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Gaya Es:

Erosi dan Sedimentasi di Bentang

Lahan Glasial
M. Asyroful Mujib
Pembagian zona glasial
• Zona Akumulasi = zona yang seluruhnya berupa Es
• Zona Ablasi = Zona dimana es mulai mencair, calving
(bergerak bersama air), dan terevaporasi
• Batas antara keduanya disebut Snowline
Pembagian Zona Glasial
Tipe Gletser
Gletser Lembah (Valley Glaciers)
Sungai Es /Gletser yang bergerak melalui lembah
dan tebing gunung. Gletser yang berasal gunung
dan bergerak dalam jumlah yang besar hingga kaki
gunung disebut Piedmont Glacier

Gletser Daratan (Kontinental Glaciers)

Lapisan Es yang tebal dan menutupi sebagian besar
daratan. Ketebalannya >3000 m, menutupi hampir
seluruh daratan kecuali puncak gunung.

Gletser Lautan (Marine Glaciers)

Tipe Gletser

Continental Glaciers di Antartica

Valley Glaciers
Puncak Gunung yang memperlihatkan batuan
induk (disebut Nunataks), dikelilingi oleh Gletser
dan daratan Es. Daerah ini berada di Lintang
tinggi (polar)
Mekanisme Aliran
Pergerakan dan Perpindahan Gletser
Es yang mengapung, termasuk Icebergs, dibentuk
dari pemisahan es dari Gletser
The thermal regimes of glaciers are determined by the
climatic setting: glaciers frozen to bedrock tend to occur in
polar regions, while temperate glaciers occur in mountains in
lower latitudes.
A valley glacier in a temperate mountain region
partially covered by a carapace of detritus.
Extending and compressing flow result from variations in velocity.
Where velocity increases, a glacier is extended (stretched) and
thinned. Where velocity decreases, the glacier is compressed and
thickened. Fast-flowing ice over a steep surface results in extreme
extending flow. Gentle gradients produce compressing flow.
Till deposits result from the accumulation of
debris above, below and in front of a glacier.
Valley Glaciers

Glacial grooves and striations result from the abrasive action of a

glacier and (when used in conjunction with other features) clearly
show the direction in which the ice moved across this landscape in
southern Ontario.
Valley glaciers on Bylot Island
The internal structure of a valley glacier
Below the snow line, the melting of the dirty ice concentrates the debris into a linear band along the side of the glacier
that is called a lateral moraine (see Figure)
Where a tributary glacier joins the main stream, the two adjacent lateral moraines merge to form a medial moraine.
Glacial landforms and glacial deposits in continental
glaciated areas.
A lateral moraine left by the retreat of a valley
Bentanglahan akibat
Proses Valley Glaciers

a. Topography sebelum
terjadi Glasier, hanya
aliran air sungai.
Lembah berbentuk V,
dengan tebing rounded
b. Valley Glaciers di antara
tebing dan bergerak
menuruni lereng
melalui sungai
c. Setelah es mencair,
bentuk tebing tajam,
angular landform.
Continental Glaciers
Bentuklahan Glasial
Glacial till resting on
horizontal limestone in
Iowa is responsible for
much of the rich
farmland in that area.

Varves are annual layers

of sediment accumulated
in glacial lakes. Large
boulders dropped from
melting icebergs
(dropstones) accumulate
Eskers form long, sinuous ridges composed of sand and
gravel deposited by streams that flowed beneath the
Sedimen Glasial Marine

In periglacial areas, freeze–thaw processes in the

surface of the permafrost form polygonal patterns.
Sedimen Glasial Marine

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