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(AC-S07) Week 7 - Task: Assignment - Where is

the hospital?

STUDENT: Jeanpier Ángelo Solano Condor

I'm fine, I'm going to the Costa Verde. Onthe green coast we can
find one of the bestbeaches in Peru, which, although they are
notwarm and crystalline, are highly visited bysurfers. The only
sandy beach with excellentwaves that is located at the height of
Chorrillosand is highly visited during the summer. Herewe have a
great unevenness between the cityand the sea.In addition to this
we find parks, boardwalks,large buildings and excellent
restaurants suchas "La Rosa Náutica"Sports such as kayaking,
surfing, cycling andparagliding are practiced here.It is located on
the coastline of the districts ofSan Miguel, Magdalena del Mar,
San Isidro,Miraflores, Barranco and Chorrillos.

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