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According to the research of (Jamal Mohamed,2011 ) tell us It ¨has been noticed that
teachers of English use translation in the classroom and that some students were
inclined to use translation when their English failed them. The extent of translation use
by teachers was not clear before the conduction of this study. Through informal
discussions, some english teachers who use translation in EFL classes claim that
translation is very helpful in facilitating the process of teaching especially with low-
level students. They also claim that their students find translation helpful in many
ways, especially in clarifying grammatical and lexical concepts¨ Jamal Mohamed
Gabier, Use of Translation in the Classroom by EFL Teachers (A descriptive

In his study he selected a certain number of students around forty and selected twenty
English teachers. For this study, the use of surveys of both teachers and students was
unavoidable. Similarly, he selected twenty students to whom in a classroom diagnostic
tests were applied referred to with small vocabularies where the cameras recorded some
students taking out their cell phones to answer.

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