, has a variety

of conceptions (Küchemann, 1981; Malisani & Spagnolo, 2009; Usiskin, 1988). Malisani &

Spagnolo (2009) labeled them as generalized numbers (an undefined number within a

generalization), unknowns (a number with a value that can be determined with calculations),

totally arbitrary signs (used in the study of algebraic structures), variable (functional

relationships), and registers of memory (used in data science). Within Usiskin’s (1988)

conceptions of algebra, the role of a variable can shift between pattern generalizers (an

undefined number used to show the generalization of a mathematical pattern in arithmetic),

unknowns or constants (a specific number that can be determined with simplifying or solving),

arguments (the possible input values of a function or relation) or parameters (a number that

determines the value of other, yet known, numbers), and arbitrary symbols (a place holder for

potential values within an algebraic structure). Küchemann (1981) defined two conceptions of a

variable as a representation of unspecified values and a systematic relationship between two


values. Some conceptions of a variable are more difficult than others for students to grasp. For

example, researchers have found students most often conceived variables to be symbols that

stand for one object or a specific value, in other words, the specific unknown (Asquith et al.,

2007; Brizuela et al., 2015; Kanstantinos et al., 2022; Küchemann, 1981). Fewer students can

successfully identify that a variable can represent a set of varying quantities (Brizuela et al.,


Merely being able to conceptualize the various roles a variable can take on is not enough.

The evoked conception or role of a variable can change depending on the context of the problem

or task. Malisani & Spagnolo asserted, “the students should be able to interpret in different ways

the symbols that represent that variable and to be able to pass from one interpretation to another

with flexibility, in relation to the requirements of the problem to solve” (Malisani & Spagnolo,

2009, p. 21). For example, Usiskin discusses how the same variable (i.e., letter) can evolve

within the same algebraic conception from being an argument to becoming a parameter or a

constant (1988). In the equation 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏, 𝑦, 𝑚, 𝑏, and 𝑥 are variables. In the traditional

understanding, the equation represents a functional relationship where 𝑦 represents the range, 𝑥

acts as an argument as the domain of the function, and 𝑚 and 𝑏 are parameters that represent the

slope and the y-intercept, respectively. The role of each variable within that equation can change

based on the problem presented, which Usiskin recognizes as something that is often not well

understood by students (Usiskin, 1988).

Researchers recognize the difficulties students must discern between the many

conceptions of variables when they are all represented using the same symbols, letters

(Kanstantinos et al., 2022). Requiring students to write an equation with varying quantities is

particularly difficult for students in the elementary grades because they are immersed in

arithmetic which focuses on known values (Blanton et al., 2019). For example, in the study of

arithmetic operations and fact families, students are taught that any unknown has a specific value

that can be calculated (i.e., the unknown value in the expression 3 + ___ = 7 is 4). Another level

of complexity is added when considering the signs (positive or negative) attached to the variable

may not match the value, or set of possible values, for which the variable represents, an obvious

detour in the typical arithmetic thinking with which students are familiar (Christou et al., 2022).

For example, the expression −𝑘 can represent positive values (e.g., 1, 3.75, 263) but many

students perceive that the negative sign in front of the variable, 𝑘, guarantees the value equates to

a negative (Christou et al., 2022).

Researchers have found evidence of the difficulties students go through to understand and

represent algebraic generalizations with variables after years of only engaging in arithmetic

thinking with numbers (Blanton et al., 2019; Brizuela et al., 2015; Kanstantinos et al., 2022,

Sharpe, 2019). This has caused researchers to abandon the “arithmetic-then-algebra” approach

and begin to develop algebra as a strand through all grade-levels in the hopes that a higher

proportion of students will develop a strong sense of algebraic thinking and increased level of

comfort in using variables within their algebraic generalizations (Wilkie, 2016). One proposed

method of doing so includes having students generalize their arithmetic knowledge using

algebraic thinking and representation (Sharpe, 2019). Such a focus on algebraic thinking from

early on will also move students away from solely seeing algebra as “letter-arithmetic”, which

limits the use of variables to one form (Brizuela et al., 2015).

