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A Beginner’s Guide to Types of Motorcycle

A must for motorcycle riding is a helmet that provides full protection. However, many
are stills unaware of facts like the benefits of wearing a motorcycle helmet, how many
types of motorcycle helmets are available, what one should consider before buying, etc.

If your mind is brimming with curiosity regarding motorcycle helmets, you have reached
the right place and we intend to educate you on that very topic; all you need to do is
stick with us till the end!

Open face helmet injuries

Open face helmets are always preferred due to the sleek and stylish looks they come in;
people especially admire the fact that putting them on will leave their face exposed,
meaning it is easy to catch the eyes of all pedestrians while strictly maintaining the law.

However, motorcycle helmet impact statistics constantly keep on showing us how

dangerous open-face helmets can be. As you can guess, it will provide no shielding to
your face during frontal smashes, i.e., If it doesn’t slip out of your head in the first place.
Severe injuries can be caused to the jaw and broken noses are not a rare case; besides
that, if you are wearing glasses or sunglasses, they will likely smash, possibly risking

Although it is said that despite providing little security for your face, the open face
helmet will diligently guard your head during accidents, a study made by Brazilian
researchers brought new motorcycle helmet statistics to the picture which indicated
otherwise. Amongst 51 patients who suffered from injuries due to motorcycle accidents
despite wearing open-face helmets, 39 suffered from traumatic brain injury or TBI. A
whopping 76.5% chance of getting brain injuries clearly shows that open-face helmets
are not as safe as they are meant to be.

When compared with those not wearing any helmet, it was seen that the percentages of
brain injury were very similar and thus, the researchers stated in The Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery that open-face helmets provide little to no protection against head
injury due to their inefficiency in absorbing shock.
However, it should be noted that the statistics also show that an open-face helmet
protects against upper face injuries; something is better than nothing after all.

Half helmet vs Full helmet

Half-face helmets provide protection for the upper half of the head and the ears. It is
best for anyone who wishes to enjoy the wind while riding and thus, is often used by
those who intend to go on long trips on their bike. It provides maximum ventilation
while cushioning the head from impacts.

Pros of a half helmet:

1. It is extremely comfortable to wear and provides the rush of freedom that many look for
while riding their motorcycles; riders can hear and feel the environment while riding.
2. Offers outstanding ventilation that is incomparable to all other types of helmets.
3. Users are granted a cool and vintage look that makes them stand out in the crowd.
4. It is lightweight and as it doesn’t block out sound, you do not have to remove it during
5. Allows you to look at nearly everything and can be paired with sunglasses or goggles.

Cons of a half helmet:

1. Half helmets expose many parts of the head and thus, aren’t the ideal choice safety-
wise. Chins and jaws are at major risks.
2. Face and eyes are not resistant to dust or dirt meaning your vision is very likely to be
affected during rides. This increases the risk of accidents.
3. As your face and neck are completely exposed, you are much more likely to catch a cold
during the winter or rainy season. The snow or rain can also have a numbing effect on
your head or neck.
Full face helmets, unlike half helmets, will cover everything – your head, face, jaw, chin,
ears. It is the best protection wise and the face shield will also screen out dust, dirt, wind,
etc. which might cause hindrance to your eye.

Pros of a full-face helmet:

1. Gives maximum protection against injuries for your entire head. The chin bars offer
maximum safety for the chin and jaw in cases of a large impact.
2. It covers the entire head against weather conditions and the face shield prevents dirt
from getting into the user’s eyes.
3. Face shield is usually resistant to scratch so you will not have a hard time with your
4. Noise is reduced and you can also add or replace liners to make it more comfortable to
5. Comes in aerodynamic styles that are stunning to look at.

Cons of a full-face helmet:

1. They are often termed claustrophobic motorcycle helmets since every nook and cranny
is shielded.
2. Ventilation is usually not that good making it extremely uncomfortable to wear on hot
summer days.
3. Not suitable for long rides as they are quite weighty.
4. Blocks out important noises on the road meaning users can mistakenly end up ignoring

Why should I use a motorcycle helmet?

