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Mobility 4

To Move Well, Feel Well, Do

Toby Swallow, FRCms



Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
The human body has evolved ...................................................................................... 5
The 5 whys ............................................................................................................................ 8
Your 5 whys: ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Consistency ........................................................................................................................ 11
Feedback and guidance ................................................................................................ 13
Mobility 4 Middle-aged Men – how it works....................................................... 14
Controlled Articular Rotations ................................................................................... 15
What are they designed for? ......................................................................................................... 15
How do I perform them? ............................................................................................................... 16
What do you mean by TENSION and IRRIDATION? .................................................................. 17
CARs vs circles ................................................................................................................................. 19
Intent ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Pain ................................................................................................................................................... 21

Cramping ............................................................................................................................ 23
Factors that affect mobility.......................................................................................... 25
Hydration ............................................................................................................................ 27
Stress Management ........................................................................................................ 29
How to get the most from of the program .......................................................... 31
Posture ................................................................................................................................. 34
Will this program make me fit? ................................................................................. 37
What next? ......................................................................................................................... 38
Stuff I like and recommend: ........................................................................................ 40

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow



Before performing this, or any exercise program, consult a

qualified medical practitioner. It is your responsibility to
evaluate your own physical and medical condition, and to
independently adapt any of the information or content of this
Any exercise program may result in injury.
By voluntarily undertaking any exercise in this program, you
assume the risk of any resulting injury.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow



Thank you sincerely for investing your hard-earned money in my

‘Mobility 4 Middle-aged Men program which provides a foundational
introduction to mobility training.

Please read this manual from start to finish and refer back to it

There is no one exercise or short-term solution that enables us to

move optimally. Mobility training requires consistency and effort to get
lasting results. Mobility training also never ends.

The purpose of this program is to help you look after your body
and lay the foundation for improved movement and physical capability
for the rest of your life.

The program will complement other physical activities that you

may pursue – football, gym, running and even just being an awesome
human, and will work on areas that are holding you back, which will be
determined from your assessment.

The program is focused on improving your mobility.

Mobility can be defined as the ability to actively achieve a range of

motion. You have neurological control over a particular range of motion.
It's flexibility plus strength and, control.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Whereas flexibility is the ability to passively achieve a range of

motion. Flexibility doesn't involve active control, so it may not be an as
useful range of motion as mobility.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


The human body has evolved

For 84,000 generations, we’ve survived as hunters and gathers.

350 generations ago we entered the agricultural revolution.

7 generations ago we entered the industrial revolution.

2 generations ago we entered the digital age.

Our genome hasn’t changed in this time, yet our lifestyle has!

Simply put, the modern “lifestyle” involves spending most of our

time in fixed positions, for extended periods. For instance, when you
drive or sit in front of a computer screen.

You are designed to MOVE.

You have NOT evolved to sit around, rather we have been

designed to be constantly on the move. Utilizing our physicality to

Today, in this modern world, our physicality has never mattered

less in terms of our survival. As a result, we move far less than we need
to. And even when we do move, we use a very limited range of motion
across the whole body.

An internet connection and a computer are all some people need

to earn a living.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


“Exercise” is a modern human invention, required to help keep us

strong, fit, and healthy.

And, focusing on postural positions doesn’t work either as there is

no good or bad posture, only spending too much time in the same or
similar positions!

The answer?

Well, your joints need just as much attention as your muscles and
lungs. Fail to look after them, and you could end up struggling with
simple things such as getting dressed… or even sitting down and back
up from the toilet in your later life!

Now, even though joint mobility is crucial, it doesn’t get much

attention in the “mainstream” fitness world.

You can’t move where you can’t move, and with that in mind, when
your joint doesn’t move, YOU cannot move!

Improve your joint stuff and you provide yourself with room to
improve the other stuff too. It’s not a matter of “this or that”, it’s a matter
of using the right tool for the right job, at the right time.

And my goal with this program is to help you connect the missing
elements of all the things we do.

So what is joint mobility?

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Joint mobility is the active, usable range of motion of a joint that

you can control, safely. This is very different to stretching yourself into a
position, using gravity or some other form of assistance.

