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Harassment Architecture

“We can have Rome again, if you break Enough BMW windows”
“Eliminate Gluten and Transcend
“Accelerate the world, decelerate your tribe”

Here we have a series of quotes created by the author, Mike Ma. Reading these we very much see
what this book is about. Schizophrenia and a literal predecessor to the “sigma” character. Mika Ma
writes in such a way that he embodies all contemporary masculine influencers and the mockery of
western man in films such as Fight Club, Drive and American Psycho. But you know what?
I love it, I love every last bit of this book, Half of it I can’t even understand because it its just Mike
Ma going on a rant why his friend Connor should have his head smashed or why us Westerns
should simply revolt against modernity. Something which we very much should, in a way, vaguely
mentioning the influence of Evola he wants to bring back anti-modernity, ergo antiquity using the
same weapons with which Modernity has found its place. That is writing bullshit until It sticks.
When this book was written, I think 2016-2017, Mike Ma’s message could only find an audience
with 4chan users and weird schizo ns with anime profile pictures, now, the culture war is shifting
and tilting towards the forces of “action”, affirmative action if that.
Cultural postmodernism is at a standstill and the only way to fight it is by doing it how Mike Ma
did it, writing, posting, spreading lies and propaganda, theorizing and most importantly, reaching
out to the people. The masses will see the future and look back at the youth, lads and lasses, men
like Mike Ma who only helped pave the path for the forthcoming cultural reaction, the great leap
forward which will be announced by all those who oppose globalism. All we can do is wait and see
how metapolitics develops and see how the internet only helps the cause of the downfall of cultural
A jolly good read, must be on everyone’s reading list to become a schizophrenic (I’m just using
Mike Ma’s own medicine, I mean his own Style of writing)

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