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© Lonely Planet Publications


Middle Chile
It’s ironic: the easiest part of the country to get to is also the least explored. Travelers blitz
through here on their way north, south or east in search of extreme outdoor experiences,
never guessing that the central foothills of the Andes contain some searingly beautiful
national parks which have the advantages of being open for more months of the year and

receiving less visitors. Pucón? Torres del Paine? Everyone’s been there. But Altos de Lircay
and Laguna del Laja? Now there’s something different.

Parks and reserves aren’t the only thing the Andes have to offer: some of South Ameri-
ca’s best ski resorts nestle high on the slopes here. A different kind of hill – or rather, 42
different kinds of hill – bedecked in a crazy quilt of colorful houses are what characterize
another of Chile’s star attractions, the port city of Valparaíso. North and south along the
coast are some intensely varied beaches – swimming and suntanning probably won’t be on
the cards, but these places are perfect for melancholic mooching and windy winter walks
as well as year-round surfing.

Indulgence is also an option: the central valleys are where most of Chile’s wine is produced.
The booming wine-tourism industry has spearheaded a cultish interest in food and drink,
and chefs in Valparaíso and the wine valleys are beginning to give Santiaguino gourmets
a run for their money.

„ Get lost in the steep maze of streets
that wind around the hills of Valparaíso
„ Survey the vines then savor the wines
at a Colchagua Valley vineyard (p148) Colchagua
around Santa Cruz Valley

„ Thrill at the 360-degree views from atop

El Enladrillado in the Reserva Nacional Reserva Nacional
Altos de Lircay
Altos de Lircay (p156)
„ Stroll at sunset along the quiet sands of Buchupureo
Buchupureo (p163)
„ Ski through the trees on the 13km piste
Las Tres Marías at Nevados de Chillán Nevados
de Chillán

„ POPULATION: 5,364,762 „ AREA: 100,141 SQ KM „ ELEVATION: 0–6500M

122 M I D D L E C H I L E

0 60 km
MIDDLE CHILE 0 40 miles

72ºW La Ligua To La Serena 70ºW RP
Zapallar Región V To Mendoza
Maitencillo 5 San Parque

Viña del Mar Map (p139)


See Around Valparaíso &

Horcón Felipe RN
Los Portillo Aconcagua 7
Quintero Hijuelas
Viña del Nacional La Ocoa 60 Los Libertadores
Mar Campana Tunnel & Border
Granizo Crossing
62 Olmué Parque

Reserva Nacional Volcán
Lago Peñuelas Colina Tupungato
Quintay La Parva
Casablanca 57 El Colorado
Algarrobo Cerro

El Quisco
Isla Negra

68 Farellones (6570m)

Cartagena SANTIAGO Nevado Paso Portillo

San Antonio Pirque

San José de Piuquenes
de Maipo

78 Talagante Cerro

Reserva Marmolejo

Nacional Monumento (6108m)
Río Clarillo
Región Natural
34ºS Metropolitana Chapa
El Morado


d e

A n
Pichilemu Región VI Nacional

Punta de Colchagua Río de los

l o

Lobos Valley Cipreses
PACIFIC Santa San Cerro El

Bucalemu Fernando Portillo

OCEAN Llico See Around Curicó &

Talca Map (p153)

l e

i l
Iloca Curicó
Molina d RN
o r

Cl 222


Constitución Reserva Nacional Leñas


TALCA Radal Siete Tazas

Rí o M Malargüe
a ul e
Reserva Nacional
Federico Albert San Reserva Nacional
Javier Altos de Lircay Mendoza
Reserva Lago Bardas
Curanipe Nacional Colbún RP Blancas
Linares 115 224

Los Ruiles

36ºS Paso 36ºS


Buchupureo Región VII Pehuenche




See Around Concepción &


Los Angeles Map (p168)



Tomé Minas

del Prado

Talcahuano Chillán Volcán


Viejo Nevados Chillán

CONCEPCIÓN Penco de Chillán (3122m) Barrancas
l o s

Valle Las Termas de

Trancas Chillán
Pa na me r

Isla Santa Coronel Reserva

María Región VIII
d e

Lota Ñuble
C o r d i l l e r a

Salto del Laja

del Laja
B i ob

Los Chos-Malal

180 Angeles
Curanilahue Parque Nacional
Parque Laguna del Laja
Lebu Nacional Renaico Neuquén
180 Mulchén
Cañete Cuesta Paso
Angol Esperanza Pichachén
Natural Los Collipulli
38ºS Contulmo Volcán 38ºS
Sauces Parque
5 Callaqui
Nacional RN
Región Tolhuaca (3164m) 40
To Temuco Victoria 72ºW 70ºW VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o 123

History Getting Around

After 7000 relatively undisturbed years, cen- Frequent local and long-distance buses
tral Chile’s Mapuche communities were in- connect all the major towns in Middle
vaded twice in quick succession, first by the Chile to each other and to Santiago, which
Inka and then by the Spanish. Earthquakes sits in the center of the region. Trains are
and constant Mapuche sieges meant that also an option for travel between cities on
early Spanish colonial cities floundered the Panamericana between Santiago and
almost as often as they were founded. Chillán – journeys take as long as on a bus,
Eventually the Mapuche retreated south of and are markedly more expensive, so train
the Río Biobío, and colonial central Chile travel is probably only worth doing for the
grew, becoming a linchpin in the struggle novelty value.
for independence. Political change gave Getting to national parks and smaller

way to economic growth: massive irrigation towns can be trickier: snow closes some areas
projects transformed the central valleys into in winter, in others public transportation re-
fertile agricultural land, and major natural duces to a trickle outside summer, and a few
resources were discovered and exploited – have no public transportation at all.
coal mines near Concepción, copper at Having a car is invaluable for quick trips to
Rancagua and an oil field in Concón. The far-flung parks and for touring wineries.
area was a focus of repression during the
dictatorship, but since the return to democ-
racy has been the backdrop for vociferous
strikes by students and workers. VALPARAÍSO &
Today over half Chile’s population live in
the middle swathe of the country (including THE CENTRAL COAST
Santiago), making this Chile’s center socially, Only 120km northwest of Santiago lies
politically and economically speaking, as well Chile’s second-most-important city, dis-
as merely geographically. tinctive Valparaíso: cultural capital, seat of
congress and a vital port. North of the city is
Climate Viña del Mar and the string of coastal towns
Chile’s central valley has a pleasant Medi- where Santiaguinos love to holiday. A major
terranean climate. Golden sunshine bathes wine region (the Casablanca Valley) and a
the region from about mid-September until little-known national park (La Campana) are
mid-May, whereas June and July are often between the coast and Santiago.
quite wet. The area’s ski resorts tend to open
between mid-June and late September, al-
though Chillán sometimes has snowfalls in VALPARAÍSO
mid-May and can open earlier. Along the %032 / pop 295,821
coast thick morning fogs often float be- Pablo Neruda said it best: ‘Valparaíso,/how
tween you and the ocean view, and the area absurd/you are…you haven’t/combed your
is prone to more rain. Winter temperatures hair,/you’ve never/had/time to get dressed,/
average around 10°C to 15°C, while in the life/has always/surprised you.’ But Neruda
summer they can rise to around 30°C. See wasn’t the only artist to fall for Valparaíso’s
the climate charts on p464. unexpected charms. Poets, painters and
would-be philosophers have long been drawn
Getting There & Away to Chile’s – no, Latin America’s – most unu-
The Panamericana runs through or near to sual city. Along with the ever-shifting port
most of the areas covered in this chapter, all population of sailors, dockworkers and pros-
of which are less than an overnight journey titutes, they’ve endowed gritty and gloriously
from Santiago. The excellent long-distance spontaneous Valparaíso with an edgy air of
bus services that travel up and down this ‘anything goes.’ Add to this the spectacular
highway are the quickest and cheapest way faded beauty of its chaotic cerros (hills), a
to arrive, whether you’re coming from the maze of steep, sinuous streets, alleys and es-
Lakes District to the south, from Santiago caleras (stairways) piled high with crumbling
or the north, or internationally via Mendoza mansions, and it’s clear why some visitors are
in Argentina. spending more time here than in Santiago.
124 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o

History Valparaíso Map ( is by far the

The sea has always defined Valparaíso’s his- best map of this notoriously hard-to-navigate
tory. Fishing sustained the area’s first in- city. Hotels and tourist information kiosks
habitants, the Chango, and no sooner had often have copies.
the Spanish conquistadores arrived than
Valparaíso became a stop-off point for boats Information
taking gold and other Latin American prod- BOOKSTORES
ucts to Spain. More seafaring looters soon Cummings 1 (%099-8606-1605;;
followed: English and Dutch pirates, includ- Subida Cummings 1, Plaza Aníbal Pinto, El Plan; hnoon-
ing Sir Francis Drake, who repeatedly sacked 9pm Mon, 11:30am-2pm & 4:30-9pm Tue-Sat) Used social
Valparaíso for gold. science texts and Latin American literature in Spanish,
The city grew slowly at first, but boomed English, French and German.

with the huge demand for Chilean wheat

prompted by the California gold rush. The INTERNET ACCESS & TELEPHONE
first major port of call for ships coming round Many lodgings have free internet or wi-fi.
Cape Horn, Valparaíso became a commercial Centro de Llamados (%259-5002; Condell 1332, El
center for the entire Pacific coast and the hub Plan; per hr CH$600; h8am-9:30pm) One of several
of Chile’s nascent banking industry. along this street.
The 20th century was not so rosy. The 1906 Cerro@legre (%276-9440; Urriola 678, Cerro Alegre;
earthquake destroyed most of Valparaíso’s per hr CH$500; h9am-9pm Mon-Sat, 10am-8pm Sun)
buildings, then the opening of the Panama Popular cybercafé.
Canal had an equally cataclysmic effect on
the city’s economy. Only the Chilean navy LAUNDRY
remained a constant presence. Lavanda Café (Av Almirante Montt 454, Cerro Alegre; per
Today Valparaíso is back on the nautical load CH$6800; h9:30am-7pm Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat)
charts as a cruise-ship stop-off, and Chile’s
growing fruit exports have also boosted the MEDIA
port. More significantly, the city has been El Mercurio de Valparaíso (, in
Chile’s legislative capital since 1990 and was Spanish) The city’s main newspaper.
voted the cultural capital in 2003. Unesco Valparaíso Times ( Online
sealed the deal by giving it World Heritage English-language newspaper run by the same people as
status, prompting tourism to soar. the Santiago Times.


Valparaíso is a city of two parts: El Plan, the Clínica Valparaíso (%226-8108; www.clinicavalpa
congested, flat commercial district closest to; Av Brasil 2350, El Plan) Private clinic.
the sea; and the 42 cerros (hills) that rise up Hospital Carlos Van Buren (%220-4000; Av Colón
steeply behind it. Most major thoroughfares 2454, El Plan) Public hospital on the corner of San Ignacio.
in El Plan run east–west, parallel to the shore-
line: the closest is Av Errázuriz, which merges MONEY
with Av España and leads to Viña del Mar. The Banco Santander (%220-7940; Prat 882, El Plan) One
oldest part of town, Barrio El Puerto (the port of many banks with ATMs along Prat.
neighborhood), is in the west of El Plan. The Inter Cambio (%215-6290; Plaza Sotomayor 11, El
two main streets in the east are Independencia Plan; h9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm Sat)
and Av Pedro Montt, where you’ll find the
bus station. POST
Valparaíso’s hills defy even determined car- Post office (Prat 856, El Plan; h9am-6pm Mon-Fri,
tographers. Av Almirante Montt and Urriola 10am-1pm Sat)
lead from El Plan to Cerros Concepción and
Alegre. From Plaza Aníbal Pinto, Cumming TOURIST INFORMATION
takes you to Cerro Cárcel; from nearby Av Tourist information kiosks (%800-322-032; www
Ecuador, Yerbas Buenas winds up Cerro; h10am-2pm
Bellavista, accessible from the other side by & 3-6pm Mon-Sat) Muelle Prat (opposite Plaza Sotomayor,
Ferrari. Av Alemania winds along the top of El Plan) Plaza Aníbal Pinto (cnr O’Higgins & Plaza Aníbal
the more central cerros. Pinto, El Plan) At these two small and under-resourced VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o 125

information stands, students hand out free city maps but Plaza Sotomayor. A quick way up to the east-
have little useful advice. ern side of Cerro Alegre is the Ascensor Reina
Victoria (CH$250; h7am-11pm), which connects
Dangers & Annoyances Av Elias to Paseo Dimalow.
Petty street crime and muggings are often
reported in the old port area, so keep a close CERRO CÁRCEL
watch on your belongings, especially cameras The prison that gave this hill its name was
and other electronics. Dark alleys intersect the closed in 1999, but the crumbling remains of
main streets here, so women should come here cellblocks and exercise yards are still stand-
in groups at night. The rest of Valparaíso is ing – or they were at this writing. Decorated
fairly safe, but stick to main streets at night with huge graffiti, the space has functioned
and avoid sketchy escaleras. since 2000 as a grass-roots cultural center

known as the Parque Cultural Ex-Cárcel (Former
Sights Prison Cultural Park; %225-8567; Castro s/n, Cerro Cárcel;
Don’t take it from us, take it from Unesco: the admission free; h9am-7pm Mon-Fri, 11am-7pm Sat & Sun),
whole of Valparaíso is a sight worth seeing. but seven unexplained fires and a government
Beautiful buildings and a handful of muse- eviction order have all but emptied it. The of-
ums, these Valpo has; but the most exciting ficial plan is a massive arts center designed by
thing to do here is just walking the city streets. Brazilian Oscar Niemeyer although protests
Extra adrenaline shots come courtesy of the 15 have slowed the process. Reach it by walking
rattling ascensores (funiculars) built between up Subida Cumming.
1883 and 1916 that crank you up into the hills
and meandering back alleys. Wherever you CERRO PANTEÓN
wander, have your camera at the ready: Valpo The city’s most illustrious, influential and
brings out the photographer in most people. infamous residents love the afterlife style
of Valpo’s Cementerio 1 (Dinamarca s/n; h8am-
CERROS CONCEPCIÓN & ALEGRE dusk), where tombs are actually ornate mini
Sighing on every corner quickly becomes a palaces. Adjoining it is the back-up option,
habit on these two hills, whose steep cobbled Cementerio 2, and the Cementerio de Disidentes,
streets are lined by traditional 19th-century or ‘dissident cemetery’ – despite the name,
houses with painted corrugated-iron facades it’s the final resting place of Protestants rather
that form a vivid patchwork of colors. Some than rabble-rousers.
of the city’s best cafés and restaurants are
here (though not clubs, as late-night music is CERRO BELLAVISTA
banned) and new hotels and hostels open up Artists and writers have long favored this
here all the time. Lower Cerro Concepción is quiet residential hill, but the steady stream
more touristy, whereas Cerro Alegre still has of hotels and hostels opening here signal that
an arty air to it. Cerro Bellavista may well be Valpo’s next
The city’s oldest elevator, Ascensor Concepción big thing. Some 20 colorful, if rather flaky,
(CH$250; h7am-10pm) takes you to Paseo Ger- murals are dotted through its lower streets,
vasoni, at the lower end of Cerro Concepción. forming the Museo a Cielo Abierto (Open-Air Museum;
Built in 1883, it originally ran on steam power.; admission free), created
Local cartoonist Lukas had a sharp eye for between 1969 and 1973 by students from the
the idiosyncrasies of Valparaíso. You need to Universidad Católica’s Instituto de Arte. The
speak Spanish to understand his sardonic po- Ascensor Espíritu Santo (CH$250; h7am-8:30pm) takes
litical strips in the Museo Lukas (%222-1344; Paseo you from behind Plaza Victoria to the heart
Gervasoni 448, Cerro Concepción; adult/child CH$1000/500; of this art.
h11am-6pm Tue-Sun) but the ink drawings of Bellavista’s most famous resident art-
Valpo buildings speak for themselves. ist was Pablo Neruda, who made a point of
The rambling art nouveau building at the watching Valparaíso’s annual New Year’s
western end of Cerro Alegre is Palacio Baburizza fireworks from his house at the top of the
(Paseo Yugoslavo s/n, Cerro Alegre); it houses the Museo hill, La Sebastiana (%225-6606; www.fundacionneruda
de Bellas Artes (Fine Arts Museum) but was closed .org; Ferrari 692, Cerro Bellavista; adult/child CH$2500/1500;
for renovation at this writing. Ascensor El Peral h10:30am-6:50pm Tue-Sun Jan & Feb, 10:10am-6pm Tue-
(CH$100; h7am-8pm) runs here from just off Sun Mar-Dec). Getting here involves a hefty uphill
126 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o

a seo
P 21 de SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Mercado Puerto................................26 B2

Ascensor Artillería.............................12 B1 Mirador Diego Portales.................... 27 G3

Antonio Varas
Cerro 32 Ascensor Concepción.......................13 B3 Monumento a los Héroes de Iquique..28 B3
Artil Ascensor El Peral..............................14 B3 Museo a Cielo Abierto..................... 29 C5
1 lería Artillería
Ascensor Espíritu Santo.................... 15 D5 Museo de Bellas Artes....................(see 34)
Capitán Ascensor Reina Victoria....................16 B4 Museo de Historia Natural............... 30 D5
Muñoz Gamero Aventura Local.................................17 B4 Museo Lukas....................................31 B3
To Cerro Av 12
Playa Ancha 52 Cementerio 1...................................18 C4 Museo Naval y Marítimo..................32 A1
pa Cementerio 2...................................19 C4 Natalis Language Center...................33 B3
ng Cementerio de Disidentes.................20 B5 Palacio Baburizza..............................34 B3
ue Plaza
Cerro Aduana Congreso Nacional...........................21 G5 Parque Cultural Ex-Cárcel.................35 B5
Arrayan (Wheelwright) Edificio de la Comandancia Naval.....22 B3 Reloj Turri.........................................36 B3
Harbour Boat Tours..........................23 B2

Iglesia San Francisco.........................24 H3 SLEEPING

que z 73 Mercado Cardonal........................... 25 G4 Allegretto B&B.................................37 B4
Má r
ia Muelle
B&B Patricia..................................... 38 G5
Valdiv Casa Aventura..................................39 B3
26 Prat

2 Sa nt o Plaza
atriz Martín Casa Higueras.................................. 40 A3
Doming o Matriz M San63 77
e Barrio Casa Latina.......................................41 B3
Cerro Clav El Puerto

Santo Iglesia Hostal Bellavista............................... 42 D5


Domingo Matriz o ñ i

G Hostal Caracol..................................43 C5

Plaza o 23

co Echaurren urtad Aduana Hostal Luna Sonrisa..........................44 B4

s MH

Bla nc ne

rr a Hostal Morgan.................................45 B4
Co c

Ca Cordillera
Hostel Casa de Mouat......................46 A3

46 Hotel Ultramar.................................47 A5

VH 71 28

ug Plaza La Nona............................................48 B4

M o Sotomayor


n er Estación
Patiperro...........................................49 B4
Sa let
7 Av Puerto Natura B&B........................... 50 C6
Cerro Er Puerto
Cordillera rá Residencia en el Cerro......................51 B4

Ramo s 9 zu


s riz
má Plaza 33 Yellow House...................................52 A1


T o Justicia
v 14 Zero Hotel........................................53 B4


Subida eo Yug Pasa
je A

El Peral




40 34




Hig 13


Ascensor ue Fischer 70 er

San Augustín 31 a ld

i o Paseo 76


rr lvez 41


U Gá Gervasoni





Pa kinso


seo n

51 54

Cerro 66


78 Plaza Bla
íon Concepción






Alegre nc 69 Aníbal co



Co Pinto Estación Bellavista





62 la 61 M o nt t

te 75


37 67 3D P a 68
A ir 10O

im ase v A l m

80 8

5 'H


nq 79 17 ont t al o 16 ig g

Est a


4 n o

a w ins


lem 44 ra nt e 45


je Cerro 59 Av Bra
mp sa s Doctor Av


A lm

Te Panteón Bra sil Blanco

Pa eye José Grossi

A v 48 Capilla 60 sil

R as 18 64
Eli 56 Salv Av Brasil
p a
hua l ado

At a 19 rD
ono Av Brasil

Co so Plaza
nd 72 Simón
ell Yungay

81 2

Cerro Bolívar

Cárcel dor Chacabuco

ua Plaza Iglesia Catedral

S ubida Ec

20 Victoría

30 de Valparaíso

Av Pedro

35 57


A ta

s rd



Aldu 55

Plaza nate


Av Y

Miraflores Bismark 15 Pasaje





Las Her

42 Santa Lucía

La Bruyere



Héctor Ca

Berna rdo Ra mos

43 Cerro


INFORMATION Cerro Florida Ascensor
San Juan Mariposa
Banco Santander.................................1 B3 de Dios Plaza
Centro de Llamados...........................2 C4 Yungay


Cerro@legre.......................................3 B4
o Ferr


Clínica Valparaíso...............................4 F4 Cerro


Cummings 1......................................5 C4

6 Mariposa
e da

Hospital Carlos Van Buren..................6 F6 La Florida

Inter Cambio.......................................7 B3 Ba
50 v
Lavanda Café.....................................8 B4

Post Office.........................................9 B3
Tourist Information Kiosk................. 10 C4
To La Sebastiana (80m); Plaza
Tourist Information Kiosk.................11 B2 Teatro Mauri (80m) Mena VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o 127

0 300 m
0 0.2 miles

Allegretto.........................................54 B4 Art in Silver Workshop.....................78 B4
Bambú.............................................55 D5 Melliküen.........................................79 B4
Caruso..............................................56 B4 Taller Antiquina................................80 B4
Casino Social J Cruz.........................57 C5
El Rincón de Pancho.........................58 G4 TRANSPORT
El Sandwich Cubano.........................59 C4 Taxis Colectivos to Cerro Cárcel & Cerro
La Moneda de Oro...........................60 C4 Bellavista......................................81 C4
Le Filou de Montpelier......................61 B4 Taxis Colectivos to Cerro Concepción &
Le Filou de Montpellier.....................62 B4 Cerro Alegre................................82 C4
Los Porteños.....................................63 B2 Terminal Rodoviario......................... 83 G5
Mora................................................64 C4 Transportes Quintay........................ 84 G5
Pasta e Vino.....................................65 B3

Puerto Sushi.....................................66 C4
Vinilo...............................................67 B4

Bar Kabala........................................68 C4 2
Cinzano...........................................69 C4
El Gremio..........................................70 B3
Exodo.............................................(see 77)
La Playa............................................71 B3 To Viña
Pajarito............................................ 72 D4 del Mar
Café Journal.....................................73 B2 pa

Cine Hoyts........................................74 E5
El Huevo..........................................75 C4 Setimio
La Piedra Feliz..................................76 C3 24

Máscara.........................................(see 69)

Pagano.............................................77 B2 Castro



Die l Toco

Bahía de

Muelle O'Brien
Valparaíso Barón

o n
27 neral Bel grano
Ascensor Acevedo
Estación es
Barón all
Merval Estación M
Av Err
Av Err zuriz 4

Av A

Ascensor Lecheros
Av A

Av Brasil Lecheros

de F

Av Brasil 58
bio L

El Plan

4 25

o il


38 Ascensor
84 Larraín

74 83
Av Pedro Montt
Italia Victoria
Plaza 21 Cerro 5
O'Higgins Rodriguez

Simón Bolívar

Av Francia

Av Uruguay

pend ss
encia Ro



Av Co Plaza

lón Radomiro



San Ignacio

Van B Polanco
B a qu e







Cerro Hon Cerro



Monjas Molino
Parque Av
Ascensor El Lítre Sa n
a t o s Os s a
Cerro nc
Plaza Cerro La Cruz abla Cerro de To Los
Esmeralda La Cruz C as la Merced Deportistas (1.7km)
128 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o

torical paintings, uniforms, ship’s furniture,

TOP FIVE VALPO VIEWS swords, navigating instruments and medals,
all neatly displayed in exhibition rooms along
„ Paseo 21 de Mayo on Cerro Artillería to
one side of a large courtyard. Rattling Ascensor
survey the cranes and containers of the
Artillería (CH$250; h7am-10pm) brings you here
from Plaza Wheelwright.
„ Plaza Bismark on Cerro Cárcel for a
panoramic take of the bay. CERROS BARÓN & LECHEROS
„ Mirador Diego Portales on Cerro Barón You can see all of central Valpo’s colorful hills
for a sweeping perspective of Valpo’s from the Mirador Diego Portales (cnr Av Diego Portales
colorful house-cluttered central views. & Castelar, Cerro Barón) in the east of town. Nearby,
the bell tower of the ornate, red-brick Iglesia
„ The viewpoint at the end of Calle Merlet

San Francisco (cnr Blanco Viel & Zañartu, Cerro Barón)

on Cerro Cordillera to see the rusting
served as a landmark for approaching mari-
roofs of Barrio El Puerto and the civic
ners, who gave the city its common nickname
buildings of Plaza Sotomayor from above.
‘Pancho’ (a diminutive of Francisco).
„ Paseo Atkinson on Cerro Concepción
for views of typical Valpo houses during EL PLAN & EL PUERTO
the day, and a twinkling sea of lights on Valparaíso’s flat commercial zone isn’t as at-
the hills at night. mospheric as the hills that rise above it, but
it contains a fair few monuments.
In the west of El Plan, Barrio El Puerto (the
hike, and the climbing continues inside the
port neighborhood) has the twin honors of
house – you’re rewarded on each floor with
being the oldest part of Valparaíso and the
ever more heart-stopping views over the har-
most run-down. Crumbling stone facades hint
bor. The best of all are from Neruda’s crow’s
of times gone by – such as the Mercado Puerto
nest study. Unlike at Neruda’s other houses,
(cnr Cochrane & San Martín, Puerto), a defunct food
you can wander around La Sebastiana at will,
market now home to a pack of street cats.
lingering over the chaotic collection of ship’s
The historic heart of the city is Plaza
figureheads, glass, 1950s furniture and art-
Matriz, which is watched over by Iglesia La
works by his famous friends. Just don’t go be-
Matriz. Begun in 1837, it’s the fifth church
hind the bright pink bar, which was reserved
to occupy this site since the construction of
for Don Pablo himself.
the original chapel in 1559. In nearby streets,
Alongside the house, the Fundación Neruda
luridly lit ‘cabarets’ (read: brothels) and liq-
has built the Centro Cultural La Sebastiana, con-
uor stores testify that port life in Valpo is
taining a small exhibition space, café and
still very much alive. The prime point for
souvenir shop. To get here, walk 800m uphill
crane- and container-spotting is Muelle Prat,
along Héctor Calvo from Ascensor Espíritu
along the seafront.
Santo. Alternatively, take green bus O
A severer strain of seafarers dominates
(CH$440) on Serrano near Plaza Sotomayor
Plaza Sotomayor: the Chilean navy, whose
in El Plan, or from the plaza at the top of
petrol-blue Edificio de la Comandancia Naval
Templeman on Cerro Alegre and get off at
(Naval Command Bldg) looms large on the south-
the 6900 block of Av Alemania.
western side. In the middle of the square lies
the Monumento a los Héroes de Iquique, a tribute
CERRO ARTILLERÍA to Chile’s naval martyrs, who are buried in a
Clear views out over the sea made this south- crypt beneath it. Where Prat and Cochrane
western hill a strategic defense spot, hence the converge to become Esmeralda, the Edificio
name. Cannons still stand ready outside the Turri narrows to the width of its namesake
Museo Naval y Marítimo (Naval & Maritime Museum; clock tower, the Reloj Turri.
%243-7651;; Paseo 21 de Mayo 45, What the security guards at the Museo de
Cerro Artillería; adult/child CH$500/200; h10am-5:30pm Historia Natural (%254-4840;; Condell
Tue-Sun). The contents suggest they’d rather 1546, El Plan; adult/child CH$600/300; h10am-1pm &
like to fire them at Peru – much space is de- 2-6pm Tue-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat & Sun) most love to show
voted to Chile’s victory in the 19th-century visitors is the two-headed human baby (in
War of the Pacific. Other exhibits include his- formaldehyde) that was born in the city in
Book your stay at VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o 129

courses per week from CH$77,500, 3-day crash courses

SENDERO BICENTENARIO CH$99,000, 1-day survival Spanish CH$33,000) Has a good
To really get to the bottom – or rather, reputation for quick results.
the top – of Valparaíso, explore part of the
Sendero Bicentenario, a 30km cultural and Tours
historical route designed by local not-for- Aventura Local (%259-3918;;
profit organization Fundación Valparaíso. San Enrique 555-B, Cerro Alegre; 3hr walking tours from
The trail is divided into 15 themed sec- CH$11,000) A geologist and anthropologist deliver a mix of
tions and takes in parts of the port, El Plan hard facts and colorful local insight.
and many of the city’s lesser-known hills. Harbor boat tours (from Muelle Prat; 20min tour per
From the excellent website (www.sendero person CH$1000, 1hr tour on private boat CH$10,000; you can download maps and h9:30am-6:30pm) Pass alongside giant cruise vessels or

