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2020 Fifth International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN)

Employing Deep Learning In Intraday Stock

Chinthakunta Manjunath
Taroon G Ayushi Tomar
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
(School of Engineering and Technology)
(School of Engineering and Technology) (School of Engineering and Technology)
CHRIST(Deemed to be University)
CHRIST(Deemed to be University) CHRIST(Deemed to be University)
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru,India

Addapalli V N Krishna
Balamurugan M Bikramaditya Ghosh
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering School of Business & Management
(School of Engineering and Technology)
(School of Engineering and Technology) Institute of Management
CHRIST(Deemed to be University)
CHRIST(Deemed to be University) CHRIST(Deemed to be University)
Bengaluru,India Bengaluru,India

Abstract— Accurate stock price prediction is a mathematics. They are the major players in the world of
significant benefit to the Stock investors. The future intra-day trading.
Stock value of any company is determined by Stock Mankind is always existed to know about their future.
market prediction. A successful prediction of the stock’s Especially when it comes to knowing about future financial
future price could result in a significant profit; status because this will benefit them to a larger extent than
Hence investors prefer a precise Stock price prediction. they can plan their needs in comfort. To predict the future it
Although there are many different approaches to helps is necessary to understand and recognize patterns. Unique
in forecasting stock prices, this paper will briefly look patterns can be determined by developing specific methods.
into the deep learning models and compare LSTM These methods facilitate in eradicating speculations and also
model and its variants. The key intention of this study is
helps in identifying patterns by determining new
to propose a model that is best suitable and can be
implemented to forecasting trend of stock prices. This
paper focuses on binary classification problem,
predicting the next-minute price movement of SPDR The most important need of any stockholder is to know the
S&P 500 index The testing experiments performed on the fluctuations of stock prices in the financial market. This is an
SPDR S&P 500 index reveals that the variants of LSTM important prediction as it facilitates their decision in
models, Slim LSTM1, slim LSTM2, and Slim LSTM3 investing or de-invest in the stock market. SVM(System
with less parameters, provide better performance when Vector Machine) is the methodology used in this research
compared to the Standard LSTM Model. paper to predict stock trends. Here the Model is trained by
the usage of actual historical data. This SVM learning theory
Keywords— Stock Market Forecasting, Machine gives us a one-step prediction. All nonlinear functions can be
Learning, Deep Learning, Long Short-Term Memory mapped without any prior assumption about the data. This is
(LSTM), Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN). possible by the usage of Neural networks, which are
universal function approximates[2]. Neural Networks are
I. INTRODUCTION generally data-driven which allow data to speak for itself.
They are non-parametric weak models. Neural network
models are better than most of the parametric models
In the financial market world, with great advancement of because they are less influenced by the model
information technology, stocks represent one of the key
misspecification problems. The risk prediction dynamics are
assets that people are counting upon. Most people invest
powerfully described than any of the traditional statistical
their hard earned money in financial market with good
knowledge in equity market and statistics. There are different methods.
kinds of investment in the stock market such as intraday,
short term, medium term and long term investments. There SVM trains neural polynomial networks or radial function
are people who believe in intraday and considered as risk neural networks. It works on the principle of structural risk
takers. They are the key players in the financial market of minimization (SRM). Generally, in neural networks, the
intra-day trading. Majority of people, with sound knowledge empirical error is minimised. But in SVM, the upper bound
of the market, statistics and lot of ‘gut’ feelings, are investing of generalization error is minimised. Optimum network
their hard earned money into company shares. And then we structure is achieved when SVM maintains the right balance
have people, who are termed as ‘Risk Takers’, who believe between the VC-confidence interval and the empirical error.
in the understanding of commerce, current affairs, and By this the generalisation performance is better when than
other neural networks. SVM Model has also shown
incredible results in analysing various problems which

