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o CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM ee Doc lip - Ty do - Hanh phiie SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence Happiness a HOP DONG KINH TE x ie ECONOMIC CONTRACT (S6/No. 20210607/HDKT/YDVL-LICOGII8. 3-CFW) "redo! Hang muc: THIET KE VA THI CONG - Phan than Nha kho cét mo ais kkho théng minh) Item: DESIGN AND BUIL. Jutting and Fabfie Warehouse Extension (Smart Warehouse) ~ Cin cir vio Ludt Xay dung s6 50/2014/QHI3 ngiy 18/6/2014 cita Quée hdi kha XIII Pursuant to Construction Laws No. 50/2014/QHI3 dated on 18/6/2014 by 13% National Assembly = Can cir vio Ludt sira déi, bd sung mét s6 diéu cita Ludt xdy dung s6/62/2020/QH14 do Quéc héi nude CHXHCN Vigt Nam ban hinh ngay 17 thing 6 nim 2020; Pursuant to Law on amendments to Construction Law No. 62/203(/QH14 issued on 17th June 2020 by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republie of Viernam; ~ Can cir vio bé luat Thuong mai s6 36/2005/QHI1 ngay 14/6/2005 cita Quéc ho khéa-XI Pursuant to Commercial Laws No. 36/2005/QHI1 dated on 14/6/2005 by 11° Nepal Assembly = Can eat vao bé lugt dan sy s6 91/2015/QHI3 ngay 24/11/2015 ca Quéc héi khéa XIII Pursuant to Civil Laws No, 91/2015/QH13 dated on 24/11/2015 by 13" National Assembly ~ Cin cit vao Nghi dinh sé 37/2015/ND-CP ngay 22/04/2015 va Nghi dinh s6 50/2021/ND-CP stra déi, b6 sung mét sé didu cia Nghi dinh sé 37/2015/ND-CP ngay 22/04/2015 ciia Chinh pha quy dinh chi tiét vé Hop déng xay dung. Pursuant to 37/2015/ND-CP dated 22/04/2015 and Decree No. 50/3021/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decrge No, 37/2015/ND-GP dated April 22, 2015 by the Government on detailed regulations on Conftruction contracts ~~ Can cit vao nang luc thi céng va chat hi 18.3 (LICOGH8.3) Base on construction capacity and quality of Construction and Investment Joint Stock Company No. 18,3 (LICOGH8.3) ng sin phim cha Céng ty c6 phn dau tu va xdy dung sé = Cn cir vao kha nang va nhu cau cua hai bén: Base on the demands and capacities of both parties Hom nay, ngay thang nm 20 _, chung téi gém: Today; 20°, we include: - Bang khéi luong cng viée hoan thanh cé xde nhan cia bén A. = 5% bao hanh (Thanh ton sau khi hét thdi gian bao hanh). ~ Ban thdm duyét phing chay chita chay. - Gidy phép xdy dung. ~ Bin ban nghiém thu, ban vé hoan céng. - Nhat ky céng trudng. ~ Ban nghigm thu cia Cong An Phong chay chita cha = Chimg chi hoan thanh etia Sé Xay Dung. Interim progress payments shall be made monthly based on the monthly progress report certified by Party A, minus 5% of the warranty, 20% of advance payment and the previous payments. Maximum monthly payment up 10 90% of contract value Party B is responsible for providing the as-built document at the time of payment corresponding 10 100% of the completed contract value. The payments shal be settled within 20 working days from the date of receiving full set of payment document which includes = Payment request + VAT invoice. ~ Executed quantity with confirmation from Party A, - 5% of guarantee (payment after expiry of warranty period). = Approval documents of fire fighting work. : = Construction license. = Minutes of acceptance, as built drawing. - Site diary - Final approval from fire fighting Police. ~ Completion certificate from Construction Department. DIEU 7: DIEU KHOAN BAO HANH ARTICLE 7: WARRANTY - _Bén B cé tréch nhigm bao hanh céng trinh trong vong 12 thang tinh tir ngay ban giao nghigm thu va bén A nhén duge chimg chi hoan thanh tir sé xdy dung (néu cd). Céngiée bao hanh