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Nicholas Jordan

11 DKV

Making Suggestions Accepting Suggestions Decline suggestions

1. Why don’t we go to The Yes, Let’s go. No, thank you. I do not feel like
Movies? going
2. Let’s go to dinner Yes, Let’s go. No, thank you. I have another
3. Let’s playing video games Yes, Let’s go. No, thank you. I want to
studying for tomorrow test
4. Shall we go to james home Yes, let’s go. No, thank you. My mother told
me to go home

Making Offers Accepting Offers Decline Offers

1. How about we go dance? Yes, My pleasure No, thank you, I do not like
2. would you to come to my Yes, Let’s go No, thank you. I must look
birthday party? after my pet
3. Would you dinner with me Yes, My Pleasure No, thank you. tonight I have
tonight? to help my mother
5. Would you be my Yes, With pleasure No, thank you. I have
girlfriend? boyfriend

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