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Eyes Open 4 Unit 3 Test – Audio Script

Narrator: Unit Three Test

Mr Jones: Sophie, come in and sit down. Good to see you.
Sophie: Thanks, Mr Jones.
Mr Jones: Now, as you know, this meeting is to talk about whether you’d had any
thoughts about what career path you might like to follow in the future.
Sophie: Yes, but … Oh dear, do I need to decide that now?
Mr Jones: No, of course not, but it’s useful to start thinking about what job you might like
to do. Let’s start by talking about the things you’re interested in at school, and
what you’re good at.
Sophie: Well, I’m passionate about Art, but I’m certainly not the most talented in the
class. And I’m actually doing well in Maths this term, my teacher says. So I’m
becoming more interested in it. And I’ve always loved History, because I like
visiting museums and things.
Mr Jones: OK, well, these are some good starting points. And what about in your spare
time? What do you do?
Sophie: Well, I’ve just started doing some voluntary work for a charity. There are lots
that help teenagers and elderly people, but they said I was a bit young. But
there’s an animal charity that needed help, so I go there and help do some
cleaning and things.
Mr Jones: Well, that’s very useful experience, Sophie. And would you like to do some
work experience – work in an office for a couple of weeks, say?
Sophie: I’m not sure about that, but I do love making films, so a cinema would be
interesting for me. More than a clothes shop, I think. I don’t spend much time
in those.
Mr Jones: And how about IT? How are your skills on the computer?
Sophie: Oh, I’m pretty good. I play a lot of computer games and I’ve had some ideas
about how to design some. My brother designs websites and my dad’s an IT
teacher – he writes programmes to encourage young people to read, so it’s in
the family!
Mr Jones: Well, you’ve got some very useful ideas there that you could develop, Sophie.
Now, what about after you leave school? You could go on a training course for
IT, but looking at your test scores, you should really apply for a degree course.
That would be better than working and trying to do a part-time course for your
job at the same time.
Sophie: Do you think so? Well, I need to think about that, then. Thanks, Mr Jones!
Mr Jones: You’re welcome, Sophie.

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 3 Test – Audio Script

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