978-1-7281-8818-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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includes text categorization[3], pattern recognition[4], object forecasting the stock fluctuations which provides us a vague
detection[5], face detection[6], bioinformatics[7], etc. idea recommending us to buy or sell stocks [14].
Intraday-trading also known as day trading is that trading
model of the equity market whose vesting epoch is in one An Intraday Stock Prediction Model which is based on
day. At the opening time of the market, investors purchase using Deep Neural Network and by using a amalgamation of
shares at a certain time window and then sell them on the data and the technical indicators has been proposed in order
closing screen of the same day. Precise stock price forecasts to identify the trends in stock market [15]. Reduced variants
allow traders to increase profits. The up and down changes of LSTM performance can potentially perform well and
reported by stock prices are complex to understand during based on the analysis of the average accuracy of validation
the intraday trading activity. by learning rate and activation functions, LSTM3 seems the
better of all the reduced LSTM models [16]. An attention
This paper focuses on intraday stock trading and binary mechanism is introduced in conventional Recurrent Neural
classification problem, predicting the next-minute price Network to perform stock price trend prediction model on
movement of US SPDR S&P 500 index. The experiments SSE 180 Index [17].On the basis of LSTM network, a deep
are conducted on the SPDR S&P 500 index stock dataset recurrent neural network model which contains numerous
which consists of various technical indicator features by inputs and multiple outputs techniques has been developed
applying standard LSTM and variants of LSTM models such [18].
as Slim LSTM1, slim LSTM2, and Slim LSTM3.
The remaining sections of this research article are ordered as
II. RELATED WORK follows. Section III gives a brief outline on Features used,
In this research paper we wished to analysis various RNN, LSTM neural networks methodology and its Slim
machine learning models to predict outcome of different Variants. In Section IV the efficiency and performance
business for example E-Commerce, Stock Market and many evaluation are validated. At last, conclusions and future
more. The basic logic between this is to gain profit for the work are concluded in Section V.
business. Like in ecommerce market, its functionality is to
support the equity market traders in building the tradable III. METHODOLOGY
profit. With the help of this idea traders can figure out when
A. Dataset, Features and Feature Selection
to exactly buy the security and when to sell it. The ability to
get the security at low price and sell that same security when The dataset is the SPDR S&P 500 trust (NYSE: SPY)
its price is high [8]. The first research on stock price with 1-minute intervals from March 1st until May 24th
prediction using NN’s was in White’s Trial in 1988 to 2019. The data is available on the IEX Trading website.
predict daily stock return of IBM. Haykin S in his paper The features include the trading volume and the prices.
“Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation” told us Technical indicators such as SMA (Simple Moving
about the importance of neural network in analysing and it’s Average), EMA (Exponential Moving Average),
precision with training and testing data makes it best suited Crossovers, consecutive price trends with 5, 10, 12, 20,
for stock prediction [9]. 26, 50, 100, 200 days lookback window are used. The
trending strength, volatility, and momentum of the price
There are numerous algorithm designed to do the same but movement are represented by these Technical indicators.
what we try to do is analysis it by various machine learning
models example Decision Tree , Support Vector Machine,
K- Clustering and RNN LSTM Variant. We have defined We used Lasso regularization method to select more
statistically significant features by shrinking their
our question based on previous studies of controlled
corresponding coefficients towards zero. Variables
experiment and aided by our pre knowledge. Unsupervised
selected by Lasso includes:
pattern recognition, particular K-clustering has not been
analysed completely due to its difficulty in predicting result • Original Features: Volume and Price.
from previous data. If the data is a time variant function, • Simple Moving Averages: SMA5, SMA15, SMA20,
data selection holds a immense force on the predicting
• Crossovers: SMA5Cross, SMA10Cross, SMA15Cross,
results [10].
SMA20Cros, SMA50Cross,
SMA100Cross, SMA200Cross
Some supervised methods like amnestic neural networks
and linear support vector machine(SVM) are used to solve. • Consecutive price trends: Up.Down10, Up.Down15,
Traditional Neural Networks unable to solve the problem of Up.Down50
stock prediction efficiently, hence for Support vector B. Models
machines (SVMs) the Amnestic Neural Networks was
RNN: RNN is most commonly used when describing the
designed and used. SVM was strictly used for stock
temporal dynamic behaviours of the data which are time
prediction [11]. Daily Stock prices are used to forecast the
sequential. The standard RNN is known to be less efficient
Nifty 50 indices and the BSE Sensex of Indian stock
when used to learn long-term dependences. It further has a
market[12]. Regression metrics such as MSE and MAPE
disadvantage of being affected by the vanishing gradient
metrics are employed to analyze and evaluate the
problem [19][20].
performance of hybrid equity market forecasting model
[13]. Fuzzy rule base generated for the purpose of

