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CIDU 2023

Engineer Ximena Aguinsaca also informed us about

the binational basin where there is insufficient
information. Since climate change greatly affects
methodological conditions, precipitation and the
entire water cycle.

Hydrological modeling in the San Pablo River basin

for agricultural purposes: Eng. Joffre Villacis. He
explained to us about a provincial plan for irrigation
and drainage of rivers in which it says that Guayas
has an area of approximately 32,248 km and the
total territory of the province of rivers is within this
basin since our province represents 22. 36% of the
total area of the basin.
Another topic to be discussed was also the evaluation of
the cocoa pod shell, which provided us with information
about the effect that cocoa has. This research helps us to
have new applications for the product in the cocoa
industry, since we as food engineers must know everything
related to this important topic.

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