And when you improve your joint mobility, you will:

✓ Reduce those age-related joint aches and pains.

✓ Be able to keep doing the activities you love.
✓ Improve balance and body control.
✓ Improve active joint range of motion.
✓ Improve movement.
✓ Enjoy stronger and healthier joints.
✓ Improve the quality of your life.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


The 5 whys

Before we get into the details of the program, I’d encourage you to
take some time to answer the following questions.

Let’s start with motivation.

It’s a word frequently thrown around.

But here’s the thing: motivation is great when your ride the crest of
the wave. However, what happens when you lack the motivation to do

And I see THIS as a key to doing the work, even when life wants to get
in the way:

You overslept.

Demanding work projects.

The kids are screaming at you.

[insert something else]

When you understand the deeper reason behind embarking on this

program, it’ll help keep you on track and doing the work needed to get
the result you want.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


When thinking about starting anything new (like a nutrition or

exercise program) an exercise called The “5 Whys” is a great place to

The “5 Whys” was a system originally used by the Toyota Motor

Corporation. It’s very simple and reveals our deep motivations for why
we want something.

When you want to accomplish something, you ask one “why.”

“Why do I want to accomplish this?”

Then, whatever answer you come up with, ask why again. And so on,
five times.

As you answer these questions:

Be honest about your intentions.

Be curious about what’s beneath the surface.

Be compassionate with yourself.

Your 5 whys:

1. Why are you doing this challenge?

2. Why do you want to achieve that?

3. And why is that important?

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4. And why will that make a difference?

5. And why will that matter?

Write your answers down and keep them somewhere that you can
refer back to them, often.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow



This is a vital and huge part of your success. Your daily movement
will have an accumulative effect over time.

I strongly encourage picking a time every single day to complete

your routine; that is try and do the routine at the same time every day
e.g. whilst your morning tea/ coffee is brewing.

THE best time to perform the daily routine is first thing in the
morning (or if you work shifts, the start of your day when you rise).

This will help prepare your body for the day ahead.

If you’re super committed and want to get the most from this
program, you could do them morning and evening.

In time, you will gain an understanding of which exercises benefit

you most and may wish to perform these at various times throughout
the day.

I want you to better understand your body, and how it moves and
to get better at the movements. Lay the foundation.

Consistency is KEY from here on out and understand this is a

marathon, not a sprint. It’s a journey!

Follow the program as written.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


This is a program you can do for life. Never be afraid to move and

The body will adapt once you stay consistent.

To summarise:

Though daily practice is the ideal and best, 5 days a week is good,
6 days is better.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Feedback and guidance

The exercises that have been put together for you are very
effective when performed well.

Book yourself in for your weekly Zoom meetings to walk and talk
through the movements that you find most challenging.

This can’t be stressed enough.

One of my objectives with you during the 8-weeks, is for you to

become competent at the daily CAR movements. To help you achieve
this, I really do need to see what you are doing.

In summary, Zoom is for support:

Further exercise tutorials and coaching.

You need some further explanation or clarification.


Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Mobility 4 Middle-aged Men – how it works

The daily morning routine will bring your joints through their full
range of motion and help identify which parts need a little more focus to
move better.

The program comes in 2 parts:

1. A daily, morning routine (~12 minutes)

2. Supplementary sessions to be performed 3x week (~20-40


These sessions will come in 2 phases, each building on the

last, all of which are 4 weeks in length.

They are designed to work together, having a synergistic effect on

your body. Start them together on week 1.

The daily routine ensures you explore a joint's full range of motion,
under control which will provide huge, compounded benefits over time.

In summary, daily movement will:

Maintain and improve joint health and promote longevity.

Improve nervous system control of your movements.

Reduce muscular aches and pains.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Controlled Articular Rotations

CAR motions are active, rotation movements completed at the

outer limits of your pain free motion. They are the foundational
movements of mobility and Functional Range Conditioning.

What are they designed for?

There are multiple benefits of CARs. First, they maintain the range
of motion you have. They help the receptors in your joints that stay
stimulated. When you don’t use the receptors that are involved in the
control of a joint, you will lose them over time. Just like if you take a
break from weight training, you lose muscle. When you look at the
research, the only way to maintain the health of your joints is through
consistent movement.