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LSTM: Long short-term memory network (LSTM) is a success is achieved by these variants [25-29] which are also
recurrent neural network (RNN). It is a series of neural known as SLIM LSTMs [30].
networks which is competent to process in order data.
LSTM is not only suitable to process single data points but The reduced LSTM variants namely LSTM1, LSTM2, and
it can also process an entire sequence of data. It is a LSTM3 ([25], [26], [29], [30]) are explored in this article.
particular form of RNN that is able to learn long-term i. LSTM 1: No Input Signal
dependencies and is refined over time to minimize the From the gating signals, the input signals and its associated
problem of long-term dependence.. Later on many other parameter matrix are eliminated.
researchers improved upon this pioneering work in [21] ……. (7)
[22][23].The problems of Explosion of long-term
dependencies and gradient vanishing can be better handled ….... (8)
by LSTM network. This is achieved when LSTM units in ……. (9)
RNN are replaces by basic hidden neurons [24]. Equations (1-3) are replaced by these gating equations 7 to 9
to generate the LSTM1 layer.
Figure 1 shows the detailed basic LSTM unit structure. ii. LSTM 2: No Bias & No Input Signal
Input, Forget, and Output gates are the gate controllers that Only the hidden activation unit is included from all the
are present in the LSTM unit. These gates are basically used three gating signals.
to determine the information that need to be remembered.
……… (10)
………. (11)
Equations (1-3) are replaced by these gating equations 10 to
12 to generate the LSTM2 layer.
iii. LSTM 3: No Hidden Unit Signal & No Input
Only the bias term is included from the gating signals.
……………… (13)
…………….. (14)
................... (15)
Equations (1-3) are replaced by these gating equations 13 to
Figure 1: The structure of the LSTM unit. 15 to generate the LSTM3 layer.

From the above Fig. 1, the three gate values are calculated The following Fig 2 shows the flowchart of the proposed
in Equations from 1 to 5. model. In this model technical indicators such as SMA,
EMA and its crossovers are calculated from the stock
= )........................(1) historical data and these are given as the input features for
= )..........................(2) the developed model. After performing trend analysis using
= ).......................(3) technical indicators these data trained on LSTM and its
three variants LSTM models using model hyper parameters
where  - nonlinear activation function. settings shown in table x. Here forecasting trading signal is
Generally, for the gates, the sigmoid function is used as considered as a classification problem with two target class
activation function. Within the LSTM, an intermediate state labels signifying the buy (1) and sell (0) signals.
C(t) is,

= ).................(4)

Then, the LSTM memory cell and the hidden state are,

= ...............................(5)
= ......................................(6)
where tanh - nonlinear tanh activation function.

In our following experiments we adopt the standard LSTM

model and also the three LSTM model variants in evaluating
the stock prices.
C . Proposed Model: LSTM Slim Variants Overview
By reducing the numbers of parameter from the LSTM layer Figure 2: The flowchart of the proposed intraday stock forecasting Model.
has resulted in a number of new variants. Reasonable initial

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IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION accuracy and recall is the F-Score. The computation
formulas are:
A. Neural Network Hyperparameter Tuning
In this article experiments the program is written by using Accuracy =
Python 3.5 and Tensor flow as a deep learning platform.
Once all models were successfully implemented, we also
F1 Score =
tuned relevant parameters and hyperparameters to improve
the model performance by using Grid Search method.
Especially for Sequence models that incorporate historical The model becomes more predictive when the values of
information, we varied different values of lookback window Accuracy and the F-Score are larger.
(5, 10, 15, 30 days) and how they affect the statistical
performance. Other relevant hyperparameters we tuned The following Table 3 demonstrates the performances of
include learning rate (across log scale), batch size, no. of Standard LSTM, Slim LSTM1, Slim LSTM2, and Slim
hidden units, and no. of epochs. Results of the best hyper LSTM3 deep learning techniques. In table 1, Slim LSTM 1
parameters are listed in Table 1. and Slim LSTM 2 showing good performance that has
53.26% and 52.49% training classification accuracy
TABLE I: MODEL SETTINGS OF HYPERPARAMETERS respectively. In testing, variants of slim LSTM showing
Parameter Parameter settings good performance compared to standard LSTM. However,
According to Table 3, the accuracy of training set is usually
Loss Function binary_crossentropy
superior to that of test set, as the models tend to more overfit
to the training set. When generalized in the test set, the
Optimizer Adam performance slightly dropped.
Learning Rate 0.001
Batch Size 32 Model Training Testing AUC Score
Accuracy Accuracy Testing
Number of Hidden Layers 128
LSTM 0.5235 0.4912 0.4955
Epochs 100
Slim LSTM 1 0.5326 0.5138 0.5142