Research Questions & Purpose

The algebraic concept of variables and its many conceptions can be studied through

several lenses. The focus of this project is to understand students’ initial conceptions of a

variable within different problems and tasks and the students’ flexibility in switching between

conceptions. The two conceptions that will be focused on in the investigation are a student’s

ability to identify if a variable represents a specific unknown or a varying quantity and if a

variable takes on the role of parameter or argument within the conception of varying quantity.

The project will investigate the following three questions:

• Are students able to properly identify whether the role of a variable is a specific unknown

or a varying quantity? (Q1)

• How do students transition between a variable representing a specific unknown and a

varying quantity? (Q2)

• Are students able to identify when a variable represents a parameter or argument? (Q3)


A qualitative approach will be taken to conduct this research. Four structured interviews

will take place with one student each. In each interview, the student will be given a printed copy

of the interview questions and tasks for them to refer to and write on when needed. The student

will also have access to a calculator to use at their leisure. Each interview will be recorded and

transcribed. The researcher will review the transcribed interviews to identify evidence of

students’ understanding surrounding the conceptions of variables.

Interview Questions & Tasks

Part one of the interview will ask students to look at a variable pointed to within an

expression or equation and answer the questions: “What is this symbol?”; “What does it

represent?”, and “How many values could you substitute for it?” in order to determine their

ability to identify variables and if there are acting as a specific unknown or varying quantity (Q1)

(see appendix A).

The first task (see Appendix A), inspired by a task in Brizuela et al. (2015) gives students

the scenario: “Ashlyn and Beyonca are sisters. Ashlyn is six years older than Beyonca.” Then it

asks students to determine if they know the age of the two sisters to help students recognize they

have two varying quantities. Then students are asked to write an equation to describe the

relationship between the two sisters’ ages to determine their ability to use a variable as a varying

quantity. Lastly, students are asked to find the age of one sister when provided with the age of the

other. This allows students to demonstrate their ability to shift from using a variable in their

equation as a varying quantity to a specific unknown (Q2).

The second task gives students a scenario about a plumber fixing a leak for a fee and an

hourly rate. Students are asked to write an equation to describe the relationship between the total

cost of fixing the leak and the hours spent on fixing the leak using the form 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏.

Students are then asked to explain the values they chose for each variable and how they choose

those values to determine their ability to recognize the role 𝑥 and 𝑦 have as arguments and the

role 𝑚 and 𝑏 have as parameters (Q3). Students are also asked about the number of possible

values each variable has in 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 to further discern the students’ abilities regarding

research question three. Finally, students are asked to determine the total cost for fixing the leak

when given a particular number of hours. This allows students to demonstrate their ability to

shift from using a variable in their equation as a varying quantity to a specific unknown (Q2).

Student Participants

Paulina, Alejandro, Joselyn, and Sebastian were the students chosen to be interviewed

(pseudonyms used). Each student interviewed is enrolled in a ninth-grade math course titled

Secondary Math 1. The course follows an integrated curriculum based on the integrated

Common Core math standards. Each of the students has previous experience with words

problems that require them to write an equation using variables to solve the task. Each student is

a member of the researcher’s class and is familiar with the researcher as a teacher. The students

attend a Title 1 school where the majority of the student body qualifies for free or reduced lunch

and are members of racial minorities.


Part 1: Interview Questions

In the analysis of the initial question set of each interview I sought evidence of student’s

ability to identify the symbol pointed out as a variable representing a varying quantity or specific

unknown. In the review of the transcripts, I identified language in the students’ responses that

showed their understanding of the symbol acting as a variable standing in for some number or

value and whether that variable could be substituted with many or only one specific number or

value. The four students, Paulina, Alejandro, Joselyn, and Sebastian are represented in Table 1

with their initials. The check mark under their initial identifies if the students’ response for each

prompt resulted in their identifying the symbol as a variable (column 2), representing a

number/value (column 3), and whether the number could vary (column 4) or was specific

(column 5).