The more you move, the more nutrients are given to your joint
tissue (cartilage, muscle, ligament etc.)

CARs also provide your joints with a familiarity of a seemingly

unknown position. If you work at the end-rages of motion daily, your
receptors and tissues of the joint have been there before.

CARs act as a self-assessment whereby, over time you will get to

understand you won and unique joint range of motion and if one

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


morning it feels a little off in a certain position, you may need to spend a
bit more time in this range to work it through and perform a few
additional repetitions. If you feel pain or pinching, simply avoid the angle
or range where it occurs.

CARs can be used for rehabilitation AND performance. Depending

on the level of tension and irradiation (see below). You use them for
different purposes. Performing them to varying degrees will determine
what adaptations will occur.

How do I perform them?

Inhale, take a deep breath, and trap air in your lower abdomen.
Create tension throughout your body buy tensing the muscles.

Each repetition should be slow and controlled to ensure rotation

at the outer limit of your pain-free motion, working the targeted joint
independently from inputs from other parts of your body.

Simply put, you will draw as big of a circle with the selected joint
(for example the head vs shoulder vs scapula).

Attempt to expand the range/circle with each repetition.

Repetitions can be done with each rotation moving S L O W L Y –


This is NOT a race!

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


I make no apologies in repeating this: CARs are a great way to start

your day, and I encourage you to build this into your morning routine.

Top-ups throughout your day are encouraged. Neck, Thoracic and

Scap CARs can all be done at a desk, for example.


1. Set your breathing and maintain tension throughout your body.

2. Imagine you are moving your body through treacle, or air, where
the density is around 30%.

3. Avoid compensations/ contributions from other parts of your

body. You are isolating that joint from the rest of the body.

4. Increase the size of articulation without losing control.

5. Move the slowest in the hardest spots.

6. Daily CARs are performed at an intensity of around 3/10.

What do you mean by TENSION and IRRIDATION?

The concept of irradiation is a very important aspect that you will

need to acquaint yourself with to do CARs and other mobility exercises
properly. By irradiation, we are referring to how a muscle contracting

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


hard enough will recruit surrounding muscles to contract too, and how a
muscle can contract more fully when surrounding muscles contract too.

Whole body tension eliminates a lot of the ‘wobbliness’ that can

hide how well the target joint works.
Tension in surrounding muscles drives more juice into the muscles
we are using to move the joint, thereby increasing our control over
Generating all that tension puts stress on the nervous system,
which forces it to adapt so as to be more efficient at generating
that much tension in the future.

Examples of irradiation or tension building techniques:

Bracing your core and flexing your abs like you’re about to take a
cannonball to the gut.
Squeezing your fists tight or, holding a tennis ball.
Flexing your glutes, locking out your knees, flexing your quads.
Locking your arm to your side and squeezing your armpit tight
Gripping the floor with your feet and “screwing” your feet into the
Squeezing yoga blocks between your knees or hugging a block to
your chest.
Dorsiflex your foot and toes (pulling your toes up towards your

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


You won’t necessarily be able to follow all these cues for every kind of
CAR, but just understand you want to find ways to generate tension
throughout your body (up to the desired intensity level). In particular,
your body pays attention to tension in the core, hands, and glutes.

CARs vs circles

“Joint circles” is usually taken to mean quick, light movements like

swinging and shaking your limbs out. Those movements are fine for
loosening up, but they do not give the type of continuous tension and
neural drive we are aiming to generate during CARs.

Let’s break down that name:

Controlled: Purposeful, deliberate, and smooth

Articular: Dealing with articulations AKA joints
Rotations: Rotational movements, ideally through end ranges of motion.

The inventor of CARs, Dr Andreo Spina defines CARs as “active

rotational movements at the outer limits of articular motion.”