English-language instructions for each sec- naval battleships, or spot sea lions frolicking in the harbor.
tion, which include all sorts of juicy details Ruta Bellavista (; Teatro Mauri, Av
about the streets and buildings you pass. Alemania 6985, Cerro Bellavista; hnoon Sat) Free walk-
ing tours of Cerro Bellavista, departing from Teatro Mauri,
led by an enthusiastic local not-for-profit organization.
1915. Yes, really. Ask nicely and you may be
allowed to pet the taxidermized viscacha, too. Many companies run whistle-stop day tours
The museum is closed for renovations until from Santiago, but most leave little time for
July 2009. the aimless wandering that’s central to ex-
One of Valpo’s only modern landmarks periencing Valparaíso. Santiago Adventures
is the controversial Congreso Nacional (Av Pedro (%02-244-2750;; Guardia
Montt s/n, El Plan), in the east of El Plan. Its roots Vieja 255, Oficina 403, Providencia, Santiago; per person
lie in Pinochet’s presidency both literally CH$50,000-110,000) operates good, customizable
and legislatively: it was built on one of his tours from Santiago.
boyhood homes, mandated by his 1980 con-
stitution (which moved the legislature away Festivals & Events
from Santiago). Año Nuevo (New Year’s) Fantastic fireworks displays over
As colorful as Valparaíso’s trademark the harbor draw hundreds of thousands of spectators to
houses – and built almost as high – are the the city each December 31. Book accommodation well in
fruit and vegetable displays in the Mercado advance.
Cardonal (h6am-5pm), bordered by Yungay, Av
Brasil, Uruguay and Rawson. Ground-floor Sleeping
stalls spill out onto the street, while upstairs BUDGET
is taken up by cheap seafood restaurants (see Casa Aventura (%275-5963;; Pasaje
p131). Whole families of cats are on constant Gálvez 11, Cerro Concepción; dm/s/d without bathroom incl
leftover-fish patrol. breakfast CH$7000/9000/17,000) Airy, pastel-painted
dorms and doubles come with sky-high
Courses ceilings and their original wooden floors in
COOKING COURSES the ramshackle old house that contains one
Aventura Local (%259-3918; www.aventuralocal of Valpo’s oldest hostels. Bathrooms, con-
.cl; San Enrique 555-B, Cerro Alegre; 5hr course per person versely, are small and dingy, and the kitchen
CH$35,000) The culinary geniuses behind Caruso (see and eating area are a bit scuffed, but break-
p131) help you shop for ingredients at the local market, fasts include fruit and cheese. The location
taste local wine, then cook (and eat) a seafood dish. is excellent.
Gonzalo Lara (%223-0665; gonzalolarachef@yahoo Hostal Bellavista (%212-1544; www.hostalbellavista
.es; 6hr course per person CH$50,000) After an introduction .biz; Pasaje Santa Lucía 5, Cerro Bellavista; dm/s/d without
to traditional Chilean ingredients you’re into the kitchen bathroom incl breakfast CH$7000/12,000/20,000; i) The
creating a three-course meal (complete with pisco sours), quirky tile mosaics that line the steep staircase
guided by the madcap chef of Vinilo (see p131). to this new hostel are entirely in keeping with
its location on artsy Cerro Bellavista. Rooms
LANGUAGE SCHOOLS are decorated equally creatively with bright
Natalis Language Center (%246-9936; www.nata turquoise walls and large Valparaíso-themed; Plaza Justicia 45, 6th fl, Oficina 602, El Plan; murals, and include thoughtful details such
130 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o Book your stay at

as feather comforters, tables and chairs, and CH$18,000/30,000; i) The traditional Valparaíso
wi-fi and cable TV. The singles, though small, facade of this tiny B&B belies the contempo-
are cozy and good value. rary interior: three large rooms have maroon-
oHostal Caracol (%239-5817; www.hostal stained floors, boxy modern furniture and; Hector Calvo 371, Cerro Bellavista; dm/d incl break- wood-clad bathrooms with big bowl sinks.
fast CH$8000/20,000; i) There’s no skimping on Hostal Morgan (%211-4931; www.hostalmorgan
details here: a wood-burning stove keeps .cl; Capilla 784, Cerro Alegre; d incl breakfast CH$40,000,
the living room warm, breakfasts include dm/d without bathroom CH$15,000/36,000; i) The
homemade jam and cereal, and dorm beds old-fashioned iron and wooden bedsteads,
come with feather comforters, well-sprung springy mattresses and crisp white sheets at
mattresses and reading lights. Walls painted this deliciously homey old house are perfect
crimson, ultramarine or vermillion accentuate for long lie-ins. Do try to get up for breakfast,

each of the private rooms, and the crisp cotton though, which is served on country-style pine
bedclothes coordinate. Staying longer than tables in a light-filled dining room. Wi-fi is
you planned is a common issue. included.
Allegretto B&B (%296-8517;; Yellow House (% 233-9435; www.theyellowhouse
Lautaro Rosas 540, Cerro Alegre; dm/d CH$8000/25,000) Like .cl; Capitán Muñoz Gamero 91, Cerro Artillería; d incl breakfast
many properties along this iconic Cerro Alegre CH$26,000-33,000, s/d without bathroom CH$18,000/24,000;
street, the tall house containing this B&B has i) Oh-my-god views over the old port and
been totally renovated. They’ve struck a nice the hills really set this quiet B&B apart, and so
balance between past and present by mixing does the friendly care lavished on guests by the
old furniture with trendy wall colors such as Australian-Chilean couple that owns it. The
pistachio, olive-green or arctic blue. cozy, pastel-painted rooms come with kettles
Also recommended: and heaters; add the big breakfasts, kitchen,
Hostel Casa de Mouat (%225-9309; Víctor Hugo 89, laundry, wi-fi and peaceful location on Cerro
Cerro Cordillera; s/d CH$5000/10,000) The cheapest accom- Artillería, and it’s clear why the Yellow House
modation in Valpo and the most genuinely bohemian. is so popular with older travelers.
B&B Patricia (%222-0290;;
12 de Febrero 315, El Plan; dm/s/d without bathroom incl TOP END
breakfast CH$5000/7000/12,000) Cheap and clean but far Puerto Natura B&B (%222-4405; www.puertonatura
from Valpo’s hills. .cl; Héctor Calvo 850, Cerro Bellavista; s/d without bathroom
Patiperro (%317-3153;; incl breakfast CH$27,900/50,000; s) The fluffy beds
Templeman 657, Cerro Alegro; dm CH$7000; i) Bright, and spotless, individually decorated rooms
ultrasimple dorms. in this 1935 castle make it like staying at a
Residencia en el Cerro (%249-5298; pierreloti51@ very well-appointed relative’s – but so do the; Pasaje Pierre Loti 51, Cerro Concepción; dm/d shared bathrooms. The owners are actually
without bathroom incl breakfast CH$7000/20,000; i) natural therapists: reiki, massages, yoga and
Friendly, family-run B&B with passable doubles but an Turkish baths are available on-site. A ter-
over-crowded, windowless dorm. raced garden filled with fruit trees is tucked
Hostal Luna Sonrisa (%273-4117;; away behind the house.
Templeman 833, Cerro Alegre; dm/d without bathroom incl Hotel Ultramar (%221-0000;;
breakfast CH$7000/22,000) Quiet and close to Cerro Alegre’s Pérez 173, Cerro Cárcel; s/d incl breakfast CH$52,500/70,500;
restaurants and bars, though dorms could do with freshening. i) Unparalleled views over the bay justify
the trek to sleek Ultramar, high on Cerro
MIDRANGE Cárcel. Behind the drab brown-brick front
La Nona (%249-5706;; Galos 660, it’s very mod, with soaring red and white
Cerro Alegre; s/d incl breakfast CH$11,000/22,000; i) The walls, black banisters and checkered floor
English-speaking owners of this B&B are mad tiles. The rooms are just as colorful but their
about Valpo, and love sharing insider tips with shoddy furniture falls a bit short of the price,
their guests. The pastel-painted rooms could as do the tiny bathrooms.
do with freshening up, but the bright pink Zero Hotel (%211-3113;; Lautaro
living room is a step in the right direction, and Rosas 343, Cerro Alegre; d overlooking street/sea incl breakfast
there’s a kitchen and free wi-fi. CH$90,000/140,000; ais) Sprawl under soar-
Casa Latina (%249-4622;, in ing ceilings on your over-sized bed then make
Spanish; Papudo 462, Cerro Concepción; s/d incl breakfast the hardest choice of the day: where to take in
Book your stay at VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o 131

the views from – the bay windows of the living Bambú (%223-4216; Independencia 1790, 2nd fl, El
room, the pool or the three-tier garden burst- Plan; set lunch CH$1800; h10:30am-5:30pm Mon-Sat
ing with bougainvillea. Wi-fi is included. Mar-Dec, 10am-7pm Jan & Feb; v) Ultrahealthy tofu
Casa Higueras (%249-7900; www.hotelcasahigueras dishes, salads and wholemeal pizza and pasta.
.cl; Higuera 133, Cerro Alegre; r CH$106,700-143,700; s)
Rich Santiaguinos always preferred weekend- MIDRANGE
ing in Viña to Valpo but they’ve been won El Rincón de Pancho (%222-8531; Mercado Cardonal, 2nd
over by slick rooms with dark-wood furniture fl, Local 164, El Plan; mains CH$3000-5000; h11am-6pm)
and huge beds, mosaic-tiled bathrooms with The best-known of many seafood places in the
big bowl sinks and the quiet living room filled main food market, Pancho does good-value
with Asian sculptures and low beige sofas. fried-fish combos which come heaped with
Like the swimming pool, it has views out over chips or salads. Have a coin or two ready for

the bay (less inspiring are the vistas of nearby the troupe of aging troubadours who stagger
hills, artfully strewn with garbage). through periodically to belt out the same two
Eating Los Porteños (%225-2511; Valdivia 169, Puerto;
BUDGET set lunch CH$2200, mains CH$4200-5200; h10am-8pm)
Mora (%098- 8393-6446; Brasil 1388, El Plan; quiche or salad Something about this place is very fishy – in
CH$1000; h9am-9pm Mon-Sat; v) Meat might be fact, everything is. Nets, buoys and anchors
murder, but healthy lunchers are considerably are draped across the flaking walls almost as
less ethical about table-snitching at this earthy lovingly as the battered and fried hake or sea
hole-in-the-wall. We can’t blame them: you bass is laid across your cheap glass plate.
get super-fresh salads, soups, sandwiches and Allegretto (%296-8839;; Pilcomayo
cookies at great prices. 529, Cerro Concepción; large pizzas CH$4600-5800; h1-
El Sandwich Cubano (%223-8247; O’Higgins 1224, 3:30pm & 7-11pm Mon-Thu, 1-3:30pm & 7pm-midnight Fri
Local 16, El Plan; sandwiches CH$1590-1700; noon-10pm Mon- & Sat, 1-4:30pm & 7-11pm Sun; v) Big, deliciously
Sat) Barely bigger than Fidel’s handkerchief, crispy pizzas come with very creative top-
this churns out son, salsa and over-stuffed pings here. Things get rowdy round the up-
sandwiches. Don’t get revolutionary: go for stairs Foosball table, which is surrounded by
the classic ropa vieja (literally, ‘old clothes,’ a a mural of screaming fans.
shredded beef sandwich). Caruso (%259-4039;; Av Cumming 201,
Casino Social J Cruz (%221-1225; Condell 1466, El Cerro Cárcel; mains CH$5000-6700; h1-4pm Tue & Wed,
Plan; 2-person meals CH$4500; h10pm-1am Sun-Thu, 1-4pm & 8:30pm-midnight Thu-Sat) Locally caught
10am-4am Fri & Sat) Liquid paper graffiti covers rock- and shellfish get fresh, unpretentious
the tabletops and windows at this tiny café, treatment at Caruso. Start with the flaky filo
tucked away down a narrow passageway in El seafood empanadas, then move on to the spicy
Plan. Forget about menus, there are two op- Peruvian ceviche. Corn ice cream makes a
tions here: chorrillana (a mountain of French teeth-stickingly good finish.
fries under a blanket of fried pork, onions and Vinilo (%223-0665; Almirante Montt 448, Cerro Alegre;
egg) and desmechada (stewed beef) – one dish snacks & sandwiches CH$4000, mains CH$6900; h9am-
serves two. Folk singers serenade you into the midnight Mon-Thu, 9am-3am Fri & Sat, 10am-midnight Sun)
wee hours on weekends. From bakers to butchers to effortlessly hip
La Moneda de Oro (%225-1733; O’Higgins 1252, El resto-bar: the mismatched tile floor tells the
Plan; set lunches CH$1700, mains CH$2200-4200; h10am- story of the many incarnations of this Cerro
midnight Mon-Thu, 10am-1:30am Fri & Sat) Dripping Alegre institution. Sandwiches and chocolate-
hunks of grilled meat is what this dark ’n’ and-raspberry cake seduce during the day.
dusty parrilla does best – what it lacks in Later, quirky Chilean fare takes center stage.
frills it definitely makes up for in serving size. As the last plates are licked, the namesake vinyl
Football flags and port paraphernalia festoon gets turned up and things slips into bar mode.
the bottle-packed bar. Le Filou de Montpellier (%222-4663; Av Almirante
Also recommended: Montt 382, Cerro Alegre; weekday set lunch CH$3600, weekend
Puerto Sushi (%223-9017; Esmeralda 1138, El Plan; set lunch CH$6400, mains CH$5600; h1-4pm Tue-Thu & Sun,
sushi CH$1300-2900, 2-person combos CH$4900; h1- 1-4pm & 8pm-midnight Fri & Sat) The three-course
4pm & 6-11pm Mon-Thu, 1-4pm & 6pm-1am Fri, 6pm- lunches at this cluttered bistro are worth
1am Sat) Good-value sushi platters. staying on an extra day for – rabbit stew,
132 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o

beef bourguignon and sauce-laced fish are old, but this traditional wood-paneled bar
mainstays, but always, always leave room for shows no signs of slowing down. On weekend
whatever chocolate-based dessert is on the nights, cheap pitchers of beer, powerful pisco
menu. There’s a posher branch up the hill at and a friendly but rowdy atmosphere draws
Lautaro Rosas 510. such crowds a cover (CH$2000) is charged.
oLos Deportistas (%237-5159; Colo-Colo 1217, El Gremio (%222-8394; Pasaje Gálvez 173, Cerro
Barrio O’Higgins; set menu CH$8500; h12:30-3:30pm & 8- Concepción; h7pm-midnight Tue & Wed, 7pm-1:30am Thu,
11:30pm Wed-Sat, 12:30-3:30pm Sun-Tue) No sign outside, 7pm-3am Fri & Sat) With its crimson walls, sofas
no menu inside, but don’t worry: for 45 years, and low tables, there’s something pleasingly
Valpo’s biggest feasts have been happening intimate about this bar, which is half-hidden
here. Watch and weep as the owner plonks down a narrow alley. The huge cocktail list
down bowl after bowl of salads and cigar-sized ranges from creative martinis to girly concoc-

French fries with your grilled salmon, tongue in tions such as vanilla daiquiris.
walnut sauce or bloody steak. The thimbleful of Exodo (%223-1118;;
local digestif Araucano seems an ironic gesture. Blanco 298, Puerto; h9:30pm-3:30am Wed & Thu, 10pm-
To get here, catch a colectivo or bus from along 4:30am Fri & Sat) Bar staff here dress like wannabe
Condell or Av Pedro Montt to San Roque or members of Scissor Sisters and scare you into
Ramaditas and ask to be let off at the ‘cancha submission with dirty looks (or maybe it’s just
del Barrio O’Higgins,’ a neighborhood soccer the eyeliner). A cornerstone of the Valpo gay
ground: Los Deportistas is round behind it. scene, Exodo’s good-value cocktails keep both
gay and straight regulars returning.
Pasta e Vino (%249-6187; Templeman 352, Cerro Alegre; Entertainment
mains CH$6900-8900; h12:30-4pm & 8pm-midnight Wed- El Huevo (; Blanco 1386, El Plan; cover
Sat, noon-3:30pm Sun) The word on Pasta e Vino – CH$1000-3000; h11pm-late Wed-Sat) Ask any heav-
credited with starting Valpo’s gastro revival – ily made-up 20-year-old where they’re going
has gone from ‘fabulous’ to ‘overrated’ and on a Saturday night and this behemoth of a
back to ‘fabulous’ again. Your prize for bag- building will be their answer. For some, its
ging a table (at this writing, it was first-come, shaking floors are a meat market; for others,
first-served) is watching the chefs make what- they’re dance heaven.
ever the inventive pasta of the day is, and then Máscara (%221-9841;; Plaza Aníbal
eating it. Expect unusual combinations – bean Pinto 1178, El Plan; cover CH$2500-3000; h11pm-late
with orange or duck with plum, for example. Tue-Sat) Music-savvy clubbers in their 20s
and 30s love Máscara: the beer’s cheap,
Drinking there’s plenty of room to move and hardly
Pajarito (%225-8910; Salvador Donoso 1433, El Plan; any teenyboppers.
h11am-2am Mon-Thu, 11am-late Fri & Sat) Artsy por- Pagano (% 223-1118;;
teños in their 20s and 30s cram the formica Blanco 236, Puerto; cover free Sun-Wed, CH$2000-3000 Thu-
tables at this laid-back, old-school bar to talk Sat; h10pm-late) Die-hard clubbers both gay
poetry and politics over beer and piscola. and straight can dance all week on Pagano’s
Cinzano (%221-3043;; Plaza Aníbal packed, sweaty floor.
Pinto 1182, El Plan; h10am-2am Mon-Sat) Drinkers, Café Journal (%259-6760; Cochrane 81-87, Puerto;
sailors and crooners have been propping h10pm-late Wed-Sat) In one of the unlikeli-
themselves up on the cluttered bar here since est quick-change routines since Superman,
1896. It’s now a favorite with tourists, too, who Café Journal goes from traditional seafood
come to see tuneful old-timers knocking out restaurant by day (complete with nets and
tangos and boleros like there’s no tomorrow. anchors on the wall) to kicking electronic
Bar Kabala (%229-940; Almirante Montt 16, El Plan; club by night.
hnoon-1am Sun-Thu, noon-3am Fri & Sat) With its low- La Piedra Feliz (%225-6788;;
lit wooden tables and exposed brick walls, Av Errázuriz 1054; admission from CH$3000) Jazz, blues,
Kabala is perfect for quiet drinking week- tango, son, salsa, rock, drinking, dining, cin-
round – locally brewed Cerveza del Puerto is ema: is there anything this massive house
the obvious choice. along the waterfront doesn’t do? You can even
La Playa (%259-4262;; Serrano 567, rent a room by the hour if you can’t wait to
Puerto; h10am-late) It might be nearly 80 years get your date home… VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Va l p a r a í s o 133

Cine Hoyts (%594-709; Av Pedro Montt 2111) This to Buenos Aires. Pullman Bus San Felipe de los
five-screen cinema shows the latest releases. Andes (%225-3125) and Buses JM (%225-2106; each have two hourly services
Shopping to Los Andes.
Young clothing designers, craftspeople and Pullman Bus Lago Peñuela (%222-4025) leaves to
artists abound in Valparaíso. So do easy-come Isla Negra every 10 to 15 minutes. From 12 de
easy-go shops selling their wares, most of Febrero, just outside the terminal, Transportes
which are concentrated on Cerros Concepción Quintay (%236-2669) runs taxi colectivos every
and Alegre: wander for a couple of hours and 15 minutes to Quintay.
you’ll have seen them all. Painters, photogra- The city transport network, Transporte
phers and fridge-magnet makers often set up Metropolitano Valparaíso ( TMV; ,
stands on Pasaje Atkins. has services to the beach towns north of

Taller Antiquina (%099-9378-1006; San Enrique Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. For Reñaca,
510, Cerro Alegre; h11am-8pm) Beautifully worked take green 201, blue 405 or the orange
leather bags, belts and wallets are lovingly 607, 601 or 605. The 601 and 605 continue
made on-site here. to Concón. All run along Condell then
Art in Silver Workshop (% 222-2963; Pasaje Yungay. Sol del Pacífico (%275-2030) has buses
Templeman 8, Cerro Concepción; h10am-7:30pm) Silver to the beach towns Horcón (CH$1100)
and lapis lazuli come together in unusual de- and Maitencillo (CH$1200) every 20 min-
signs at this small, cluttered workshop, where utes, and to Cachagua (CH$1300), Zapallar
you can sometimes see their creator, silver- (CH$1500) and Papudo (CH$1600) roughly
smith Victor Hugo, at work. every 40 minutes. They run along Av
Melliküen (%212-6686; San Enrique 546, Cerro Alegre; Errázuriz and call in at Viña del Mar on
h10am-8pm) Silver jewelry by local craftspeople their way.
and soft woven ponchos from the south of Note that fares may increase considerably
Chile are the main offerings here. during school holidays or long weekends.

Getting There & Away Destination Cost (CH$) Duration (hr)

BUS Antofagasta 18,900 15
All major intercity services arrive and depart Arica 25,000 24
from the Terminal Rodoviario (%293-9695; Av Pedro Buenos Aires 33,000 19
Montt 2800, El Plan), about 20 blocks east of the Calama 20,200 23
town center. Chillán 12,000 8
Services to Santiago leave every 15 to 20 Concepción 10,000 9
minutes with Tur Bus (%221-2028; www.turbus Iquique 22,800 20
.cl) and Condor Bus (%221-2927;, Isla Negra 2600 1½
which both also go south to Puerto Montt La Serena 5900 7½
(three each daily), Osorno (two each daily) Los Andes 4200 7
and Temuco (two each daily). In addition, Mendoza 9000 8
Tur Bus goes to Pucón (four daily) and Osorno 13,800 14
Concepción (five daily), and Condor serves Pucón 13,000 12
Chillán (once daily). Bus Norte (%225-8322; www Puerto Montt 14,800 16 has comfortable services to Osorno Quintay 1400 1
Santiago 3700 1½
and Puerto Montt (two daily).
Temuco 11,900 11
Tur Bus also operates to the northern
cities of Arica and Iquique (once daily),
Calama (twice daily), and Antofagasta and CAR
La Serena (four daily). Romani (%222-0662; Valparaíso’s steep hills and traffic-clogged has less frequent services on the streets make driving here a nightmare.
same routes. However, a car is indispensable for explor-
You can reach Mendoza in Argentina with ing the Casablanca Valley wineries, and use-
Tur Bus, Cata Internacional (%225-7587; www ful for getting to Cerro La Campana. The, El Rápido (%225-8322; www closest car rental agencies to Valparaíso are and Ahumada (% 221-6663; in Viña del Mar (p138) – if you book in ad- The latter two continue vance, some will bring cars to your hotel.
134 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • V i ñ a d e l M a r

Getting Around Orientation

Walking is the best way to get about central The heavily polluted Río Marga Marga effec-
Valparaíso and explore its cerros – you can tively divides Viña in half. Immediately south
cheat on the way up by taking an ascensor is the main commercial district, which hinges
or a taxi colectivo (CH$400). Colectivos to around Av Valparaíso and Plaza Vergara,
Cerros Concepción and Alegre line up at the main square. Several bridges cross the
the bottom of Almirante Montt, while those Marga Marga into the newer residential area
to Cerros Cárcel and Bellavista leave from to the north, where the two main drags are
Av Ecuador. Av San Martín, which runs parallel to the sea,
Countless local buses run by TMV (one way and Av Libertad. In this part of town, most
within El Plan CH$330, El Plan to Cerro CH$400) run along streets are identified by a number and di-
Condell and Av Pedro Montt, Av Brasil and rection, either Norte (north), Oriente (east)

