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Socratic Seminar Script:


Facilitator (Qaijan): Good afternoon everyone, Good afternoon Ma’am Jeanny, I am Qaijan
Espina, and I will be the facilitator for group 10. I welcome you all to our Socratic seminar on
the story of Beowulf. Today, we have three questions to guide our discussion, and I
encourage you to engage thoughtfully and respectfully. Let's begin with our first question:

Question 1 (Qaijan): Why does the story focus on Beowulf as a hero rather than a king?
What's the difference between those two titles?

Yelija: In my opinion, the story focuses on Beowulf as a hero because it is an epic. For
context, an epic is a narrative poem that talks about the achievements and bravery of a
hero. Thus, leading the story to focus on Beowulf becoming a hero rather than a king.
Moreover, a hero is a figure of national importance, while a king is a person who leads,
protects, and controls.

Sarah: I agree with Yelija. Beowulf's journey, as depicted in the epic, is centered around his
heroic deeds and valor. His role as a hero involves facing formidable monsters and
extraordinary challenges. While kingship implies leadership and governance, the focus here
is on his exceptional courage and ability to protect his people.

Wency: However, it's worth noting that Beowulf does eventually become a king. So, the
story doesn't entirely neglect his role as a ruler. But the emphasis on his heroism and
bravery is what sets him apart and makes him a legendary figure.

Yelija: I'd like to add that Beowulf's heroism is not just about physical strength but also
about his moral character and willingness to selflessly confront evil forces. He's not just a
leader but a symbol of virtue and honor, which is why the story highlights his heroics.

Sarah: The choice to focus on Beowulf as a hero may also be a reflection of the cultural
values of the time. In the Anglo-Saxon era, heroism and bravery in battle were highly
esteemed qualities, perhaps even more than kingship.

Question 2 (Qaijan): Good answers! Second question, If you were in the shoes of Grendel's
mother, would you seek revenge and risk your life or mourn and stay quiet?

Sarah: If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't seek revenge. Seeking revenge won't bring back my
son. Even if I sought revenge, I would only hurt the people who are also loved by other
people. Revenge won't solve anything. I would rather mourn and stay quiet until I have
moved on from my son's death, even if it's hard. We have to move on and go forward with

Wency: I agree with Sarah. Revenge often perpetuates a cycle of violence and suffering. It's
better to find a way to heal and find closure rather than risking more lives and causing
more pain.

Yelija: On the other hand, it's essential to consider the overwhelming grief and anger
Grendel's mother must have felt. Emotions can drive people to make irrational decisions,
and her actions might have been fueled by an overpowering desire for justice, no matter the
cost. While revenge may not be the best course of action, her actions are understandable
from an emotional standpoint.

Wency: Additionally, we should remember that the story doesn't provide much insight into
the motivations and emotions of Grendel's mother. As readers, we can interpret her actions
and choices in various ways, depending on our perspectives and empathy.

Question 3 (Qaijan): Now for our third question, If you had the strength and fame of
Beowulf, would you still be humble or prideful of it?

Wency: If I were to have the strength and fame of Beowulf, I would strive to maintain
humility and gratitude for my abilities. The story of Beowulf emphasizes the importance of
being humble and kind, and it is through these virtues that Beowulf is able to accomplish
great achievements. I would also consider that my strength and fame will come with many
great responsibilities. I would use those to protect and serve my community to the best of
my ability. I would seek to embody the values of the story and to strive to become a virtuous
and noble hero.

Yelija: I completely agree with Wency. Beowulf's humility is one of the most admirable
aspects of his character. Pride and arrogance can lead to downfall, as we see with other
characters in the story. If I had such strengths, I would want to set a positive example for
others by remaining humble and using my abilities for the greater good.

Sarah: While humility is important, it's also human to feel some pride in one's
accomplishments. I would hope to strike a balance between acknowledging my
achievements and staying grounded. Beowulf's humility is commendable, but it's also a
reflection of the values of the time and culture in which the epic was written.

Sarah: It's interesting to note that Beowulf's humility and nobility contribute to his enduring
legacy. People remember him not just for his strength but for his character. So, if I had his
strength and fame, I would aim to leave a lasting positive impact on the world, much like
Beowulf did.

Facilitator (Qaijan): Thank you, everyone, for your thoughtful responses. Our discussion has
shed light on the focus of the story on Beowulf as a hero, the consequences of seeking
revenge, and the importance of humility in the face of great strength and fame. These
themes are central to the narrative of Beowulf, and your insights have enriched our
understanding. We've explored how heroism and kingship differ and why choosing humility
over pride can lead to more meaningful and positive outcomes. This discussion highlights
the enduring relevance of this ancient epic.

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