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Jumiah Soal ‘The following text is for questions 4 and 2. Dear Indah, Angga 1. What should Indah do ri message? ‘A. Go to Angga’s house, 8. Catch the fish in the pond. C. Contirm whether she will come or not, D. Join the barbecue party at Angga’s house. 2. From the text we know that .... ‘A. Indah has a pond B. Indah dislikes fish C. Indah will gril fish D. Angga knows Indah's favourite The following text is for questions 3 to 5. ight after reading the ‘To commemorate our school anniversary and increase students’ creativity and sensitivity towards ‘environment, our schoo! will hold a documentary- film making contest. You are free to choose your ‘own topic. There will be two categories of the contest, individually and in groups. Please submit your film to the committee no later than 31st March 2019. We provide special prizes for three winners. For registration, please contact Mrs. Jenny (0833454323578988). Ardian Suprana Headmaster 8. Whatis the text about? ‘A. Acontest of a film making. B. A school anniversary celebration, C. Students’ creativity at making a film. D. Students’ sensitivity towards environment, 4. Where can you read the announcement? A. Inapark. C. Ina theatre, B. Atschool, D._ Ina shopping mall.” 5. What will the interested students do soon after reading the announcement? A. Call Mrs. Jenny for enrollment. B. “Determine the topics oftheir films. ©. Submit their fms to the committee. D. Prepare the equipment to make a film. The following text is for questions 6 to 8. Dipindai dengan CamScanner ¢, What is the text about? ‘A. Acoftee mill B. Acotfee shop, ©. Acoffee plantation, D. Acoffee factory 7. Who will be more interested in visi no yl bo in visiting the place? B. Coffee sellers C. Coffee lovers. D._ Entrepreneurs. 8. “Taste various sensation of our k “asta local premium ‘What is the closest meaning of the wet ing underlined A. Enjoy. C. Test. BL Have. D. Feel. The following text is for questions 9 and 10. To: Raymond Nobody expects to have an ailment in his life, but that's life. This will make you realise the importance of health. ‘You must be strong Get well soon! Dabtia 9. What probably happens to Raymond? A. He is hospitalised. B. He has a complicated problem. ©. He loses his beloved friend. D._ He failed in his studies. 40. By sending the card, Dahlia... ‘A. is proud of Raymond B._ wishes Raymond for his luck C._ shows her sympathy to Raymond D. supports Raymond for his success ‘The following text is for questions 11 to 13. To: All OSIS committee members You're expected to attend the meeting: Day/Date : Saturday, 2rd March 2019 Time * ipm. Place OSIS room ‘Agenda: The responsibilty report of the interschool sports competitions Please inform your attendance to the OSIS chairperson. Mieke Farida. ‘OSIS Chairperson 11. What is the purpose of the text? A To invite the OSIS committee members to attend a meeting. To tell the OSIS committee members about sports competitions, ‘To persuade the OSIS committee members to attend a meeting. To inform the OSIS committee members about the next meeting. What will be discussed in the meeting? ‘A. The annual OSIS programmes. B, The preparation for a competition. C. The next interschool sports competition. D. The responsibilty report of an event. ‘What should the OSIS committee members do if they cannot attend the meeting? : ‘A. Contact Mieke for their absence. B, Write a permission letter. C._Ask about the result of the meeting. D. Prepare the responsibilty report. The following text is for questions 14 to 16. B. a Dd. 12, 13, Attention! ‘Anearthquake struck the area where ourclassmate, Sita, lives. Many houses have been destroyed, including Sita's house. To show our sympathy, we will visit her tomorrow after school. We will also donate money and supplies she may need. 14, Why will the students visit Sita? ‘A. their apologies. B. To show their sympathy. C. Tohelp repair Sita’s house. D. Tose Sita’s damaged house. 15. What will Sita probably feel when her friends visit her? ‘A. Hopetul B. Grateful. C. Shocked, D. Sympathetic. 16. What wil he students do right after reading the t ‘A Visit Sita's house. B. Contact the class teacher. C. Collect money and food. D. Inform their parents about the earthquake. ‘Banasa inggrs suenmrs {427 Dipindai dengan CamScanner Ens | 2 yestions 17 and 18. The following text is for 4 Sering Sze ,00 ( Servings Pe Carta 004,15 re ef Calories 109 __—"5— Calis Fora eee ee | ee _——————§| a a ‘seaumvens ac Potassium mg we compas we “canaryatemg | Serre ‘Soen.2a Tope Reeen Oaes Taare ete Sm ‘os aon Dyer 1gredients: Extract Colour, \Veasrins and Minerals: Calum Carbonate, iam C ‘Yann € Actas, AB Vion (nacre) oclond), Vin 8, boa), Varn (painiate), Vilar 8, Vin, BHT Added to Preserve Freshness. "|| Stun 280 tse. Whole Grain Wheat, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Salt, Monoglycerides,, 2 cut cera Ast foal sai gid "Rano ces 2009 ‘gta crys (0 asedon 42000 oe det Yo" annus mayb apr toeraperng en You ‘sean =a i ire ese (ess ton ‘Annatio sodium asotal), Zine and rn (mineral rutin) 'AB Vian (acim