Prompt Identify Variable Number/Value Varying Specific

𝑛 in 3𝑛 − 7 P A J S P A J S P A J S P A J S
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

𝑥 in 2𝑥 + 5 = 12 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
𝑦 in 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 P A J S P A J S P A J S P A J S
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
𝑚 in 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 P A J S P A J S P A J S P A J S
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Table 1

When prompted with the first expression all the students were able to identify the symbol

𝑛 as a variable. 75% of the students identified it as a number or value that was missing. Joselyn

identified that the variable represented a “place value.” Paulina and Alejandro correctly

identified that the variable was a varying quantity by identifying that “a lot” or “infinite” number

of values could be substituted for 𝑛. Joselyn and Sebastian both stated that only one value could

be substituted for 𝑛 in the expression.

75% of the students identified 𝑥 as a variable when prompted with the first equation.

Joselyn identified the symbol as “x” and said, “it symbolizes the placement of a number” but

failed to use variable in her description. All the students recognized that 𝑥 represented a number

or value. Half of the students were able to properly identify that 𝑥 took on the conception of

specific unknown by stating that only one value could be substituted for 𝑥. Joselyn stated that 𝑥

could be substituted with “any” value while Sebastian stated that it could be substituted with

“infinite” number.

Only one of the students identified 𝑦 as a variable in the equation 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏. Paulina

and Joselyn identified 𝑦 as “the answer” and Sebastian identified it as the “y-axis”. Alejandro

was the only student to recognize that it represented a number, but he suggested that it was

different than the previous two examples. All the students correctly identified that 𝑦 took on the

conception of varying quantity by stating that it be substituted by more than one value.

The same one student, Alejandro, identified 𝑚 as a variable in the equation 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏.

Pauline identified it as “the number before the variable.” None of the students said it represented

a value or number but three of the students were able to identify it as representing the slope. All

the students stated that 𝑚 had more than one possible value, properly conceptualizing it as a

varying quantity.

Part 2: Tasks

Task 1

In the analysis of the first task, I was looking for students’ ability to recognize that the

ages for Beyonca and Ashlyn were varying quantities, use variable notation to describe the

relationship between their ages and then use the variable notation to find the specific ages of one

sister when given the age of the other. Initially the students were asked to describe the

relationship in their own words. Paulina and Joselyn’s responses focused on their being sisters

and one being older than the other. Alejandro and Samir used specific numbers to describe the

relationship. Alejandro stated, “When Beyonca was born Ashlyn already had 6 years old.”

Sebastian said, “So if Beyonca is 6, Ashlyn is 12.” The students were then asked to identify the

ages of Ashlyn and Beyonca. This was to see if students recognized that the ages of the sisters

had not been given yet and that they were still in varying quantities. Alejandro, Joselyn, and

Sebastian once again gave possible ages initially (i.e., Beyonca is 5, Ashlyn is 11). In each of

those scenarios I asked the students if they knew the ages of the sisters right now, all three of the

students recognized that they didn’t know the exact ages of the sisters. Joselyn recognized,

“Depending on how old Ashlyn is we could know Beyonca’s age,” even though we didn’t know

their ages yet. Paulina was the only student to recognize from the beginning that there wasn’t

enough information to determine the sisters’ ages.


Students were then asked to represent the relationship between the sisters’ ages with an

equation. Paulina and Alejandro each wrote an equation in 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 form: 6𝑥 + 𝑏 = 𝑦 and

𝑦 = 6𝑥 + 0, respectively. In response to their incorrect representations, I asked the students to

identify what each variable represented. Paulina identified 𝑥 as representing Ashlyn’s age and 𝑏

representing Beyonca’s age. Alejandro identified y as representing Ashlyn’s age and 𝑥

representing Beyonca’s age. After further coaching both students were able to come up with an

equation that properly represented the relationship between the sisters’ ages with their chosen

variables. Paulina wrote 𝑥 = 6 + 𝑏 and Alejandro wrote 𝑦 = 6 + 𝑥. Sebastian was the only

student to write an inequality: 6 + 𝑥 > 𝑦. He identified that in his equation 𝑥 represented

Ashlyn’s age and 𝑦 represented Beyonca’s age. Joselyn was the only student to initially write an

equation to correctly represent the relationship. She wrote 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 6 and identified 𝑥

represented Ashlyn’s age and 𝑦 represented Beyonca’s age.

