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ik ‘COUR NU et TANGIBLE OS Ueeu: Cees ea peda PROS ests aj Se og Deane, kr MCEO Text Contents Welcome and Course Contents... 1-3 How To Use This Audio Tape Program 4-5 ‘The Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister 6 ‘The Institute of Keylontic Scienc 7 Bio-Spiritual Evolution .... 8 Keylontic Science Mechanics .. 9-10 Summary Charts and Supplementary Exercises Summary Charts ... 1-17 Supplementary Exercises 18-21 Glossary and Course -1 Audio Tape Descriptions Glossary 22-39 Course 1 Audio Tape Descriptions 40-42 No pert ofthis Course may be reproduced or presented in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information and retrieval systems without prior wren permission ftom Ashayana Deane, Eckr, MCE. All Materials © 4/2000, 2001, 2002 Ashayana Deane, Eckr. MCEO — All Rights Reserved wun nr VUUVIVUNS SoU T UU UT UT UU UT UT UU TUT U UU Amendment Notice Regarding Tangible Structure of the Soul Technique 3, Anchoring the D-8 Monad: Please note: there is an error in the CD recording of Technique 3, where the Thyroid Gland was referred to as being located at chakra #8, between chakra #4 and chakra #5. This should refer to the Thymus Gland rnof the Thyroid Gland. During the technique, simply intend that this is the location of the Thymus Gland. The Tangible Structure of the Soul Accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution Program ‘Sponsored by: The Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister All Materials © 1/2000, 2001, 2002 Ashayana Deane, Eckr. MCEO - All Rights Reserved Audio Cassette Course Welcome to the Melchizedek Cloister Accelerated Bio-Spintual Evolution Program The Tangible Structure of the Soul. We of the Melchizedek Cloister take great joy in bringing this program to you, forthe information and practical techniques offered inthis Audio Tape Course ( and within the ®xpanded programs fo come) can create truly transformational results within your quest for spiritual growth, personal empowerment and practical understanding of the nature of and purposes for the human experience. / am excited to bring this information fo you! | know that the spiritual quest can often be confusing as one tres to sort though a mulitude of conflicting idea paradigms atfempting {o find “the truth’, and all too often the reaity of spiritual enlightenment sill remains lusive. Our Tangible Structure of the Soul Program is unique, in that the idea paradigm upon which this program is built is INCLUSIVE rather than EXCLUSIVE. We seek to reveal the point of union between seemingly opposing perspectives, to heal the conficts inherent to Duality Consciousness and assist in positive growth toward a Unity Consciousness that is based upon mutual love, ‘respect, freedom and co-creative stewardship toward our planet. ‘The most exciting feature of the Melchizedek Cloister Bio-Spintual Evolution Programs is the revelation ofthe “road map” through the contours of muli-dimensional human anatomy, through which the interwoven biological and spiritual aspects of human evolution can be understood and Consclously accelerated. This Audio Tape Program features specific techniques and exercises of Consciousness that wil if practiced sincerely, begin to open the fields of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment into the earthly conscious awareness. The program is a support tool for individuals seeking accelerated spirtual awakening and is a companion to the more extensive spiritual-science teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister. Melchizedek Cloister Teachings ‘The teachings contained within this program are representative of a vast repository of ancient ‘knowledge regarding the true purposes and processes of human biological and spiritual evolution, ‘These teachings have been kept alive within our cultures since. pre-ancient history through a secret ‘Soul Group known as The Keepers of the Flame. The Keepers of the Flame are part of a large group of spiritual-science teachers called the Melchizedek Cloister Family. Teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Family are “brought out of hiding” when humanity most needs this information to help directits evolution along a positive, life-giving path. For the first time in over 10,000 years, the full teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Keepers of the Flame are being publicly re-introduced. The philosophies of the Melchizedek Cloister Present a view of reality in which both spirituality and science have their place and the intimate ‘connection between spirit and science is revealed. Teachings of the egalitarian Melchizedek Cloister are not limited to the traditionally patriarchal slant promoted by some Melchizedek Priesthoods. Our perspectives are egalitarian in nature, stressing the need for balance and ‘equal representation between the masculine and feminine aspects of reality. We assign no discriminatory bias to gender, race, religion or creed, other than to identify the differences between that which is ‘Supportive of tue ‘human bio-spinitual growAhi and that which impedes the growth process. The objective of the Melchizedek Cloister teachings is to cultivate an awareness of the mechanics by which reality is created so humanity can begin to participate consciously as responsible co- creators within the universal creation drama. The Audio Tape Course In this first AudioTape program you will learn a bit about the underlying structures upon which reality is made manifest and you will become acquainted with the multi-dimensional anatomy of the human identity. The bio-energetic techniques provided in this program are designed through an extensive understanding of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science - the Science of Consciousness and Creation, a system of understanding the "blueprints" upon which reality manifests. The techniques are easy to follow and one only needs a rudimentary Understanding ofthe ideas presented within the included lectures, in order to receive the benefits of the Keylontic Science Techniques provided. | am personally excited to bring this information to you because | KNOW THE PROGRAM WORKS! 