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Teacher: Ms.

Subject: Integrated Science
Grades: 8PRU
Topic: Heat Transfer
Target: Classify heat transfer as conduction, convection or radiation.

Instruction: In each of the following examples, identify whether heat is being transferred
through conduction, convection or radiation. Some may have two possible answers. Choose
the answer that best fits the situation.

NB: Should be done in your notebooks as is seen, that means drawing the item

1) 2)

Warming hand over Eggs cooking in

a radiator. a frying pan.

3) 4)
Snowman melting Water boiling in
in the sun. in a kettle.

5) 6)

Warmth from the Tongue freezing to

fireplace circulating to a metal pole.
through the house.

7) 8)

Newt boiling in Ice melting

a hot caldron. on a hotplate.
9) 10)

Freezing outside Steam piping out

on a cold day. of a teapot.

11) 12)

Burning your hand Ice cubes keeping

on a hot pan lemonade cold.

13) 14)

Laying out in Roasting marsh-

the sun. mallows over a fire.

15) 16)

Making toast Heating a kettle

in a toaster. on a hot furnace.

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