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Mod.Intemnet of Things Node MCU Pinout — ESP8266 12E WIFI Antenna ESP8266-12E CECE eK USB Serial Cireuit Connection Attach NodeMCU on Breadboard. Connect VCC of Relay with Pin 3.3V of NodeMCU. Connect GND of Relay with GND of NodeMCU Connect Pin Signal of Relay with Pin D7 (GPIO 13) of NodeMCU Connect one terminal of Bulb (Blue Wire) with Pin NC (Normally Close) of Relay. © Connect one terminal of Adapter with Pin C (Common) of Relay. ‘© Connect the other terminal of Bulb (Red Wire) with another terminal of Adapter. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, MMCOE, Pune-52. Page Mod.Intemnet of Things Interfacing Diagram Code: code senal pint) include dstatpentne Serial prntin WiFi connectee’ cconst char" ssi const char" pass 1 Stan the server serve begin); int ledPin = 13; 1! GPIC Serial printin Server started” WiFiServer server(80), /1 Prin the IP address void setup) { ‘Sefial prinUse this URL to comect. Serial bogin( 115200); Serial print: delay(10} Serial prt (MF locallPO}: Serial prin’ pinMode(tedPin, OUTPUT) digitalWnite(ledPin, LOW), } Connect to WiFi network vost Jone Serial printing Sana printin( Serial prnt((Connectng to" Senial printin(ssid) nt has connected = server avalable(y WiFi begin(ssid, password) Val unt ie client sends some data Serial prntin’ new client’) while (WiFi status() = WL_CONNECTED){ ——whila(eient avaitabla()t dalay(500) celay(‘) } Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, MMCOE, Pune-52. Page Mod.Internet of Things BEE&TC 1 Read the frst ine ofthe request ‘Sting request = clentreadStingLnil(\r); Seria prntin(request), bent Mush, Match the request intvaue = LOW; if (request indexO1/LED=ON") = 1) { digitalWritefedPin, LOW) value = LOW, i In (request indexO1CLED=OFF*)I=-1) ¢ digitalWirte(odPin, HGH); value = HIGH + 1 Set ledPin according to the request UdigitaWrte(edPin, vakie) 1 Returnthe response lent printn HTTF/1.1 200 OK); client printin( Gentent-Typo: toxthtmi) cent printin(“) (1 do not forget this one client pritin(", cent printin(-
" cent pritin( <2 nref=1"/LED=ONI""">