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Editor’s Preface ix
Note on Romanian Spelling and Pronunciation xiii
Foreword by Matei Calinescu xv
Chronology: E. M. Cioran xxi
Part 1 · The Romanian Life of Emil Cioran
Introduction: Cioran’s Revenge………………………………………………………………….3
1. Răşinari, Transylvania, 1911–1921 …………………………………………20
2. Sibiu, 1921–1928 …………………………………………41
3. Bucharest, 1928–1933 …………………………………………58
4. Berlin, 1933–1935 …………………………………………82
5. Romania’s Transfiguration, 1935–1937 …………………………………………91
6. Romania’s Transfiguration, Continuing Controversy ……………………111
7. Tears and Saints, 1937………………………………………… 123
8. Stranger in Paris …………………………………………135
9. Conclusion: The Lyrical Virtues of Totalitarianism ……………………………141
Part 2 · Memoirs of a Publishing Scoundrel
Prelude …………………………………………151
Paris, 1992–1994 …………………………………………157
Romania, 1994 …………………………………………178
Paris, 1995 …………………………………………205
Romania, 1995–1997 …………………………………………219
Postlude …………………………………………231
Appendix 1: Another Family 235
Appendix 2: Articles by Cioran Reflecting His 239
Experiences in Germany
Notes 245
Bibliography 263
Biographical Note 271
Index 273

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