Yungay, connecting one end of El Plan with or Poniente (west). Av Libertad separates
the other. A few climb different cerros and Ponientes from Orientes. These streets are
continue to Viña (CH$460) or along the usually written as a numeral, but are some-
northern coast; destinations are displayed times spelled out, so that 1 Norte may also
in the windshield. The city’s most famous appear as Uno Norte.
line is the 801, which uses the oldest work- Viña’s white-sand beaches stretch north-
ing trolleybuses in the world. The curvy ward from the northern bank of the Estero
cars date to 1947 and have been declared a Marga Marga to the suburbs of Reñaca
national monument. and Concón.
The Metro Regional de Valparaíso (Merval;
%252-7633; operates commuter Information
trains every 6 to 12 minutes from Valparaíso’s Afex (%268-8102; Av Arlegui 690; h9am-6:30pm
Estación Puerto (cnr Errázuriz & Urriola) and Estación Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm Sat) Change cash and traveler’s checks
Bellavista (cnr Errázuriz & Bellavista) to Viña del Mar here.
(CH$432). The catch is that you need to buy Banco Santander (%226-6917; Plaza Vergara 108)
a nonrefundable contactless card (CH$2000) One of several banks with ATMs on the main square.
to use the trains. Conaf (%232-0210; 3 Norte 541; h8:30am-5:30pm
Taxis are much more expensive in Mon-Fri) Provides information on nearby parks, including
Valparaíso than other Chilean cities. High- Parque Nacional La Campana.
speed driving round hairpin bends on steep Hospital Gustavo Fricke (%265-2200; Alvares 1532)
roads makes them more alarming, too. Viña’s main public hospital, located east of downtown.
Lavarápido (%290-6263; Av Arlegui 440; per load
VIÑA DEL MAR CH$3700; h10am-9pm Mon-Sat)
%032 / pop 318,218 Municipal tourist office (
Clean, orderly Viña del Mar is a sharp con- Plaza Vergara (%226-9330; Av Arlegui 715; h9am-2pm
trast to the jumble of neighboring Valparaíso. & 3-7pm Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm & 3-7pm Sat & Sun) Rodo-
Manicured boulevards lined with palm trees viario (%275-2000; Av Valparaíso 1055; h9am-7pm)
and beautiful expansive parks have earned Distributes an adequate city map and a monthly events
it the nickname of Ciudad Jardín (Garden calendar, but little else.
City). Its official name, which means ‘vine- Post office (Plaza Latorre 32; h9am-7pm Mon-Fri,
yard by the sea,’ stems from the area’s colo- 10am-1pm Sat)
nial origins as the hacienda of the Carrera Tecomp (Av Valparaíso 684; h9am-midnight Mon-Sat,
family. 11am-9pm Sun) One of many phone centers along the
Viña remains a popular weekend and sum- street offering cheap international calls and internet access.
mer destination for well-to-do Santiaguinos, Tera Cyber (%276-8091; Quinta 219; per hr CH$500;
despite the fact that its beaches get seriously h9am-12:30am) The 50 well-maintained machines
packed and the Humboldt Current causes at this internet café all have flat-screen monitors and
waters chilly enough to put off most would- headsets.
be swimmers. Although Chileans rave about
the city, visitors tend to find it rather bland Dangers & Annoyances
and lacking in things to do: if you’re short Summer brings pickpockets as well as tour-
on time, consider just making it a day trip ists so watch your belongings, especially on
from Valparaíso. the beach.
Book your stay at VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • V i ñ a d e l M a r 135

Sights Sleeping
The original moai (Easter Island statues) Viña’s hotels have a reputation for high
standing guard outside the Museo de Arqueología prices but indifferent quality, despite the
e Historia Francisco Fonck (%268-6753; www.museo fact that outside summer supply really; 4 Norte 784; adult/child CH$1500/200; h10am- exceeds demand.
6pm Tue-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat & Sun) are just a teaser Che Lagarto Hostel (% 262-5759; www.chela
of the beautifully displayed archaeological; Av Diego Portales 131; dm/d incl breakfast
finds from Easter Island within, along with CH$6950/23,540; i) The huge long garden in
Mapuche silverwork and anthropomorphic front of Viña’s only real hostel means you
Moche ceramics. Upstairs are old-school in- don’t have to limit your open-air loung-
sect cases and a lively explanation of how ing to the beach. The right-on vibe stops
head shrinking works (finished examples at the door: clean but bare dorms mean

are included). inside feels like a characterless university
Nowhere is Viña’s nickname of ‘the gar- residence.
den city’ better justified than at the mag- Hotel Monaldi (%288-1484; www.hotelmonaldi
nificently landscaped Parque Quinta Vergara .cl; Av Arlegui 172; s/d incl breakfast CH$15,000/25,000,
(h7am-6pm); the entrance is on Errázuriz at s without bathroom CH$9000; i) Five old houses
the south end of Libertad. It once belonged have been knocked together to form this
to one of the city’s most illustrious fami- labyrinthine hotel. Knickknacks and photos
lies, the Alvares-Vergaras, but when they clutter the walls and surfaces of the two liv-
fell on hard times they sold it to the city ing rooms – one has big sofas and a DVD
council. Their residence was the Venetian player – and you can use the kitchen, too.
neo-Gothic–style Palacio Vergara, which Try to get yourself one of the bigger, brighter
houses the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes upstairs rooms.
(%273-8762; adult/child CH$600/300; h10am-1:30pm Vista Hermosa 26 (%266-6820; www.vistahermosa26
& 3-5:30pm Tue-Sun). The interesting collection .cl; Vista Hermosa 26; s/d incl breakfast CH$23,000/26,000;
of 17th- to 19th-century European and i) Polished wooden floors and a big fire-
Chilean art includes works by Murillo, place lend stately charm to the lounge of this
Modigliani, Rubens and Sorolla y Bastida. quiet but friendly hotel on the edge of Cerro
Major concerts and the celebrated Festival Castillo. You get plenty of space (and plenty
Internacional de la Canción (below) are of towels) in the simple rooms, which have
held in the striking concrete amphitheater small but new bathrooms.
in the grounds. Residencia Offenbacher-hof (%262-1483; www
Squat-looking Castillo Wulff (%226-9728; Av; Balmaceda 102; s incl breakfast CH$25,000,
Marina s/n; admission free; h10am-1:30pm & 3-5:30pm d CH$30,000-38,000; i) There are fabulous views
Tue-Sun) hangs half over the sea: skip through over the sea and the city from this command-
the art exhibitions to the tower at the back, ing chestnut-and-yellow clapboard house
where you can peer through the thick glass atop quiet Cerro Castillo. Sea views, newly
floor at the rocks and waves below. renovated bathrooms and antique furnish-
There are over 3000 plant species in ings make the spacious superior rooms worth
the 61 hectares of parkland that comprise the extra.
Chile’s Jardín Botánico Nacional (National Botanical Hotel Monterilla (%297-6950;;
Garden; %267-2566;, in Spanish; 2 Norte 65; s/d CH$49,700/62,200; i) The dead-plain
Camino El Olivar s/n; adult/child CH$900/300; h10am- facade is deceiving: bright artworks and en-
6:30pm). It’s 8km southeast of the city center; gravings offset the white walls and boxy sofas
catch bus 203 from Viana east to the end in this hotel’s light-filled lobby and restaurant.
of the line (CH$440), then cross the bridge The tiled floors and sparse furnishings look
and walk about 1km north up Camino El refreshing in hot weather but might leave you
Olivar. longing for some color in winter. Doubles
in the quieter annex at the back have king-
Festivals & Events size beds, and there are flat-screen TVs and
Festival Internacional de la Canción (International wi-fi throughout.
Song Festival; At Chile’s biggest Hotel Cap Ducal (%262-6655; Av Marina 51; r incl
music festival, Latin American pop, rock and folk stars breakfast CH$55,200-64,400; ai ) Waves bat-
have been drawing huge crowds since 1960. ter the foundations of this iconic art deco

136 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • V i ñ a d e l M a r





a rt




6 Ponien

10 21
24 32


Palacio Puente Plaza 30
Presidencial Casino Mexico






Vista Hermosa
Cerro Castillo

Caleta Libertad



19 17
Reloj de

Von Sc





r in


Av Españia
Merv 20
al Merval
ra Av E

spañ Estación
Toro iaP
Los Baños

M asaje Miramar 29
San Pedro

ai uñ
gn Oliveira oz Viana

Agua Santa
ea Braga 31

Bella Vista

es Alvares
3 To Valparaíso (3km) rtal 14

Afex...........................................1 F3 Che Lagarto.............................14 C3
Banco Santander.........................2 F3 Hotel Cap Ducal.......................15 C1
Conaf.........................................3 F2 Hotel del Mar...........................16 D1
Hospital Gustavo Fricke............. 4 H4 Hotel Monaldi..........................17 D2
Lavarápido..................................5 E2 Hotel Monterilla.......................18 D2
Municipal Tourist Office.............6 F3 Residencia Offenbacher-hof.....19 C2
Municipal Tourist Office........(see 35) Vista Hermosa 26....................20 C3 DRINKING
Post Office.................................7 F2 Barlovento...............................30 D2
Tecomp......................................8 F3 EATING
Tera Cyber.................................9 E3 Arena Bistro.............................21 D1 ENTERTAINMENT
Divino Pecado..........................22 D1 Café Journal.............................31 C3
4 SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Enjoy Café................................23 D1 Casino Municipal.....................32 D1
Castillo Wulff...........................10 C1 Enjoy del Mar...........................24 D1 Cine Arte..................................33 F3
Museo de Arqueología e Historia Entremasas................................25 E1
Francisco Fonck.....................11 F1 Panzoni....................................26 E3 TRANSPORT
Museo Muncipal de Bellas Portal Alamos...........................27 E3 Budget.....................................34 G1
Artes....................................12 E4 Samoiedo.................................28 E3 Rodoviario Viña del Mar..........35 G3
Parque Quinta Vergara.............13 E4 Schawerma..............................29 D3 Sol de Pacífico bus stop............36 F3

building, which was built to resemble a ship. Eating

Spiral staircases and narrow corridors lead Most of Viña’s cheap eats are clustered on
to irregular-shaped rooms with big squishy and around busy Av Valparaíso in the town
beds and cruise-liner-worthy sea views center. These include the string of samey
(those on the 3rd floor have balconies, too). schop-and-sandwich joints that fill the
The seafood restaurant here is a classy Viña open-fronted 2nd floor of Portal Álamos (Av
classic. Valparaíso 553; meals CH$2200), a downtown shop-
Hotel del Mar (%250-0800; cnr Av Perú & Los Héroes; ping arcade.
r incl breakfast CH$209,250-262,200; as) The view Entremasas (%297-1821; 5 Norte 377; empanadas
from the sleek, glass-fronted lobby of Viña’s CH$900; h10:30am-9:30pm) Prawn and mush-
top hotel is a taster of what awaits upstairs – room in a cheese-cilantro sauce; ground beef
on many floors you can see the sea from your and bacon seasoned with merquén; chorizo
bed and even the indoor pool seems to merge and goat’s cheese…Who knew empanadas
with the waves beyond the window. The wel- got this interesting?
come bottle of champagne and chocolates and Schawerma (%233-6835; Ecuador 225; kebabs &
a few free chips for the adjoining casino win falafels CH$1600-2500; h11:30am-9:30pm Mon-Sat; v)
over most guests. Everything comes on flimsy plastic plates
ὈὈ VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • V i ñ a d e l M a r 137

0 400 m
0 0.2 miles

E F To La Flor G H
de Chile (100m) 34
To Reñaca (6km);
Concón (15km)
6 Norte 7 Norte

5 Norte

5 Ponien

4 Ponien

3 Ponien


4 Ori
te 4 Norte
2 Ponien

1 Ponien


Av Libe

1 Orient


2 Orient


3 Norte




5 Ori

os C
6 Ori

Av L
2 Norte

1 Norte



6 Av Mar
1 ina

27 ter
Plaza Av Arle
33 2

gui o
28 Vergara M





8 Plaza Av Valpa ar

26 Paseo Sucre raíso ga
Cousiño 35


Merval Estación
Viña del Mar B


A Lim
36 lvares ach







Quinta 13
To Jardín

and there’s not so much as a straw between combinations of fresh ingredients. Later on,
you and your drink bottle. Who cares? The cocktails clutter the pale wood tables and the
shawarma here’s so damn tasty we’d eat it music gets turned up.
off the floor if we had to. Samoiedo (%268-1382; Valparaíso 637; set lunch menu
Panzoni (%268-2134; Paseo Cousiño 12-B; mains CH$4000-6500, sandwiches CH$2200-2800; h12:30-11pm
CH$3000-3500; hnoon-4pm & 8pm-midnight Mon-Sat) Mon-Sat) For half a century the old boys have
One of the best-value eateries in central Viña, been meeting at this traditional confitería (tea-
Panzoni’s uncomplicated Italian food and room) for lunchtime feasts of steak and fries
friendly service reel in the lunchtime din- or well-stuffed sandwiches.
ers. Pastas make up most of the offerings – Enjoy del Mar (%250-0788; Av Perú s/n; sandwiches
the favorite filling is pork and plum. & sushi CH$3500-4500, mains CH$7500-10,500; h9am-
Arena Bistro (%273-6250; Av San Martín 304; mains midnight) A sunset drink here should be on
CH$3600-5900; h9am-1:30am Sun-Thu, 9am-4am Fri & Sat; everyone’s Viña to-do list – there are pano-
v) Arena bridges the gap between the posh ramic views of the Pacific from its terrace
restaurants and fast-food chains around it: above the mouth of the Marga Marga. The
pizzas, sandwiches, empanadas and wraps fill ice-cream bar includes kooky flavors such as
the menu, but they’re made with interesting pisco sour and Coca-Cola. You get cheaper
138 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • N o r t h o f V i ñ a d e l M a r

food but lesser views from the branch along Sol del Pacífico (%275-2030) buses to the towns
the waterfront, Enjoy Café on Av Perú. north along the coast stop at the corner of
Divino Pecado (%297-5790; Av San Martín 180; mains Grove and Álvares – for prices and frequen-
CH$6300-7900; h12:30-3pm & 8-11pm Mon-Sat, 12:30-4pm cies see p133. Local buses also go to Reñaca,
& 8-11pm Sun) The short but surprising menu at including green 201 (from Av España), blue
this Italian restaurant might include smoked 405 (from Av Marina) and orange 607, 601 or
salmon and wasabi pansotti or merquén fet- 605 (from Plaza Vergara or Av Libertad). The
tuccini with lamb ragu. 601 and 605 continue to Concón.

Drinking Getting Around

Barlovento (%297-7472; 2 Norte 195; h6pm-3am Frequent local buses run by Transporte
Mon-Sat) Hipster headquarters in Viña is this Metropolitano Valparaíso (TMV;; one way

industrial-looking concrete-and-steel bar, CH$460) connect Viña and Valparaíso. Some

which has a reputation for spot-on cocktails. routes run along the waterfront following
Av Marina and Av San Martín; others run
Entertainment through the town center along Av España and
Café Journal (%266-6654; cnr Santa Agua & Alvares; cover Av Libertad. Destinations are usually displayed
free-CH$3000; h10pm-late Wed-Sat) Electronic music in the windshield. The commuter train Metro
is the order of the evening at this boomingly Regional de Valparaíso (Merval; %252-7633; www.merval
popular club, which now has three heaving .cl) also runs between Viña and Valpo (p134).
dance floors. In summer Viña is congested and very
La Flor de Chile (%268-9554; 8 Norte 601; h10pm- tricky to park in. However, a car can be very
late) For nearly 80 years Viñamarinos young useful for touring the northern coast or the
and old have chewed the fat and downed their Casablanca Valley wineries. Budget (%268-3420;
schops (draft beer) over the closely packed; 7 Norte 1023) has stellar service and
tables of this gloriously old-school bar. no deductibles.
Casino Municipal (% 250-0700;; Av San Martín 199; h6pm-early morn- NORTH OF VIÑA DEL MAR
ing) Overlooking the beach on the north side The road snakes along the coast north of Viña,
of the Marga Marga, this local landmark is passing through a string of beach towns that
the place to squander your savings on slot hum with holidaying Chileans December
machines, bingo, roulette and card games. through February. There’s plenty of variety:
Formal attire is encouraged. the beaches range from small, rocky coves to
Cine Arte (%288-2798; Plaza Vergara 142) Arthouse wide open sands. Towering condos overlook
movies are screened here. some of them; others contain rough-and-
ready cabins or the huge summer houses of
Getting There & Away Chile’s rich and famous. Even off-season, the
All long-distance services operate from the drive along the coast is beautiful. Note that
Rodoviario Viña del Mar (%275-2000; www.rodoviario though buses run here from Viña, Valpo and
.cl; Valparaíso 1055), four long blocks east of Plaza Santiago, services to the further beaches are
Vergara. Nearly all long-distance buses to and infrequent and they don’t always take you
from Valparaíso stop here; see p133 for details right up to the sands: if you want to hit several
of services. towns in a day, consider renting a car.

Vast rolling dunes hide Ritoque, one of the best and most undiscovered beaches on this part
of the coast. A small group of houses (some of them built from recycled materials) is clustered
around the northern end of the 10km stretch of sands. Surfing, horseback riding and sea-kayaking
are all popular here – Ritoque Expediciones (%032-281-6344; runs full-
and half-day riding trips through the dunes, and there’s a night ride each full moon. You can
stay in Ritoque, or come on a day trip from Valpo or Viña. To get here catch a Sol del Pacífico
(%032-275-2030) bus from Av Errázuriz in Valparaíso or Av Libertad in Viña to Quintero (CH$1000,
every 20 minutes). From there, it’s a CH$2000 taxi ride to Ritoque. VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • N o r t h o f V i ñ a d e l M a r 139

and communal living are gone, but brightly

AROUND VALPARAÍSO painted, rather run-down buildings clutter
& VIÑA DEL MAR 00 14 km
8 miles
the steep main road down to its small, rocky
To Los Vilos (60km);
beach where fishing boats come and go. It’s
La Serena (303km) overlooked by a smattering of samey seafood
V Región
restaurants doing cheap set menus, pailas
La Ligua (seafood stews) and empanadas. Regulars
rave about the machas a la parmesana at Las

32º30'S Papudo 5
32º30'S Brisas de Horcón (%032-279-6771; Av Costanera s/n;
Zapallar mains CH$2200-4900; h9am-11pm).
PACIFIC Cachagua In summer, the sands at Caleta Horcón (the
Pa na
OCEAN main beach) heave with vacationers, but there

are usually fewer people on nearby Playa Cau-

Cau, which used to be one of Chile’s few nudist
a na

Las Ventanas
beaches (taking your kit off is now optional).
Quintero La Calera
To Santiago
(99km) A signposted sand road leads off Horcón’s
Ritoque main drag to a car park where a rickety walk-
Cerro La
Quillota Ocoa way plunges down to the beach. Mellow tunes
(1880m) Nacional and fresh fish await you at the beachside tables
60 La Campana
Reñaca Aeropuerto de of Caballo del Mar (%032-279-6138; Playa Cau-Cau;
33ºS Torquemada Cajón mains CH$5500-6200; hnoon-10pm Nov-Easter, noon-9pm

Viña del Grande
VALPARAÍSO Villa Olmué Granizo
Alemana Sat & Sun Easter-Oct). Try the ceviche, which comes
served in a seashell.
Laguna Reserva
Peñuelas Nacional
Quintay 68
Peñuelas About 21km north of Horcón, Maintencillo’s
long, sandy beaches stretch for several kilo-
Lo Vásquez Vineyards House of meters along the coast and attract many visi-
Casablanca Viñedos
Orgánicos tors. Although the town’s packed with holiday
Viña Casas
Algarrobo del Bosque
homes, it retains a pleasant low-key vibe.
Viña Curacaví
El Quisco Indómita Cabins and rental houses line the seafront,
Isla Negra
To Santiago
but the loveliest by far are the earthy wooden
33º30'S El Tabo 33º30'S
Cabañas Hermansen (%032-771-028; www.hermansen
.cl; Av del Mar 592; 2-/3-/4-person cabins CH$32,000/
40,000/45,000). The complex is set back from the
To Santiago
(67km) coast road, but you can always hear the waves
San Antonio
71º30'W 78 and, in several cabins, look out over them,
too. The all-wood vibe spills over into the
Reñaca & Concón restaurant and bar, La Canasta (%032-771-028;
Viña’s high-rises merge into the multitiered set menu CH$5000, mains CH$5600-6200; hnoon-3:30pm
apartments of Reñaca, a northern suburb & 6pm-late Tue-Sun). Wood-baked pizzas and – of
with a wide, pleasant beach. Concón, just course – fresh fish are the house specialties.
north of Reñaca, also has reasonable sands. A DJ gets a crowd going on weekend nights
Informal seafood restaurants line the coast in high season.
road: prices and quality are fairly consistent,
but locals usually agree that the empanadas Cachagua
at Las Deliciosas (%032-290-3665; Av Borgoño 25370; This small, laid-back town 13km north of
empanadas CH$850; hnoon-11pm) are hard to beat. Maitencillo sits on the northern tip of a long
Crab and cheese is the classic. crescent beach. Just across the water is the
Monumento Nacional Isla de Cachagua, a guano-
Horcón stained rocky outcrop that’s home to more
Chile’s hippie movement began at the small than 2000 Humboldt penguins, as well as a
fishing town of Horcón, on a small curving colony of sea lions. Conservationists are con-
peninsula that juts out into the Pacific 28km cerned that overdevelopment of the coastline
north of Concón. These days peace, love is causing numbers to dwindle.
140 VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • S o u t h o f Va l p a r a í s o

Zapallar and drinks. El Barco Rojo (%033-791-488; h7-

Santiago’s elite wouldn’t dream of taking 11:30pm Mon-Sat), a French-run restaurant that
their beach holidays anywhere but here, doubles as a bar, is perched on the outcrop
the most exclusive of Chile’s coastal resorts, between Papudo’s two beaches in a crimson
2km north of Cachagua. Instead of high-rises, clapboard house.
multimillion-dollar mansions (many of them
historic) cover the wooded hillsides leading up Getting There & Away
from the beach, which is a small but unspoiled Sol del Pacífico (%032-275-2030) has services to all
arc of yellow sand in a sheltered cove. La Caleta the above beach towns from Valparaíso and
de Pescadores, a tiny wet-market where fisher- Viña, and TMV local buses run to Reñaca and
men sell their catch, is near the large rock at Concón; see p133 for details.
the southwestern end of the beach. A short Turbus (%033-791-377; operates

walk around the promontory leads to the Plaza four daily buses between Santiago and Pa-
del Mar Bravo view point, where waves crash pudo’s main square (CH$5200, 2¾ hours)
onto shoreline rocks. and Av Olegario Ovalle in Zapallar (CH$5200,
Zapallar is oriented toward those with sum- three hours), six blocks from the beach.
mer houses – if you can’t swing an invite,
make it a day trip. Everyone who’s anyone in SOUTH OF VALPARAÍSO
Zapallar makes a point of lunch at El Chiringuito Quintay
(%033-741-024; Caleta de Pescadores; mains CH$8100- As the sun sets over the Pacific, the craggy
10,300; hnoon-6pm Mon-Thu, noon-midnight Fri-Sun), rocks protecting the tiny fishing cove of Caleta
where terrace tables look out over the rocks Quintay are stained a rich pink. Several of the
and hungry pelicans fishing for their dinner. colorful houses clustered here are seafood res-
Yours is almost as fresh: locally caught king- taurants. One of the best places for sundown-
klip, sea bass and sole are what it does best, ers and garlic prawns or centolla (king crab)
dressed in whatever sauce you choose. is the terrace of Restaurant Miramar (%032-236-
2406; Costanera s/n; CH$5900-7900; h10am-4pm Mon-Thu,
Papudo 10am-10pm Fri & Sat). You can see your future din-
The northernmost town on this stretch of ner up-close on the guided scuba dives run
coast is known for its down-to-earth vibe and by Austral Divers (%02-492-7975; www.australdivers
long, straight beach, Playa Grande. Papudo falls .cl), a PADI-certified dive company with an
well short of paradisiacal, however: 1980s outpost here.
high-rises crowd the shore and the tiny town A signposted turnoff about 1.2km back
center is dusty and run-down. The coast road, down the road toward Valparaíso takes you
Av Irarrázaval, first passes sheltered Playa down a 1.5km dirt road to the long, sweep-
Chica and then runs on to Playa Grande. ing Playa de Quintay, one of the most unspoilt
Time seems to have stood still in most of beaches in the region.
Hotel Restaurant La Abeja (%033-791-116; Chorrillos Quintay is an easy half-day trip from
36; r incl breakfast CH$20,000-25,000), a pleasantly worn Valparaíso, but you can also stay up the
old house where vintage textured wallpaper road in Quintay proper at Cabañas Bosquemar
and linoleum still reign supreme. Angle for (% 032-236-2093;; Jorge
a repainted room out the back with bright Montt 187; 2-person cabins CH$23,000). The small,
bedspreads (but tiny bathrooms). The motley basic cabins and are kitted out with run-
crew of facilities includes a fridge, table tennis down furniture and foam mattresses and
table and plant-filled patio. Ships’ wheels and have no views, but they’re an OK base for
nets decorate the restaurant, which is famous visiting the area.
for its empanadas (CH$900). Tranportes Quintay (%032-236-2669) oper-
The huge ultramarine dining room at Gran ates taxi colectivos between just outside
Azul (%033-791-584; Irarrázaval 86; mains CH$4500-5900; Valparaíso’s bus terminal and Quintay’s
hnoon-midnight Sep 18-Easter, 8pm-late Fri, noon-4pm & main street (CH$1400, one hour), 500m
7-11pm Sat & Sun Easter-Sep 18) fills up quickly in from Caleta Quintay and 2.5km from Playa
summer – classic Chilean seafood is the at- de Quintay. If you’re coming by car, take Ruta
traction. On the sand below, the same owners 68 from Valparaíso or Viña toward Santiago;
operate a cheaper, outdoor bar called Banana the turnoff is 18km south of Valpo, then it’s
(snacks CH$950) which does empanadas, burgers another 23km to Quintay. VA L PA R A Í S O & T H E C E N T R A L C OA S T • • Pa r q u e N a c i o n a l L a C a m p a n a 141


A cool climate and temperatures that vary greatly from day to night have made this valley halfway
between Santiago and Valparaíso one of Chile’s best regions for fruity Chardonnays, Sauvignon
Blancs and Pinots. Its well-organized wineries take food and wine tourism seriously, and many
have on-site restaurants. There’s no public transport to any of the wineries, but in a rental car
you can easily blitz four or five of them in a day – most are on or around Ruta 68. Alternatively,
contact the Ruta del Vino de Casablanca (%032-274-3755;; Punta Arenas 46,
Casablanca) for tours. Note that servings at tastings tend to be generous – you can save money
and sobriety by sharing them between two people.
The tours at Viña Veramonte (%032-232-9924;; Ruta 68 Km66; tours incl 3 pours
CH$3500, tasting only CH$2000; h9am-5pm Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm Sat & Sun) include plenty of background

on wine production in the Casablanca Valley.
Tastings at Viñedos Orgánicos Emiliana (%099-9327-4019;; Ruta 68 Km61.5; tasting
incl 4 pours CH$6500; h10am-5pm) take place in a gorgeous slate-and-wood building looking out
over the vines, grown organically using biodynamic principles.
The wines are indifferent, but there’s no beating the views from Viña Indómita (%032-275-
4400;; Ruta 68 Km6; tour incl 3 pours CH$3000; h11am-5pm), whose Hollywood-style sign
on the hillside is easily spottable from afar.
Stop for early lunch at House of Morandé (%032-275-4701;; 4-step tasting menus
CH$7000-22,000; h10:30am-4pm Tue-Thu, Sat & Sun), which does unusual four-course tasting menus
with wine pairings, but you need to order before 1pm.
The real show-stopper is Viña Matetic (%032-232-3134;; Fundo Rosario, Lagunillas;
tours incl 2 reservas/1 reserva & 1 premium/4 reservas CH$7000/10,000/14,000; h11am-3:30pm Tue-Sun), off
highway F-962G, whose glass, wood and steel gravity-flow winery has attracted almost as much
attention as the wines. Reservations several days in advance are essential.
Fabulous wines and peaceful surroundings come together at Viña Casas del Bosque (%02-
480-6900;; tours CH$6000, tastings incl 2/3 pours CH$4000/5000; htours 10:30am, 12:30pm,
2:30pm & 4pm). The restaurant is open from 12:30pm to 5:30pm Tuesday to Sunday, and there’s a
harvest tour in late March and April.
Other Casablanca wineries open to the public include William Cole Vineyards (%032-275-4444;, Catrala ( and Viña Mar (%032-275-4300;

Isla Negra where Neruda’s tomb and that of his third

The spectacular setting on a windswept ocean wife, Matilde, overlook the sea. Reservations
headland makes it easy to understand why are essential in high season.
Isla Negra (%035-461-284;; Isla Negra is an easy half-day trip from
Poeta Neruda s/n; admission by guided tour only in English/ Valparaíso: Pullman Bus Lago Peñuela (%032-
Spanish CH$3500/3000; h 10am-6pm Tue-Sun) was 222-4025) leaves from Valparaíso’s bus ter-
Pablo Neruda’s favorite house. Built by the minal every 10 to 15 minutes (CH$2600,
poet when he became rich in the 1950s, it was 1½ hours). Pullman Bus (%600-320-3200; www
stormed by soldiers just days after the 1973 comes here direct from Santiago’s
military coup when Neruda was dying of can- Terminal de Buses Alameda (CH$6000, 1½
cer. Overenthusiastic commercialization gives hours, every 30 minutes).
a definite Disney-Neruda vibe to visits here:
indifferent guides quick-march you through
the house, and they’d rather you lingered in PARQUE NACIONAL LA CAMPANA
the gift shop than over the extraordinary col- Looming large within this national park
lections of shells, ships in bottles, nautical (% 033-441-342; adult/child CH$1500/500; h 9am-
instruments, colored glass and books. Despite 5:30pm Sat-Thu, 9am-4:30pm Fri) are two of the high-
this, the seemingly endless house (Neruda est mountains in the coastal range, Cerro El
kept adding to it) and its contents are still Roble (2200m) and Cerro La Campana (1880m),
awe-inspiring. There’s no one to stop you tak- which Charles Darwin climbed in 1834.
ing your time on the terrace outside, however, Visitor numbers have risen since then, but
142 A C O N C A G UA VA L L E Y • • L o s A n d e s Book your stay at

La Campana remains relatively uncrowded depending on the weather, drinking water –

despite its closeness to Santiago. It’s sub- supplies with you.
divided into two main sectors: Conaf’s main
administration station is at Granizo, near Getting There & Away
Olmué, 1.5km before the southwest entrance Ranger presence is sporadic at Ocoa, so it
side of the park; and there are sometimes makes more sense to go through the Granizo
rangers at Ocoa, in the north of the park. entrance. Buses go regularly from Errázuriz
In geological structure and vegetation, in Valparaíso to Limache (CH$800), from
most of the park’s 80 sq km resemble the where local buses and colectivos continue to
dry, jagged scrubland of the mountains Olmué, and some to Granizo. Talca-based El
of Southern California. The park protects Caminante (%071-197-0096;
stands of the deciduous roble de Santiago operates guided hiking trips to the park.