In this experiment, the evaluation of the predictive Slim LSTM 2 0.5249 0.5200 0.5173
performance of the US SPDR S&P 500 index are performed Slim LSTM 3 0.5159 0.5124 0.5050
by using the relevant statistical indicators i.e., F value (F-
Score) and Evaluation index accuracy (Accuracy). The
model’s prediction results is First described in Table 2. Training and testing Classification reports of Standard
TABLE 2: MODEL PREDICTION RESULTS LSTM and varints of LSTM are revealed in table 4 and table
5 respectively.
Actual Class
Actual Actual
Trend: Trend: Model Precision Recall F1-Score Support
“Up” “Down”
LSTM 0.55 0.27 0.36 9332
Predicted trend : TP FP
“Up” Slim LSTM 1 0.53 0.52 0.53 9332
Class Predicted trend : FN TP Slim LSTM 2 0.52 0.57 0.54 9332
Slim LSTM 3 0.51 0.81 0.63 9332

Even before computing the precision and F value, we need to TABLE 5: CLASSIFICATION REPORT (TESTING)
get the precision and recall. Accuracy shows if the true trend
Model Precision Recall F1-Score Support
in the proportion is ‘up’ then the predicted samples are to be
‘up’. Similarly, the recall represents that in the samples the LSTM 0.50 0.30 0.38 1086
predicted true trend is ‘rising’, the true trend is the proportion
of ‘rising’. The formula for calculating Slim LSTM 1 0.53 0.50 0.51 1086

Precision = Slim LSTM 2 0.53 0.64 0.58 1086

Slim LSTM 3 0.51 0.84 0.64 1086
Recall =
Fig.3 demonstrates the model training and testing accuracy
The fraction of accurately forecasted samples to the total of different methods of deep learning. The slim LSTM1 and
sample data is indicated by Accuracy and the average Slim LSTM2 models have marginally higher accuracy

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during training compared to regular LSTM. In testing phase
variants of slim LSTM showing good performance
(marginally higher accuracy) compared to standard LSTM.

Figure 5: ROC Curve of Standard LSTM, Slim LSTM1, Slim LSTM2, and
Slim LSTM3.

Figure 3: Model Accuracy using Standard LSTM and Slim LSTM1, Slim

Fig. 4 shows the model training and testing loss of different

methods of deep learning. All these deep learning models
suffer from overfitting problem. The model learns noise and
the information of the training data to the degree that it
results in adversely affecting the model's performance while
used on the new data set.

Figure 6: AUC scores of Standard LSTM, Slim LSTM1, Slim LSTM2,

and Slim LSTM3.

A comparative model accuracy analysis of Standard LSTM,

Slim LSTM1, Slim LSTM2, and Slim LSTM3 are shown in
Fig 7. The results show that both Slim LSTM1 and Slim
LSTM2 are efficient in increasing the accuracy of intraday
stock trading during training compared to LSTM and Slim
LSTM3. In testing phase variants of slim LSTM (1, 2 and 3)
showing good performance (marginally higher accuracy)
compared to standard LSTM.

Figure 4: Model Loss using Standard LSTM and Slim LSTM1, Slim
LSTM2, Slim LSTM3.

ROC curves for intraday stock prediction performance are

shown in Fig.5. The comparison of the diagnostic test is
done by using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
Curve. It is a plot against the false positive rate of the true
positive rate. ROC curves are plotted using 37 randomly
selected training and testing stock data sets using 80%, and
20% of the data.
The area under (a ROC) curve is a measure of the accuracy
of a quantitative diagnostic test. A comparative model AUC
score analysis of Standard LSTM, Slim LSTM1, Slim
LSTM2, and Slim LSTM3 are shown in figure 6 and its Figure 7: Model Accuracy of Standard LSTM, Slim LSTM1, Slim
LSTM2, and Slim LSTM3.
found that standard LSTM AUC score of 0.49 and three
slim LSTM variants AUC values between 0.50 to 0.52. From the experimental results findings in this article during
testing phase variants of slim LSTM (1, 2 and 3) showing

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