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“Wisdom begins in wonder.

Let’s start with Once upon a time, a time when I was young I always believe that
“Life is an amazing Wonder” and until now I still believe that it is. At a young age I
always have this enthusiasm within me as most at my age would be, where I kept on
wondering as I continued to be amazed as the hidden beauty and truth of this world
unfolds. It opened my eyes and made me realized that how wonderful the world is, we
just need to explore and look for other angle or point of view for us to see it. Anyways,
according to my favorite philosopher named Socrates “wisdom begins in wonder” and
I’m sure some people might wonder why? Well you see, wisdom is not just the ability to
think but it is to act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and
insight. It is said that wisdom cannot be taught in a four walls of a classroom or any
buildings. Still it is one of the greatest qualities that a human being possesses where it
is composed of attributes such as common sense as I said earlier, compassion, love,
unbiased judgement, virtues, ethics and etc.

As our professor in philosophy during first semester used to say “Wisdom is the
natural curiosity and instinct we are given when we are a child, it fills up our awareness
with the sense of wonder.” As we get older, we start to learn things that give us the
opportunity to gain more experience, but we also start to lose some of the perspective in
life that came with our childhood. We have some fundamental information of what life is
like when we are young and continues to develop, but there will come a time when we
will be more exposed to some realities of life. Realizing that there are decisions and
choices we must make in life that could cause regret or joy.

Take this for an example, when I was in my elementary days I always have this
bunch of questions in my mind regarding how things on this world started and how it
works. Most of the questions that I always asked myself is more on the existence of
things and one of the biggest questions that I ever asked myself when I was young is
that what is the purpose of life? and if life is precious why do someone just takes it
away? I know this may seem unusual to kids same as my age that time to have this kind
of thought but I just can’t help myself, maybe because there are times that I see myself
as an explorer brought by my imagination and by watching movies in television.
Anyways, as we grew older and as the world change I also have this development
where I able to have this changes where I perceive to become better each day as if
Yesterday I was ignorant, today I will be much better so that tomorrow I can be great.

I learned that I must understand the value of pondering in today's environment; I

must ponder how and why things happen as well as whether they might be better. One
can ponder how he came to be the person he/she is now or what factors came together
to make him who he/she is. You'll start to wonder if there's something better for you and
start asking questions. Only a small percentage of people consider themselves and
question what profession best suits them such as making informed selections and
choosing the proper path will be made easier by taking time to reflect on life
(professional paths, interests, and relationships).

“Wondering is the beginning of wisdom” simply implies that our desire to learn
and understand new things causes us to question what we currently understand and
consider to be generally acceptable. We seek the truth and develop wisdom because of
consciousness. We develop an amazing awareness to explore things, not only to
determine which is correct but also to understand why it is so, when we wonder about

“A wise person listens more often than he speaks; wisdom does not imply having
all the answers.” Wonder offers a way to develop wisdom through knowledge and
inquiry. One of the basic truths we need to understand is that the majority of modern
inventions and discoveries are the result of amazement and curiosity. Curiosity is the
first step on the path to these creations and discoveries. They question why something
is the way it is, for example. How is it possible for this to develop? But something like
this can be made if we do this and that. We also have a wealth of knowledge about
poets, thinkers, scientists, inventors, and others, and we can benefit from their
discoveries and expand on their thoughts, yet we are frequently not urged to emulate
them. They are known as Black Sheep because of their inquisitive personalities; some
are school dropouts and social outcasts, which is a fairly straightforward explanation.
They do not adopt rigid views and are not constrained by laws; instead, they rely on
their natural desire to know more to elucidate the purpose of life. These people didn’t
allow other people’s thoughts and opinions to affect them; they are not discouraged by
what people are saying or doing to them. It is even certain that this set of people have
gotten into problems for not living a “normal” person’s life; not following rules,
challenging authorities, pushing boundaries, and creating ideas, inventions, and

To sum it up, “the more I know the more I know that I do not know.” Sounds
familiar? I bet it is. When we wonder, we ask questions and also make investigations
which leads to the further expansion of awareness. As if the more we ask questions, dig
deeper about a matter, the more curios we become. When we wonder, it gives as a
reason to know more since wisdom is the application of knowledge using experiences.

Always remember that wisdom begins in wonder and is not by wonder alone.
When we have our reflections upon our lives and our relationship we are set for the path
of wisdom, but take note that self-realization is not wisdom, but is what sets on the path
to wisdom. So I suggest that we all should wonder more because it opens our
understanding to the real truth, for example there are some truth that we just live with
because our parents or someone we know just lived it that way. Wondering also brings
about new discoveries, it is said that discoveries and inventions are the product of
wisdom and wonder. As I also explained earlier that wisdom in wondering also brings
self-realization where it sets our feet on the right path, to build experience and helps us
to overcome life’s daily challenges.

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