(Nothofagus obliqua) and is known for its The park is accessible by car from Santiago
20 sq km grove of Chilean palms (Jubaea (160km) and Viña del Mar/Valparaíso
chilensis). There’s excellent hiking to be had (60km). Head north from Santiago on the
here: profuse wildflowers and a reliable water Panamericana (CH-5), take the turnoff to
supply make spring the best time for a visit. Tiltil and continue to Olmué, 4km from
Paved access roads lead to the two entrances, Granizo. From Viña and Valparaíso take the
but there are no roads within the park. Autopista Troncal Sur (CH-62) past Quilpué
and Villa Alemana to Limache, where you
head east to Olmué.
Sights & Activities
Most people come to make like Darwin and
ascend Cerro La Campana: on clear days its ACONCAGUA VALLEY
summit affords spectacular views stretching
from the Pacific to the Andean summit of If you arrive in Chile overland from
Aconcagua. From the Granizo park entrance Mendoza, the fertile Valle de Aconcagua is
(373m above sea level), the Sendero Andinista the first scenery you see. It’s watered by the
climbs 1455m in only 7km – mercifully, Río Aconcagua, which flows west from the
most of the hike is in shade, and there are highest mountain in the Americas, Cerro
three water sources en route. Prior to the Aconcagua (6959m), just over the Argentine
final vertiginous ascent you pass a granite border. Scenic highway CH-60 runs the
wall with a plaque commemorating Darwin’s length of the valley and across the Andes
climb. Figure at least four hours to the top to Mendoza.
and three hours back down.
The 5.5km Sendero Los Peumos connects
%034 / pop 61,627
the Granizo entrance to the Sendero Amasijo, They couldn’t have chosen a better name: the
which winds for another 7km through a mountains loom large and lovely over this
palm-studded canyon to Ocoa. The whole foothill town. Indeed, most of Los Andes’
hike takes five hours, one way. The southern visitors are on their way to ski the slopes at
part of Sendero Amasijo plunges down into the Portillo resort near the Argentine border.
Cajón Grande, a canyon with deciduous for- But skiers aren’t the only ones the Andes
ests of southern beech. From Ocoa, Sendero have inspired. Two of Chile’s most famous
La Cascada leads 6km to Salto de la Cortadera, daughters lived here: Nobel Prize–winning
an attractive 30m waterfall that is best dur- poet Gabriela Mistral, who taught at the
ing the spring runoff. school; and Saint Teresa de los Andes, who
became a nun and died here. The town is a
Sleeping pleasant stop-off but there’s not enough here
Conaf runs two basic 23-tent campsites (CH$6000) to justify a visit in itself.
with toilets, barbecue areas and cold-water
showers at Granizo and Cajón Grande, further Orientation & Information
south. Backcountry camping is not permit- The highway to the Argentine border (CH-
ted. In really dry weather, only a handful of 60, the Carretera Internacional) runs across
campers are permitted at a time to reduce the the north of Los Andes, where it’s called Av
risk of fires. You need to bring all food – and, Argentina. The bus station lies north of it,
Book your stay at A C O N C A G UA VA L L E Y • • P o r t i l l o 143

eight blocks from the town center. Esmeralda, look. Locals hungry for its thin-crust pizzas
the main commercial street, runs along the keep the waiter on his toes at night.
south side of the Plaza de Armas. Donde El Guatón (%423-596; Av Santa Teresa 240;
Banco Santander (%421-061; O’Higgins 348; mains CH$2850-4900; hnoon-1am Mon-Sun) Los Andes’
h9am-2pm) most popular parrilla gets pretty hectic on
Hospital San Juan de Diós (%490-300; www.hosla weekends when local families pile into its
.cl; Av Argentina 315 & Hermanos Clark) Public hospital. close-packed dining room hungry for the
Municipal tourist office (%902-525; Av Santa Teresa mixed grills, plateada (stewed beef) and pas-
333; h10am-6pm Tue-Sun) Helpful tourist office near teles (mashed-potato-topped pies) it does
the archaeological museum. so well.
Post office (%800-267-736; Av Esmeralda 387; La Table de France (%406-319; Camino Internacional
h9am-2pm & 3:30-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm Sat) Km3, El Sauce; mains CH$4800-8900; h1-4pm & 8-11pm

Telecabinas (%405-738; Maipú 283; per hr CH$400; Tue-Sat, 1-6pm Sun) Rolling countryside is the only
h9am-10pm Mon-Sat) Fast internet and cheap interna- thing between the Andes and the sweeping
tional calls. terrace of this French-run restaurant on a
hill 3km out of town. Duck, rabbit, wild boar
Sights & Activities and even ostrich satisfy creative carnivores,
Aside from the views, Los Andes is short on while dishes such as goat’s cheese gnocchi
sights. Its small Museo Arqueológico (%420-115; or kingklip in Carmenere mean vege- and
Av Santa Teresa 398; admission CH$1000; h10am-8pm Tue- fishetarians aren’t neglected.
Sat) contains some interesting pre-Columbian
pottery displayed in dusty exhibit cases.
Getting There & Away
Los Andes is the last (or first) Chilean town on
The award for the most unintentionally
the route between Santiago and Mendoza in
bizarre museum displays in Middle Chile goes
Argentina – buses pass through its Rodoviario
to the Museo Antiguo Monasterio del Espíritu Santo
Internacional (%408-188; Av Carlos Díaz 111), eight
(%421-304; Av Santa Teresa 389; h9am-1pm & 3-6pm
blocks northwest of the Plaza de Armas on the
Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm Sat & Sun). Mannequins in nuns’
northern extension of Av Santa Teresa.
habits re-create scenes from Santa Teresa’s
Ahumada (%421-227; and
life: she took her vows in this ex-convent then
Pullman Bus (%425-973; have regu-
died of typhus, aged 19. Also celebrated is folk
lar services to Santiago’s terminal San Borja
saint and preteen rebel Laura Vicuña, who
(CH$2800, two hours, hourly). Buses Tas Choapa
willed herself to die because her widowed
(%438-238) stops at Portillo ski resort en route
mother took a married lover.
to Mendoza (CH$9000, six hours, four daily).
Other companies serving Mendoza include El
Sleeping & Eating Rápido (%779-0310;
Hotel Don Ambrosio (%425-496; Freire 472; s/d incl
breakfast CH$16,000/22,000; i) The cheapest rooms PORTILLO
in town are dark and a bit poky, but they’re Set around the spectacular alpine lake of
clean, perfectly serviceable and come with Laguna del Inca on the Argentine border,
cable TV and free wi-fi. It’s on a quiet street Portillo (%02-263-0606;; daily ski
two blocks from the Plaza de Armas. pass adult/child CH$28,500/18,000) is one of Chile’s
Hotel Plaza (%421-929;, favorite ski resorts. It’s not just amateurs
in Spanish; Rodríguez 368; s/d CH$25,520/29,040) With its who love its ultrasteep slopes: the US,
beige bedspreads and varnished wood fur- Austrian and Italian national teams use it
nishings, there’s something very 1970s about as a base for their summer training and the
Los Andes’s upmarket option (a very relative 200km/h speed barrier was first broken here.
claim to fame). Rooms look out onto the car Some of its terrain is apt for novices but it’s
park but they’re big, airy and light-filled, and hard-core powder junkies that really thrive.
have heating and cable TV. The on-site restau- Altitudes range from 2590m to 3310m on
rant has good-value set lunch menus. its 19 runs, the longest of which measures
La Toscana (%429-000; O’Higgins 289; set lunch 3.2km. The slopes are prepared daily, apart
CH$1900, large pizzas CH$4900-6500; hnoon-4pm & 7-10pm from expert runs like Cóndor, La Garganta
Mon-Sat) Chrome tables and pale formica floors and Roca Jack, which are left with their
give this little pizza joint a bright, modern natural ice pack.
144 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • R a n c a g u a

Accommodation in Portillo is geared that make good bases for excursions to the
around week-long stays, and much cheaper hinterland.
choices are available 69km west in Los
Andes. Portillo’s most luxurious option is RANCAGUA
the Hotel Portillo (r per person per week full board %072 / pop 231,945
US$2690-3200), which has smallish doubles Copper and cowboys might be an un-
with views of the lake or valley. Bunk-bed likely combination, but sprawling indus-
accommodation is available at the resort’s trial Rancagua is synonymous with both.
other two lodging options. The Octagon Lodge The nearby El Teniente copper mine has
(r per person per week full board US$1390) has four- driven the city’s economic success, but it’s
bunk rooms with bathrooms and draws a the rip-roaring antics of the annual rodeo
slightly older crowd, while the Inca Lodge (r per season that people get more excited. Late

person per week full board US$700) has a bit more of March and early April is the time for buck-
a backpacker vibe to it. You can pay extra to ing broncos; the rest of the year there’s little
have rooms to yourself at the Octagon and to do in Rancagua itself, though it makes a
Inca lodges and regardless of where you stay useful base for visiting the Reserva Nacional
you can use the heated outdoor swimming Río de los Cipreses, the fascinating deserted
pool, gym, yoga classes, skating rink, games mine at Sewell and Chapa Verde ski resort.
room, small cinema and babysitting services Rancagua’s standard grid centers on Plaza
for free. Shops, an internet café and a bar de los Héroes, which is intersected by Estado
and disco are also on-site. and Independencia.
Driving to Portillo takes one to two hours,
depending on road conditions. Information
Afex (%227-003; Mall del Centro, cnr Cuevas &
Campos, Local 009; h10am-9pm Mon-Sat, 11am-9pm
Getting There & Away Sun) Currency-exchange office.
The Santiago–Mendoza services run by Buses BancoEstado (%745-200; Independencia 666;
Tas Choapa (%02-438-238) stop at Portillo – if h9am-2pm) One of several banks with ATMs along
there are seats you can catch them to Los Independencia.
Andes, Santiago or Mendoza. An alterna- Conaf (%204-645;; Cuevas 480, 1st fl;
tive is provided by private ski transfers (they h8:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri) Advice on getting to nearby
usually rent gear, too). national parks.
Manzur Expediciones (Map pp84-5; %02-777-4284; Entel (%320-006; Independencia 486; h8:30am-9pm
Dr Sótero del Rio 475, Oficina 507, Centro; round-trip to Mon-Fri, 9am-6:30pm Sat) Long-distance calls.
Portillo CH$25,000, with hotel pick-up CH$30,000). Leaves Hospital Regional (%338-000; www.hospitalranca
from Plaza Italia (Baquedano metro station) and also; O’Higgins 611) Public hospital.
rents gear. Lava Express (%241-738; Av San Martín 270; per kg
Ski Ahorro (Map p99; %02-229-4532; www.skiahorro CH$1400; h9:30am-1pm & 3:30-8pm Mon-Sat)
.cl, in Spanish; Av Las Condes 9143, Las Condes; round-trip Plaza Online (%320-944; Edificio Plaza Oriente 390,
to Portillo minimum 5 passengers CH$16,000). Plaza de los Héroes; per hr CH$500; h9am-11pm Mon-
Sat, 10am-10pm Sun) Fast internet.
Post office (%800-267-736; Campos 322; h9am-
SOUTHERN HEARTLAND 6:45pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm Sat)
Sernatur (%230-413; Germán Riesco 277, 1st fl;
South of Santiago, squeezed between the h8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri) Helpful staff run this office one
Andes and the coastal cordillera, the cen- block east of Plaza de los Héroes.
tral valley is Chile’s fruit bowl, with a
Mediterranean climate and endless orchards Sights
and vineyards – this region produces most The austere white Iglesia de la Merced (cnr Estado
of Chile’s wine. The Andes in this sec- & Cuevas) was built of adobe in 1743. Chile’s
tor are spectacular, with deciduous beech liberator Bernardo O’Higgins used the bell
forests climbing their slopes and broad tower as a lookout during the 1814 Battle of
gravel-bedded rivers descending into the Rancagua. Another religious landmark, the
valley. Most of the large settlements here peach-and-white Iglesia Catedral (cnr Estado & Plaza
are unattractive agricultural service towns de los Héroes) overlooks the Plaza de los Héroes.
Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • R a n c a g u a 145

0 300 m
RANCAGUA 0 0.2 miles

A B To Medialuna C D (700m)
de Rancagua
Afex..........................................1 C2 SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
Casa del Ochavo......................10 C3

Banco Estado..............................2 B3

Conaf........................................3 C2 Iglesia Catedral........................11 C3

1 Entel..........................................4 C3 Iglesia de la Merced.................12 C2
Hospital Regional.......................5 C1 Museo Regional de Rancagua..13 C3

Av España
Lava Express...............................6 B2

Plaza Online...............................7 C3 5
Post Office.................................8 C2 Hostal El Parrón........................14 B2
Av Libe
rtador Be Hostal Yaiman..........................15 B3
Sernatur.....................................9 C3 rnardo O
Av Liber ’Higgins
tador Be
rnardo O

’Higgins EATING
Av San M Bavaria.....................................16 B2
Torito...................................... 17 D3

Cáceres To Rodoviario (500m);
Panamericana (1km)

19 14
Pullman....................................18 A2
a del M


Dr Salinas Sextur....................................(see 19)

Av Santa Ma

Mercado Mujica Terminal de Buses....................19 A2

Central 16
Train Station............................20 A3
Av Viñ


Plaza Camilo Mall del Tur Bus....................................21 A2


Baqued Henríquez Centro

ano Cuevas 1 12
Av Estación

Av Bras 3


21 18 8


encia 9 17

Av Freir

2 Plaza de 7
20 los Héroes
4 Germán
O'Carro Riesco
l Membrilla
11 r



To Doña


Emilia (800m);

3 Chapa Verde Shuttle

Bus (Mall Plaza
Pasaje Te

America) (1km)


To Mar
Andino (400m)

The centerpiece of the plaza is a tired-looking stay in Rancagua at this time; otherwise, it’s
statue dedicated to O’Higgins. an easy day trip from Santiago.
From the plaza the quiet pedestrian street
Estado leads south past well-maintained Sleeping & Eating
colonial dwellings to the two-building Museo You get notoriously little bang for your buck
Regional de Rancagua (% 221-524; www.museo at Rancagua’s hotels, mainly because of the; Estado 685; CH$600, free Tue, Sat & Sun; guaranteed trade generated by the nearby
h10am-6pm Tue-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat & Sun). Head up copper mine.
the courtyard stairs in the main house for Hostal Yaiman (%641-773; Bueras 655; s/d incl break-
small but thoughtfully displayed exhibits on fast CH$13,500/27,000, without bathroom CH$10,500/21,000)
local archaeological finds, indigenous cul- A regular clientele of traveling workers and
ture, traditional instruments and the copper salespeople mean this converted family house
industry, ingots and all. Temporary art exhi- is often full. Its clean but drab rooms have
bitions go on downstairs. Over the road in strangely carpeted walls and cable TV.
the Casa del Ochavo they’ve tried to re-create Hostal El Parrón (%758-550; www.hostalelparron
an 18th-century Chilean home. .cl; San Martín 135; s/d incl breakfast CH$18,0000/24,000)
With their butter-yellow walls, springy beds
Festivals & Events and big windows, rooms in this new hotel
From late March to early April, the Campeonato are bright but homey. The only downside is
Nacional de Rodeo (National Rodeo Championship; %221- the location: an uninspiring avenue close to
286;; Medialuna de Rancagua, cnr Av the bus station.
España & Germán Ibarra; admission CH$75,000-12,000) takes Mar Andino (%645-400;;
place. At night, traditional Chilean cueca Bulnes 370; s/d CH$36,740/60,400; ais) Hats off
dances are held and a market of regional foods to the person who realized that Rancagua
and crafts is set up in the Plaza de los Héroes. needed a decent hotel. Rooms are spacious
Make hotel reservations early if you want to with rustic-looking wooden beds topped with
146 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • A r o u n d R a n c a g u a

moss-green throws, gleaming bathrooms and Terrasur trains north to Santiago (CH$5000,
cable TV. The garden is bare but the small one hour) and south to Talca (CH$6000, two
pool is a boon. So is the slick restaurant, hours) and Chillán (CH$9500, 3½ hours),
which saves you walking the 10 blocks to among other stops.
the city center along Av Cachapoal.
Bavaria (%241-241; Av San Martín 255; sandwiches AROUND RANCAGUA
CH$1500-3200, mains CH$3600-5000; h9:30am-4pm &
7-11:30pm Mon-Sat, noon-4pm & 7-10pm Sun) You can
Chapa Verde Ski Resort
Some 50km northeast of Rancagua via a
wash down fries and a steak with a cold schop
mostly paved highway, Chapa Verde (%072-294-
at the local branch of this national chain.
255;; Av Miguel Ramírez 665, Rancagua;
Torito (%222-704; Zañartu 323; mains CH$4500-5900;
daily ski pass adult/child CH$16,000/9000) is a low-key
h11am-1am) Mixed grills and generous steaks ski resort originally created for employees of

are the specialty at this enormous family-

Codelco (the national copper company). It
oriented parrilla, but there’s also salmon and
has 22 long runs served by 10 lifts.
sea bass, steamed, fried or grilled. The live
Shuttle buses (CH$5000, one hour) leave
music on weekends can be as cheesy as the
from outside the Líder Vecino at the Plaza
topping on the paila marina.
America mall (Av Miguel Ramírez 665), 2km
Doña Emilia (%239-483; Diego de Almagro 440;
east of the center of Rancagua, from 9am
set lunch CH$5900, mains CH$5500-7900; hnoon-4pm
to 9:30am on weekdays or 8am to 9:30am
& 8pm-midnight Mon-Fri, 8pm-midnight Sat) A far cry
on weekends. Return buses leave at 5pm.
from the home-style cooking of downtown
Private vehicles are not allowed.
Rancagua (both geographically and concep-
tually), the beautifully presented French and
Spanish fare here has turned Doña Emilia Sewell
into a local foodie landmark. Book a table Up to 15,000 people once lived at Sewell
on the terrace overlooking the garden. (, in Spanish), an atmospheric ghost
town 55km northeast of Rancagua. Between
Getting There & Away 1904 and 1975 it housed mining families
BUS from El Teniente, the world’s largest subsur-
Rancagua has a confusing number of bus face copper mine, and has been preserved as
terminals: there’s the big Rodoviario (O’Higgins a monument to the copper workers and their
0484), northeast of the town center; the way of life. Built on a steep slope at 2600m,
downtown Terminal de Buses (% 225-425; Dr its distinctive, brightly colored houses are
Salinas 1165); and central, individual termi- connected by stairways rather than roads.
nals used by each company. You need a You can only visit the town and El
taxi to get from the Rodoviario but the Teniente on organized tours run by VTS (off
others are within walking distance of the Map p145;%072-210-290;; Manuel Montt 192,
town center. Rancagua; tour in Spanish of mine & town incl transport
From their terminals in the west of town, from Rancagua adult/child CH$20,000/15,000; h 10am
Tur Bus (%230-341;; O’Carrol 1175) and Fri-Sun). Tours leave from both Santiago and
Pullman (%227-756;; cnr Av Brasil & Rancagua, and include a trip down into the
Lastarria) have at least one hourly service to still-functioning mine, a tour of the town
Santiago (CH$2200, 1¼ hours) and several itself and a visit to the Museo de la Gran
daily services to cities further south, includ- Minería de Cobre, a museum housed in a
ing Curicó (CH$2100, 1¾ hours), Talca beautiful 1940s modernist building.
(CH$3400, 3½ hours), Chillán (CH$6200,
4½ hours) and Puerto Montt (CH$15,700, Reserva Nacional Río de los Cipreses
13 hours). Set in the Andean foothills 40km east of
From the main Terminal de Buses, Sextur Rancagua, this little-visited 370 sq km park
(%231-342) leaves for Pichilemu (CH$3000, (%072-297-505; adult/child CH$2000/1000; h8:30am-
three hours) daily at 6:40am. 8pm Tue-Sun) contains a variety of volcanic
landforms, hanging glacial valleys, waterfalls
TRAIN and fluvial landscapes. The park ranges in
From the EFE train station (%600-585-5000; cnr altitude from 900m to the 4900m summit
Av Estación & Carrera Pinto) there are seven daily of Volcán El Palomo. S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • S a n t a C r u z 147

As its name suggests, the park is home to upon row of vines interrupted occasionally by
forests of fragrant cypress, olivillo (Aextoxicon traditional finca houses.
punctatum) and other native tree species.
Among the animals living here are pumas, Orientation & Information
guanacos, two fox species, viscachas, condors The highway between San Fernando and
and tricahues, Chile’s largest native parrots. Bucalemu runs east–west through Santa Cruz,
Indigenous peoples first settled here between forming its main street, Rafael Casanova,
6000 and 3500 BC; rock drawings from this which borders the south side of the Plaza de
time remain in several sites in the upper can- Armas. Parallel streets Nicolás Palacios and
yon. You need to register with Conaf rangers Besoain run along the east and west of the
to visit them. plaza, and eventually merge to form the high-
The park entrance and Conaf rangers’ office way leading north to Pichilemu.

is at the north end of the reserve, along a dirt BancoEstado (%745-874; Besoain 24; h9am-2pm
road. About 6km on, and accessible by car, Mon-Fri) Has an ATM and changes dollars.
is Ranchillos campsite (7-person campsites CH$5000), Cibermanía (%821-527; Av Errázuriz 559; per hr
which has drinkable water, toilets and cold CH$500; h11am-10pm) One of several internet cafés on
showers. Bring all food supplies with you. the main avenue.
A track just beyond Ranchillos continues Post office (%800-267-736; Besoain 96; h9am-2pm
6km to Maitenes, the trailhead for the 20km & 3-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm Sat)
hike to Urriola, which passes through cypress
forests and gives you great views of some of Sights & Activities
the mountains in the park. Count on at least Most people come to Santa Cruz to visit the
six hours to get there from Ranchillos; there’s surrounding Colchagua Valley vineyards (see
a basic refuge at Urriola where you can spend boxed text, p148), which you can do inde-
the night. pendently or on organized wine tours.
There’s no public transport direct to the Along with dealing arms, Carlos Cardoen
reserve. To get here, catch a taxi colectivo from has made a name for himself as a hard-
Rancagua’s Rodoviario to Coya (CH$5000), core collector. The fruit of his passion is
from where you can get a taxi to the park en- the incredible Museo de Colchagua (% 821-
trance or to the campsite itself (CH$7000). To 050;; Errázuriz 145; adult/child
drive here from Rancagua, take the Carretera CH$3000/1000; h10am-6pm), the largest private
El Cobre toward Coya and Pangal, cross the museum in Chile. The collection includes
Perales bridge over the Río Cachapoal and pre-Columbian anthropomorphic ceramics
continue 12km along the dirt road toward from all over Latin America; weapons, re-
Puente Chacayes. ligious artifacts and Mapuche silver; and a
whole room of huasos cowboy gear. Steam-
SANTA CRUZ driven machinery, winemaking equipment
%072 / pop 31,391 and a re-creation of Colchagua’s original
You’re a major arms dealer and you love the train station fill the huge courtyard, and
Napa Valley wine scene. You can’t leave Chile adjoining display rooms showcase old car-
because the US Customs Service has put a riages and vintage cars.
half-million-dollar reward on your head for The most novel way to try the local wine
dodgy dealings with Iraq. So what do you do? is aboard the Tren del Vino (%02-470-7403; www
Why, pour your own millions into Chile’s; incl transport to & from Santiago CH$62,000;
top wine region and give Napa a run for its h8am Sat), a steam-train tour that leaves
money – or at least that’s what local bad boy every Saturday from San Fernando station.
Carlos Cardoen has in mind. His home town You start the wine tasting on board, visit a
of Santa Cruz is now the epicenter of Chile’s vineyard and have lunch there, then wind up
winemaking and wine-touring scenes. Aside at the Colchagua museum before returning
from a pretty main square, the town itself is to Santiago by bus.
unremarkable, although a major casino being
built at the time of research might move Santa Festivals & Events
Cruz into the fast lane. The valley surrounding Santa Cruz celebrates the grape harvest each
it, however, has a spectacular Mediterranean- March with the lively Fiesta de la Vendimia.
style beauty to it, with low hills lined with row Local wineries set up stands in the Plaza
148 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • S a n t a C r u z Book your stay at


