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1 Statement made about a population for testing purpose is called?

a) Statistic
b) Hypothesis
c) Level of Significance
d) Test-Statistic

Ans: b
Explanation: Hypothesis is a statement made about a population in general.
It is then tested and correspondingly accepted if True and rejected if False.

2 When the hypothesis space is richer, over fitting is more likely.

True False
Ans: When the "hypothesis space" is richer, over fitting is more likely.
This statement is True. Only when we have a greater space or scope for more
imaginative thinking or hypothesis thinking, we may sometimes think of things
that may be over – fitted.

3. Different learning methods does not include?

a) Memorization
b) Analogy
c) Deduction
d) Introduction

Ans: d
Explanation: Different learning methods include memorization, analogy and

4. What is Machine learning?

a) The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
b) The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
c) The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
d) The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs

Ans: a
Explanation: Machine learning is the autonomous acquisition of knowledge
through the use of computer programs.

5. Which of the following is true?

Single layer associative neural networks do not have the ability to:
(i) perform pattern recognition
(ii) find the parity of a picture
(iii)determine whether two or more shapes in a picture are connected or not
a) (ii) and (iii) are true
b) (ii) is true
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

Ans: a
Explanation: Pattern recognition is what single layer neural networks are best at
they don’t have the ability to find the parity of a picture or to determine
whether two
shapes are connected or not.

6. Which of the following is true about model capacity

(where model capacity means the ability of neural network to
approximate complex functions) ?

A. As number of hidden layers increase, model capacity increases

B. As dropout ratio increases, model capacity increases

C. As learning rate increases, model capacity increases

D. None of these

Ans: A

7. If you increase the number of hidden layers in a Multi Layer Perceptron,

the classification error of test data always decreases.

A. True

B. False

Ans: (B)

This is not always true. Overfitting may cause the error to increase.

8. In a neural network, which of the following techniques is used to deal with


A. Dropout

B. Regularization

C. Batch Normalization

D. All of these

Ans: (D)
All of the techniques can be used to deal with overfitting.

9. What is needed to make probabilistic systems feasible in the world?

a) Reliability
b) Crucial robustness
c) Feasibility
d) None of the mentioned

Ans: b
Explanation: On a model-based knowledge provides the crucial robustness needed
to make probabilistic system feasible in the real world.

10. What is the consequence between a node and its predecessors

while creating bayesian network?
a) Functionally dependent
b) Dependant
c) Conditionally independent
d) Both Conditionally dependant & Dependant

Ans c
Explanation: The semantics to derive a method for constructing bayesian
networks were led to the consequence that a node can be conditionally independent
of its predecessors.

11. How the bayesian network can be used to answer any query?
a) Full distribution
b) Joint distribution
c) Partial distribution
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: If a bayesian network is a representation of the joint distribution,
then it can solve any query, by summing all the relevant joint entries.

12. How the entries in the full joint probability distribution can be calculated?
a) Using variables
b) Using information
c) Both Using variables & information
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Every entry in the full joint probability distribution can be
calculated from the information in the network.

13. Case-based learning is

A class of learning algorithm that tries to find an optimum
classification of a set of examples using the probabilistic theory.

Any mechanism employed by a learning system to constrain
the search space of a hypothesis

An approach to the design of learning algorithms that is inspired by
the fact that when people encounter new situations, they often explain them by
reference to familiar experiences, adapting the explanations to fit the new

None of these

Answer: C

14. In a simple linear regression model (One independent variable),

If we change the input variable by 1 unit. How much output variable will change?

A: By 1

B. No change

C. By intercept

D. By its Slope

Solution: D

Equation for simple linear regression: Y=a+bx. Now if we increase the value of x by
then the value of y would be a+b(x+1) i.e. value of y will get incremented by b.
15. Can we calculate the skewness of variables based on mean and median?

A. True

B. False

Solution: B

The skewness is not directly related to the relationship between the mean and

16. In the mathematical Equation of Linear Regression

Y = β1 + β2X + ϵ, (β1, β2) refers to __________
a) (X-intercept, Slope)
b) (Slope, X-Intercept)
c) (Y-Intercept, Slope)
d) (slope, Y-Intercept)

Answer: c
Explanation: Y-intercept is β1 and X-intercept is – (β1 / β2). Intercepts are
for axis and formed when the coordinates are on the axis.

17. Genetic Algorithm are a part of

A.Evolutionary Computing
B.inspired by Darwin's theory about evolution - "survival of the fittest"
C.are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based on the evolutionary ideas of
natural selection and genetics
D.All of the above

Option: D

18. Heuristic approaches are typically used to solve more complex problems.
True False

Answer : True

19. Genetic algorithms are heuristic methods that do not guarantee an

optimal solution to a problem
True False
Answer: True

20. What is the final stage of an agent-based modeling (ABM) methodology?

A. Identifying the agents and determining their behavior
B.Determining agent-related data
C.Validating agent behavior against reality
D.Determining the suitability of ABM

Answer : 3

Sec B

1. The rejection probability of Null Hypothesis when it is true is called as?

a) Level of Confidence
b) Level of Significance
c) Level of Margin
d) Level of Rejection
Answer: b
Explanation: Level of Significance is defined as the probability of rejection of a
True Null Hypothesis. Below this probability a Null Hypothesis is rejected.

2. Choose the options that are correct regarding machine learning (ML) and
artificial intelligence (AI),
(A) ML is an alternate way of programming intelligent machines.
(B) ML and AI have very different goals.
(C) ML is a set of techniques that turns a dataset into a software.
(D) AI is not a software that can emulate the human mind.