Calling them “joint circles” sells them short. Depending on how you
perform CARs, they can be used for a wide variety of purposes, such as:

A daily morning joint care routine.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


A self-diagnostic to see how you are feeling and moving each day.
A warm-up before training, working out, or competing.
An “active rest” exercise to do between sets or between rounds or
sets of other forms of exercise.
A way to “check in” with your body after training.
A good way to take breaks when you have been sitting or inactive
for too long.
A low intensity way to encourage healing after injuries.
A high intensity way to increase active ranges of motion.

As a beginner to this, your best bet is starting with the whole-body

morning routine at low-to-medium tension, or around 30% tension. You
can try the medium-to-high tension versions (50-70% tension) later in
the day, perhaps before training or even during your workout.


You and I move differently to each other. We have different builds,

abilities, injury history and restrictions. Your range of movement may be
greater or lesser than mine.

The KEY to CARs is the intent in how they are performed.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


What you look like verses what I look like will be different. There
are some movement practices that focus on a pose or movement that
must look a certain way.

CARs are different in that that they are focused on how YOU move
and with the intention focused on the joint you are working.

Be you.


If you experience a pinching type of pain or any other type of pain at

a certain point during a CAR, you have 2 options:

1. STOP just before the pain point and “Pacman” round it – see
diagram, or,

2. STOP just before the pain point and reverse direction.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


When you feel pain, pay attention to what side of the joint it is on
during the movement. Pain on the closing side of the joint (that’s to say
on the side that you are moving into, where the joint angle is getting
smaller) usually means you want to go see a specialist who can figure
out if it is a more serious problem that needs medical treatment.

Pain on the opening side (where joint angle is getting bigger) is

usually not as scary, especially if it just feels like a very unpleasant
stretch, and you are likely safe training through it.

If only a certain range of motion hurts, you can do as much of the

pain-free CARs as possible, then dodge the painful range and work
around it.

You can try doing smaller ranges of motion or lower tension CARs.

Anything is better than nothing, assuming you aren’t hitting a pain


Frequent light movements can be surprisingly effective.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow



A lot of the exercises will be new to you.

You may even look at your program and think “is that is!”. Don’t
confuse simple with easy. Also, if it’s simple and quick to do, you are
more likely to keep it up.

And that is exactly what you need to do.

Some of the movements may be difficult and strenuous, even

though no external weight is being used. The reason is, that you will be
moving in ranges of motion that you rarely if ever move into.

As a result, you will be weak and have limited control in these

ranges of motion.

Cramping and shaking are very common and to be expected.

Don’t fear this, it is perfectly normal.

"Flirt" with the cramp and breathe through it. It will be natural to
hold your breath in some of the more challenging movements but avoid
this and keep breathing!

Flirt with the butterfly effect of an early onset cramp.

A more severe cramp that forces you to come out of position is ok

too if you can shake and massage it off and get back into position.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


As you gain strength and experience in the body part, the

cramping will ease.

Cramping can be looked at as neural confusion.

It is an unorganized contraction of the muscle which happens as

the muscle isn’t used to working in that specific range. As the brain/
body learns, cramping will reduce/ dissipate, and the muscle will become

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Factors that affect mobility

We can often overthink the small stuff, whilst disregarding the


Without adequate sleep, we cannot recover appropriately from our


Sleep is the single biggest thing you can do for your health. Yet, we
are the only species that delays the onset of sleep!

Why is that?

Life is stressful and demanding; we are expected to be on-call 24/7

through digital contact.

We need approximately 7-9 hours of sleep a night, with women

needing around an hour more than men. Sleep like it’s your job.

Our cognitive function will be negatively impacted.

Therefore, our decisions will not be optimal. For example, you

might decide to skip your training session, or daily routine because
you’re too tired.

Remember, lack of sleep is a tool used for prisoners of war as

punishment and to get information from them.

It has a huge, debilitating impact on the nervous system.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Within your training diary, log your sleeping patterns.

The following are useful techniques to improve your quality of sleep:

Set your alarm to GO to bed. You most probably get up at the

same time most mornings, so aim to get to bed at the same time
each night.

Eliminate screen time in the 60-90 minutes before bed. Read a

book, get your daily routine or breathing routine done. Or use
‘blue-light’ blocking glasses.