panthers) Viamin 8 (py hari monet), AB Vian (oe at), ViarnrA CONTAINS WHEAT, MAY CONTAIN ALMOND INGREDIENTS. ‘Adopted or: hips Ivwau horebrewiak comforunitreadscou use ota futient492741/ (st December 2018) 17. The text is important to read because consumers will Know .... ‘A. where to buy the product B.. who can consume the product C. functions of vitamins and minerals D. detailed information about the products 18. From the text we know that ‘A. the product is spicy B. the product tastes sweet C._ the product contains all kinds of vitamins D. almond is the main ingredient of the product ‘The following text is for questions 19 to 22. Randy and his family visited Grandpa who was sick. I was a school holiday, 50 they stayed there for three days. However, Randy forgot to lock his rabbit's pen before leaving. Consequently, he didn't find his rabbit when he arrived home. Nobody knew where the rabbit was. Randy called the rabbit's name and looked {orit everywhere. However, it didn't show up. Surely, it made him very sad. y-cerealas-yeast- ‘Two days passed and Randy had not found his rabbit. He always kept thinking of his lost rabbit. That afternoon, Randy sat on the chair at the veranda. He almost fell asleep when he saw a shadow under the tree in the front garden. It seemed that it was his rabbit's shadow. Randy stood up and walked towards the tree. Tohis surprise, itwas his rabbit. He recognised it from the mark on its right leg. His rabbit was back. It was unbelievable! Rangga took it and caressed its fur gently, 19. What happened to Randy? He .... A. lost his pet B founda rabbit C. saved a rabbit D. released his pet 20. Why did finally Randy feel relieved? ” A. He hada new rabbit. B. His rabbit returned home. C. His rabbit was safe from an accident. D. He found his rabbit in his neighbour's house, Dipindai dengan CamScanner 1. From the text we know that... A. Randy left his rabbit for two days B. Randy had locked his rabbit's pen C. Randy found his rabbit in bad condition D. Randy's rabbit has a mark on is leg 22, Randy... very sad when his rabbit was lost. A is C. was B. are D.” were The following text is for questions 23 to 26. Paddlefish is the common name for the ray-finned fish. It is characterised by an elongated, padale- snout with minute barbels, a large mouth with minute teeth and long gill rakers. There are only two modern species of these fish, i.e. the plankton-feeding American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and the piscivorous Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius). Paddlefish are not closely related to sharks. However, they have several body parts that resemble those of sharks such as their skeletons and deeply forked heterocercal tail fins. Paddlefish provide important economic, ecological ‘and aesthetic values. During the last century, paddlefish and sturgeon have been commercially exploited for their eggs (roe) called caviar. Paddlefish and sturgeon are two of the most important fish for freshwater caviar. Their unique shapes and large sizes also add to the joy of nature for humans, including sport fishing. However, exploitation and habitat changes, among other factors, have significantly reduced the population of paddiefish. ‘Adopted from: hitp:/www.newworldencyclopedia.orgientry/ Padateish (2th November 2015) 23, Aftor reading the text, it is expected that the readers .... ‘A consume paddlefish B__ sell and buy paddlefish ._ breed paddlefish in aquariums D. preserve paddlefish from extinction 24, From the text we know that paddlefish .... ‘A. have a common shape B._ have a small and long mouth G._ have similar skeletons as sharks’ D. are mostly exploited for its meat 25. Why does the population of paddlefish decrease? A. They are predators. B. They are dificult to breed. . C. People destroy their habitats. D. People commercially exploit them. 26. People should protect paddlefish. .. they wil be extinct. gates 8. Thoretore D. Meanwhile The following text is for questions 27 to 30. Sheila is a robot lover. She is fond of everything about robots. She likes reading articles about robots. Besides, she collects not only toy robots, but also ‘comics and film CDs about robots. Since she was a child, Shella has collected many toy robots. She got them from her family and friends, especially on her birthdays. Although she is not a child anymore, she stil likes collecting toy robots. She completes her collection by purchasing unique toy robots. She keeps them in a special glass wardrobe in her room. She always cleans and arranges them. On her spare time, she often plays with them and notices how they move, Sheila always wonders about how people make robots. That's why, she is keen on seeing robotics fairs and trying to make robots. She also joins @ robotics extracurricular club at school. She is interested in joining robotics competitions. 27. Why does Sheila collect toy robots? ‘A. She is very fond of robots. B._ Her family gives her many robots. C. She is keen on seeing robotics fairs. D._ She wonders about how to make robots. 