Students were then asked to calculate the age of Ashlyn when Beyonca is 20 and the age

of Beyonca when Ashlyn is 18. All the students were able to quickly identify the correct ages for

Ashlyn and Beyonca in each situation. Each student was asked how their calculation related to

the equations they previously wrote. Paulina and Alejandro acknowledged that the second

equation they wrote was a better fit for calculating Ashlyn’s age when Beyonca was 20 years old.

When calculating Beyonca’s age when Ashlyn was 18, both Paulina and Alejandro explained that

subtraction was needed instead of addition. Alejandro explained, “because the roles were

switched.” Joselyn’s initial equation included subtraction so she expressed that she couldn’t use

her equation to calculate Ashlyn’s age when Beyonca was 20. She stated, “you could switch the

symbol to a plus. So instead, you could do 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 6.”

Task 2

In the second task, I was looking for students’ abilities to properly utilize the roles of

arguments and parameters when writing an equation in 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 form. Students were first asked to

describe the relationship between hours fixing the leak and the cost of the leak being fixed. All four of the

students were able to describe the cost of the leak increasing by $29 for each hour of work. Sebastian was

the only student to not include the one-time fee of $71 in the initial description of the total cost. After the

verbal description, all the students were able to write the equation describing the relationship in 𝑦 =

𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 form as 𝑦 = 29𝑥 + 71. The students were then asked to describe how they chose their values for

the variables and why they replaced some and not others. I have included their responses to these

questions in Table 2.

2c) What values did you choose for 𝒚, 𝒎, 𝒙, or 𝒃 when writing your equation?
Paulina: “Y is the answer. 29x is 29 and how many times you add 29 and b is the one fee.”
Alejandro: “So I chose the 29 dollars for m because it was constantly changing. 71 dollars is the base
because it is the y-intercept basically in this equation.”
Joselyn: “So, b is the starting amount. 29 is how much he charges per hour. X is the hours he is
working. Y is the total amount.”
Sebastian: For 𝑚 I chose 29 because it was a changing rate.
2d) How did you choose the values for your equation?
Paulina: “Because you don’t know how much in total the leak payment was, that y. Then the 29 is just
per hour. The 71 is the one fee, the one payment that you made.”
Joselyn: “By the words given.”
Sebastian: “Because he added a fee for 71 to examine.”
2e) How did you know which variables to replace in your equation?
Paulina: “Cause we have the information for m and b. We just don’t have the information for y.”
Alejandro: “Because x, the way it is used in this equation is representing a constantly changing
number, a variable. I know b is the starting point of the slope equation. M just represents the amount
being changed.”
Joselyn: “Because y is the total amount so we couldn’t put 71 over here because it is saying he is being
paid 71 dollars an hour. So, we just add it because it is the starting amount. And also, we couldn’t have
put it over here because x is the hours he works.”
Sebastian: “x is representing growing coefficient and the y represents the total amount of money.”
Table 2

Following their explanations of their equations, students were asked about how many values they

could now substitute in the 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 equation regarding the situation given. All the students identified

that 𝑚 and 𝑏 could only have one value each because, in the words of Alejandro, “that is the only value

given.” Paulina specified that the values could only change to be something else “if the priced increased.”

All four of the students also identified that 𝑦 and 𝑥 could have many values. Alejandro, Joselyn, and

Samir all expressed that although there could be many values for 𝑦, it depends on the 𝑥. Joselyn stated,

“Well, we don’t know the value cause that is the total amount, so it depends on the hours given.” Finally,

all the students were able to properly use the equation they wrote to identify the total cost of fixing the

pipe for 7 hours and the amount of hours spent when the cost was $303. All the students substituted 7 for

𝑥 in their equation to find the total cost of $274. Alejandro, Samir, and Joselyn substituted $303 for 𝑦 in

their equation and then used reverse operations to isolate and find the value for 𝑥. Paulina explained how

she used $274 in her approach, “Because that’s the answer, we could just figure out how many times we

add 29 to this answer. One more hour is 8 hours.”


