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Shades of Morality: Written by a lover boy.

January, 13th of 1782.

I find myself at a moral crossroads that pierces my heart with the same intensity as a

sharpened blade. Seated before the blank pages of my diary, I grapple with the

impossibility of capturing with words the storm of emotions that consumes me.

Our world lies shrouded in perpetual darkness, a dystopian stage where shades of

gray dominate and life lacks color. Yet, amidst the shadows emerges a rebellion

against this monotony in the form of forbidden pills, capable of unveiling the wonder

of colors to the world. A passionate dreamer, became one of the brave traffickers of

these elusive pills. I know that maybe this is not right, but in a grayscale world like

ours, mired in such a great double standard, what is right?

But fate has brought that passionate dreamer to the courts, where he faces a trial

that could seal his fate with the relentless certainty of death. And I, as a knowing

accomplice to his activities, am swept by the accusatory tide of society toward the

same abyss.

Yet, in the depths of my being, the truth resonates: I know him, his self-true, the real

intentions between him. I have shared moments of laughter and tears with him, I

have witnessed his nobility and his fervent desire to bring light to a world shrouded in


But now, I am faced with a harrowing dilemma. Should I succumb to society's

demands and condemn my friend with an act of betrayal? Or should I remain true to

myself and defend the innocence that I know resides in his soul?
He has directed a desperate plea to me: to end his life as a sacrifice to redeem mine

in the eyes of the world. But I cannot fulfill such a somber demand. I cannot spill my

friend's blood in search of my own absolution, even if it means facing society's


Instead, I have chosen to grant him an opportunity to express his truth. I prefer to

contemplate the world in another form, and witness the world through his eyes,

seeking in his visions the understanding I so desperately crave.

Destiny awaits me in a cloak of uncertainty. I may find redemption, or I may find

myself dragged into the shadows alongside my friend. But one thing is certain: the

bond that unites us will remain unbreakable, and the decision I make on this day will

resonate through the annals of eternity.

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