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Driving a culture

of audit quality
Steve Konenkamp
EY Global Deputy Vice Chair, Assurance

n no other time in my 36-year career explained in more detail in the later chapters
have I seen EY as focused on providing of this publication:
high-quality audits. Our organization
has embraced the EY SAQ program Tone at the top: the internal and external
and is fulfilling our commitments to messages on quality that the EY leadership
the companies we audit, the investing team send, including from our audit partners.
community, regulators and society. This is the most important element of
continuously building our culture of
SAQ was launched in 2015 and is audit quality.
our globally consistent approach to
implementing a high level of audit quality. Strengthen people capabilities: specific
As outlined elsewhere in this document, a initiatives that support our auditors in
number of changes have been made and devoting time to performing quality work.
initiatives launched as part of SAQ. The This covers recruitment, retention, learning
launch of our suite of technology tools has and workload management. It also includes
been fully embraced by our audit teams consideration of the type of skills and
across the world and provides a platform capabilities we need now and into the future.
for significant change in the years ahead.
This leading-edge technology is allowing us Simplification: how we are simplifying and
to better execute and monitor our audits. standardizing our methodology, forms,
templates and checklists to improve the quality,
Our goal is to have a culture where quality consistency and efficiency of our audits.
is always the most important focus area for
our auditors. SAQ is the highest priority for Audit technology and digital: our
our Assurance service line — above any other investment to improve the audit process
program that we have launched — and it is through the use of the latest technology.
driving the ongoing focus on our culture and In addition to our online audit tools, this
how we better execute to deliver the highest involves evaluating emerging technologies
quality audits in the profession. such as drones, artificial intelligence,
robotic process automation and blockchain.
SAQ has been important in improving
our results in both internal and external Enablement and quality support: how we are
inspections. We are on course to do our part helping teams to manage their responsibility
in achieving the target set by IFIAR of a 25% to provide quality. This includes efforts to
reduction in “deficient audits” — audits with support them through coaching, root-cause
at least one significant inspection finding — analysis, the Milestones project management
by 2019. program, the network of Area and Regional
QELs and the Global Audit Quality Committee
Our long-term internal goal is for the (GAQC) and its Area equivalents.
percentage of audits globally that are
“Our goal is to have classified as less than satisfactory to be
in the single digits. We need to improve
Accountability: each of our partners
involved in executing audits is accountable
a culture where further the consistency of our execution
and continue to raise performance. As the
for the provision of high-quality work, and
our Assurance leadership is accountable
quality is always name SAQ suggests, long-term “sustainable”
improvement is our ambition.
as well. We have reviewed our reward and
recognition initiatives and enhanced our
the most important accountability framework.
We are making progress on each of the
focus area for six components of SAQ and overall it is Quality is and will continue to be our priority.
We will build on the progress made so far and
driving enhancements to our culture. Each
our auditors.” component is briefly summarized here and report back in future issues of this publication.

Audit Quality: A Globally Sustainable Approach


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