With around 20 wineries open to the public, the Colchagua Valley is Chile’s biggest and best estab-
lished wine region. Its deep loamy soils, abundant water, dry air, bright sunshine and cool nights
have given rise to some of the country’s best reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Carmenere
make up most of the grapes, but top-notch Malbecs are also appearing.
Several vineyards are a short taxi ride from Santa Cruz, the region’s hub, but it makes sense
to hire a car to get to the further-flung ones. Alternatively, you can take a tour with the Ruta
del Vino (%823-199;; Plaza de Armas 298, Santa Cruz), though prices are high and
you have to do a full tour at each winery.
At third-generation family-owned vineyard Viu Manent (%072-858-751;; Carretera
del Vino Km37; tours incl 3 pours CH$10,000, premium tours incl 5 pours CH$20,000, 3-pour tasting CH$5000; htours

10:30am, noon, 3pm & 4:30pm Tue-Sun), tours involve a carriage ride through 80-year-old vineyards
and an insightful visit to the winery.
The most exclusive setup in Colchagua is Casa Apostolle Clos Apalta Winery (%072-321-803;; tour incl 2 pours CH$20,000), which produces a single premium wine from hand-picked,
hand-separated grapes. Open by reservation only.
As well as wine tours, MontGras (%072-823-242;; Camino Isla de Yáquil s/n, Palmilla;
tours incl 2 pours CH$8000, 2/4/6 reservas tastings CH$5000/10,000/15,000; htastings 10:30am-6pm Mon-Fri,
10:30am-4:30pm Sat, tours 11am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm & 5pm Mon-Fri, 11am, 12:30pm & 3:30pm Sat) offers horse-
back riding, hiking, zip lining and mountain biking, all on the vineyard.
Biodynamic growing techniques involving insects and even ground cow horn are explained at
organic vineyard Emiliana (%099-9225-5679;; Camino Lo Moscoso s/n, Placilla; tours incl 4
pours CH$8400, tastings per pour CH$1000-2350; htours 10:30am, noon, 3:30pm & 4:30pm).
Other noteworthy wineries:
Estampa (%02-202-7000;
Montes (%072-825-417;
Viña Bisquertt (%072-821-792;
Viña Casa Silva (%072-710-204;
Viña Santa Laura (%072-823-179;

de Armas, a harvest queen is crowned, Casa Silva (%710-204;; Hijuela Norte
and there is singing and folk dancing all s/n, San Fernando; d incl breakfast CH$108,650-137,800)
round. Maple trees shade the stone-tiled courtyard,
complete with fountain, at the heart of this
Sleeping & Eating 100-year-old house on the edge of a vine-
Hostal del Valle (%821-297; yard, near Ruta 5 Km132. The sumptuous
hostaldelvalle; 21 de Mayo 0317; d incl breakfast CH$35,000, rooms ooze old-world style with their pad-
s/d without bathroom CH$15,000/27,000; i) Peach- ded fabric wall-coverings, old prints, and
colored walls and feather comforters warm antique wardrobes and bedsteads (many
up the otherwise plain rooms at this small are four-posters).
hotel a couple of blocks east of the Plaza de Café Domo (% 824-950; General del Canto 56;
Armas, on the corner of Av Las Toscas. Cable h9am-7pm) Whether you’re getting over the
TV and wi-fi are included. wine tastings of the day before or caffein-
Hostal D’Vid (%821-269;; Alberto Edwards ing yourself up for the ones ahead, the huge
205; d incl breakfast CH$18,000, s without bathroom CH$18,000; flavored coffees here are sure to give you
pi) At this spanking new hostel, crisp cot- a buzz.
ton bedclothes embroidered with geometric Sushi Restaurant (%822-059; General de Canto 5; rolls
designs coordinate perfectly with the lime- CH$2400-3900; hnoon-4pm & 7:30pm-midnight Mon-Fri,
green walls. Beds are well sprung, bathrooms 7:30pm-midnight Sat) With its pale, stripped-wood
are big and there’s cable TV, wi-fi and a lovely bar and stools, this tiny Japanese restaurant on
garden around a pool. Best of all, however, the corner of the Plaza de Armas looks sur-
is the friendly, down-to-earth help you get prisingly authentic. The sushi, though nothing
from the owners. special, is fresh and well made. S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Pi c h i l e m u 149

Alma Campesina (%823-882; Ramón Sanfurgo 148; PICHILEMU

mains CH$3600-5000; hnoon-3:30pm & 7:30-11pm Mon- %072 / pop 12,847
Sat, noon-4pm Sun) A classy take on country is Wave gods and goddesses brave the icy waters
the idea at this cavernous restaurant, where of Chile’s unofficial surf capital year-round,
simple steaks, ribs and grilled fish are served while mere beach-going mortals fill its long
at rustic wooden tables. It’s above a shop of black sands December through March. All but
the same name – the stairs are round the side the major streets here are still unpaved, which
of the building. lends a dusty, ramshackle air to the town. Its
La Casita de Barreales (%824-468; Barreales s/n; wealthy early-20th-century founder, Agustín
mains CH$4600-6100; h12:30-3pm & 8-11pm Tue-Sat, Ross Edwards, had quite a different image in
12:30-3:30pm Sun) Local foodies are unanimous: mind: an upmarket beach resort based around
the subtle Peruvian ceviches and chaufas (a a now crumbling (but soon-to-be-restored)

Peruvian take on Chinese-style fried rice) casino on an outcrop overlooking the sands.
here are the most exciting thing to arrive on The westernmost part of Pichi juts out into
Santa Cruz’s tables in years. The secret is defi- the sea, forming La Puntilla, the closest surf-
nitely out – the warmly lit adobe house fills up ing spot to town. Fronting the town center
quickly on weekends so try to book. to the northeast is calm Playa Principal (main
La Cava de Don Miguel (%858-751; www.viu beach), while south is the longer and rougher; Carretera del Vino Km37; mains CH$6900-8900; Infiernillo, known for its more dangerous waves
hnoon-6pm Tue-Sun) A century-old family rec- and fast tow. The best surfing in the area is
ipe book inspired the menu at this hushed, at Punta de Lobos, 6km south of Pichi proper,
candlelit restaurant in the old estancia house which you need to drive or hitchhike to.
at Viu Manent winery. Outside, a sizzling Although Pichilemu itself isn’t particularly
grill provides the hunks of barbecued beef attractive, the laid-back vibe, great waves
and chicken served at tables on the shaded and surprisingly energetic summer nightlife
terrace. make it easy to see why it’s so popular with
visiting board-riders.
Getting There & Away
At the time of writing, all long-distance Orientation & Information
buses operated from the open-air Terminal On the map, Pichilemu opens butterfly-like
de Buses Santa Cruz (Rafael Casanova 478), about into two rough parts: the town center, to the
four blocks west of the Plaza de Armas, but east, and the sector along Infiernillo, to the
there were plans to build a new terminal west. Road I-50 from San Fernando feeds
nearby. Buses Nilahué (%825-582; www.busesnila through the northeast of town, becoming connects Santa Cruz with Pichilemu Av Ross, which cuts south then west. It in-
(CH$2000, two hours, two hourly), as well tersects with looping seafront Av Costanera.
as San Fernando (CH$1000, 30 minutes, two Comercio leads south off Av Ross to Punta de
hourly) and Santiago (CH$4000, four hours, Lobos and Bucalemu.
two hourly). Buses Jet-Sur (%02-778-7080) go to BancoEstado (%745-650; Errázuriz 397; h9am-2pm
Bucalemu (CH$2000, four hours, hourly). Mon-Fri) ATM and currency exchange.
To get to Lolol (CH$800, 30 minutes), take Oficina de Información Turística (%841-017; www
one of the local buses from opposite the bus; Municipalidad, Angel Gaete 365; h9am-
station. 6pm) Basic information about accommodations and events
is available from this office within the main municipal
DETOUR TO LOLOL Post office (%800-267-736; Av Ortúzar 568;
Beautifully preserved colonial houses make h9:30am-4pm Mon-Fri, 9:30-noon Sat)
sleepy Lolol, 23km southeast of Santa Cruz, Surfnet (%841-324; Aníbal Pinto 105; per hr CH$400;
a picture-perfect side trip. The main two or h9am-11:30pm Mon-Sun) Cheap phone calls and
three streets are fronted by long galleries internet access.
supported by wooden columns and over-
hung by terracotta roofs. Once you’ve had a Activities
wander, you can take time out with a book Surfing (see p74) is what most people come
in the quiet Plaza de Armas. here for – you can hire boards, wetsuits (a
must) and take classes with internationally
150 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Pi c h i l e m u Book your stay at

certified instructors at Lobos del Pacífico walls and slate-tiled bathrooms – but not
(%098- 461-3634;; Av Costanera entirely tranquil, due to thin partitions. You
720; full-day board hire CH$4000-5000, 2hr classes CH$5000), can have all your meals in the lodge’s restau-
at Infiernillo. It’s also tipped to be the best rant for an extra CH$8000 per day.
board repair shop in Pichi. Another reli-
able surf school is Escuela de Surf Manzana 54
(%099-574-5984;; Av Costanera s/n; Eating & Drinking
half-/full-day board & gear hire CH$3500/6000, 2hr classes Restaurant Los Colchaguinos (% 841-243; Aníbal
CH$10,000) on La Puntilla beach, where condi- Pinto 298; empanadas & pailas CH$900-1500; hnoon-3pm
tions are good for beginners. & 7:30-11pm Mon-Sat, noon-3pm Sun) Big, dripping
empanadas are the star attraction at this
Sleeping & Eating small, family-run hole-in-the-wall, which

Book well ahead at the following places during also makes rich, homey seafood pailas.
summer, and enquire about discounts during Donde Pinpón (% 842-820; Av Ross 9; mains
winter and fall. CH$3000; h12:30-3:30pm & 7:30-11pm Mon-Sat, 12:30-
Hotel Chile España (%841-270; www.chileespana 3:30pm Sun) The menu runs to steak, fried fish
.cl, in Spanish; Av Ortúzar 255; s/d/tr incl breakfast and seafood stews, but that’s more than
CH$11,000/22,000/33,000; i) Once a popular surfer enough to keep local families returning
hangout, this central budget hotel now mainly to this friendly, low-key restaurant whose
caters to Chilean pensioners on package get- long windowed front looks out onto the
aways. Rooms, if you can get one, are clean main drag.
but cramped because of the new bathrooms El Puente Holandés (%842-350; Costanera Eugenio
they’ve squeezed into corners, and they open Díaz Lira 167; mains CH$3500-4900; h 9am-11pm)
onto a long, plant-filled patio. An arching wooden bridge leads from the
Pichilemu Surf Hostal (%842-350; www.pichile Costanera into this high-ceilinged bar and; Eugenio D Lyra 167; s/d/tr/q CH$15,000/ restaurant on Infiernillo beach. It does sim-
24,000/30,000/34,000) Attic-style lookouts with ple seafood dishes well – grilled sea bass or
incredible sea views top all the rooms at this clam and prawn ravioli, for example – or
unusually designed clapboard hostel oppo- you can nurse a beer and some empanadas
site Infiernillo beach. Each has firm beds, on the terrace out the front.
pale linens and huge framed photos of the Xel-ha (%843-042; Av Ortúzar 275; h6pm-midnight
nearby waves. You get expert wave advice Mon-Thu, 6pm-late Fri & Sat Mar-Nov, 6pm-late Dec-Feb)
from the windsurfing Dutch owner, Marcel, Simpsons murals overlook the pool tables
and a proper eggs-and-toast or muesli-and- and reggae and hip-hop pulse in the back-
yoghurt brekkie at his restaurant over the ground of this popular pub. Young staff pull
road. pints of artisanal lager, ale and stout, which
Posada Punta de Lobos (%099-8154-1106; www you can accompany with enchiladas, quesa-; d/tr/q incl breakfast CH$48,000/ dillas or plain old burgers.
54,000/60,000, 4-/10-person cabins CH$60,000/90,000) Disco 127 (Av Angel Gaete 217; h10pm-late Thu-Sat
Pines and eucalypti surround the boxy, mod- Mar-Dec, 10pm-late daily Jan & Feb) Most travelers’
ular structures of this self-styled surf lodge, stories of derring-do in Pichilemu feature at
set 1km from the turnoff to Punta de Lobos. least one ‘and then I collapsed on the dance-
Rooms are earthy – think pine-paneled floor’ moment at this rowdy club.

If you prefer your beaches quiet, rocky and windswept, try wandering to Bucalemu, a sleepy
fishing village 37km south of Pichilemu. Small, crumbling hotels such as Hotel Rocha (%072-825-
923; Av Celedonio Pastene s/n; r incl breakfast CH$16,000) seem to cultivate a David Lynch vibe with their
damp, mismatched rooms. Local fishermen may well have caught the merluza (hake) they fry at
the small seafood restaurants along the beachfront. Hiking south for two or three days along
the beach (camping on the way) takes you to the seaside village of Llico, a popular windsurfing
spot. Buses Jet-Sur (%02-778-7080) has several services a day to Bucalemu (CH$2000, four hours)
from Santa Cruz, all of which pass through Pichilemu.
Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C u r i c ó 151

Getting There & Away Sleeping & Eating

The Terminal de Buses (%841-709; cnr Av Millaco & Hotel Prat (%311-069; Peña 427; hotelpratcurico@yahoo
Los Alerces) is in the southwestern section of .es; s/d incl breakfast CH$15,000/20,000, s without bathroom
Pichilemu – the closest stop to the town CH$7500; i) A rambling old building painted
center is the corner of Santa María and in acid colors houses Curicó’s cheapest digs.
Ortúzar. From the terminal there are fre- The kitchen, in-room cable TV and free wi-
quent services to Santa Cruz (CH$2500, fi make it popular with exchange students,
three hours, hourly), San Fernando but beware that there’s no heating and most
(CH$3000, 3½ hours, hourly) and Santiago rooms open straight onto the patio.
(CH$6000, seven hours, hourly) with Hostal Viñedos (%222-083;;
Buses Nilahué (% 842-138;; Chacabuco 645; s/d/tr incl breakfast CH$17,900/23,800/29,900,
Aníbal Pinto 301) and Pullman del Sur (% 843- s/d without bathroom CH$15,000/20,000) Rooms at this

008;; Aníbal Pinto 213, Local A) – you modern, wine-themed B&B are named after
can buy tickets at the downtown offices. different grapes – the ones at the front are
Change at San Fernando for buses or trains lighter. Whether you’ve been drinking or
south. not, the huge bouncy beds are a godsend.
Hotel Turismo (% 310-823; www.hotelturismo
CURICÓ; Carmen 727; s/d incl breakfast CH$40,800/47,800)
%075 / pop 123,875 Businesspeople in the wine industry usually
‘Nice plaza’ is about as much as most locals stay here. Service is indifferent and corridors
have to say about Curicó. They’re right: damp, but rooms are stylish with beige and
some 60 towering palm trees ring the square, red linens, modern furniture and cable TV.
while the inside is decorated with cedars, Pizzería A Casa Tua (%099-839-4761; Prat 395;
monkey puzzles, a striking early-20th-cen- pizzas CH$3500-5500; hnoon-11pm Mon-Sat) Ice-cold
tury wrought-iron bandstand and a wooden beer and a good selection of tasty thin-crust
statue of the Mapuche chief Toqui Lautaro. and deep-pan pizzas make this small pizzeria
But the main reason to visit Curicó is to popular with young Curicanos.
use it as a base for exploring the stunning La Parrilla del Abastero (%318-536; Argomedo 330;
Reserva Nacional Radal Siete Tazas (p152). mains CH$4000; hnoon-midnight) Why bother with
Although it’s very sleepy most of the year, a menu when everyone in town knows you
Curicó bursts into life for the Festival de la specialize in two things: lomo (fillet steak)
Vendimia (Wine Harvest Festival), which lasts and parrilladas (mixed grills). Old road signs
three days in early fall. Unfortunately, most adorn the walls, the smell of steak fills the
of Curicó’s historic center was destroyed in air and crowds of hungry friends pack the
the February 2010 earthquake – up to 90% plastic-clothed tables.
of the older buildings fell, according to BBC Club de la Unión (% 310-026; www.rubentapia
reports. Travelers should check for updates .cl; Merced 341; set lunch CH$3500, mains CH$3000-4000;
before visiting Curicó. h10am-11:30pm) It’s set in a time-honored social
club, yet this restaurant is known for adven-
Orientation & Information turous dishes like pork tenderloin in orange
The main square, Plaza de Armas, is bor- sauce or roast duck in a red wine reduction.
dered by Merced, Estado, Carmen and Mistiko (%310-868; Prat 21; mains CH$4500-6300;
Yungay, which is one of the main com- h 12:30-3:30pm & 8-11:30pm Mon-Fri, 8pm-1am Sat)
mercial drags along with intersecting street If you thought ‘cool’ and ‘Curicó’ couldn’t
Prat. go together, think again. This old house is
Banco Santander (%311-585; Estado 356; h9am- painted in rich colors such as raspberry and
2pm Mon-Fri) One of many banks with ATMs around the lavender and has a regularly changing menu
Plaza de Armas. of Peruvian-fusion fare – pork and coconut
Centro de Llamados (%314-426; Prat 588; h9am- milk empanadas, for example.
9pm Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun)
Post office (%800-277-736; Carmen 556; h9am- Getting There & Away
6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-12:30pm Sat) BUS
Tourist office (%543-027;; Yungay 620) Most Curicó buses arrive and leave from the
World Service Internet (%311-433; Prat 369; per hr Terminal de Buses (cnr Prat & Maipú), near the train
CH$400; h9am-10pm) station five blocks west of the Plaza de Armas.
152 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • R e s e r v a N a c i o n a l R a d a l S i e t e Ta z a s

From here Andimar (%312-000; for the 400m trail to the Siete Tazas (literally,
and Pullman del Sur (%328-090; ‘seven cups’), a breathtaking series of seven
have frequent services to Santiago (CH$2000 waterfalls and pools carved out of black basalt
to CH$3000, 2½ hours, every 30 minutes). rock by the Río Claro. From here, another
Talmocur (%311-360) goes to Talca (CH$1300, short trail leads to a viewpoint for the Salto la
1¼ hours, every 15 minutes). Leona, a waterfall that drops more than 50m
To get to Parque Nacional Las Siete Tazas, from a narrow gorge to the main channel of
catch a bus to Molina (CH$400, 35 minutes, the Río Claro.
every five minutes) with Aquelarre (%314-307) Two well-marked hiking trails loop from
from the Terminal de Buses Rurales, opposite Camping Los Robles at Parque Inglés: the
the main bus terminal. From Molina there are 1km Sendero el Coigüe and 7km Sendero Los
frequent services to the park in January and Chiquillanes, which has great views of the

February, and one daily service to Radal, 9km Valle del Indio (plan on about four hours in
before the park proper, the rest of the year. For total). The first segment of this trail is part of
more information, see right. the Sendero de Chile (, which
Tur Bus (%312-115;; Av Manso de continues to El Bolsón, where there is a ref-
Velasco 0106) has its own terminal southeast of uge, and Valle del Indio. From here you can
town. From here, services leave to Santiago trek across the drainage of the Río Claro to
(CH$3500, 2½ hours, three daily) and Reserva Nacional Altos del Lircay (p156),
Valparaíso (CH$8000, 4½ hours, one daily), taking about two days: the route is unsigned
and also south to Osorno (CH$19,500, 10 and crosses private land, so either do it with a
hours, four daily), Puerto Montt (CH$20,500, guide or get detailed information from Conaf
12 hours, two daily) and Valdivia (CH$18,800, and carry a topographical map, compass and
11 hours, two daily). adequate supplies.

TRAIN Sleeping & Eating

EFE passenger trains between Santiago and Conaf runs two cold-water campsites (%075-
Chillán stop at Curicós train station (%600- 228-029; campsites per person CH$1500) at the Parque
585-5000; Maipú 657), five blocks west along Prat Inglés: Camping Rocas Basálticas and
from the Plaza de Armas, near the bus sta- Camping Parque Inglés. Both get very busy
tion. There are seven trains a day to Santiago during summer.
(CH$6000, 2¼ hours) and Chillán (CH$7000, Camping Los Robles (%075-228-029; 6-person camp-
2½ hours), with connections from there sites CH$8000). There’s hot water and barbecue
to Concepción. areas at this privately run campsite. Bring food
supplies with you – there’s a big supermarket
RESERVA NACIONAL RADAL SIETE opposite the bus station in Molina.
TAZAS Hostería Flor de la Canela (%075-491-613; 4-person
The upper basin of the Río Claro marks the r with/without bathroom CH$26,000/20,000) This hoste-
beginning of the ecological transition between ria (guesthouse) has basic but clean wooden
the drought-tolerant Mediterranean vegeta- rooms with creaking bunks. Main meals here
tion to the north and the moist evergreen cost CH$6000.
forests to the south. Here, 78km southeast of
Curicó along a narrow gravel road, lies the Getting There & Away
Reserva Nacional Radal Siete Tazas (%071-209-542; During January and February Buses Hernández
admission adult/child CH$3.000/500;h9am–5:30pm Mar- operates frequent services from Molina
Nov, 9am–8:30pm Dec-Feb). (Maipú 1735) to the Parque Inglés sector of
Conaf’s main post is at the Parque Inglés sec- the park (CH$1500, 2½ hours, eight daily).
tor, 9km beyond the park entrance at Radal, From March to December there is one
but there are two interesting stop-offs between daily bus to Radal (CH$1500, two hours,
the two points. The Velo de la Novia (literally, daily at 5pm), 9km down the hill from
‘the bridal veil’) is a 40m waterfall which you Parque Inglés.
can see from a small roadside viewing point To drive to Radal Siete Tazas, take the
2.6km from Radal. Another 4.4km on is the Panamericana south of Curicó then turn
car park and Conaf ranger hut (usually only off to Molina. Leave Molina to the south
used in summer) that mark the access point on paved road K-25 toward Cumpeo, 25km S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Ta l c a 153

0 24 km

72ºW 71ºW
To Santiago
Llico Reserva Nacional
Laguna Torca
Lago Región
Vichuquén VI


Licantén Curicó Romeral
35ºS Bodega 35ºS
Iloca Miguel
Torres Los







Viña Cumpeo



TALCA Calina

R Viña Hugo Radal
ío Villa Cultural Casanova
Ma Velo de
Huilquilemu Viñedos R la Novia Reserva Nacional
ul e ío
Terranoble L i r ca y Siete Radal Siete Tazas
Colín Casa Casas
Patronales Tazas
Donoso Valle
Corral Frío San Inglés
Viña J Viña Maule Victoria Clemente El Bolsón
Bouchón Gillmore Vilches
Viña 115 Reserva Nacional
Mingre Balduzzi Vilches Altos de Lircay
San Cremaschi Alto
Los El Enladrillado

Acantos Lago Administración Laguna (2300m)

Viña El Colbún
Aromo del Alto
Villa Armerillo
Alegre Yerbas Lago
Buenas Machicura
To Paso
Rí Panimávida Pehuenche (34km);

o Argentina (34km)
P e rqu i l a Ac

u hi 115

b ue Linares

La Mina

Cerro El Toro Volcán

R í o A nc o a (3085m) San Pedro
36ºS To Chillán (82km); 36ºS
Temuco (371km)
72ºW 71ºW

further on, where the road turns to gravel. egalité thing – Chile’s 1818 declaration of
From here, it’s a bumpy 39km more to independence was signed here. Perhaps
Radal, and another 9km to Parque Inglés. Talquinos just have a weird sense of humor.
El Caminante (%071-197-0097; www.trekkingchile Either way, it might not be a muse for poets
.com) offers one-day guided excursions to Siete and painters but Talca is a good base for
Tazas from Talca. exploring the gorgeous Reserva Nacional
Altos de Lircay (p156) and the Maule Valley
TALCA wineries (p157).
%071 / pop 198,757
‘Talca, París y Londres.’ Signs behind recep- Orientation
tions, souvenir plates and proud locals all Talca is contained to the east by the
repeat this mantra with a mystifying lack Panamericana and to the west by the shal-
of irony. Architectural beauty and cultural low Río Claro. Talca follows a strict grid
life clearly have nothing to do with it, so pattern, and streets have cardinal points
what are they on about? Perhaps Paris is (Norte, Oriente, Sur and Poniente) and
an oblique allusion to the reasonable food numbers – the Plaza de Armas is the zero
and wine scene. Or maybe it’s a liberté- point.
154 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Ta l c a Book your stay at

0 400 m
TALCA 0 0.2 miles

Banco Estado......................................1 B3 Museo O'Higginiano y de Bellas Artes..8 B3 Bavaria.............................................(see 7)
Ciber..................................................2 B3 Completos Stands.............................14 B3
Conaf.................................................3 A3 SLEEPING Locos de Asar...................................15 A3
1 Hospital Regional...............................4 D2 Cabañas Stella Bordestero..................9 A3 Natura..............................................16 B3
Marcelo Cancino Cortés.....................5 B3 Hostal del Puente.............................10 A3 Pirandello.........................................17 B2
Post Office.......................................(see 6) Hostal del Río...................................11 A3 Zuca Restobar..................................18 A3

Sernatur..............................................6 B3 5 No
Hotel Lircay......................................12 A3
Virtualia.............................................7 C3 Los Castaños....................................13 C2

To Clínica del
gins 13

Maule (100m)
O'Hig 4
rn ardo
Av Be ins
ard o O'H rte To Casa Donoso (5.5km);
v Bern 3 No Hostel Casa Chueca (6km);

2 Plaza San Clemente (20km)

11 O
To Las Viejas 2 No
5 Ori

10 Ori

13 O
Cochinas (2km)

12 O



8 Ori
ola rte

1 No


r 7 Ori
De 24


lS 17
1 Sur

r Mercado 22
8 Central 19
15 20
7 2 Sur 25
6 Ori

2 1
2 Ori

4 Poniente 18 Plaza La
9 Plaza 6 Victoria
4 Ori
3 Ori



2 Po

To Donde
3 Po

Paulo (100m)

10 11

14 3 Sur
3 Cine Star..........................................22 C3
1 Ori
1 Po




ter Cafetería La Papa.............................19 B3 Terminal de Buses de Talca.............. 23 D2

Pi Embrujo...........................................20 A3 Train Station.................................... 24 D2
co Pub Oveja Negra..............................
3 12 5 Sur21 B3 Tur Bus............................................ 25 D3

