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Assignment 3

Q1. You are tasked with developing a simple distributed application using RMI in Java. The
application consists of a server that provides a remote interface for a basic calculator service,
allowing clients to perform arithmetic operations remotely. The server should support addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.

1. Define a remote interface named Calculator with methods for addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
2. Implement a class named CalculatorImpl that implements the Calculator interface. This class
will provide the actual implementation of the arithmetic operations.
3. Write a server program that creates an instance of CalculatorImpl, binds it to the RMI registry,
and starts listening for client requests.
4. Develop a client program that looks up the remote object from the RMI registry, invokes the
calculator methods remotely, and displays the results.
5. Test your distributed calculator application by running the server and multiple client instances
simultaneously, performing various arithmetic operations.

Your solution should demonstrate the following key concepts:

 Creating and defining a remote interface in Java.

 Implementing the remote interface to provide the actual functionality.
 Binding the remote object to the RMI registry.
 Looking up the remote object from the RMI registry.
 Invoking remote methods and receiving results on the client side.
 Handling exceptions that may occur during remote method invocation.

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