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Long ago, in Valencia Bukidnon, there were 2 best friends. The red fox and the Monkey.

They had a daily

routine, wherein they would always pluck together smooth and yellowish bananas on the tenderest
leaves. But one day, the red fox got badly sick and had to rest for days. The Monkey waited and waited
for him. He went to the tree where they often pluck bananas. It grows a lot of long, curved fruit with
smooth,fresh and yellowish bananas. He said, "I have to take all the bananas and give some to my dear
sick friend."

While plucking the bananas the lion was passing by and saw him. He went to the monkey and asked,
"Aren't you the best friend of red fox?" the monkey froze and said, "Yes, I am." The lion nodded and said
"Why are you plucking those bananas alone? Where is he? I have been observing you 2 since then and I
notice that you both do it together." The monkey respond "He is sick,and I am giving some of these
bananas to him to make him feel better." "Oh, I see" said the lion. " Well,how about I give you some
other fruits for you and fox to eat?" the lion said. "That would be great!" said the monkey. And so the
lion gave the monkey some fruits for monkey and sick fox to eat.

The monkey went to his friend,fox' house. He gave all of the food he had to fox,and ate it together. Few
days later,the fox is all better. The monkey is very happy. They pluck smooth and yellowish bananas on
the tenderest leave together.The lion saw them and said "Oh, it seems like fox is all better." "Yes,he is."
the monkey replied.One day, the monkey and the fox were playing. And suddenly,the volcano erupted.
They were both shocked. The monkey rushed home, and when he got home,he saw his house was
broken. His house was really close to the volcano. The monkey told fox about his house. And the fox
said," you could spend the night in my house." . The monkey woke up and saw lots of other animals
going to his house to fix it. The monkey went to his house,and saw it was getting fixed. He was so
suprised. The fox showed up and said " do you like it? I asked the king of the jungle lion to help me fix
your house." "But how is that posible?" said the monkey. The fox replied,"I'm friends with the lion!"
"Now let's take a look inside your new house!" . And so,the bond of the monkey and the fox grew and
grew as they grow older. Remember,always help someone in need and always treat other people how
YOU want to be treated.

The end.

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