Information Sights & Activities

BancoEstado (%345-201; 1 Sur 971; h9am-2pm) Talca’s one and only sight is the 1762 house
One of many ATMs along 1 Sur. where Bernardo O’Higgins signed Chile’s dec-
Ciber (%232-961; 1 Sur 975; per hr CH$500; laration of independence in 1818. Known as
h8:30am-9pm Mon-Fri) the Museo O’Higginiano y de Bellas Artes (%227-
Clínica del Maule (%201-800; www.clinicadelmaule 330; 1 Norte 875; admission free); at this writing it was
.cl; 4 Norte 1640) Private clinic. closed for a total overhaul and isn’t due to
Conaf (%228-029; 3 Sur 564; h9am-1pm & reopen until late 2009.
2-5:30pm Mon-Fri) Limited information about nearby One interesting outing from Talca is to
national parks. take the early-morning train to the port of
Hospital Regional (%242-406; www.hospitaldetalca Constitución (CH$800, three hours), depart-
.cl; 1 Norte) Busy public hospital on the corner of 13 ing at 7:50am daily and 4:30pm on weekdays.
Oriente. The journey is the destination: the slow old
Marcelo Cancino Cortés (%226-748; 1 Sur 898, train runs alongside the Río Maule with amaz-
Oficina 15; h9am-7pm Mon-Sat) Currency exchange. ing views out over the valley. The return train
Post office (%800-267-736; 1 Oriente 1150; h9am- doesn’t leave until 4:15pm, and there’s not
6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-noon Sat) Inside a large building off much to do in Constitución, so you might
Plaza de Armas. want to get a bus back. You buy tickets from
Sernatur (%233-669; 1 Oriente 1150; h8:30am- the train station.
5:30pm Mon-Fri) An exceptionally helpful, English-
speaking staff offer travelers clued-up advice on Sleeping
accommodations, activities as well as money-saving tips Los Castaños (% 684-531; loscastanostalca@gmail
in Talca. .com; 8 Oriente 1481; s/d without bathroom incl breakfast
Virtualia (%343-203; 1 Sur 1330, Local 3; per hr CH$9000/16,000) The cheapest digs in Talca are run
CH$400; h9am-11pm Mon-Sat) New computers and by a friendly English-speaking owner who’s
cheap IP phone calls. tuned-in to traveler needs. Add big breakfasts S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Ta l c a 155

and small but cozy rooms with cable TV and barrels add to the atmosphere. Across the gar-
you’ve got a place that’s so popular they’re den is a micro-cinema, and horseback riding
thinking of expanding next door. and massages are also available.
Hostal Casa Chueca (%197-0096, 099-419-0625;; Viña Andrea s/n, Sector Eating
Alto Lircay; dm incl breakfast CH$8000-10,000, d CH$32,000; Locals swear by the completo (hot dog) stands
hclosed Jun-Aug; s) Gardens looking over on 5 Oriente at 2 Sur – a hot dog with the
the Río Lircay surround the rustic cabins at works costs around CH$800.
Casa Chueca, whose knowledgeable German Donde Paulo (%712-843; 9 Oriente 894; mains
owners also run famed hiking company El CH$2500; hnoon-11:30pm) A plain brick house
Caminante (see p157). It’s in the countryside with only a small sign outside feels like Talca’s
outside Talca, but has become a destination best-kept secret as you enter. But the packed

in its own right for fans of the great outdoors. tables inside let you know that word long got
Call first from Talca terminal, then take the out about the rich, homey plateada, chicken
Taxutal ‘A’ micro toward San Valentín to the stew and fried fish served here.
last stop, where you’ll be picked up. Las Viejas Cochinas (%221-749; Rivera Poniente;
Hostal del Río (%510-218;; mains CH$4000-6000; hnoon-midnight) Talca’s best-
1 Sur 411; s/d/tr/q incl breakfast CH$12,000/19,000/22,000/ known restaurant is a huge, clattering, low-
27,000; i) Despite indifferent service, rooms roofed canteen out of town alongside the Río
are warm and clean, if very cramped. Be care- Claro. Dour waiters take forever to bring out
ful with your valuables in case keys are left in the house specialty, pollo mariscal (chicken in
the door after cleaning. a brandy and seafood sauce), but it’s worth the
Hostal del Puente (%220-930; www.hostaldelpuente wait. Fresh fried fish is a quicker, and equally
.cl; 1 Sur 407; s/d/tr/q incl breakfast CH$14,900/24,990/ tasty, option.
29,600/36,000) Go for the airy renovated rooms Zuca Restobar (%236-124; Isidoro del Solar 5; mains
at the back, which are around a galleried out- CH$4900-5900; h7pm-midnight Mon-Sat) The hippest
door patio, but avoid the dingy singles toward of the many restaurants on this street, Zuca’s
the front. small but intriguing menu includes squid-
Hotel Lircay (% 682-141;; ink fettuccini with razor clams and squid
1 Poniente 865; s/d/tr CH$16,500/24,500/34,500; i) This or grilled fish on mashed potatoes infused
new hotel two blocks south of the Plaza de with merkén (a Mapuche spice mix made of
Armas has big bright rooms with simple smoked chilli and coriander seeds). Pastel
wooden furniture, cable TV and wi-fi, but stucco walls and old movie posters strike just
no heating. A few rooms aimed at families the right side of kitsch.
have extra beds on a mezzanine. Locos de Asar (%213-851; Isidoro del Solar 56; mains
Cabañas Stella Bordestero (%235-545; www CH$5900-6700; h12:30-3:30pm & 7:30-11:30pm Mon-Sat); 4 Poniente 1183; s/d/tr/q CH$18,000/ Don’t bother with salad: limp lettuce leaves
25,000/36,000/42,000; ais) Four blocks from are the chef’s way of telling you to focus on
the Plaza de Armas but a world apart, these the meat. He’s right: as well as perfectly grilled
clapboard cabins are surrounded by a leafy Temuco rib-eyes, there are intriguing start-
garden with a swimming pool, deck chairs and ers such as sweetbreads in port and creamy
swings. They’ve been just as thorough inside: criadillas (um…mountain oysters).
the nicely kept wood-paneled rooms have Also recommended:
firm beds, wi-fi, cable TV, air-conditioning Pirandello (%511-051; 5 Oriente 1186; set lunch
and small decks. CH$1600, large pizzas CH$5000; h10am-midnight Mon-
Casa Donoso (%341-400;; Fundo Sat) Cheap meals, cheap pisco sours, cheap everything.
La Oriental, Camino a Palmira Km3.5; d CH$140,000) Talca’s Bavaria (%211-061; 1 Sur 1330, Local 21-26;
ultimate in indulgence, this boutique guest- sandwiches CH$1500-3200, set-lunch CH$3600;
house is in a 160-year-old homestead on the h10am-11:30pm Mon-Sat, noon-10pm Sun) Glazed
grounds of a working vineyard (see boxed pork sandwiches are this German-inspired chain’s
text, p157). The wooden-floored rooms are trademark.
huge and so are the beds, which have jewel- Natura (%212-214; 5 Oriente 1058; salads CH$1890-
colored silk covers (and electric blankets in 2190; hnoon-3pm & 5:30-9:30pm) Fresh, natural
winter). Heavy antique wardrobes, wallpaper ingredients are creatively combined into salads or simple
made of old wine labels and sinks set in wine grilled fish and chicken dishes.
156 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • A r o u n d Ta l c a

Drinking & Entertainment TRAIN

Cafetería La Papa (%216-238; 1 Sur 1271; espresso From the EFE train station (%226-254; 11 Oriente
CH$800; h9:30am-8:30pm Mon-Sat, 11am-8pm Sun) 1000) there are seven trains a day to Santiago
Strong espressos and squishy cakes prove the (CH$6500, 2¾ hours) and south to Chillán
perfect pick-me-up if you overindulged in the (CH$6000, two hours). See p154 for infor-
local vintage the night before, although you mation on the train to Constitución.
usually have to deal with a long wait first.
Pub Oveja Negra (5 Oriente 1054; h8pm-late Mon- AROUND TALCA
Sat) Hip students and older rockers love this Villa Cultural Huilquilemu
laid-back bar, where live bands often per- Once an important fundo (farm), this com-
form on weekends. plex of restored 19th-century buildings 7km
Embrujo (%970-707; Isidoro del Solar 38; h7:30pm- east of Talca houses the headquarters of the

3:30am Tue-Fri, 10pm-3:30am Sat) This candlelit bar Ruta del Vino (see opposite) and museum
is popular with Talquinos in their 20s and (%071-242-474; adult/child CH$500/200; h9am-1pm
30s. The empanadas, pizzas and french fries & 3-6:30pm Tue-Fri, noon-6pm Sat & Sun). As well as
are nothing special (CH$2290 to CH$4690), dusty religious tableaux and folk art, it con-
but they’re half-price during happy hour tains the basin where local hero Bernardo
(7:30pm to 10pm weeknights). O’Higgins was baptized. Sequoias, arau-
Cine Star (%211-763; cnr 1 Sur & 6 Oriente) An carias, magnolias, palms and oaks fill the
old two-screen cinema in the Galería Zaror adjoining garden. All buses to San Clemente
shopping arcade. from Talca’s bus station pass Huilquilemu.
Getting There & Away
Most companies use the Terminal de Buses de The great range of challenging hikes at this
Talca (%243-366; 2 Sur 1920, cnr 12 Oriente), 11 blocks well-organized, easily accessible national
east of the Plaza de Armas. Talca, París y Londres park (admission 1st day/subsequent days CH$3000/1500;
(%261-000) has hourly buses to Santiago. So h8:30am-5:30pm) will leave you as short of
does Buses Linatal (%242-759), which also has breath as the fabulous views. Its 121 sq km
11 southbound buses daily. Buses Línea Azul are made up of a mix high-Andean steppes
(%613-670; has hourly buses and deciduous forest – notably seven spe-
south to Chillán. Buses Vilches (%235-327) has cies of Nothofagus (southern beech) and
four daily buses to Vilches Alto, gateway to Austrocedrus chilensis, a native conifer –
the Reserva Nacional Altos de Lircay. To get which is home to a large population of trica-
to Villa Cultural Huilquilemu (right), take a hues and other native parrots. Pudú deer,
bus to San Clemente and ask to be let off at Patagonian foxes and Pampas cats also live
Ruta del Vino (CH$500, 10 minutes). here, though sightings are uncommon.
Tur Bus (%265-715;; 3 Sur 1960) uses a About 2km before the park entrance,
separate terminal south of the main terminal, Conaf runs the Centro de Información Ambiental,
with hourly buses to Santiago and six buses which has displays on local natural and
south to Puerto Montt, stopping at Chillán, cultural history (the area has seen four se-
Los Angeles, Temuco, Osorno and other cit- quential indigenous occupations). You pay
ies on the Panamericana. Other companies admission and register for camping and
operating from here with similar services trekking at the Adminstración, about 500m
include Pullman del Sur (%264-787; after the entrance.
and Pullman Bus (%244-039;
Destination Cost (CH$) Duration (hr) HIKING
Chillán 2700 3 The helpful team of Conaf rangers who run
Osorno 10,500 11 the park give detailed advice about hiking
Puerto Montt 10,900 12 and camping within it, and distribute pho-
Santiago 4000 3 tocopied maps of the area. Arguably the best
Temuco 6300 6 hike in the whole of Middle Chile, the Sendero
Valparaíso/Viña del Mar 7000 6 Enladrillado takes you the top of a 2300m ba-
Vilches 1600 1½ salt plateau. The trail starts with a two-hour
Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • R e s e r v a N a c i o n a l A l t o s d e L i r c a y 157


The Maule Valley is a hugely significant wine-producing region for Chile, and is responsible for
much of the country’s export wine. You can visit many of its vineyards independently or through
one of the tours run by the Ruta del Vino (%071-246-460;; Villa Cultural Huilquilemu;
h8:30am-1pm & 2:30-6:30pm Mon-Fri, noon-6:30pm Sat & Sun Nov-Mar, 8:30am-1pm & 2:30-6:30pm Mon-Fri
Apr-Oct). Fifteen wineries are associated with the Ruta del Vino, including the following standouts
(see Map p153 for locations).
Casa Donoso (%071-341-400;; Fundo La Oriental, Camino a Palmira Km3.5; tours incl 2
pours CH$5000-7000 h8am- 6pm Mon-Fri) A traditionally run vineyard set around a colonial homestead.
Viña Balduzzi (%073-322-138;; Av Balmaceda 1189, San Javier; tours CH$5000
h9am-6pm Mon-Sat) A fourth-generation winery surrounded by spacious gardens and well-kept colonial build-

ings near San Javier.
Viña Gillmore (%073-197-5539;; Camino Constitución Km20; h9am-5pm Mon-Sat) A
winery and agro-tourism resort – wine therapy is the favorite treatment at the spa.
Viña Hugo Casanova (%071-266-540;; Fundo Purísima, Camino Las Rastras Km8; tours
incl 2 pours CH$5000, tastings CH$3000; h9am-noon & 3:30-5pm Mon-Fri) A traditional vineyard with beautiful
colonial buildings near Talca – reserve in advance.

stretch east along the Sendero de Chile, then Longer hikes in and around the park in-
a signposted right-hand fork climbs steeply clude the seven-day Circuito de los Cóndores,
through dense forest for about an hour before for which it’s advisable to carry topographic
leveling off. You eventually emerge onto the maps or hire a guide. Another such offer-
dead-flat platform of El Enladrillado – many ing is the loop across the drainage of the Río
people think it’s a UFO-landing ground. To Claro to exit at Reserva Nacional Radal Siete
the west you can see the flat-topped crater Tazas (p152).
of the Volcán Descabezado (literally, ‘headless Respected hiking guides and operators in
volcano’) and next to it the sharp peak of the area:
Cerro Azul. The 10km trek takes about four El Caminante (%071-197-0096; www.trekkingchile
hours up and three down. There are two or .com) Run by expert German hiker Franz Schubert of
three potable springs before the trail emerges Talca’s Hostal Casa Chueca (p155).
above the treeline, but carry as much water Leonardo Cáceres (%099-641-5582) Infectiously
as possible. enthusiastic Conaf ranger.
The Sendero Laguna also follows the Sendero Maule Expediciones (%099-861-7159) Reliable, well-
de Chile for an hour before forking right priced trekking guides.
into a steep, three-hour uphill stretch to the
gorgeous Laguna del Alto, a mountain-ringed HORSEBACK RIDING
lake at 2000m above sea level. Plan on three If you want a taste of the wilderness with-
hours there and back, or you can continue out getting chafed feet, you could always
for two hours on a trail leading northwest let a beast of burden take the strain. Several
to El Enladrillado – the round-trip takes Vilches residents rent horses from near
eight hours. the park entrance (horse/guide per day
A gentler three-hour hike along the Sendero CH$10,000/12,000).
de Chile takes you from the Administración
to the Mirador del Valle Venado, which has Sleeping
views over the Volcán Descabezado and the Conaf runs the excellent Camping Antahuara
Río Claro Valley. A trail continues south- (campsites per person CH$2500 & one-off site fee CH$8000)
east from here (still along the Sendero de about 500m beyond the Adminstración,
Chile) through a long gorge, before arriv- next to Río Lircay. It’s accessible by car
ing at Río Claro, 15km (six hours) from the and has electricity, hot water, flush toi-
Administración, where there’s a small refuge. lets and garbage collection. There are two
Another 5km (three hours) further on is Valle campings primitivos (designated camping
del Venado, where camping is permitted. It’s areas with no facilities) which are respec-
a two-day trip. tively one-hour and 2½-hour hikes east
158 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C h i l l á n

from the Administración along the Sendero 18 de Septiembre, Constitución and Arauco,
de Chile. which is a pedestrian-only shopping street
You can stay just outside the park but for a few blocks south of the square. Av
keep the back-to-nature vibe at Biota Maule O’Higgins leads north to the Panamericana
(%099-569-4436;; Vilches (which passes northwest of the city) and
Alto Km67; dm/d CH$5000/15,000), a hostel and eco- south to the suburb of Chillán Viejo. Av
logical foundation run by biologists who Argentina flanks the easternmost side of the
lead hiking and riding expeditions. Rooms city center and leads south to the road to the
in the huge, all-wood, wheelchair-accessible Termas de Chillán.
house are simple but light-filled, and you
can use the kitchen and even the lab if you Information
want. They compost, separate garbage and A&S Internet (%435-005; Arauco 628, 2nd fl; per hr

treat waste water with a worm filter. They’ve CH$400; h8:30am-11pm Mon-Fri, 10:30am-8:30pm Sat)
got another cabin just down the road, but One of several internet cafés nearby.
try to book ahead as both are popular with BancoEstado (%455-291; Constitución 500; h9am-
researchers and students. 2pm Mon-Fri) One of many ATMs on this street.
Clínica Los Andes (%433-000; Pedro Aguirre Cerda 35)
Getting There & Away Private clinic.
Buses Vilches goes from the Terminal de Buses Hospital Herminda Martín (%208-221; Francisco
de Talca (%071-243-366; 2 Sur 1920, Talca) to Vilches Ramírez 10) Public hospital on the corner of Av Argentina.
Alto (CH$1400, two hours), a scattering of Lavaseco Marcela (%262-868; Arauco 707; per load
houses about 3km below the Centro de CH$3500; h9am-1pm & 3:30-7:30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-
Información Ambiental and 5km from the 2pm Sat) Laundrette.
Administración of the Reserva Nacional Post office (%800-267-736; Av Libertad 501;
Altos de Lircay. Buses leave Talca daily at h8:30am-6:30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-12:45 Sat)
7:15am, noon, 1pm and 4:50pm from March Schüller Cambio (%238-688; Constitución 550, Local
to December, and there are 10 services daily 10; h10am-2pm & 4-6pm Mon-Fri, 11am-2pm Sat)
in January and February. Changes traveler’s checks and cash.
It takes about 1½ hours to drive to the re- Sernatur (%223-272; 18 de Septiembre 455;
serve from Talca. Take road 115 through San h8:30am-1:30pm & 3-6pm Mon-Fri) Friendly staff
Clemente; 38km from Talca is the left-hand provide city maps and information on accommodations
turnoff to Vilches, another 25km further on. and transport.
At this writing, the last 15km were unpaved Telefónica (%214-918; Arauco 601; h9am-7pm
but paving work was in progress. Mon-Sat) On the corner of Constitución.

%042 / pop 180,197 On the northeast corner of Chillán’s main
Earthquakes have battered Chillán through- square stands the stark, modernist Catedral
out its turbulent history, so most of its colo- de Chillán (cnr Av Libertad & Arauco; h10am-6pm
nial buildings were bulldozed away decades Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun). Built in 1941, its soar-
ago and replaced with the sweeping concrete ing semi-ovaloid form is made of a series of
shopping precincts that characterize the city earthquake-resistant giant arches. The 36m-
center. One of the city’s previous incarna- high cross next to it commemorates the thou-
tions, Chillán Viejo, is now a southwestern sands of Chillán residents who died in the
suburb of Chillán proper – despite the name 1939 earthquake.
it’s as modern-looking as the rest of Chillán. In response to the devastation that the
But though Chillán itself is neither particu- quake caused, the Mexican government
larly beautiful nor especially interesting, it of President Lázaro Cárdenas donated the
is the gateway to some of the loveliest land- Escuela México (O’Higgins 250; donations welcome;
scapes in Middle Chile. h 10am-1:30pm & 2-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm Sat &
Sun) to Chilĺan. At Pablo Neruda’s request,
Orientation Mexican muralists David Alfaro Siqueiros
The heart of the city is the Plaza Bernardo and Xavier Guerrero decorated the school’s
O’Higgins (also known as the Plaza de library and stairwell, respectively, with
Armas), which is bounded by Av Libertad, fiercely symbolic murals, now set within an
Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C h i l l á n 159

0 400 m
CHILLÁN 0 0.2 miles

e To La
A B To Panamericana (2km); Pa do
dr C Motoneta (200m) D
27 Centro de Ski Termas Av urta To Santos
de Chillan Office (2.5km); H Campaña del 79 Pecadores (500m)
Santiago (407km)

Av Francia
Av E
c u
Av E ador
1 cuad


A&S Internet..............................1 C3
Banco Estado..............................2 B3
Lavaseco Marcela.......................3 B3
9 Gam
ero Post Office.................................4 C3
Plaza Héroes
de Iquique Schüller Cambio.........................5 B3

Sernatur.....................................6 C2
To Fuego
13 Divino (300m) Telefónica..................................7 C3

Av BBrasil

a de



2 ías

Catedral de Chillán....................8 C3



Escuela México...........................9 B2

28 16

Av O


12 Don Ambrosio
Lagos Hotel de


25 Turismo................................10 B3

Av L

6 Gran Hotel Isabel Riquelme......11 C3

5 de

ad Hostal Canadá..........................12 B2
18 d


4 Hostal Ñuble............................13 C2

To Hospital Hotel Las Terrazas....................14 C3

Con 10 Plaza Bernardo Herminda
stitu Martín Hotel Las Terrazas (branch)......15 C3
ción 20 O'Higgins
(Plaza de 8 (650m) Hotel Libertador.......................16 A2
3 11

El R 15 Arcoiris Vegetariano.................17 B3

oble 5 7 Casino Cuerpo de Bomberos....18 B3

as B
1 14 Cocinerías del Mercado

18 Central................................ 19 C4
Centro Cultural Municipal........20 B3
21 Cine El Roble...........................21 C4
Mall Plaza

Artu El Roble


Mercado Central Feria de Chillán........................22 C4



Coc Plaza de la EcaRent....................................23 A2


4 26

as Merced

Renta-car.................................24 B2

Terminal de Buses


t er To Chillán Viejo (2km); Interregional........................25 A2

o Temuco (270km) Terminal de Buses Rurales........26 C4

s Puré To Clínica Los Terminal María Teresa..............27 B1
To n
sca Andes (300m) Train Station............................28 A2

otherwise normal working school. At the Sleeping

time of writing, the works were due to be Chillán’s hotels fill up very rapidly during the
restored in 2009. ski season so try to book ahead.
The city’s main market (h9am-6pm) is split Don Ambrosio Hotel de Turismo (%099-8614-1093;
into two sections on either side of Maipón Constitución 337; s/d incl breakfast CH$5000/10,000) Rooms
between Isabel Riquelme and 5 de Abril. On at Chillán’s cheapest hotel are dingy but have
the north side is a covered section known large, if slightly sagging, beds, cable TV and
as the Mercado Central, which contains cheap small private bathrooms. The Plaza de Armas
eateries (see p160) and butchers stands fes- is a block away.
tooned with strings of the longaniza (a spicy Hostal Canadá (%234-515; hostalcanada269chile@
salami-type sausage) that Chillán is famous; Av Libertad 269; s/d CH$6000/12,000) A night
for throughout Chile. The open-air stalls on at this friendly mother-and-daughter setup
Plaza de la Merced form La Feria de Chillán is a bit like staying with family – fraying
and are taken up with a mix of fresh produce floral sheets, worn carpets, lumpy pillows
and local arts and crafts. Simple ceramics, and all. Other budget places line the same
leather huaso (cowboy) gear and wickerware block, but are more like men’s boarding
are good-value buys.
160 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C h i l l á n Book your stay at

houses: Hostal Canadá is a better bet for solo rich, homey pies and stews (many cooked and
female travelers. served in clay bowls) just like the ones your
Hostal Ñuble (%321-813; 18 de Septiembre 240; Chilean grandma would have made.; s/d without bathroom incl breakfast Arcoiris Vegetariano (%227-549; El Roble 525; set
CH$7500/16,000) Housed in a lilac-painted build- lunch CH$2500; h9am-6:30pm Mon-Sat; v) Praise
ing on a leafy residential street, this small be – a decent vegetarian restaurant in pro-
family-run hotel has bright, airy rooms vincial Chile. Filling lentil-and-bulgur-style
with parquet floors and cable TV. Quiet and set lunches are served at the back, while a café
friendly, it’s excellent value. upfront does sandwiches and cakes, all to the
Hotel Libertador (%223-255;; Av tune of wind-chime and whale music.
Libertad 85; s/d/tr incl breakfast CH$17,000/25,000/33,000; Fuego Divino (% 430-988; Gamero 680; mains
i) Bustling, matronly staff keep this large, CH$5500-6800; h12:30-3:30pm & 8-11:30pm Mon-Sat)

family-oriented motel spick and span. Rooms Stylish restaurants are thin on the ground
here come with bright floral bedspreads, thick in Chillán – perhaps that’s why the gleam-
carpets, heavy drapes and cable TV – upstairs ing black tables here are always booked up at
ones are bigger. There’s wi-fi in the lovely weekends. Or maybe it’s because the expertly
light-filled lounge. barbecued prime cuts of Temuco beef taste so
Hotel Las Terrazas Express (%437-000; www.las damn good. The perfect posh night out.; Constitución 663; s/d incl breakfast CH$31,650/ Santos Pecadores (%430-443; Av Vicente Méndez
34,500/45,850; i) An airy light-filled lobby and 275; h8:30pm-late Tue-Sat) Chillanejos with plenty
friendly staff greet you at this small hotel half of dash and cash pour into this chi-chi red-
a block from the Plaza de Armas. Crimson walled bar northeast of the city center for
bedspreads help brighten the slightly gloomy sushi, ceviche and lots and lots of cocktails.
rooms. There are hefty mid-week discounts DJs keep things going till late at weekends.
both here and at the business-oriented branch
over the road. Entertainment
Gran Hotel Isabel Riquelme (%434-400; www Centro Cultural Municipal (%433-459; 18 de Septiembre; Constitución 576; s/d/tr incl breakfast 590, 3rd fl) Chillán has a fine classical music
CH$39,500/47,900/62,200; i) Clean-lined chestnut- pedigree – internationally renowned pianist
colored furniture and linens in tasteful earthy Claudio Arrau came from here. Concerts, bal-
shades justify this hotel’s claim to be Chillán’s lets and plays keep the tradition alive.
best, though the bathrooms and standoffish Cine El Roble (% 239-022; El Roble 770) A
staff could both do with a revamp. All rooms two-screen complex theater inside Plaza
have cable TV and wi-fi, and those at the front El Roble shopping mall that shows the
overlook the Plaza de Armas. latest blockbusters.