The purpose of this project was to investigate students’ ability to identify when variables

took on the conceptualizations of varying quantities and specific unknowns, students’ ability to

shift between the conceptualizations within one task, and their ability to recognize when a

varying quantity had the role of argument or parameter. From the interviews I found that

students struggled accurately identifying whether a variable was a specific unknown or varying

quantity when given arbitrary expressions and equations within the interview questions. The

students were more proficient in determining the proper conceptualization of a variable within a

task, even when they struggled using variable representation in their algebraic generalization to

accurately describe the relationship given.


During the interview questions the students show their ability to identify the symbols as

variables initially but quickly shifted to a variable representing an object (e.g., slope or “the

answer”) as researchers have found previously (Asquith, et al., 2007). However, students were

still able to properly identify that the variables in prompts 3 and 4 could have many possible

values. It was particularly intriguing that although Joselyn and Sebastian inaccurately identified

the conceptualization for the variable in prompts 1 and 2, they were able to create accurate

expressions to represent the relationship described in task 1. This suggests that an inability to

distinguish between a variable’s role as varying quantity or specific unknown within an arbitrary

equation or expression does not necessarily inhibit a student’s ability to write variable

representations for a relationship between varying quantities within a task.

Students demonstrated a natural affinity to using specific values even for varying

quantities. Brizuela et al. found in their research: “when variable notation was not used, they felt

compelled to measure and provide specific values for the quantity” (2015, pp. 50-51). I observed

a similar behavior in Alejandro, Joselyn, and Sebastian when they described the relationship

between the girl’s ages in Task 1. Each used specific age comparisons in their verbal description

of the relationship.

The students struggled initially to properly generate equations using variable notation

from the word problem, similar to Sharpe’s finding (2019). The improper utilization of the slope-

intercept form by some students could have been an indicator of a blind following of algorithmic

steps and a deficiency in understanding of a variable as a varying quantity (Brizuela et al., 2007).

However, I found that this did not inhibit their ability to transition their conceptualization from

varying quantity to specific unknown. In both tasks the students were able to successfully

substitute the given values for the appropriate variable and solve or simplify for the specific

unknown. Some research may interpret that the ability to simplify for the specific unknown

suggests an arithmetic line of thinking and doesn’t help students in the process of algebraic

generalization (Wilkie, 2016). In the interviews, however, students were able to confirm the

accuracy of or adjust their equations with the varying quantities using the specific unknowns

which suggests a connection between these conceptualizations of variables within algebraic

thought (Blanton et al., 2019).

Although Usiskin (1988) suggested that students struggle distinguishing between the

shifting roles of parameter and argument within the variable conceptualization of varying

quantities, I found that students were able to recognize which variables represented parameters

versus arguments. Students were also able to distinguish when the parameters in 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏

equations were able to be substituted with any value versus when they were constrained to one

value due to the problem presented in the task. This finding is limited to the parameters 𝑚 and 𝑏

within the 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏 form of a linear equation and should be investigated further with other

equations that have variables that are conceptualized as varying quantities that take on the roles

of arguments and parameters.

The scope of these interviews was small and applied to a limited population. More

research is needed on students’ ability to distinguish between varying quantities and specific

unknowns. I suggest similar interviews should be done with students of varying grades using

other equations and tasks that require students to shift from one variable conceptualization to

another. This project was limited to students shifting from varying quantities to specific

unknowns and more research could be done in students’ ability to transition from a specific

unknown to a varying quantity. Further research could also be explored regarding the relationship

between students’ conceptions of variables and their ability to create algebraic generalization

using variable representations.

Overall, I found that my students were able to properly distinguish between a variable’s

role as varying quantity or specific unknown within tasks where a situation and relationship was

provided, even if their initial variable representations were not an accurate algebraic

generalization of that relationship. Students struggled to accurately identify the variable

conceptualizations within arbitrary expressions and equations. Lastly, I found that students were

able to successfully distinguish between arguments and parameters and the number of values

they could take on within different stages of a task.