sé bao gém tit ¢4 nhimg hong hdc vé xy dung phat sinh xay ra trong suét thoi Party B is responsible for warranty within 12 months from the date of acceptance and Party A received Certificate of Completion from Construction Department (if any). Warrany works shall include all defects about construction arisen during warranty period. DIEU 8: BOI THUONG THIET HAI VA PHAT DO VI PHAM HOP DONG ARTICLE 8: PENALTIES AND COMPENSATION FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT ben cam két thuc hién day ii cée quy dinh va nghia vu cua minh theo Hop déng. Khéng bén nao duge don phuong tir chéi hode tir bé thuc hién mot phai khong c6 sw déng y bing vin ban cia bén kia. hode toan b§ Hop déng ma Two parties agree to fulfill regulations and responsibilities under the Contract. Either Party is not allowed to refuse or terminate a part or the whole Contract without written agreement of the other party ~ Néu cham tién d6 theo Digu 4 cita hgp déng nay.bén B phai chiu mét khoan tién phat bing 0.2% (khéng phdy hai phan tram) gia tri hop ding cho 01 (mét) ngay chém ban giao. Tang sé tién phat khéng qué 8% (14m phan trim) gia trj Hop déng. Trong trudng hop Bén B bin giao hang cham qué 02 tuan so voi tién dé thi Ben A cd quyén cham dit Hop déng va bén B béi thudng cho Bén A li 5% gid ti Hop dong. -. a BIryctiOn period as stipulated in Article-A of this Contract, Party B 0.296 (zero point wo percent) of Contract Price for 01 (one) day of lar exceed 8% (eight percent) of Contract Price. If Party B delays the handover of work more than 2 weeks in comparison with schedule, Party A is entitled to terminate the Contract and in \his case Party B must indemnify Party A for 5% of Contract Price. at % @ DIEU 9: DIEU KHOAN CHUNG ARTICLE 9: GENERAL AGREEMENT - Hai Bén cam két thye hién ding nhimg phai chju tréch nhiém trude php lua Two parties agree to comply with above terms and conditions, if any party unilaterally changes the Contract, that party shall take responsibilities in front of Laws If there is any delay in o shall be fined at rate delay. Maximum fines s) khoan trén, néu m6t Bén don phuong thay 46i thi - Dinh kém Hop dong nay hé so thiét ké ky thudt nhu bén A théa thudin véi bén B, Attachment with this contract is the Technical design document as Party A discussed with Party B. ~ Diéu kign chung hgp déng FIDIC, xuat ban lin 2 nam 2017 - Didu kign hop ddng cho Nha may iét ké - Xdy dung 1a mét phan cia hgp ding nay. Néu c6 gi khéng nhét quan hoae chua ro rang thi sé ap dung FIDIC xuat ban lin 2 nam 2017. The 2" edition 2017 FIDIC GCC - Yellow book - Conditions of Contract for Plan & Design Build to form part of this contract. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity, the 2"! edition 2017 FIDIC shall prevail. - Hai Bén néu c6 vuéng mie thi cing nhau thoa thuan tranh chap nao phat sinh ngot quyét trén tinh than hgp tic. Bat ky joc lién quan dén hop dong nay, bao gdm bat ky cau hdi nao ve su tén tai, higu lye hode cham ditt hop dong, s8 duce dua ra va gidi quyét bang trong tai theo Quy te LCIA, Quy tée nay durgc coi la duge dura vio diéu khoan sau. $6 lugng trong tai ki mot. ‘Tru s6, hoac dia diém hp phiip cia trong tai tai Singapore. Ng6n ngit duge sir dung trong qua trinh t6 tung 1a tiéng Anh. Luat digu chinh eda hgp dong 1a phép ludt noi dung cua Luat Anh. If there are any disputes, two parties cooperate to solve it. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the LCIA Rules, which Rules are deemed 1o be incorporated by reference into this clause.

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