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Oral presentation

Good afternoon, Miss Khan, I am Anthony Blackman of class 5P and today I will present to
you my oral presentation for my English SBA. I have chosen to do a speech as I will be able to
convey my thoughts in an organized and formal manner, which I believe suits my topic best.
My group comprises of 7 members, myself, Jaydon Alexander, Kyle Mootosingh, Aaron
Seepersad, Nathan Smith, Darion St. Clair, and Saeed Abdool, all of which were outstanding
peers to work with. Without further ado, I will now begin my speech.

Miss Khan,
Today, I stand before you to share my journey through the captivating realm of the CSEC
English A School-Based Assessment. This experience has not only challenged me
academically but has also shaped my skills and perspectives in profound ways.
As we all know, the school-Based Assessment is a crucial component of our CSEC English A
and B examination. It's a voyage that requires dedication, critical thinking, and a deep
understanding of the chosen topic. My group’s main topic was technology. For me, the topic
I delved into was the future of technology, a subject that sparked my curiosity and fuelled
my passion for exploration.
Research became my compass, guiding me through the vast seas of information. I immersed
myself in books, articles, and other scholarly works, seeking to unearth the hidden treasures
of knowledge related to my chosen subject. Traversing through this information, I selected
three pieces of material; an article, a comic strip and a poem. This phase of the SBA not only
enhanced my research skills but also taught me the importance of discerning reliable
sources in the vast ocean of information available to us.
The article I selected for my CSEC English A School-Based Assessment delves into the
profound impact of technological advancements on employment prospects in the future.
The author cogently argues that as we continue to progress in technology, the spectre of
increased unemployment looms large. The article explores the intricate relationship
between automation, artificial intelligence, and the job market, positing that the very
innovations designed to enhance efficiency and convenience might lead to the displacement
of human workers.
The comic strip I selected for my CSEC English A School-Based Assessment unfolds a
fascinating narrative about two individuals who embark on a time-traveling adventure into
the future. In their futuristic exploration, they encounter a wise and confident doctor who
delivers a poignant revelation. Despite the remarkable strides in technology and the
delegation of repetitive procedures to AI and robotics, the doctor asserts that his role
remains indispensable. The advancement of technology, particularly in the medical field, has
streamlined many aspects of healthcare, making surgeries more efficient through
accumulated data and automated processes. However, the comic strip ingeniously
underscores the enduring importance of qualities that technology cannot replicate—
empathy and creativity. As time progresses, the narrative suggests a growing need for
healthcare professionals to bring a human touch, compassion, and innovative thinking to
their practice, establishing a compelling argument that some aspects of human expertise are
irreplaceable in the face of advancing technology.
The poem "Technology's Advancement" by Walterrean Salley offers a poignant exploration
of the dual nature of technology. The verses convey a sense of both admiration and caution,
capturing the paradoxical impact of technological progress on human life. Salley vividly
describes the relentless and abrupt changes brought about by technology, likening them to
acid rain, suggesting the potential corrosive effects on our lives. The poem acknowledges the
brilliance behind technological innovations, emphasizing the unseen complexity of the
software that powers it. Despite the convenience and time-saving benefits, Salley raises
awareness about the financial costs and the unseen toll on manpower. The concluding lines
reflect on the significant changes the world has undergone, highlighting the transformative
journey from "back in the day."
Crafting the reflections was akin to navigating turbulent waters. It demanded precision,
coherence, and a mastery of language. As I wove my thoughts into words, I discovered the
power of effective communication as I was limited by the word limits presented. Every
sentence became a sail, propelling my narrative forward and ensuring that my message
would reach the shores of understanding.
The School-Based Assessment wasn't merely an academic endeavour; it was a voyage of self-
discovery. It provided me with the opportunity to reflect on my own beliefs, biases, and
perspectives. It challenged me to consider alternative viewpoints and to approach my
chosen topic with an open mind. In this process, I grew not only as a student but also as an
individual capable of critical thinking and empathy.
Presenting my findings to my peers was the final leg of this academic journey. It was a
moment of culmination, where I could share the insights gained from my research and
contribute to the collective knowledge of our academic community. The feedback I received
allowed me to refine my writings, strengthen my conclusions, and appreciate the value of
constructive criticism.
In conclusion, the CSEC English School-Based Assessment has been a transformative
experience. It has tested my intellectual mettle, honed my communication skills, and
instilled in me a profound appreciation for the power of words. As we all embark on our
academic journeys, let us embrace the challenges that come our way, knowing that each
hurdle is an opportunity for growth and learning.

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