28. What is Sheila's dream? ‘A. She has many robots. B, " She can make robots. C._ She joins a robotics extracurricular club. D._ She becomes the jury of a robotics contest. 29, How do you describe Sheila? She is .... A. polite B. diligent C. creative D. cheerful 90. "She keeps them in a special glass wardrobe in her room? (Paragraph 2) What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? A. Modern. B. Beautiful. Cc. Exclusive. D. Sophisticated. ‘The following text is for questions 31 to 34, ‘Once upon a time there was an old man and his wife. One day the man went to a bamboo grove to collect bamboo shoots, where he found a bamboo tree illuminated in the middle part. He wondered why and then became curious about what was inside, He carefully cut the bamboo and was astonished to find ‘a pretty baby inside. He decided to pick her up and bring her back to his home. over 3) Dipindai dengan CamScanner Atter several years passed, the baby grew up and turned to a young and beautiful lady in the town, Everyone knew her because she was graceful and beautiful. There were so many gentlemen who Proposed marriage to her. The old parents were very Proud of her and tried to make her choose a candidate. She, however, deciined any proposal. She became very sad and cried every day. The old parents couldn't understand why. On a full moon night, she decided to explain why she cried. She told the parents that she had to leave home and return to the moon. She was frustrated for long time because the time for her departure had come. The moon beanis arrived to transport her back to the moon. She said goodbye to her old parents and gave them an elixir of life as a goodbye gift. They lived a long life after that. Adopted from: hte topics-mag.conviok talesoltale-beauty- Japan.him (1st December 2018) 31. Whatis the text about? A. Agits regret. B. Agir's beauty. C. Agitls sadness. D. Parents’ love for their daughter. 32. Where did the girl actually come trom? A.” The sun. B. The moon. C. A bamboo plant. D. Bamboo shoots. 33. What is the main idea of paragraph one? ‘A. Aman brought a baby home. B. Aman collected bamboo shoots. CC. Anold man cut a bamboo carefully, D. Anold man found a baby in a bamboo shoot. 34. “They lived a long lfe after that” (Last paragraph) What does the undertined word refer to? ‘A. The gentlemen. B. The girl and her mother. C. The girl and her parents. 1D. The old man and woman. The following text is for questions 35 to 37. Ryan went to a book fair several days ago. It was the year-end book fair. People could buy books from various publishing companies with interesting discounts. To attract people, the committee of the book fair offered many door prizes such as laptop computers, ccell phones and vouchers. Arriving at the book fair, Ryan bought an entrance ticket. He also received a coupon as a raffle ticket. He wrote his name, address and telephone number ‘on the coupon. Then, he put it in the box provided. ‘Soon went around the fair. He was interested to see a stand selling encyclopedias and dictionaries. He then bought an encyclopedia. After making payment, he returned home, : = rang. Firda, Several days later, Ryan's cell phone : his friend, was caling. She told Fan that she was at the book fair. She read an announcement on the board about the lucky visitors who received door prizes. Ryan ot a laptop computer. ° yen Twas very happy, then hued to the book fair to collect the prize. 35. What is the best title for the text? ‘A. ABook Fair B. Happy News ©. A Lucky Draw D. Book Vouchers 36. How did Ryan know that he received a door prize? A. His friend told him about it. He listened to the announcement. His friend listened to the announcement, He read an announcement on the board. .. about the lucky visitors who received door prizes” (Paragraph 4) ‘What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? A. Valuable. , B. Fortunate, ©. Delighted. D. Significant. B. ic D. 37, The following text is for questions 38 to 40. ‘One hot day, a lion and a wild bear arrived at a small spring together. There was only room for one ata time and they argued so fiercely about who should drink first. Then, they began to fight. The lion slashed the bear with its sharp claws and. the bear tossed the lion with its great power. The more they fought, the thirstier they became. However, none of them stopped to think how silly they were. Suddenly, they heard vultures cackling in the sky above, They were waiting for one of them to kill the other, so they ‘could fly down and eat the loser. “What fools we are to be fighting lke this," said thé fon. “We'll only end up as food for villainous vultures and crows.’ said the bear. “Please drink first, you beautiful bear’ said the lion, “No, no, loveliest of lions, you drink first” insisted the bear. ‘And they became the best of friends. ‘Adopted from: hitp:/! food for he_vultures.himtfood (ist December 2018) 38. The lion and wild bear realised their foolishness after knowing that... ‘one of them was killed in the fight ‘one of them was killed by a vulture there was no water left in the spring there were vultures cackling in the sky pomp Dipindai dengan CamScanner go, What would finally h continued to fight? ‘A. Vultures would prey the lost one. B, They wOuld feel hungry and thirsty. C. Vultures would fight against the lion and bear. D. They would not be able to drink water from the wall. 