Answer: (A), (C), (D)

3. What are the factors to select the depth of neural network?

1.Type of neural network (eg. MLP, CNN etc)

2.Input data
3.Computation power, i.e. Hardware capabilities and software capabilities
4.Learning Rate
5. The output function to map
A. 1, 2, 4, 5

B. 2, 3, 4, 5

C. 1, 3, 4, 5

D. All of these
Ans: Solution: (D)

4. Consider the scenario. The problem you are trying to solve has a small amount of
Fortunately, you have a pre-trained neural network that was trained on a similar
Which of the following methodologies would you choose to make use of this pre-

A. Re-train the model for the new dataset

B. Assess on every layer how the model performs and only select a few of them

C. Fine tune the last couple of layers only

D. Freeze all the layers except the last, re-train the last layer

Solution: (D)

If the dataset is mostly similar, the best method would be to train only the last
as previous all layers work as feature extractors.

5. How many terms are required for building a bayes model?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: The three required terms are a conditional probability and two
unconditional probability.
6. The most widely used metrics and tools to assess a classification model are:

A.Confusion matrix

B.Cost-sensitive accuracy

C.Area under the ROC curve

D.All of the above

Ans D

7. When performing regression or classification, which of the following

is the correct way to preprocess the data?

A.Normalize the data → PCA → training

B.PCA → normalize PCA output → training

C.Normalize the data → PCA → normalize PCA output → training

D.None of the above

Ans A

8. It is possible to design a Linear regression algorithm using a neural network?


Ans:Solution: (A)

True. A Neural network can be used as a universal approximator, so it can

implement a linear regression algorithm.

9. How does blind search differ from optimization

A.Blind search cannot result in optimal solutions whereas optimization methods do
B.Blind search represents a guided approach while optimization is unguided
C.Blind search usually does not conclude in one step like some optimization
D.Blind search is usually a more efficient problem solving approach than

Answer 3

10. Genetic algorithms belong to the family of methods in the

A.artificial intelligence area.
B.optimization area.
C.complete enumeration family of methods
D.Non-computer based (human) solutions area

Answer: 1


1. The point where the Null Hypothesis gets rejected is called as?
a) Significant Value
b) Rejection Value
c) Acceptance Value
d) Critical Value

Answer: d
Explanation: The point where the Null Hypothesis gets rejected is called as
Critical Value.
It is also called as dividing point for separation of the regions where hypothesis
is accepted
and rejected.

2. Alternative Hypothesis is also called as?

a) Composite hypothesis
b) Research Hypothesis
c) Simple Hypothesis
d) Null Hypothesis

Answer: b
Explanation: Alternative Hypothesis is also called as Research Hypothesis.
If the Null Hypothesis is false then Alternative Hypothesis is accepted.

3. What are the steps for using a gradient descent algorithm?

1.Calculate error between the actual value and the predicted value
2.Reiterate until you find the best weights of network
3.Pass an input through the network and get values from output layer
4.Initialize random weight and bias
5.Go to each neurons which contributes to the error and change its
respective values to reduce the error
A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

B. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

C. 3, 2, 1, 5, 4

D. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2

Solution: (D)

4. Suppose we have a dataset which can be trained with 100% accuracy

with help of a decision tree of depth 6. Now consider the points below and choose
option based on these points.

Note: All other hyper parameters are same and other factors are not affected.

1.Depth 4 will have high bias and low variance

2.Depth 4 will have low bias and low variance
A) Only 1

B) Only 2

C) Both 1 and 2

D) None of the above

Solution: (A)
If you fit decision tree of depth 4 in such data means it will more likely to
underfit the data.
So, in case of underfitting you will have high bias and low variance.

5. Suppose you are given an EM algorithm that finds maximum likelihood estimates
for a
model with latent variables. You are asked to modify the algorithm so that it finds
estimates instead. Which step or steps do you need to modify:

A. Expectation B. Maximization C. No modification necessary D. Both


6. Type 1 error occurs when?

a) We reject H0 if it is True
b) We reject H0 if it is False
c) We accept H0 if it is True
d) We accept H0 if it is False

Ans: Answer: a
Explanation: In Testing of Hypothesis Type 1 error occurs when we reject H0 if it
is True.
On the contrary a Type 2 error occurs when we accept H0 if it is False.

7. Which of the following will be Euclidean Distance between the two

data point A(1,3) and B(2,3)?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 8

Ans: Solution: A

sqrt( (1-2)^2 + (3-3)^2) = sqrt(1^2 + 0^2) = 1

8. Which of the following options can be used to get global minima in k-Means

1.Try to run algorithm for different centroid initialization

2.Adjust number of iterations
3.Find out the optimal number of clusters
A) 2 and 3

B) 1 and 3

C) 1 and 2

D) All of above

Ans: Solution: (D)

All of the option can be tuned to find the global minima.

9. In modeling, an optimal solution is understood to be

1.a solution that can only be determined by an exhaustive enumeration and testing
of alternatives
2.a solution found in the least possible time and using the least possible
3.A solution that is the best based on criteria defined in the design phase
4.a solution that requires an algorithm for determination.

Answer: C

10. All of the following are suitable problems for genetic algorithms EXCEPT
A. dynamic process control
B.pattern recognition with complex patterns
C.simulation of biological models
D.simple optimization with few variables

Answer: 4

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