Eating & Drinking Shopping

Casino Cuerpo de Bomberos (%222-233; El Roble 490; Chillán is one of central Chile’s major ar-
set lunch CH$1300; h12:30-2:30pm & 6:30-11pm Mon-Sat) tisan zones, and there’s a reasonable selec-
Families, office workers and groups of friends tion of crafts at the Feria de Chillán (Plaza de la
head to this basic restaurant on the 1st floor Merced; h9am-6pm). Especially good are ceram-
of the local fire station for colaciones (set ics from the nearby village of Quinchamalí,
lunches) at, well, fire-station prices. but you’ll also see rawhide and leatherwork,
Cocinerías del Mercado Central (Maipón btwn 5 de basketry, weavings and the typical straw hats
Abril & Isabel Riquelme; set lunches CH$1800-2500; h8am- called chupallas.
6pm Mon-Sat) The dinky eateries at the market
specialize in local classics such as chupe (a Getting There & Around
rich fish stew) or paila marina. The longan- BUS
iza (spicy salami) adorning the surrounding Chillán has two long-distance bus stations. The
butchers’ stalls also appears regularly in the most central is Terminal de Buses Interregional
grease-slicked but filling fare. (%221-014; Constitución 01), five blocks east of the
La Motoneta (%276-693; Av Padre Alberto Hurtado Plaza de Armas on the corner of Rosas. From
242; mains CH$2000-3100; hnoon-3pm & 8-11pm Mon-Sat) here, Tur Bus (%248-327; has services
Locals are unanimous: this is the best picada to Santiago (hourly), some of which stop in
(cheap ’n’ cheerful restaurant) in town. Think Talca and other cities along the Panamericana. S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • A r o u n d C h i l l á n 161

Tur Bus also goes direct to Valparaíso and Septiembre 380) and EcaRent (%229-262; Av Brasil,
south to Temuco, Osorno, Valdivia and Puerto Oficina 3) at the train station. Rates at both start
Montt (seven daily). There are similar services at about CH$27,000 a day. Note that if the
to Santiago with Línea Azul (%211-192; www.buses mountain roads are slippery you may need, which also goes Los Angeles (10 to hire wheel chains, too.
daily), Angol (two daily) and Concepción
(every 15 minutes). TRAIN
Other long-distance carriers use the newer The EFE TerraSur line runs from the train sta-
Terminal María Teresa (%272-149; O’Higgins 010), just tion (%222-424; cnr Av Brasil & Libertad) to Santiago
north of Av Ecuador. These include Buses Jota (CH$10,500, 4½ hours, seven daily), stopping
Be (%423-230), which makes several journeys along the way at Talca (CH$8000, 1¾ hours),
daily to Salto del Laja and has direct services Curicó (CH$7000, 3¼ hours) and Rancagua

to Los Angeles (hourly). Pullman Bus (%272-178; (CH$9500, 3½ hours), among other places. has routes north to Calama,
Antofogasta and Arica (five daily), and south AROUND CHILLÁN
to Puerto Montt (five daily). Termas de Chillán & Valle Las Trancas
Sol del Pacífico (%272-177) also goes to A winding road leads from Chillán 80km
Santiago, Viña and Valparaíso. Other compa- up into the mountains to Valle Las Trancas
nies covering the Panamericana include Buses and the Termas de Chillán. Chilean powder-
Jac (%273-581) and Condor (%270-264), traveling fiends flock to these slopes in winter, when
between Temuco and Santiago. bumper-to-bumper traffic is common at the
Local and regional services leave from top. The pace is less manic the rest of the year,
the Terminal de Buses Rurales (%423-814; Maipón when the valleys turn a luscious green and are
890). Rembus (%229-377) takes you to Valle Las perfect for hiking, climbing and horseback
Trancas (six to seven daily); the 7:50am and riding, or just lazing around and drinking
1:20pm buses continue to Valle Hermoso in the views.
on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Vía Itata The southern slopes of the 3122m Volcán
operates routes to Ninhué (10 daily) and Chillán are the stunning setting of the Nevados
Cobquecura (four daily), as does Petorbus de Chillán ski center (%600-626-3300; www.nevados
(%223-606), whose 9am and 4:30pm services; day ski pass adult/child CH$25,000/15,000).
continue to surf hangout Buchupureo. Unusually for Chile’s ski resorts, many of its
30 runs track through forest, and there’s a
Destination Cost (CH$) Duration (hr) good mix of options for beginner and more
Angol 2500 2¼ experienced skiers. Superlatives abound here:
Arica 35,000 28 they’ve got the longest piste in South America
Buchupureo 1800 3 (13km Las Tres Marías), the longest chairlift
Calama 20,000 24 and some of the biggest and best off-piste of-
Cobquecura 1400 2¾ ferings. A new company took over the conces-
Concepción 1000 1½ sion in 2008 and has added a snow park, too.
Los Angeles 1500 1½
Ninhue 800 1
The season can start as early as mid-May and
Osorno 9200 8 usually runs to mid-October – locals swear
Puerto Montt 13,000 9 that great snow, empty slopes and discounted
Santiago 9900 6 ski-passes make the beginning of October one
Talca 2700 3 of the best times to come.
Temuco 4500 5 A turnoff halfway between Valle Las
Termas de Chillán 2200 1½ Trancas and the ski center takes you to Valle
Valdivia 8500 6 Hermoso (admission CH$3000), a leafy recreational
Valparaíso 9800 8 area. Most people come here for the ther-
Valle Los Trancas 1300 1¼ mal springs (h9am-5pm) – sheltered inside a
wooden house, they’re open year-round. Zip-
CAR lines and climbing walls provide extra action
Driving makes it possible to cram in lots of in summer, when you can stay at the small
national park action or quick day trips up the campsite (per tent CH$15,000), the cheapest accom-
mountain to Termas de Chillán. Local rental modations on the mountain. There’s a basic
companies include Renta-car (%212- 243; 18 de minimarket and fast-food restaurant.
162 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • A r o u n d C h i l l á n Book your stay at

SLEEPING & EATING company that has recently taken over the ski
Accommodations on the mountain divide center, this hotel brings a bit of style to the
into two camps. The posh hotels in Termas de slopes. Sleek modern furniture, flat-screen TVs
Chillán, at the top of the road, get you closest and moss-green or chocolate-colored throw
to the slopes. Prices are much lower, however, cushions are enough to overlook the aging
and dining and après-ski are notably better bathrooms. Thermal waters fill the outdoor
if you stay in the cabins, hostels and lodges pool so you can swim surrounded by snow.
downhill at Valle Las Trancas. Most places Prices include ski passes and babysitting.
have huge low-season discounts. Snow Pub (%042-213-910; Ruta 55, Camino Termas
Chil-in Hostal & Restaurant (%042-247-075; www de Chillán Km71; h1pm-late) For years the après-; Ruta 55, Camino Termas de Chillán Km72; dm/d ski in Valle Las Trancas has centered on this
without bathroom CH$8000/20,000; i) The cheapest feel-good bar, which gets packed with revelers

sleep on the slopes is at this wooden lodge – in high season.

rooms are simple but clean, and several have
mezzanines for squeezing more people in. GETTING THERE & AWAY
The cozy living room has a log fire and wi-fi, From Chillán’s Terminal de Buses Rurales,
while out front French owner Gregory serves Rembus (%042-229-377) has buses to Valle Las
up delicious thin-crust pizzas loaded down Trancas (CH$1300, 1¼ hours) at 7:50am,
with toppings. 11:50am, 12:40pm, 1:20pm, 3:10pm, 3:50pm
Hostelling International Las Trancas (%042- and 7:20pm from Monday to Saturday; all but
243-211;; Ruta 55, Camino the last two also run on Sundays. On Fridays
Termas de Chillán Km73.5; dm/d without bathroom incl break- and weekends the 7:50am and 1:20pm serv-
fast CH$10,000/20,000) A log fire keeps this pleas- ices continue to Valle Hermoso (CH$2200,
antly worn lodge toasty in the downstairs 1½ hours). From Santiago’s Terminal Sur
restaurant – beer, burgers and boasting about there’s one direct service to Valle Las Trancas
your ski escapades are all on the menu. Simple, (CH$10,000, seven hours, daily at 2:50pm)
clapboard-walled dorms make up most of the with Buses Nilahué (%in Santiago 02-778-5222, in
rooms – book way in advance to bag one of Chillán 042-270-569; In win-
the two private rooms. ter there are shuttle buses from Valle Las
Ecobox Andino (%042-423-134; www.ecoboxandino Trancas up to the ski center. Hitchhiking up
.cl; Camino a Shangri-Lá Km0.2; 4-person cabins CH$65,000; is also possible.
s) It’s hard to guess these impeccably deco-
rated cabins were once shipping containers – Coastal Towns
bright geometric patterns cover the outside Quiet beaches come with rural surround-
walls; inside, modern furnishings are offset ings in the remote coastal towns northwest
by handicrafts. Wooden decks overlook the of Chillán. The area’s perfect for long lazy
tree-filled garden through which paths wind walks along the sand, and there’s good, low-
to the pool. key surfing for those who want the waves
M I Lodge (%099-9623-0412;; without the parties.
Camino a Shangri-Lá; s/d/tr/q incl breakfast & dinner CH$53,000/
80,000/108,000/120,000; is) Why can’t every- COBQUECURA
where you stay be this wonderful? Tasteful A quiet little town with picturesque houses
rustic furniture, thick carpets and springy and dry walls made from local slate,
beds with sky-blue covers mean the rooms Cobquecura has a long, wide beach with wild
here feel really homey and a fire crackles in surf. The sands fill up in early February when
the middle of the beautifully designed glass- Cobquecura hosts the Campeonato Nacional
and-wood-walled restaurant. The snowboard- de Surf y Body Board. A deep baying sound
ing French owners give expert advice on the resonates from a rock formation 50m offshore:
ski scene and offer hiking and horseback known as the Piedra de la Lobería, it’s home to a
riding expeditions in summer. You get un- large colony of sunbathing sea lions. Follow
obstructed views from the deck-rimmed pool the coast road 5km north and back to the
and outdoor hot tubs. beach and you reach the exquisite Iglesia de
Hotel Nevados de Chillán (%600-626-3300; www Piedra (Church of Stone), a massive mono-; 3 days s/d incl breakfast & dinner lith containing huge caves that open to the
CH$410,000/635,700; s) Owned by the same sea. The light inside the caves is mysterious – S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C o n c e p c i ó n 163

Cobquecura’s pre-Hispanic inhabitants held Creepers and rich tropical plants overhang
ritual gatherings inside the stone, and it now the terraces, and the pool seems to merge
contains an image of the Virgin Mary. with the view of the sea. The vibe spills over
From Chillán’s Terminal de Buses into the airy, glass-fronted restaurant (mains
Rurales, Petorbus (%042-223-606) has buses to CH$4100 to CH$6300, open from noon to
Cobquecura (CH$1400, 2½ hours) at 6:30am, 10pm), where locally grown ingredients play
9am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 4:30pm and 7:20pm. a big role in the creative pizzas, salads and
Nilahué (%02-778-5222; oper- sandwiches. Sundowners here are a must.
ates a direct bus from Santiago’s Terminal
Sur to Cobquecura (CH$10,000, seven hours, Getting There & Away
once daily) at 3:50pm. From Chillán’s Terminal de Buses Rurales,
Petorbus (%042-223-606) has buses to Buchu-

BUCHUPUREO pureo (CH$1800, three hours) at 9am and
Perhaps the most magical spot along Middle 4:30pm.
Chile’s coastline, this tranquil farming village
13km north of Cobquecura along a dirt road is CONCEPCIÓN
increasingly popular with surfers and mooch- %041 / pop 221,163 / 12m
ers. Steep slopes covered with lush greenery Manufacturing, port facilities and nearby
surround the settlement, lending it a tropical coal deposits have all conspired to make
air. Indeed, papayas are a major crop, as are Concepción Chile’s second most important
potatoes, which many claim are the best in city, economically speaking. It’s also the most
the country. Despite growing interest from left-leaning – indeed, Chileans consider it a
tourists, the pace of life is slow here: oxen socialist hotbed – mainly because of the intel-
pulling carts are still a common sight. It’s lectual influences of its dozen or so universi-
also a famous fishing spot – corvina (sea bass) ties. Sadly, Concepción was heavily damaged
apparently jump onto any hook dangled off in the February 2010 earthquake. The initial
the beach. destruction was followed by looting and law-
Dunes and scrubland separate the beach lessness until the military was finally called in.
from the main road, which runs parallel to the As of March 2010, there was still a curfew in
shore before looping through the small town effect, and travel to the area was discouraged.
center to the beach. A couple of wooden walk- Travelers should check for updated informa-
ways also connect the road and the sand. tion before visiting Concepción.

Sleeping History
Ayekán Aldea Turística (%042-197-1756; www.tur In 1551 Pedro de Valdivia founded the origi-; campsites CH$15,000, 4-/6-/8-person cabins nal city of Concepción north of where it is
CH$50,000/60,000/70,000) In summer you can pitch today, near Penco (indeed, Conce’s inhab-
your tent at one of 20 campsites in a pretty itants are still known as Penquistas). Over
clearing at the bottom of a eucalypt-lined drive, the next few centuries the city was repeatedly
close to the beach. A wooden barn-like building besieged during the Spanish-Mapuche war,
contains a restaurant serving cheap homemade attacked by British and Dutch pirates and
food, and there’s also a cabin for rent. devastated by earthquakes in 1730 and 1751.
Cabañas Mirador de Magdalena (%042-197-1890; But the colonizing residents stuck to their; La Boca s/n; 4-person cabin guns, and Concepción eventually became
CH$35,000) Perched on stilts beside the river delta one of the Spanish empire’s southernmost
at the entrance to Buchupureo, these all-wood fortified outposts.
cabins have incredible sea views. The cabins After independence, Concepción’s isolation
are simple but clean, clustered around a lush from Santiago, coupled with the presence of
garden with a walkway straight to the beach. lignite (brown coal) near Lota, a coastal town
La Joya del Mar (%042-197-1733; www.lajoyadelmar south of Concepción, fomented an autono-
.com; 2-/4-person villas incl breakfast US$225/295; s) With mous industrial tradition. The export of wheat
their springy white beds, stylish bathrooms for the California gold-rush market further
and open decks with panoramic views of the spurred the area’s economic growth.
Pacific, these villas are so perfect a honey- During the early 1970s the city was a
moon spot they’re worth getting married for. bulwark of support for Marxist President
164 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C o n c e p c i ó n Book your stay at

Salvador Allende and his Unidad Popular Camarena, a protégé of muralist legend
party. As a result, it suffered more than other José Clemente Orozco, and celebrates Latin
regions under the military dictatorship of America’s indigenous peoples and independ-
1973 to 1990. ence from colonial and imperial powers. The
museum also contains several rooms of paint-
Orientation ings by major Chilean artists, and hosts regu-
Concepción sits on the north bank of the lar temporary exhibitions.
Río Biobío, Chile’s only significant naviga- Political correctness is clearly not a priority
ble waterway, about 10km from the river’s at the Galería de la Historia (%285-3756; cnr Av Lamas
mouth. Hills block the city’s expansion to the & Lincoyán; admission free; h3-6:30pm Sun & Mon, 10am-
south and east, so Concepción’s urban sprawl 1:30pm & 3-6:30pm Tue-Fri), where small dioramas
is moving rapidly in the opposite direction, representing local history gleefully celebrate

toward Talcahuano, 15km to the northwest. the massacre of the Mapuche at the hands of
Downtown Concepción is a standard grid conquistadores and pioneers. If you’re able
centered on Plaza Independencia, a bustling, to overlook such ideological undertones, the
wide-open square with the city’s cathedral. It’s models themselves are vivid and fun.
bordered on the east and west by Aníbal Pinto The museum is a few blocks south of the
and Caupolicán; and on the north and south city center within Parque Ecuador (Av Lamas), a
by Barros Arana, a busy pedestrian street, and narrow stretch of well-maintained urban
O’Higgins, a major east–west thoroughfare. parkland which runs along the foot of Cerro
Caracol – walk up one of the two access roads
Information (continuations of Caupolicán and Tucapel) to
Afex (%223-9618; Barros Arana 565, Local 57; h9am- a viewpoint with great views of Concepción.
5:30pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm Sat) Changes traveler’s checks.
BancoEstado (%905-200; O’Higgins 486; h9am- Sleeping
2pm Mon-Fri) One of many banks with ATMs near Plaza Be they suited business types or lowlier em-
Independencia. ployees, most of Concepción’s hotel guests
Conaf (%262-4000; Barros Arana 215; h8:30am-1pm are here to work. The constantly high demand
& 2:30-5:30pm Mon-Fri) Limited information on nearby they create means lodgings here tend to be
national parks and reserves. expensive and maintenance and service are
Entel (%225-5750; Barros Arana 541, Local 2; h9am- slapdash, even at top-end hotels.
8pm Mon-Sat) One of several phone centers along Barros Hostal Bianca (%225-2103;;
Arana. Salas 643-C; s/d incl breakfast CH$17,850/24,800, without
Hospital Regional (%220-8500; cnr San Martín & Av bath CH$11,900/17,800; i) Conce’s best budget
Roosevelt) Public hospital. hotel has bright, newly renovated – if rather
Laverap (%223-4826; Caupolicán 334; per load small – rooms with firm beds and cable TV.
CH$3600; h9:30am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9:30am-3pm Sat) Breakfast even includes scrambled eggs.
Self-service and full-service. Hotel San Sebastián (% 295-6719; www.hotel
Matrix (%279-0460; Caupolicán 346; per hr CH$450;; Rengo 463; s/d/tr CH$17,000/21,000/26,000,
h9:30am-11pm Mon-Sat) Fast internet and cheap calls. without bathroom CH$15,000/18,000/22,000) Plastic flow-
Post office (%800-267-7736; cnr O’Higgins & Colo ers and bright lilac walls in the hallway can’t
Colo; h8:30am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8:30am-1pm Sat) hide the fact that this hotel needs a revamp.
Sanatorio Alemán (%279-6000; Pedro de Valdivia Sagging beds and damp-stained carpets make
801) Efficient private clinic. the top-floor rooms a bit depressing, but the
Sernatur (%2741-4145; Aníbal Pinto 460; h8:30am- downstairs doubles are cleaner and brighter.
8pm Jan & Feb, 8:30am-1pm & 3-6pm Mon-Fri Mar-Dec) Hotel Alonso de Ercilla (%222-7984; www.hotel
Provides brochures, but little else.; Colo Colo 334; s/d/tr incl breakfast
CH$31,000/39,200/53,500; i) Basic wood furnish-
Sights ings and beige-and-white linens mean this
The massive, fiercely political mural La central hotel’s compact rooms are ultraplain,
Presencia de América Latina is the highlight but the friendly staff keep them spotless. Some
of the university art museum La Casa del Arte rooms are nonsmoking, and there’s wi-fi and
(%224-2567; cnr Chacabuco & Paicaví, Barrio Universitario; cable TV in all of them.
admission free; h10am-6pm Tue-Fri, 10am-5pm Sat, 10am- Germania (%274-7000; Aníbal Pinto 295; www
2pm Sun). It’s by Mexican artist Jorge González; s/d/1-bedroom apt incl breakfast
ὈὈὈὈ S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C o n c e p c i ó n 165

0 500 m
CONCEPCIÓN 0 0.3 miles

es A B C To Sublime D
Buln To Terminal
To Almendra Chillancito

Bar (1km) (2.8km)

oza ras

R He
de To Terminal de
Las 32


Buses Collao
a Chillán (3km);

1 C arr Santiago (500km)

Mercado 5
Palacio de

To Aeropuerto Carriel Sur (7km); ú Central los Tribunales

ip Pedro

Talcahuano (13km) Ma

15 21 9 A Ce

8 rda e
1 Plaza os

23 Ro
Plaza Perú

eire 4 Av


Independencia Barrio

14 Universidad

13 Universitario


28 de Concepción

31 29 24 11





Iglesia 6

lo C
Catedral 7
25 n a 12
Ara Chela's.....................................17 B2


18 Ca Crepería Jardín Secreto.............18 B2


2 Gobierno igg To Cerro Fina Estampa............................19 B2

Barrio O'H

l Pin
Regional Plaza
Caracol Rancho de Julio........................20 A2
España Estación




Bicentenario 30



26 rtín
20 Ma

Train Café Rometsch.........................21 B1





e Hospital Regional.......................5 D1 Choripan..................................22 A2


27 an

Co o Laverap......................................6 B2 Sauré Roeckel...........................23 B1


aca Matrix........................................7 B2

Post Office.................................8 C1 ENTERTAINMENT

Parque Sernatur......................................9 B1 Cine Universidad de



Ecuador Concepción..........................24 B2
P adr



ama Club 592..................................25 A2
Av L

10 Galería de la Historia................10 B3

To Sanatorio

Alemán (1.1km); La Casa del Arte.......................11 D2 TRANSPORT


Madero Lounge EFE Ticket Office......................26 A2

3 (1.9km)
SLEEPING Hertz........................................27 A2
To Coronel
INFORMATION Germania.................................12 C2 Jota Ewert ticket office.............28 B2
(26km); Lota Afex...........................................1 B1 Hostal Bianca...........................13 A2 Lan...........................................29 B2
(33km) eralda BancoEstado.............................. 2 B2 Hotel Alonso de Ercilla.............14 C2 Rosselot...................................30 C2
Esm Conaf........................................3 A2 Hotel El Araucano.....................15 B1 Sky Airline................................31 B2
Entel...........................................4 B1 Hotel San Sebastián..................16 B2 Tur Bus Ticket Office................32 C1

CH$43,800/48,000/55,000; ai ) They haven’t Crepes, pancakes, and waffles come with eggs
stinted on the size of the rooms or of the TV and bacon at breakfast, topped with manjar
sets at Germania. It’s popular with business (a milk caramel spread) at teatime or stuffed
travelers, though the pine closets, olive-green with Peking-style duck at dinner.
walls and country prints make the vibe more Rancho de Julio (%223-9976; O’Higgins 36; mains
homey than corporate. CH$4500-6500; hnoon-4pm & 7pm-midnight) Cow is
Hotel El Araucano (%274-0606; www.hotelarau the name of the game at this ever-popular; Caupolicán 521; s/d incl breakfast CH$49,200/58,800; Argentine restaurant, which specializes
ais) Bizarrely, you have to walk through in grilled-meat fests. Even the space itself
a shopping arcade to reach the all-marble re- smacks of the barn, both in terms of size
ception of Conce’s most upmarket hotel. The and decoration. A few pasta dishes cater to
rooms themselves are run-of-the-mill: try to noncarnivores.
get one on floors four to seven, which have Fina Estampa (% 222-1708; Angol 289; mains
new bathrooms and flat-screen TVs. CH$4900-5900; h 1-4pm & 8pm-midnight Mon-Sat,
1-4pm Sun) Starched tablecloths, fiercely folded
Eating napkins and deferential bow-tied waiters
Chela’s (% 224-3367; Barros Arana 405; set lunch bring old-time elegance to this Peruvian
CH$1450, mains CH$2000; h8:30am-midnight Mon-Sat, restaurant. Ceviches, ají de gallina (chicken
noon-8pm Sun) The TV blares in this cheap, in a spicy yellow-pepper sauce) and other
corner café, which serves up mountainous classics are perfectly executed, as is grilled
portions of chorillana (a pile of fries and seasonal fish.
onions with bits of sausage) and steaks that Sublime (%279-4194; Freire 1633; mains CH$4300-
are perfect for throwing cholesterol counts 6900; h7pm-midnight Mon-Sat) Spidery chrome
to the wind. light fittings, stripped pine floors and
Crepería Jardín Secreto (%299-0130; O’Higgins 338; upholstered red leatherette booths with
set lunch CH$2300, mains CH$2150-3450; h9am-11pm; v) unusual donut-shaped tables are an unusual
166 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C o n c e p c i ó n

way to kit out a traditional townhouse. But Entertainment

Conce’s coolest eatery is all about unexpected Cine Universidad de Concepción (%222-7193; O’Higgins
combinations: mains could include kingklip 650) Shows arthouse movies every Tuesday.
in a hazelnut crust or steak served in pear
sauce. Getting There & Around
Drinking Aeropuerto Carriel Sur (%279-0907; Ruta Interportuaria)
CAFÉS lies about 7km north of central Concepción.
Penquistas have an almost religious obsession Lan (%600-526-2000;; O’Higgins 648) flies
with onces (afternoon tea), so there’s great here from Santiago (return from CH$40,000,
coffee and moreish cakes and pastries to be one hour, four daily). Sky Airline (%600-600-2828;
had all over town.; O’Higgins 537) connects Conce with

Sauré Roeckel (% 279-9797; Barros Arana 541, Puerto Montt.