'have experienced very rapid advancement in my own spiritual awakening and in the development of multi-dimensional perceptual sil through using these and similar Keylontic. Science exercises. New worlds of percention, understanding, productivity and peace have opened up within me, as | experienced expansions of consciousness and direct cognition that | did not know existed unti | ventured to use this program. | am delighted to share this information with you 0 you, too, may discover the joy-in-knowing that | have found, through using the programs of spiritual advancement as provided by the Melchizedek Cloister. If you could see what | have come to see, know what | have come to know, the love, joy, wisdom and power of the universe would literally open up within you. | hope for you the attainment ofthese states of cognition and more. The Melchizedek Cloister Program is a very good place to startin your journey toward rapid spiritual awakening, Accelerating Bio-spiritual Evolution, through expansion of the personal consciousness and integration of the spiritual aspects of being, is the primary objective of this Audio Tape Program. The paradigm of Bio-Spiritual Evolution recognizes the intimate connection between the human DNA, multi-dimensional levels of identty and anatomy, and the spirtdal integration process. The focus of this program is providing practical techniques of bio-energetic mechanics through which the consciousness can expand by integrating the constructs of the multi-dimensional human anatomy. You will become acquainted with the basic structure of 15-dimensional human anatomy and identity and the energetic Hova Bodies which house the ‘mulf-dimensional awareness. You will encounter the identity aspects ofthe incarnate, the Soul and Archetype, the Over-Soul and Monad, and the Avatar, Rishi, God-Self and God-Seed that correspond to this basic anatomy structure. Techniques are geared toward assisting you to make a conscious connection with these transcendent portions of yourself and toward accelerating the natural bio-energetic processes by which these portions of your awareness can be brought into conscious embodiment. You will learn direct applications of Keylontic Morphogenetic Science, through which you can begin transforming your realty to a higher level of joy by healing and realigning the “blueprints” of light and sound upon which your manifest realty is built Course Contents Tape 1: Side A. Lecture 1: Linking with the Solar Rishi-Hova Boaies and “Christ Consciousness” Side B. Technique 1: Linking with the Solar Rishi Tape 2: Side A. Lecture 2: Anchoring the D-5 Archetype — ‘Bio-Spiritual Evolution and Soul Integration Side B: Technique 2: Anchoring the D-5 Archetype (advanced version) Tape 3: ‘Side A. Lecture 3: Anchoring the D-8 Monad-Geomanices, Fire Letters and the God-Self Side B: Technique 3: Anchoring the D-8 Monad (advanced version) Tape 4: Side A. Lecture 4: Keylonta Merkaba Activation — Hova Bodies, Crystal Seals and Merkaba Phases Side B. Technique 4: Keylonta Merkaba Activation Tape 5: Side A. Lecture 5: Clearing the Crystal Body-Miasms and Releasing the Karmic Imprint Side B. Technique 5: Clearing the Crystal Body Tope 6: Side A. Lecture 6: Activating the God-Seed-The Family of Consciousness and the God-Seed Side B. Technique 6: Activating the God-Seed For detailed taps description, see page 40 | hope you will have many expansive and joyful experiences as you work wit the Melchizedek Cloister Tangible ‘Structure of the Soul Audio Tape Course, This audio tape program is based upon our forthoring book: Sot ictical Gi Conscio lution This audio program will provide you with a “sneak preview” to some of the information contained in the new book and will allow you to begin using practical techniques of Keyiontic Morphogenetic Science to ‘accelerate your personal Bio-Spiritual Evolution, With Love, Light and Spirits Blessings..... ple rd alch iyhea Kanandd Melchizedek Order of the Yunasai-Azurite Melchizedek Cloister How To Use This Audio Tape Program The Tangible Structure of the Soul Audio Tape program is designed to serve the needs of anyone wishing to enhance their processes of Spiritual development, personal empowerment and expansion of consciousness. One does not need to fly understand the mechanics of Bio-Spirtual Evolution or to fully believe in the paradigm of Stair Step Creation in order to have this program work for you. The Lectures provided on Side A of each cassette will provide you with a short orientation to the Subject matter featured in the Keylonfic Science Technique on Side B. We recommend listening fo the Lectures at east once before practicing the coresponding technique, to become familar with the concopts and terminology used in the exercises. The techniques are designed in a way that allows them to be used individually or as a well-rounded program, sequentially or in any order you prefer. Recommendations a fo sequence and frequency can be found atthe end of each technique description in the Courses Audio Tape Descriptions section. |n the Summary Charts section you wil find helpful diagrams and “information bites" related to the Bio- Spiritual Evolution process that will provide a bit more depth of understanding ofthe materials discussed in the Lectures and used in the Techniques. For those of you who have an appetits for intensive knowledge ofthe technical kind, the Glossary section in the back ofthis supplement provides an in-depth explanation of terms used in this program, through which you can gain a more comprehensive understanding ofthe Bio-Spirtual Evolution, Stair Step Creation and Higher Identity Integration process. However, itis not necessary to review the technical information in order to use this program successfully The most important features of this program are the Keylontic Techniques themselves, fortis through consistent application of these techniques that you will begin to make literal changes and