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Useful expressions to introduce, add, summarise or finish an

essay, a composition or other piece of writing or oral speech

where you have to present an opinion or an intervention.

Some of the expressions presented can be used in different


To introduce:

.As far as I am concerned

.I should start my essay/composition by saying/mentioning that

.According to my point of view

.The way I see it

.If you ask me

.In my honest opinion

.To begin/start with


.ON the one hand

.First of all

.Before anything else

.The bottom line issue is that (the most important/relevant


.I strongly believe/defend that

.I totally agree/disagree with the statement/with you

.If I may say so myself (usually implying that what you’re saying
is the correct thing.

To add/continue/develop:


.I must mention /have to insist/should add

.On the other hand (or simply “on the other”, if it is too close to
the first expression)

.We should/can/must not forget to mention that


.On the contrary

.The same way

.It is compulsory/mandatory to mention

.To defend my position I give as (an) example


.In addition

To finish or conclude:

.To conclude/finish my essay/composition

.I can/should not finish without mentioning/saying that


.In the end

.At the end of the day

.Last but not least

.After all being said

.All things considered

.The bottom line issue is that (the most important/relevant


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