Avoid consuming coffee or caffeinated drinks within 7-8 hours of

your bedtime. Take regular breaks from caffeine (research indicates
a 4-week period is best for optimal results).

Ensure your sleeping environment is as dark and quiet as possible.

Earplugs and facemasks are useful options.

Associate your bed with sleep.

Avoid watching tv or scrolling through your phone in your


Don’t just skimp past this section.

Sleep is like a super-power and when we don’t get enough, it can

affect our mental, physical, and emotional health.

Better sleep equates to better decisions, better training compliance,

better nutritional habits and thus a healthier, happier life.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Better habits equal a better life.


Our muscle tissue is made up of approximately 79% water in an

adequately hydrated person.

Therefore, improving movement in a poorly hydrated body will not

be possible.

The average adult in the UK drinks 1.7 litres of water per day. This
is notably lower than the recommended 2.5 litres per day for men and 2
litres per day for women.

For the active individual, a greater quantity will be required.

Lots of other factors are involved in calculating an individual’s

optimal water intake - size, age, gender, activity levels, climate etc.

For this reason, I am not providing a guide.

I would however suggest the following:

✓ Keep a bottle of water to hand throughout the day.

✓ Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.
✓ Drink water before, during and after a workout.
✓ Drink when hungry. Thirst is often confused with hunger.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


✓ Actual hunger will not be satisfied by drinking water

Signs of dehydration include:

Little or no urine.

Urine is darker than usual.

Dry Mouth.


Sleepiness and fatigue.


Extreme thirst.

Be proactive, don’t wait until you are very thirsty or notice any of the
above signs.

Drink water regularly.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Stress Management

Today’s modern world sees a huge amount of stress on middle-

aged and having a healthy stress management strategy can see the
difference between thriving and surviving.

Indeed, a degree of stress is needed to thrive. Too much or too little

and we run into problems, and it comes in all forms:

Environmental (lack of natural light, not enough movement, poor
food choices, toxic environments etc)

Stress doesn’t just affect out mental health, but also out physical
health leaving us like a coiled spring.

This means also affects your MOBILITY.

Developing a ‘healthy’ outlet is always encouraged and some

worthwhile options include:


Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Listening to music

These are built around low-key stuff as opposed to getting yourself

amped up from hard exercise as an example.

Make time for yourself regularly, and not just during times of
stress. Being able to ‘down-regulate’ and tap into your parasympathetic
nervous system (rest and digest) frequently will help you better cope
with those more challenging times.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


How to get the most from of the program

You will see on your program that there are 2 repetitions for each
CAR movement. This is the minimum effective dose and helps to create a
very short morning routine for you.

However, minimum is not optimum!

If you feel that a certain part of your body requires more work,
perform another repetition or two, up to five. ‘Requires more work’ can
mean anything from having less apparent range from the previous day
to stiffness and even general weakness.

Another approach is to add in top-ups throughout the day:

When you go to make a cup of tea or coffee, then perform some

hip CARs.

When sat at your desk, perform neck and thoracic CARs every hour
or so.

When sat watching TV, you could also perform ankle and knee
CARs and spinal segmentation on the living room floor.

Another way to experience more benefits is to work your

kryptonite! By this is mean the CAR that you find most challenging.
Perform more repetitions and perform them throughout the day.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow



✓ Perform the CARs routine DAILY, ideally in the morning.

✓ Watch the videos.
✓ Be consistent with the supplementary sessions.
✓ Plan when the sessions will fit into your day (first thing in the
morning is ideal).
✓ Ask questions if you’re not sure.
✓ Book and attend the Zoom sessions.
✓ Move with intention and control during your CARs.
✓ Realize that your range of motion will vary from side-to-side, and
✓ If in doubt, S L O W your CARs down.
✓ I’m here to support you.

❌ STOP if you feel pain

If an exercise feels like you are hitting bone on bone and is painful
– stop.

If you move in range of motion and feel a pinching painful sensation

– stop.

You must seek a professional for assessment immediately.

The general rule is:

“Move into your largest pain-free range of motion”.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


This rule is extremely important.

Read that last bit again!

Pain-free is KEY.

Or certainly no more than 3/10.