expansion within your consciousness, perceptual range, morphogenetic field, bio-energetic field, chakra system, physical body and DNA. This program s designed to produce rapid yet balanced acceleration of spirtual development by affecting the morphogenetic fed directly, and overtime you can expect to notice subtle (or sometimes not so subtel) changes in your consciousness and body. When fst using the program you may begin to feel various sensations of energy moving through your body at cifferent times (even when you are not using the techniques), tingling or subte infusions of heat or cold that may be noticeable, but not unpleasant. You may experience rapid improvementin dream recall, astral srojection or psychic perception, especialy f you use the techniques frequently and consistently. You may begin to fee! the presence of an “unseen force” with you, as your own Higher Identty begins to integrate into your consciousness, This course represents the first level ofan intensive Bio-Spirtual Evolution Program, its primary purpose 's to establish a stong connection between you and your Levels of Higher Consciousness, so that your physical, emotional, mental and astral bodies are prepared for more intensive course work to follow. You may find that Course-1 is all you need to reach your goals of consciousness expansion through strengthening your connection to your Higher Self. Course-1 wll gently begin the process of biologically integrating your Higher Identity Levels. ‘The energy accelerations produced by Course-1 Techniques are geared toward realigning the Astral Body levels first, while preparing the physical body to house higher frequency energy, so you do not have ‘worry about disrupting the energetic balances in your body systems. You may begin to experience short periods of mid emotional body clearing or slight mental fatiguo, as the mental and emotional bodies begin ‘o realign themselves to a higher order. Such clearing periods will unin cycles, and if you keep a journal of your experiences while using this program you will begin to identify how and when these growth cycles ‘manifest through your personal bio-energetc system. If you become uncomfortable withthe feelings of energetic moverent you may feel in your body, or if mental or emotional fatigue continues for more than a day or 2, we suggest Stopping the program for a time, untl your bio-energetic system has balanced the new «energies brought in from the Techniques. Treat yourself gently and with kindness, and don't feel that 4 you need to rush your spiritual expansion. Your Higher Identity will regulate the rate of your growth according to what is best for your entire body-mind-spirit system. We recommend keeping a daily journal as a general practice, even when not using the techniques. Observe your consciousness, your dreams, the content of your thoughts in the moment and begin to become more aware ofthe energy in your body and the quality of your inner and outer perceptions. Training yourself in such self-observation will help you to notice your progress within the program ‘more quickly. You wil also be able to look back in your journals to see “how far you've come”, Journal wring is also helpful in conjunction wit the Techniques. At imes during the exerise, particulary ater regular use of the program, you may get spontaneous insights, information or guidance pertaining to important issues. You should record this information as soon as possible after the exercise, before it fades from your awareness aftr returning to your usual waking focus. For this reason we suggest keeping a notebook and pen handy when practicing the Techniques. Its also wise to keep a notebook or recorder by your bedside, as use of the program will help to better organize information from the dream-state, and often your Higher Identity wll communicate with you directly through the medium of dreams. Again, dream revelations will often fade or become confused once you focus into the waking consciousness (the gene code serves to fragment, block or distort incoming data from higher dimensional felds that you entered during sleep, until the 4 DNA strand and above begin activation, This Course is highly compatible with other forms self-exploration, such as: affirmations, visualization, chakra work, bio-energetic healing, sel-hypnosis, regression, belief reprogramming, ‘birthing, meditation, prayer, toning, channeling, etc. We urge anyone who actively participates in Such processes as the above, fo use this program, as itwill enhance your performance wiile helping you to protect yourself rom unwanted influences such as Astra interference or chaotic reincamnational bleed, ‘trough. This program is designed specifically to create a strong energetic alignment between you and your Highest Identity levels, (far more than simply ‘opening the doors to Astal awareness, so that your expansion of consciousness can proceed unimpeded and your exploration into the frontiers of ‘multidimensional being can unfold safely and in a gentle manner. When first using the Techniques it may be a challenge to keep up with the instructions or to visualize the images described. Don't be discouraged; with repetition and trust in your Higher Self, you will eventually be able to follow the Techniques with ease. The Techniques themselves wil help you to develop concentration, focusing, visualization skills and higher dimensional perception. Itis best to use the Techniques in relaxed manner, removing from your mind any concern about wht you will zccomplish and focusing on the experience of following the steps as they come. The Techniques are intended to take you beyond your usual level of 3-imensional perception and into inner landscapes through which you can lnk wth your Higher Identity, To receive full benef from the program, focus your tention fully upon the tape experience and lessen all distracting thoughts or outsid interference. Itis favorable to use the Techniques in a calm, comfortable, quiet environment, in which you will not be

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