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Question Paper: Political Systems – Communism vs Capitalism

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

Instructions: Select the most appropriate answer from the options given.

1. Which political system is characterized by the government owning everything, including

factories, transport, shops, farms, and banks?
a) Capitalism
b) Democracy
c) Communism
d) Socialism

2. In a communist country, how are the quantities of each item produced determined?
a) By market demand and supply
b) By individual producers
c) By the government
d) By consumer preferences

3. Which political system allows for greater equality in terms of income distribution?
a) Capitalism
b) Democracy
c) Communism
d) Socialism

4. In a communist society, who decides the prices of products?

a) Producers
b) Consumers
c) Private corporations
d) Government

5. Which political system provides free medical care, schools, pensions, and other benefits for
a) Capitalism
b) Democracy
c) Communism
d) Socialism

Section B: True or False

Instructions: Determine whether the following statements are true or false.

1. In a communist government, there is freedom of action, thought, and movement.

True / False

2. Capitalist countries generally have a parliamentary form of government.

True / False

3. Capitalism encourages competition and allows people to choose the style, quality, and
price of the products they wish to purchase.
True / False

4. Under capitalism, there are often social inequalities, with a wide gap between rich and
poor members of society.
True / False

5. In a capitalist government, laws made by the previous government cannot be reversed.

True / False

Section C: Short Answer Questions

Instructions: Provide concise and accurate answers to the following questions.

1. What is the main difference between a communist government and a capitalist

2. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of a communist system.
3. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of a capitalist system.
4. How does a communist government retain power?
5. What role does competition play in a capitalist system?

Section D: Essay Question

Instructions: Write an essay response to the following question. Your essay should be well-
structured and provide a balanced analysis.

Compare and contrast communism and capitalism as political and economic systems. Discuss
their respective strengths and weaknesses, and evaluate which system you believe is more
effective in promoting social well-being and economic prosperity.

End of Question Paper.

Which was the first country to break away from ussr

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