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Icuspit, Elaine Joy

Topic #3:

Throughout my high school life, I have contributed to many academic extracurricular

activities such as clubs, and volunteer groups in our community. I am a Math Club member,

MAPEH Club member, YES-O Club member, and Red Cross Youth member. I became part of

various activities, each helping me evolve as a person. Every club I was part of had a very

special message to deliver to me. Whether the message was one of leadership, responsibility, or a

life lesson, I grew from it.

The Yes-O club opened me to many new experiences. It allowed me the chance to help

our community by collecting recyclable materials and creating new products out of it. The Red

Cross Youth Club helped me to continue to expand my excellence by doing countless amounts of

volunteering and showing leadership skills. One volunteer project I enjoyed was helping in the

feeding program of children in the community. This helped develop my profound sense of

responsibility and compassion to others which started at a very young age when my mother died

and I had to be responsible for my younger siblings.

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