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-5- Uneori se poate folosi timpul Present Continuous ew adverbul slways, pentru a arti- ta o actiune repetatt. In acest caz, oxiatt © conotatie afectivd (nemslfumire) sau achiu- nea respectivi cote caracteristict pentra aoea persoant. Bx.1 You are alwaye losing your things. You are always grumbling when I ask you to help me in the kitchen. Bxercitii cu Present Simple gi Present Continuous 1) Buneyi verbele din urwttoarele proporifil (Zrosont Sinple) la interogativ gi negati Not: Verbul "to have", atunci cfd au fnseal ni "a aveay @ poseda”, of este parte dinte-o expresie (to have breakfast, to have a shower, to have a party), formesr negativil gi interogatival ai ajutoral auxiliarulut "to ao". 1. 1 Love ay brother. 2, She talks too auch, 3. I understand you. 4s, You play the piano very well. 5. I alwaya believe you. mcr G. He remembers my phone nusber. 7. They live in Bucharest. B. He has a hot bath every day. 9. Iirust ay Friend. lo. I have lunch at one o'clock. ®) Puncti verbele din urattoarele propozitit ative ye is raining. Zan having a walk. ie is telling the truth. Nou are typing a letter. ley are owiusing in the river. Efziend is wearing a new dress. Bother is resting. fie studying Bnglish. pitts fila is learaing to play the piano. pele din paranteze le Present a Pposent Continuous: ping nw decause it (rain). p) on Sundays? oink) coffee but now he often (vain). ater ae 5. T (not Like) tuat voy, 6- He usually (speak) #0 quickly that 1 (no% understand) hin, 2. You (like) this book? 8. You (dream) .at night? Yes, I (dream) every night. 9. I can't answer the phone now Decaus; T (cook), to. How you usually (get) to work? T usually (go) by bus, but-—tow I (take) & taxi because I an late, I (wait) for Joun, but he is late, gs usual, 18. I always (have) 2 rest after iunoh. 19, What you (think) of? I (think) of ay mother just now. 0. You (know) what the tine is? 4) graduceti tn Limba englez! . Taraa ninge. |, Duminica el nu se scoall devrenc, Bu nu studiex seara, Ge faci? Citegti cau privesti 1a tele. 11. The manager can't receive yor (nave) an interview. "3 12. You (write) to John now? Yes, I (be). I always (write) to hin his birthday. 23. Where you (hurry)? Po the theatre, as Z (not want) to w the first act, 24. She always (borrow) books trom ae al never (romeaber) 4, ) to give thea back. 15. You (go) to work every day? Yee, of course, except saturdays al Sundays. 16. Why you (saoke) so auch? Who you (wait) for? yizor? Benge 1a cumptrtturi siubtta, fui tac teuele 1a englezt. place cafeaua. Go citegti? ‘mH se scoal4 John dinineata? tu in ilole 1ibere? elefonezi? ye 18 gooall cu metroul, nerge Dhird fereastra? i e2ti onglezesti. -~9- Ba tpi face bagajul. Oft de des le scrii pirinfilor tii? Ofna nexg la mare, fmi place st tnot aul] Clientul tocmai gi alege o pereche de pantofi. Despre ce vorbesti? B. Bast Benso Simple Past Tenge Simple se foraeasi prin adi ugarea terminafiel ~ed tn eazul verbelor re gulate. Bx.: to work - worked pact verbul este neregulat, Past Tex ‘tirebuie invKYat din tabelul de verbe neregil Late care indick cele trei forme de bat verbalui: forma I - infinitivul, forma If Past Tense, forma III ~ participtul trecui Bx.1 to speak - spoke - spoken Atireatiy T/you/ne/she/it/we/they (worked (spoke Hegativ T/you/ne/she/Lt/ne/they did nob ree Interopatix pid T/you/ne/sho/it/ne/they (work? Porua prescurtatl a lui did not este ty (1 aian't work). Simple arat& o achiune tre~ uth, terainatt, efectuatt intr-o perioadt fh bimp trecutt, torminatt. Bote timpul de narayiune. Be traduce, de obiced, cu pexfectal [act year I travelled to England. Gul trecut am oflXterit tn Anglia.) Past Tense Continuous forneat prin conjugares, verbulat firecut (Fast Tense) 91 adSugares fh verbului de conjugat. oy Atizaativ We wore working Tou were working jerking ‘They were working

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