As the brain is one of the most important parts of our body, the head needs some extra
protection during motorcycle rides to prevent any ill-fated brain injuries. Motorcycles
are shock absorbing and thus, can lessen the effect caused by sudden large impacts to
the head.
Motorcycle helmet statistics show that amongst all deaths caused due to motorcycle
accidents, 66% of the people were not wearing a helmet. This proves that wearing a
helmet could make the difference between life and death.

A motorcycle helmet that shields your face also can prevent dust particles, debris, and
smoke from getting into your eyes meaning you are less likely to face any sort of hassle
during your ride. Helmets also do an amazing job against weather conditions; the sun is
less likely to be a hindrance in your vision while the rain and snow are less likely to
cause a cold or numbness.

Some helmets also block out extra noise, allowing motorcyclists to focus solely on traffic
signals. To conclude, a motorcycle helmet will save your life along with the lives of
anyone else present on the road.

What I should consider to buy the safest motorcycle

The safest motorcycle helmet is likely to be made of carbon fiber. This material has the
most outstanding shock absorbing property which makes the helmet impact-resistant
and lightweight. Besides that, it needs to be full-face to provide the ultimate level of
protection for your entire head and possibly neck.

Before purchasing, it is ventilating, fits properly, and has the type of visors you wish for
it to have (adjustable or non-adjustable) since comfort will help increasing safety; visors
that prevent reflections from the sun to cause disturbance in your line of vision are
highly recommended. A helmet with a chin strap will also sit more firmly on your head
and thus, will prevent the helmet from wobbling around during the ride. Comfort liners
are also a praiseworthy feature.

Motorcycle Helmet Safety Standards

Each country has their laws sat that dictates whether or not the helmet offers safe usage.
Most countries will demand it to be above a certain weight to ensure it carries out
shockproofing duties properly. Many will also demand the inclusion of features like
impact-absorbing liners and chin straps to allow safer usage.
Before buying a helmet, make sure to identify whether they have been certified safe
according to the law as otherwise, the police are likely to charge you for not wearing
proper safety attire while riding your motorcycle.

The anatomy of the safest motorcycle helmet

For a safe motorcycle helmet, the following are likely to be a part of its anatomy:

 The outer shell is made of materials like carbon fiber, Kevlar, polycarbonate, or modeled
plastic. During sudden impacts, this will prevent the motorcycle helmet from breaking
upon large impacts or blows.
 An impact-absorbing liner made of EPS foam that absorbs shock should be present
underneath the outer shell. The expanded polystyrene foam prevents the energy of the
helmet’s collision from reaching your head, in turn protecting it.
 A visor that doesn’t hinder your vision and stops dust, buds, debris, etc. from getting
into your eyes or nose.
 Padded insides are made of open-cell foam which allows comfort and absorbs sweat
preventing them from rolling down to your eye.
 A ventilation system that allows good airflow and prevents the insides from feeling
 A chin strap that firmly holds the motorcycle helmet in place during bumpy rides.
 Removable cheek pads that allow comfort and prevent hurt.

What type of motorcycle helmet is safe for ladies?

Similar to men, the full-face motorcycle helmet is the best for women. They offer
protection for the entire head and shield the face from dust.

Which helmet is still good after an accident?

There will always be unnoticeable problems caused to your helmet in case of a crash
(such as damaging EPS) which will result in it being less impact resistant. Hence, all
helmets require to be changed after an accident
Which motorcycle helmet is most comfortable with full safety?

A full-face motorcycle helmet that is lightweight, has a good insulation system, and has
a cozy interior is the most comfortable and safe for usage.

What type of motorcycle helmet is safe for beginners?

A full-face motorcycle helmet that fits their head perfectly without sliding off is the best
choice. This allows full protection while also ensuring a comfortable ride.

Final Words
If you have stuck with us till the end, you are probably acquainted with motorcycle
helmets pretty well by now. As you are now aware of all the benefits of wearing a
motorcycle helmet, we hope you were yours all the time or decide to purchase one if
you haven’t already! Enjoy a safe ride!

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