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Finish the sentence without thinking

When I am hungry but there is no food at home I

Finish the sentence without thinking
The best way to celebrate a birthday is...
Finish the sentence without thinking
I dream of visiting...
Finish the sentence without thinking
My favourite activity before going to bed is...
Finish the sentence without thinking
I feel brave when...
Finish the sentence without thinking
When I can't sleep at night, I usually...
Finish the sentence without thinking
The best way to make me happy is to...
Finish the sentence without thinking
It is difficult for me to choose...
Finish the sentence without thinking
I feel like a superhero when...
Finish the sentence without thinking
People usually say that I am...
Finish the sentence without thinking
On a lazy Sunday afternoon, I enjoy...
Finish the sentence without thinking
When I need a good laugh, I watch or read...
Finish the sentence without thinking
When I need a break, I like to...
Finish the sentence without thinking
On a long car ride, I pass the time by...
Finish the sentence without thinking
The best snack in the world is...

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