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1 Affective disorders and antidepressants $219

• Adenosine A1 and A2A receptors in serotonin Patient categorisation of the severity of major
transporter deficient mice depression agrees with clinician judgement

R. M6ssner, D. Albert, A.M. Persico, B. Holtmann, D.L. Murphy, R. C.J. Hawley, T.M. Gale, T. Sivakumaran, J. Hayes, E Hassan, A. Munns.
Simantov, J. Deckert, K.P. Lesch. Department of Psychiatry, University Hertfordshire Neuroscience Research Group. Mental Health Unit, QEII
of Wiirzburg, Wiirzburg, Germany Hospital, WelwynGarden City, Hertfordshire;Department of Psychology,
University of Hertfordshire, HaO'ield, Hertfordshire, UK
Background: We have generated mice deficient for the serotonin trans-
porter (5-HTT), which exhibit elevated concentrations of extracellular Much research, and clinical practice, assumes the reliability and validity
serotonin (5-HT). These mice display neurochemical changes suggestive of observer rated depression scales be they ordinal (e.g. Global Impres-
of lipid peroxidation (Persico et al., 1998). We therefore investigated sion Scales) or interval (e.g. Montgomery /~sberg Depression Rating
whether adenosine receptors, which are known to be involved in neuro- Scale, and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression). However, an unchal-
protection, are modulated in these mice. lenged axiom is that patients would agree with the judgements made
Methods: Autoradiography for adenosine AI and A2A receptors was about them by clinicians. We obtained 200 patient ratings on the 7 point
performed in wildtype and 5-HTT knockout mice, and number of binding Clinical Global Impression Scale for Severity (CGIs) and also on a self-
sites (fmol/mg tissue) were determined. rated modification of the CGIs which we called the 'Patient Assessment
Results: Adenosine A1 receptor was upregulated by 21% in the dorsal of Severity Scale' (PASS). The state labels were almost identical between
raphe nucleus of 5-HTT knockout mice (103 versus 85 fmol/mg; p < the PASS and CGIs except that 'borderline ill' and 'markedly ill' were
0.05). No changes in A1 receptors were found in any of the serotonergic modified to render these concepts more understandable to all patients.
projection areas. Adenosine A2A receptor showed a trend towards down- We examined the correlation and categorical agreement between patient
regulation in all areas analyzed (caudate putamen, accumbens nucleus, scores on the two scales.
olfactory tubercle), with a down-regulation by 28% in the core of the Agreement between patients and clinicians was high (Kendall's Tau-b
accumbens nucleus (221 versus 308 fmol/mg; p = 0.06). = 0.74). In 49% of cases the score on the CGIs and PASS were identical
Conclusions: Upregulation of adenosine A1 receptors has been re- and in 40% of instances the scores on the PASS and CGIs differed by
ported to be associated with neuronal survival in ischemia (Jacobson et only one point. Overall, 39% of patients assigned themselves to a higher
al., 1996). The observed adenosine receptor alterations may therefore score on the PASS than the clinician had indicated on the CGIs. The
have neuroprotective effects in 5-HTT deficient mice. converse applied in 12% of cases. It appears that both Major Depressed
patients and their clinicians apply broadly similar semantic labels to
References grades of depression severity. The data provides some reassurance that
there is no large discrepancy between clinicians and patients about the
[1] Jacobson KA et al., Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 17:108 (1996)
labels applied to the severity of illness. We would also posit that a
[2] Persico AM et al., Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 24:1111 (1998)
simple patient global severity rating may be able to capture much useful
information on patient status in situations where it is not possible to use
observer rated, or structured self rated, scales.
• Quality of life for patients with body dysmorphic
K.A. Philipps. Butler Hospital Department of Psychiatry and Human • Oestrus cycle and the regional brain NPY
Behavior, Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, US concentrations in Fllnders sensitive rats, an animal
model of deprassion
Background: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is associated with high
levels of distress and impaired functioning. However, the quality of life P.A. Jim6nez 1, E Ghorbaninasab I *, D.H. Overstreet2, A.A. Math61 .
for patients with BDD has never been assessed. In this study, the health- 1Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
related quality of life of patients with BDD was compared to published 2Dept. of Psychiatry, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC, USA
norms for the general U.S. population and for patients with depression,
diabetes, or a recent myocardial infarction. Background: Accumulated data indicate that neuropeptides, in particu-
Method: Sixty-two consecutive outpatients with DSM-IV BDD were lar neuropeptide-Y (NPY), may be involved in depression and anxiety.
evaluated with the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Although it has been known for many years that there is a gender differ-
Survey (SF-36), a widely used, reliable, and valid self-report measure ence in the incidence of depressive disorders, with females outnumbering
of health status and health-related quality of life. SF-36 scores were males 2 to 1, there is no clear understanding of the biological basis of this
compared to scales, including the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive difference. The present study examined the concentrations of NPY-like
Scale Modified for BDD (to assess BDD severity) and the Hamilton immunoreactivity (LD in several brain regions in three strains of female
Depression Rating Scale. rats: Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) "depressed", Flinders Resistant Line
Results: Physical health status and physical health-related quality of (FRL) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) "healthy" animals. The FSL meets
life scores for patients with BDD were worse than norms of the general most of the characteristics of a valid animal model of depression;
population and better than scores of outpatients with a medical illness e.g. it resembles depressed humans in several ways: reduced activity
or depression (major depression and/or dysthymia). However, on all four and appetite, increased REM sleep and a therapeutic (anti-immobility)
scales assessing mental health status and mental health-related quality of response to antidepressants (Overstreet, 1993; Overstreet et al., 1995).
life (mental health, social functioning, role limitations due to emotional As control, the FRL and outbred SD rats were examined. Our previous
problems, and vitality), scores of BDD patients were markedly lower experiments indicated that regional brain NPY-LI concentrations are
than norms for the general U.S. population. They were also notably lower different between male and female animals and, within the same sex,
than norms for patients with depression, diabetes, or a recent myocardial between different strains ("depressed" vs. controls). Moreover, pilot data
infarction. The more severe the BDD symptoms, the lower were patients' showed that the response to electroconvulsive stimuli (ECS) is sex
quality of life scores on the SF-36 mental health (r = -.63, p = .000) dependent. Consequently, the aim of this study was to explore whether
and social functioning (r = -.55, p = .000) scales, even after controlling the day of the oestrus cycle has an effect on brain NPY.
for severity of depression. Methods: The phase of the cycle was established by daily microscopic
Conclusions: These findings suggest the BDD is associated with examination of vaginal smears. Six to seven animals in each of the
notably poor mental health status and mental health-related quality of four phases: diestrus, proestrus, oestrus or metoestrus were used. The
life. rats were sacrificed with focused high energy microwave irradiation, the

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