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SESSION 2023-24
CHAPTER- Land and Rivers

Q1. Tick the correct option. 4

a) Northern plains are made rich by a number of _________

(i) rivers

b) The Northern plains are also called as the _________.

(ii) food bowl of India

c) The Great Himalayas are in the __________

(i) North

d) We should protect our rivers from _________

(iii) water pollution

Q2. State True (T) or False (F): 2

a. Rivers do not make the soil rich. F

b. The Indian landmass comprises of 29 states and 9 Uts. F

Q3. Fill in the blanks: 4

a. Glacier is a river of ice formed by snow.

b. A plateau is a flat area which is a bit raised from its surrounding areas.

c. The southern part of India which is surrounded with water from three sides is called
Peninsular India

d. India is the seventh largest country in the world.

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