Local 1; h9am-9pm Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm Sat) Over 40 There’s no public transport directly to and
types of tea – including black, green, red, from the airport, but the bright orange buses
fruit, rooibusch and single-origin Chinese to the Universidad de las Américas (CH$500,
leaves – and a dazzling display of cream every 20 minutes) leave you 500m south on
puffs make this the connoisseur’s choice for the Ruta Interportuaria. From downtown,
afternoon indulgence. they run east along San Martín.
Café Rometsch (%274-7040; Barros Arana 685;
h8:30am-8:30pm) First you need to beat the BUS
hordes of stiffly coiffed fur-coat-toting old Concepción has two long-distance bus termi-
ladies to a table – your reward at this classic nals. Most companies use the Terminal de Buses
café is great cakes and gelato. Collao (%274-9000; Tegualda 860), 3km east of cen-
tral Concepción. From outside the terminal,
BARS taxis and Bus 41 (CH$400, 10 minutes, four
Concepción’s nightlife has long centered hourly) take you into town. Some companies
on Plaza España and Arturo Prat, an area also use the separate Terminal Chillancito (%231-
known as Barrio Estación. A new drinking 5036; Camilo Henríquez 2565), northeast along the
and dancing scene is emerging along Av extension of Bulnes. Unless otherwise indi-
Pedro de Valdivia, 30 blocks southwest of the cated, the following companies use Terminal
city center. de Buses Collao.
Club 592 (%294-4497;; Arturo Prat 592; There are dozens of daily services to
h9pm-late Wed-Sat) Some of Conce’s coolest Santiago with companies including Eme Bus
club nights have been going down in this (%232-0094), Pullman Bus (%232-0309; www.pull
club for years: with two different dance, Nilahué (%231-0489;
floors, it’s got something for both ravers and Tur Bus (%231-5555;; Tucapel 530),
and rockers. which also goes to Valparaíso and south to
Almendra Bar (% 246-4865; www.almendrabar Temuco, Valdivia and Puerto Montt.
.cl; Rengo 1624; h9pm-4am Wed-Sat) Bespectacled Línea Azul (%286-1179; goes
design types lounge on the low 1950s sofas to Chillán (half-hourly). Buses Jota Be (%286-
at this recycled old garage, the hippest haunt 1533; connects Conce with Los
in Conce. Weekdays are about cool tunes, Angeles (25 daily); some stop at the Salto del
cocktails and sushi, but the dance floor gets Laja. Buses Biobío (%231-5554;
going on weekends. has similar services and also goes to Angol
Madero Lounge (%298-7877, Av Pedro de Valdivia; (11 daily).
h7pm-late Mon-Sat) One of the cluster of bars For services south along the coast, try Jota
in the block, Madero attracts trendy, well-to- Ewert (%285-5587; downtown ticket office at Lincoyán
do Penquistas on the hunt for martinis and 557), which serves Cañete (25 buses daily).
feel-good music. Maga Bus (%225-6101) goes north to Cobquecura
Choripan (%225-3004; Arturo Prat 542; h7:30pm- five times daily.
late) A young, laid-back crowd gathers here To get to Lota, take one of the local buses
for cocktails, pitchers of beer and lively that run north along Tucapel every 10 min-
conversation over the reggae and blues in utes. Similar services to Talcahuano stop
the background. along O’Higgins. S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • A r o u n d C o n c e p c i ó n 167

Destination Cost (CH$) Duration (hr) You’ll be required to leave your passport at
Angol 3500 1½ the gate.
Cañete 1000 2½
Chillán 2000 2 Lota
Cobquecura 2500 2½ Concepción’s exponential industrial and
Los Angeles 2000 2 economic growth owes much to the huge
Lota 500 ½ offshore coal deposits discovered south of
Puerto Montt 10,000 7 the city along the so-called Costa del Carbón
Santiago 9000 7 (Coal Coast). The hilly coastal town of Lota
Talcahuano 500 ½ spiraled into poverty when the mines closed
Temuco 5500 4 in 1997, ending up with some of the most de-
Valdivia 8000 6 prived shantytowns in the country. However,
Valparaíso/Viña del Mar 10,000 8

it has now reinvented itself as a tourist desti-
nation and makes an interesting half-day out
CAR from Concepción.
A car can be useful for exploring the national The star attraction is the Mina Chiflón del
parks south of Concepción. These companies Diablo (Devil’s Whistle Mine; %041-287-1549; www.lota
have downtown agencies.; tours CH$4000; h9am-6:30pm), a natu-
Hertz (%279-7461;; Av Arturo Prat rally ventilated undersea mine that operated
248) Prices include all insurance and no deductibles. between 1884 and 1976. Ex-coal miners now
Rosselot (%273-2030;; Chacabuco work as guides on well-organized 45-minute
726) Low prices with a high deductible. tours that take you through a series of galleries
and tunnels to a coal face some 50m under the
TRAIN sea. Before clambering into the rattling metal
There are no direct trains to Concepción, but cage-elevator that takes you down, you’re kit-
you can buy combination bus–train tickets to ted out with safety gear. You can also visit
Santiago (CH$12,500, 6¼ hours, five daily) the Pueblito Minero, painstaking re-creations
from EFE (%286-8008;; cnr Freire & Av Padre of typical miners’ houses built for the Chilean
Hurtado) in Barrio Estación. You transfer to movie Sub Terra (Underground), which was
the train at Chillán so direct buses, though filmed here.
they take slightly longer, are an easier (and The house where the general managers
cheaper) option. of the mine lived is now the almost-empty
Museo Histórico de Lota (%041-287-1549; www
AROUND CONCEPCIÓN; museum & botanical gardens adult/child
Buque Huáscar CH$1600/1300; h9am-8pm Dec-Mar, 9am-6pm Tue-Sun Apr-
More than a century has passed since the Nov), about 2km further south. Skip on down
Guerra del Pacífico ended, but Chileans are the road to the entrance to a small peninsula
still chuffed to have robbed the Peruvian navy containing the stunning 14-hectare Parque
in 1879 of the Buque Huáscar (%041-274-5715; Botánico Isidora Cousiño (%041-287-1549; www.lota
adult/child CH$1000/500; h9am-noon & 2-5:30pm Tue-Sun).; adult/child CH$1600/1300; h9am-8pm
Built in Birkenhead, England, in 1864, it’s one summer, 9am-6pm Apr-Oct, closed Mon). Paths wind
of the world’s earliest ironclad battleships and through the mix of manicured flower beds,
is now proudly moored at the naval base in small ponds and wilder woodland to a light-
Talcahuano, 13km north of Concepción. You house on a tip of land jutting out into the sea.
can wander through cabins, communal areas To the right, an abandoned mineshaft and
and the engine room – all perfectly preserved, slag heap form stark industrial contrasts to
largely thanks to the never-ending spit-and- the park’s cultivated beauty.
polish labor of naval conscripts – and see
the spot where their idol, Arturo Prat, died GETTING THERE & AWAY
in battle. To reach Lota from Concepción, catch a
To get there take any local bus (CH$500, 30 Coronel–Lota bus (but not one to Lota–
minutes, every 10 minutes) with a ‘Base Naval’ Arauco, which serves another part of town)
sign in its windshield east along San Martín. from the corner of Tucapel and Av Los Carrera
Get off at the Apostadero Naval, beyond the (CH$500, 30 minutes, every 15 minutes).
Talcahuano Club de Yates on Av Villaroel. The bus goes into Lota along Vista Hermosa,
168 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • C a ñ e t e

which later becomes Carlos Cousiño. For the SALTO DEL LAJA
mine, get off next to the Iglesia Parroquial and Halfway between Los Angeles and Chillán, the
follow the signs downhill – it’s a 15-minute Río Laja plunges nearly 50m over a steep es-
walk, but taxi colectivos pass by regularly. For carpment to form a horseshoe-shaped water-
the park and museum, get off about 1.5km fall. Some have dubbed the sight a miniature
further down the road at the intersection with Iguazú Falls when it’s full, but the compari-
Av del Parque, which you walk 500m down. son is far-fetched. Still, there are great views
from where the road bridges the Río Laja. This
CAÑETE road is the old Pan-American Hwy, but a new
At Cañete, 135km south of Concepción, Ruta 5 bypass to the west means that only a
Mapuche resistance led to the death of Pedro few buses between Chillán and Los Angeles
de Valdivia in 1553. One of the best collec- detour through here. A cluster of tacky sou-

tions of Mapuche art and cultural artifacts in venir stands and competing restaurants are
Chile is about 3km south of Cañete on Ruta evidence of the Salto del Laja’s popularity
160 at the Museo Mapuche de Cañete (%041-261- with Chileans on road trips or outings from
1093;; Camino Contulmo s/n; admission CH$600; nearby cities.
h9:30am-7pm Mon-Fri, 11am-7pm Sat & Sun Jan & Feb, To linger longer at Salto del Laja, check
9:30am-5:50pm Mon-Fri, 11am-6pm Sat, 1:30-6:30pm Sun into Los Manantiales (%043-314-275; Variante Salto
Mar-Dec). Inside are extensive, well-presented del Laja Km480; s/d incl breakfast CH$15,000/21,000; s),
exhibits on Mapuche funerary customs, musi- an HI-affiliated hotel whose large restaurant
cal instruments, textiles and a great array of has spectacular views over the falls. The wood-
their legendary silverwork. paneled rooms are spacious and clean, and the
Jota Ewert (%in Cañete 041-261-1914, in Concepción decor of the whole complex seems gloriously
042-285-5587; Riquelme 98) operates 25 daily buses unchanged since the 1970s. Regardless of what
here from Concepción’s Terminal de Buses the signs at the entrance say, it’s a good 15-
Collao (CH$1000, 2½ hours). minute walk along the winding access road.
0 30 km
73ºW 72ºW
To Cobquecura (32km); Quirihue To Talca (110km);
Buchupureo (43km) Santiago (394km) VII
Ninhue San
Coelemu Trehuaco Carlos
Co r

Rí San Fabián
Bahía de Dichato o le de Alico
Ita ub
o Ñ

Concepción ta

Tomé Rí Chillán Minas
Aeropuerto Coihueco del Prado
ra d e

Carriel Sur Quinchamalí Chillán Volcán

PACIFIC Talcahuano 152 Viejo Chillán
Coyanco Nevados (3122m)
Penco Quillón Bulnes de Chillán
lo s A

CONCEPCIÓN San Ignacio (3212m)

San Pedro Florida Shangri-la Nevado
nde s

Cruz de Chillán
Chiguayante Copiulemu ski resort
37ºS Pemuco Valle
Hualqui Las Trancas Termas de 37ºS

Isla Coronel



Santa Región
María Lota Yumbel
Yungay VIII
Santa San Nacional Ñuble
Juana Rosendo R Huépil Laguna

del Laja Polcura del Laja

Arauco Carampangue La Laja Tucapel

5 El Abanico

Antuco Lagunillas
156 Los Pangües
Chacay Antuco Paso


Curanilahue Los Angeles Quilleco Pichachén


160 Nacimiento 180

Parque Nacional

Laguna del Laja

de N a h

Lebú Santa
Renaico Bárbara

e IX Mulchén R



Parque Volcán
Co r

Cañete Nacional

Angol Cuesta
Lago Nahuelbuta (3164m)
Esperanza eo Reserva

Lanalhue Ralco R Nacional

38ºS Los 38ºS

Monumento Sauces Collipulli

Natural Contulmo To Temuco


Contulmo (85km)

Purén Ercilla 72ºW

Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Pa r q u e N a c i o n a l L a g u n a d e l L a j a 169

Many of the services run by Buses Jota Chilcas (the point where the underground Río
Be (%in Concepción 041-286-1533; www.busesjotabe Laja emerges) and the Salto del Torbellino.
.cl) between Los Angeles and Concepción or A 10km section of the Sendero de Chile
Chillán stop at Salto del Laja. Times change leaves from the right-hand side of the road
frequently so always confirm the time of the and goes to the Laguna del Laja. Nearby is
next bus through to make sure you don’t the starting point for Sendero Los Coigües, a
get stranded. 2.5km hike to a spot with fabulous views of
With its gorgeous rural setting, 15km Volcán Antuco.
south of Salto del Laja, the German-run The park’s star trek is the three-day Sendero
Residencial El Rincón (%099-9082-3168; www.el Sierra Velluda circuit, named for the hanging; s/d CH$23,000/28,000, dm/s/d without bath glacier you pass along the way. It winds
CH$10,000/15,000/22,000) is a destination in its own around Volcán Antuco, passing waterfalls

right, and the perfect place to take time out and lava fields on the way; condors are also
from traveling. The lodge has cozy, all-wood a common sight. Conaf rangers provide de-
rooms and does fabulous homemade break- tailed instructions and information about all
fasts and dinners. The owners also lead hiking these hikes.
and horseback riding excursions and in-house You can also drive through parts of the park:
Spanish courses. Call in advance to arrange there’s another 6km of uphill hairpin bends
pick-up from Los Angeles or get off south- between Chacay and the start of the lava-
bound buses at the Perales/Los Olivos exit edged Laguna del Laja. The road then winds
of the Panamericana (Km494), also known alongside the lake for 28km until it reaches the
as Cruce La Mona. Signs point the 2km to red army hut at Los Barros, from where 4WD
the lodge. vehicles can continue to the Argentine border
(closed April through September).
PARQUE NACIONAL LAGUNA DEL LAJA In winter the Club de Esqui de los Angeles
Some 93km east of Los Angeles lies the 116 (%043-322-651;; day ski pass adult/child
sq km Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja (adult/ CH$12,000/8000) operates two drag-lifts and small
child CH$1000/500; h8:30am-7:30pm). Within the restaurant on the slopes near Chacay, known
park is the Volcán Antuco (2985m), whose as the Cancha de Ski Antuco.
strikingly symmetrical flat-topped cone lies
ahead of you on the drive up. Lava from Sleeping
this volcano dammed the Río Laja, creating You can camp inside the park at Lagunillas
the lake from which the park takes its name. (campsites CH$10,000), 1km from the park entrance,
The lava fields immediately around the lake where there are 22 sites with electricity, show-
form an eerie lunar landscape. Although the ers and toilets. At this writing a private com-
volcano may seem quiet, it is not extinct: pany was renovating the four Cabañas Lagunillas
volcanic activity was last recorded about 70 (%043-321-086; 6-person cabins CH$30,000), next to the
years ago. campground. You need to bring all your own
The park protects the mountain cypress food supplies with you.
(Austrocedrus chilensis) and the monkey- If you arrive near dark, you can stay the
puzzle tree, as well as other uncommon tree night at Hostería El Bosque (%043-197-2719;
species. Mammals are rare, though puma, Malacural 1360, El Abanico; dm/d without bathroom
fox and viscacha have been sighted. Nearly CH$6000/12,000, cabins CH$15,000), a simple family-
50 bird species inhabit the area, including run setup with clean, basic rooms.
the Andean condor.
There’s a small Conaf post at Los Pangües, Getting There & Away
the park entrance, where you sign in. From From Los Angeles’ Terminal de Buses Rurales,
here, a winding road takes you to the park Buses R-R (%043-369-563) goes through Antuco
headquarters at Chacay, 3km on. to the village of El Abanico, 8km from the
entrance to Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja
Sights & Activities (CH$1400, 1½ hours, 11 daily). The last bus
Chacay is the starting point for several well- back to Los Angeles leaves at 8pm. It takes
marked hiking trails. On the left-hand side about 1½ hours to walk from here to the park,
of the road is the easy 1½-hour trail to two and another half-hour to reach the Lagunillas
small but stunning waterfalls, the Salto de Las campsite. Hitchhiking is technically possible,
170 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • L o s A n g e l e s Book your stay at

but vehicles are a rare sight. The road is paved Hotel Antilén ( % 322-948; Av Alemania 159; r
as far as El Abanico, where it switches to rea- with/without bathroom incl breakfast CH$19,000/12,000)
sonably maintained gravel. All the same, Leatherette couches and a slate-fronted log fire
you need a 4WD and chains to negotiate it lend a 1970s-chalet vibe to this budget hotel
between May and September. five blocks east of the Plaza de Armas. The ex-
cellent-value rooms, however, are newly reno-
LOS ANGELES vated, clean and cozy, and have cable TV.
%043 / pop 169,929 Hotel Dikran (%230-030;; Almagro
A useful base for visiting Parque Nacional 393; s/d/tr incl breakfast CH$29,000/39,000/48,000; i)
Laguna del Laja (p169), Los Angeles is an Wicker furniture, wooden floors and ocher-
otherwise unprepossessing agricultural or butter-colored walls give this friendly hotel
and industrial service center 110km south a warm, homey feel. Singles are a bit cramped,

of Chillán. but all rooms have cable TV and wi-fi.

Hotel Mariscal Alcázar (%311-725; www.hotelal
Orientation & Information; Lautaro 385; s/d incl breakfast CH$45,530/56,118; i)
Los Angeles’ Plaza de Armas is bounded by The dour staff and sober navy-blue-and-white
Valdivia, Caupolicán, Lautaro (which becomes color scheme lets you know this is the city
Av Alemania to the east) and Colón, the city’s center’s main business hotel. But if it’s you
main shopping street. The long-distance bus and not your company paying the bill, you
terminals are northeast of the city center on might balk at the peeling bathrooms, scuffed
Av Sor Vicenta. surfaces and cell-like gray doors here.
BancoEstado (%455-450; Colón 140) Has an ATM and Solcito (%313-499; Villagrán 300; mains CH$2700-4000;
changes dollars. h9am-midnight Mon-Sat, noon-7pm Sun) Tables in the
Centro de Llamados FPL (%314-829; Villagrán 401; front half of this bright restaurant on the cor-
h8:30am-9pm Mon-Sat) Cheap long-distance calls. ner of Lautaro are scattered with newspapers,
Ciber Plus Internet (%345-710; Colo Colo 451, coffees and hot chocolates during the day,
Local 1; per hr CH$400; h9:30am-midnight) and icy schops at night. At the back, simple
Clínica los Andes (%210-200; www.clinicalosangeles but flavorful grilled steaks or fish are served –
.cl; Doctor Genaro Reyes 581) Large private hospital on the soccer games on TV are the soundtrack.
corner of Av Alemania. Julio’s Pizza (%314-530; Colón 452; large pizzas
Hospital Los Angeles (%409-600; Ricardo Vicuña CH$3600-5600, mains CH$4500-5500; h10am-midnight)
160) Public hospital. Part of a small Argentine chain, this restaurant
Lavandería Matic (%348-015; Almagro 748; per kg looks dim and rather past it, but its extra-
CH$900; h9am-1pm & 3-6:30pm Mon-Sat) cheesy pizzas and no-frills steak and fries are
Post office (800-276-7736; Caupolicán 464; h9am- both tasty and filling.
7pm Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat)
Sernatur (%317-107, Caupolicán 450, 3rd fl, Oficina 6; Getting There & Away
h9am-5:30pm Mon-Fri) BUS
Long-distance buses leave from two adja-
Sights cent long-distance bus terminals on Av Sor
An extraordinary collection of Mapuche sil- Vicenta, the continuation of Villagrán, on the
verwork is the star exhibit at the Museo de la northeast outskirts of town.
Alta Frontera (%408-643; Colón 121, 2nd fl, Plaza de Pullman Bus (%363-053) and Tur Bus (%600-
Armas; admission free; h8:15am-2pm & 2:45-6:30pm Mon- 660-6600; leave from the Tur Bus
Thu, 8:15am-2pm & 2:45-6pm Fri). Masks and head- terminal (%363-136; Av Sor Vicenta 2061). Both
dresses, textiles and ceramics are among the have numerous daily departures to Santiago
other pieces on display. (CH$12,000, 6½ hours), most of which stop
at Talca, Curicó and Rancagua. Over 20 daily
Sleeping & Eating services head south to Temuco (CH$6000, two
A string of residenciales line Caupólican hours), Osorno (CH$11,000, 5½ hours) and
west of the Plaza de Armas. Despite ap- Puerto Montt (CH$14,000, seven hours).
pearances, they’re not particularly cheap All other services use the next-door Terminal
and mostly function as men’s boarding Santa María (%363-035; Av Sor Vicenta 2051). From
houses, so women travelers might not feel here Buses Jota Be (%533-181; www.busesjotabe
comfortable there. .cl) runs buses to Concepción (CH$2000,
Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • A n g o l 171

two hours, every 30 minutes) and to Angol Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm & 5-9:30pm Sat, 10:30am-2pm Sun;
(CH$1200, 1½ hours, hourly), the gateway per hr CH$400) Long-distance calls and internet.
to Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta (p172).
Some buses to Chillán (CH$1500, 1¾ hours, Sights
hourly) pass by the Salto del Laja (CH$1500, The centerpiece of the Plaza de Armas is a
¾ hour). Buses Bío Bio (%534-699; www.busesbio fountain adorned by four gloriously poised operates along the same routes slightly marble statues that represent Europe, Asia,
less frequently. the Americas and Africa. Huge, shady trees
Local bus routes operate out of the Terminal and well-kept flower beds make it.
de Buses Rurales (Terminal Santa Rita; %313-232; Endearingly retro displays chart Angol’s
Villagrán 501), on the corner of Rengo. To get to eventful history at the Museo Histórico de Angol
Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja, see p169. (% 717-441; Sepulveda 371; adult/child CH$400/200;

h10am-1:30pm & 3-7pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm Sat).
CAR A plant nursery and agricultural college
As there’s no public transport right up to 5km east of town surround the Museo Dillman
the entrance of the Parque Nacional Laguna Bullock (%711-142; Liceo Agrícola El Vergel; adult/child
del Laja, a rental car can be really useful, es- CH$500/200; h9:30am-7pm), which houses a col-
pecially for one- or two-day visits. Rosselot lection of natural history specimens, archaeo-
(%314-487;; Alemania 147) charges logical artifacts and indigenous jewelry. Take
around CH$33,000 per day for a compact taxi colectivo 2 from the Plaza de Armas.
car and CH$58,200 for a 4WD truck.
Festivals & Events
ANGOL Brotes de Chile One of Chile’s biggest folk festivals takes
%045 / pop 56,204 place in the second week of January and includes tradi-
It was seventh time lucky for Angol, which tional dances, food and crafts.
was razed to the ground on six separate
occasions during the conflict between the Sleeping & Eating
Mapuche and the conquistadores. Despite Ginna Medina (%711-923; Covadonga 55; dm/s/d without
its turbulent history, Angol is a small, sleepy bathroom incl breakfast CH$6000/6000/12,000; i) Some
town with little to do, but it provides the best of the rooms at Angol’s most popular budget
access into mountainous Parque Nacional lodgings are in a rather makeshift wooden
Nahuelbuta (p172), a forest reserve that pro- cabin overlooking the back garden; others
tects the largest remaining coastal stands of once belonged to the super-friendly owners’
araucaria pines, or monkey-puzzle trees. grown-up children. There’s one basic dorm
and you can camp in the garden if it’s full. Use
Orientation & Information of the kitchen and wi-fi are included.
Angol straddles the Río Vergara, an upper Duhatao (%714-320;; Arturo
tributary of the Biobío formed by the conflu- Prat 420; s/d incl breakfast CH$25,500/38,500; i) A de-
ence of the Ríos Picoiquén and Rehue. The sign hotel in Angol – who’da thunk it? The
city’s older core lies west of the river and cent- Duhatao blends clean modern lines with local
ers on an attractive Plaza de Armas (bounded crafts and colors – the springy beds have head-
by Lautaro, Prat, Bunster and Chorrillos). boards made from old gate posts and hand-
BancoEstado (%945-900; Chorillos 390) ATM and woven throws, for example, and bathrooms
currency exchange. have big bowl sinks. A slick restaurant and
Hospital Angol (%551-048; Ilabaca 752) Public bar are on-site, and wi-fi is included.
hospital. Las Tortoras (%712-275; Ilabaca 805; set menu
Municipal tourist office (%990-840; Glorieta Plaza CH$2400; h10am-midnight) Locals love the family-
de las Siete Fundaciones; h8:30am-5:20pm Mon-Fri style cooking at Las Tortoras, where a mous-
Mar-Dec, 8am-8pm daily Jan & Feb) In the middle of the tachioed waiter gleefully wheels out huge
main square. portions of whatever’s scrawled on the board
Net Cafe (%714-408; Lautaro 465; h9am-11pm near the door. Plateada or lomo a lo pobre
Mon-Sat, 9am-9:30pm Sun; per hr CH$300) (steak topped with a fried egg and served with
Post office (%800-276-7736; Lautaro 202; h9am- French fries) are the house specials.
1pm & 3-6:30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-12:30pm Sat) Sparlatto Pizza (%716-272; Lautaro 418; large piz-
Telefónica (%711-102; Lautaro 491; h9am-9:30pm zas CH$5500-8000; h9:30am-1am Mon-Fri, 10:30am-3am
172 S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Pa r q u e N a c i o n a l N a h u e l b u t a

Sat) This bustling little restaurant attracts Nothofagus (southern beech) are common
golden oldies at teatime, then fills up with a here, and the Magellanic woodpeckers that
younger crowd for pizzas and beer into the typically inhabit them make for great bird-
small hours. watching. Rare mammals such as pumas,
Paraíso (%719-560; Colipí 369; set lunch CH$1800, mains Darwin’s fox and the miniature Chilean
CH$3500-5500; h11am-8pm Mon-Fri, 6pm-1am Sat, 11am- deer known as the pudú also live in the park.
6pm Sun; v) Lime-green walls and rustic tables According to some, it’s a prime location for
announce the right-on vibe here. Healthy in- UFO spotting, too.
terpretations of Chilean classics and veggie The dirt road between Angol and Cańete
enchiladas and burgers are on the menu. runs through the park. Conaf maintains the
park headquarters and information center at
Getting There & Away Pehuenco, roughly halfway between the two

Most long-distance bus services leave from park entrances, which are sometimes manned
Angol’s Terminal Rodoviario (Bonilla 428), a 10- by rangers, too. There are no shops or restau-
minute walk from the Plaza de Armas. To rants within Nahuelbuta, so bring your own
get to the center of town, turn left from the supplies. The park enjoys warm, dry summers,
main exit and walk four blocks along José Luis but is usually snow-covered during winter.
Osorio to Bulevar O’Higgins, the main road, November to April is the best time to visit.
where you turn right and cross the bridge.
Several companies go north to Santiago Sights & Activities
(CH$7700 to CH$9700, eight hours), includ- Some 30km of roads and 15km of footpaths
ing Pullman JC (%716-866) with four services crisscross the park, so you can tour by car
daily, Línea Azul (%715-867; and on foot. Several marked hiking trails
with two services daily and Tur Bus (%711- start at Pehuenco. The most popular is an
655; with seven buses daily also easy 4.5km walk through pehuén forests to
stopping at Chillán (CH$3200, 3¼ hours, two the 1379m granite outcrop of Cerro Piedra del
daily), Talca (CH$5600, five hours, two daily), Águila (literally, ‘eagle rock’), which has fabu-

Curicó (CH$9700, six hours, four daily) and lous views from the Andes to the Pacific. To
Rancagua (CH$9700, seven hours, four daily). the southeast you can see the entire string
Buses Jota Be (%712-262; has of Andean volcanoes – from Antuco, east
buses to Los Angeles (CH$1200, one hour, of Chillán, to Villarrica and Lanín, east of
22 daily) and also travels to Concepción Pucón. You can loop back to Pehuenco via
(CH$2800, 2½ hours, every 30 minutes). the valley of the Estero Cabrería to the south:

Leaving from its own terminal, Buses Bio Bio the trail starts beneath the west side of the
(%465-387;; Caupolicán 98) serves outcrop and the whole hike takes about three
Temuco (CH$2800, two hours, 25 daily), Los
Angeles (CH$1000, one hour, 11 daily) and
Concepción (CH$3500, 2½ hours, 25 daily).
Buses Thiele’s (%711-110) extensive regional NAHUELBUTA 00 3 km
2 miles
lbu t

services connect Angol to Cañete (CH$2400,


2½ hours, nine daily) and Lebú (CH$3000,

de N a hu

three hours, nine daily). Local and regional

services leave from the Terminal de Buses Rurales R í o Pi c
iq u é n

(%712-021; Ilabaca 422), including buses to Parque

C o rd i l l e ra


Cerro Alto
Nacional Nahuelbuta. Nahuelbuta
(1530m) Cerro Anay

Between Angol and the Pacific, the coast range To Cañete
(47km) s G r i ng o s
rises to 1550m within the 68 sq km Parque Estero l o
Nacional Nahuelbuta (admission adult/child CH$4000/ Cerro Piedra
del Águila

2000; h8am-8pm), one of the last non-Andean (1379m) To Vegas


Blancas (7km);
refuges of pehuenes, or monkey-puzzle Conaf post &
Centro de
Pehuenco Angol (30km)

trees. In summer, other interesting plant

ur é n

life includes 16 varieties of orchids and two
Río P

carnivorous plant species. Various species of
© Lonely Planet Publications
Book your stay at S O U T H E R N H E A R T L A N D • • Pa r q u e N a c i o n a l N a h u e l b u t a 173

hours. Alternatively, you can reach Piedra del (CH$1200, 1½ hours), 7km from the
Águila by walking 800m from the end of a eastern park entrance and 12.5km from
shorter approach accessible by car. Another the park headquarters at Pehuenco. Buses
trail leads 5km north from Pehuenco to Cerro Carrasco (%045-715-287) operates the route on
Anay, a 1450m hill with similar views. It’s an Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Buses
easy three-hour walk there past wildflower Nahuelbuta (%045-715-611) does the rest of the
beds and huge stands of araucarias. week. Both leave from Angol’s Terminal de
Buses Rural (cnr Ilabaca & Lautaro), and return from
Sleeping Vegas Blancas at 9am and 6pm. In January
Camping Pehuenco (6-person campsites CH$12,000) is and February the morning service usually
next to the park headquarters, 5.5km from the continues to the park entrance (CH$1400).
entrance on the Angol side of the park. There Motorists with low-clearance vehicles may

are 11 campsites in shady forest clearings with find the steep and dusty road difficult in
picnic tables, and basic bathrooms with flush spots, and you need a 4WD and chains June
toilets and cold showers. Four rustic camp- through August.
sites make up Camping Coimallín (6-person campsites Mountain bikers generally need to dis-
CH$12,000), 5km north of Pehuenco. mount and walk at least part of the way up,
and note that water is hard to find along the
Getting There & Away way. However, both bus services to Vegas
Local buses depart Angol at 6:45am and Blancas are happy to carry bikes, so cycling
4pm Monday to Saturday for Vegas Blanca from there is an alternative.

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restricted. In return, we think it’s fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
only. In other words, please don’t upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
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