Asquith, P., Stephens, A. C., Knuth, E. J., & Alibali, M. W. (2007). Middle school mathematics

teachers’ knowledge of students’ understanding of core algebraic concepts: Equal sign

and variable. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 9(3), 249–272.

Ayalon, M., & Wilkie, K. (2020). Students’ identification and expression of relations between

variables in linear functions tasks in three curriculum contexts. Mathematical Thinking

and Learning, 22(1), 1–22.

Blanton, M., Isler-Baykal, I., Stroud, R., Stephens, A., Knuth, E., & Gardiner, A. M. (2019).

Growth in children’s understanding of generalizing and representing mathematical

structure and relationships. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 102(2), 193–219.

Brizuela, B. M., Blanton, M., Sawrey, K., Newman-Owens, A., & Murphy Gardiner, A. (2015).

Children’s use of variables and variable notation to represent their algebraic ideas.

Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 17(1), 34–63.

Christou, K. P., Kyrvei, D. I., & Vamvakoussi, X. (2022). Interpreting literal symbols in algebra

under the effects of the natural number bias. Mathematical Thinking and Learning,

ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1–14.

Kücherman, D. (1981). Algebra. In K. M. Hart (Ed.), Children’s Understanding of Mathematics:

11–16 (pp. 102–119). London: John Murray


Malisani, E., & Spagnolo, F. (2009). From arithmetical thought to algebraic thought: The role of

the “variable.” Educational Studies in Mathematics, 71(1), 19–41.

Sharpe, S. T. (2019). An algebraic translation task solved by grade 7-9 students. Mathematical

thinking and learning, 21(1), 78–84.

Usiskin, Z. (1988). Conceptions of school algebra and uses of variables. In A. F. Coxford, & A.

P. Shulte (Eds.), The ideas of algebra, K-12 (pp. 8–19). Reston, VA: NCTM.

Wilkie, K. J. (2016). Students’ use of variables and multiple representations in generalizing

functional relationships prior to secondary school. Educational studies in mathematics,

93(3), 333–361.


Appendix A

Interview Questions & Tasks

Part 1

1. Given this expression, answer the following questions. 3𝑛 − 7

a) What is this symbol?

b) What does it represent?

c) How many values (numbers) could you substitute for it?

2. Given the equation, answer the following questions. 2𝑥 + 5 = 12

a) What is this symbol?

b) What does it represent?

c) How many values could you substitute for it?

3. Given the equation, answer the following questions. 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏

a) What is this symbol?

b) What does it represent?

c) How many values could you substitute for it?

4. Given the equation, answer the following questions. 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏

a) What is this symbol?

b) What does it represent?

c) How many values could you substitute for it?

Part 2

Task 1

1. Ashlyn and Beyonca are sisters. Ashlyn is six years older than Beyonca.

a) In your own words, describe the relationship between Ashlyn’s age and Beyonca’s age.

b) How old is Ashlyn? How old is Beyonca?

c) Write an equation to describe the relationships between Ashlyn’s age and Beyonca’s age.

d) How old is Ashlyn when Beyonca is 20?

e) How is Beyonca when Ashlyn is 18?

Task 2

2. A plumber charges a flat fee of $71 to visit a home and examine a leaking pipe. The plumber

charges an additional $29 per hour spent fixing the leaking pipe.

a) In your own words, describe the relationship between the cost of fixing the leak and the

hours spent on fixing the leak.

b) Write and equation to describe the relationships between the total cost for fixing the leak

and the hours spent on fixing the leak using the form 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑏.

c) What values did you choose for y, m, x, or b when writing your equation?

d) How did you choose the values for your equation?

e) How did you know which variables to replace in your equation?

f) How many values could substitute for 𝑚 in this situation?

g) How many values could substitute for 𝑏 in this situation?

h) How many values could substitute for 𝑦 in this situation?

i) How many values could substitute for 𝑥 in this situation?

j) What is the total cost for fixing the leak if it takes 7 hours?

k) If the plumber charged a total of $303, how many hours did she spend fixing the drain?

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