This program (or any program without specific and appropriate

diagnostics) cannot diagnose any individual ailment.

It is also not designed to diagnose any issues you may have.

For specific limitations (e.g. arthritic clients) I ask you to move your
joints every day (within your pain-free range of motion).

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow



The worst posture is the one you spend too much time in, and the
best posture is the NEXT postural position.

With prolonged static posture, no matter if it’s a “good posture”,

there comes negative side effects…

…you adapt to what you use.

Your nervous system is always adapting to your environment. If

you’re constantly sitting, your body is going to become very efficient at
sitting (shocker!). You’ll become stiff and tight, especially if you only
remain in one position because your nervous system doesn’t think
movement or other ranges of motion are important to you.

If you’re forced to be seated for long periods, constantly move

through different postures and positions.

Remember, good movement is medicine.

I just want you to have access to as many movement options as


The more options your body has to move, the more efficient
answers it can provide for any movement task.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


This makes doing the activities that are important to you easier for
your body to perform.

Adaptation is constantly occurring in your body and human tissue

responds to the stimulus it is exposed to.

To put this another way, everyone is training their mobility to

either improve or deteriorate every single day. Unfortunately, many are
not truly aware of this and just accept their movement limitations as fact
and even blame age as a part of the reason!

We don’t stop playing because we get old, we get old because we

stop playing.

So, getting old is not the issue, not moving with intent and
exploring our full ranges of motions as we age, is a much bigger

The body gets good at what you do.

A varied movement diet is just like a varied food diet.

It provides the person with the necessary components to be able

to function optimally.

Lack of movement results in the breakdown of our joints.

Whilst we can’t cure arthritis, we can mitigate against further

damage from lack of movement.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


You should never be afraid to move. The human body will adapt
over time and is a lot more robust than many people are being led to

The worst posture is the one you spend too much time in, and the
best posture is the NEXT postural position.

With prolonged static posture, no matter if it’s a “good posture”,

there comes negative side effects.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Will this program make me fit?

In short, no.

This program is an introduction to mobility which builds a

foundation that you can use every day, for the rest of your life; assisting
you with doing all the necessary work to help keep you fit and active, for

The NHS minimum weekly activity guidelines are:

150 minutes of medium intensity aerobic work, and

2 resistance training sessions


If you’re coming from a low level of activity or fitness, brisk walking

for at least 20 minutes is a great start to improve your cardiorespiratory

Calisthenics and weightlifting, focusing on your legs, hips, back and

shoulders are a great way to strengthen your muscles and improve bone

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


What next?

Like any athletic quality, mobility can be developed further to

address a specific issue or built into a specific training plan for another
sport or activity, or even if you would like a more comprehensive
program to improve your overall health and fitness.

If you would like to join the top 1% of men in their 40s and 50s in
terms of physical fitness, strength, capability, and health in the next 3 –
12 months, then read on.

‘Built to Last’ is about real outcomes to your health, with meaningful

improvements to how your body moves, performs, looks, and giving you
the strength, health and mobility to carrying you well into your twilight

You must be:

Be willing to commit time and effort to a strict training regime.

Embrace that knowledge and results require work and consistency.
Be committed to meeting your own high standards and listen to
my advice.
Be serious about investing the time and money into reaching your

If you’re not faint of heart and want to join me in the top 1% and
become a beast amongst men…

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Email me.

Until that time…

…I look forward to seeing your progress.

Yours in movement,


Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow


Stuff I like and recommend:

These are products that I recommend that may be of use/interest:

Time Ltd Book, by Steven Watson – a great read on time management if

you are struggling with work/ life balance and want some simple
actionable tips to free up time for you.

Yoga Blocks – a variety of colour are available.

Core Gain Resistance Bands – a durable pack of exercise bands.

Vivobarefoot shoes – use link for 20% off your first order.

Saguaro barefoot shoes – a much cheaper alternative to Vivobarefoot

Aurelius Advisory – helping business owners grow companies they can

happily own forever, but easily sell tomorrow.

I do not receive any financial benefit or have any affiliation with

any of these companies.

Toby Swallow Coaching Toby Swallow

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