'appen if the lion and bear 40, What can we learn from the story? A. The strongest will be the winner, B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. -We should not dispute with our friends. . We should not be kind to our enemies. The following text is for questions 44 to 44, ‘The word avalanche is derived from the French word ‘avalance’ meaning descent. An avalanche amass of snow, often mixed with ice and debris which travels down mountain sides, destroying all ints path. Avalanches occur due to any of the following triggers: overloading, temperature, slope angle, snow pack conditions and vibration. Overloading is an important trigger; until it overcomes cohesion to the snow pack underneath. Temperature has an effect on the cohesion of snow; a rise in temperature weakens the bonds creating weakness, whilst a fall in temperature increases the brittleness and tension of a slab. Mountainous areas throughout arctic and temperate regions which have slope angles between 25° and 60° are at risk. However, other conditions may affect the likelihood of an avalanche being triggered as already mentioned. The avalanche problem is more severe in Europe than North America due to the higher population densities in the Alp mountain range. “Adopted trom: hip Iwew.nd-arpfavelanche.pho (1st December 2018) 41. The text is written to tell readers about ... in general. A. alliving creature B. a social phenomenon ©. anatural phenomenon D._anenvironmental problem 42. Where do avalanches occur? ‘A. Ontropical areas. B. Onlow-level areas. C. Onmountainous areas. « D. +On warm-temperature areas. 43, Why do an avalanche destruct all the things in its path? A. Ittravels down mountain slopes. B._Ithas an effect on the cohesion of snow. CC. Its weight increases when travelling down, D. tis mass of snow which is mixed with ice and debris. 44, destroying all in its path.” (Paragraph 1) ‘What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? A. Blocking. B. Breaking. ©. Disturbing. D._ Devastating. The following text is for questions 45 to 47. ‘There is adam in my town. I's about 8,000 hectare ‘and was built about fity years ago. ‘The dam has clear and deep water, with many big trees around tis full of water, especially during rainy ‘seasons. During dry seasons, the water subsides. The dam has multi-function. Mainly used for itigation, itis also used as a recreational spot. Many people visit this place to relax. They fish at the dam or just sightsee the landscape. ‘On several parts of the dam, there are food stalls selling grilled or fried fish. People usually call them ‘warung apung’. To attract visitors, the sellers make their food stalls as interesting as possible. To attract children, they also provide toys in their food stalls. 45, Why is the text writen? ‘A. To persuade readers to visit a dam. B. To tell readers about dams in general. C. To describe a dam in the writer's town. D. To tell readers about the functions of dams. 46. The dams significant in increasing the economic welfare of local people because they ‘A. sell food around it B. use it for irrigation ._ visit for relaxation D. enjoy the beautiful landscape 47. “People usually call them ‘warung apung'* (Paragraph 4) What does the underlined word refer to? A. Thefish. B. The sellers. C. The food stalls. D._ The pars of the dam. ‘The following text is for questions 48 to 50. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 6 tablespoons cold water cup unseasoned dry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon salt Dash of ground red pepper (cayenne) ; 1 package (12 02) extra-firm tofu packed in water, drained, cut into 1-inch cubes + Vegetable oil : * ‘cup barbecue sauce, sweet-and-sour sauce, salsa or ketchup £ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Steps: 1. Ina small bowl, beat the flour and water with wire whisk or hand beater until smooth. in a shallow dish or pie plate, toss bread crumbs, salt and red pepper. 2. Dip the tofu cubes into the batter, then rollin the bread crumb mixture to coat. {In 10-inch skillet, heat oil (¥ inch) over medium- high heat. Cook 15 nuggets at atime in oilfor about 1 minute, turning once, until golden brown, Drain the nuggets on paper towels. Serve hot with the barbecue sauce. Adopted from: hips/wn betyrockerconvrecipestoh-nuggets! Sbbeted-beat-428a-be96-2d0cc6129002 (Ist December 26%8) 48. After reading the text, the readers will be able to serve a tofu nugget well know what a tofu Nugget is understand the taste of a tofu Nugget Practice making a tofu nugget pom> ‘50. First, the flour and water 49. Where can you read such a text? ‘A. Ina daily newspaper. B. Ina fashion magazine. C. Ina cooking recipe book. D. Ina biology encyclopedia. with @ wire whisk until smooth, A. is beaten B. are beaten C._ were beaten D. had been beaten Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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