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Are medals obligatory for Recognition Day?

As a result of the school failing to provide a medal for the appreciation day, it
became a concern for the students. This is one of the chats during and after recognition
practice hours.

Giving a medal lets students experience the benefit of their hard effort in learning,
as well as for their personal fun.

To begin with, the previous school recognition had a "bring your own medal"
because the school was unable to give, therefore only the pupils developed a way for their
guardians or parents to hang a medal on them. The medal represents an individual's
achievement. They are a physical representation of an individual's effort, hard work, and
successes. A medal to carry and show can be a powerful reminder of one's
accomplishments. The idea of receiving a medal might be a motivating element.

Another, Students will work harder to study since they know that in the end, they will
achieve something, not simply what an average student obtains. Knowing that there is a
tangible reward for one's work might inspire people to strive for greatness and do their best
in a variety of undertakings. The idea of receiving a medal might be a motivating element.
Knowing that there is a tangible reward for one's work might inspire people to strive for
greatness and do their best in a variety of undertakings. Knowing that their efforts could be
recognized with a medal can motivate people to strive in their fields.

Lastly, receiving a medal can give someone a sense of pride and accomplishment.
It recognizes their devotion, abilities, and contributions, instilling a sense of self-worth and
affirmation. It can be retained as a treasured keepsake, providing a reminder of the time
and effort invested into reaching a specific objective. It provides a ceremonial element to
the event, providing a formal and structured approach to recognize and celebrate
individuals for their remarkable contributions or successes. It serves as a cherished
keepsake, maintaining the happy emotions involved with triumph.

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