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Shakespeare WebQuest – Julius Caesar

Purpose: To acquaint ourselves with William Shakespeare, the

Elizabethan era, and Julius Caesar.

Directions: Visit the links that go with each set of questions.

Read carefully to answer the questions fully and correctly. Feel
free to read beyond the questions! Hand write your answers and
turn them in at the end of class!

Part I: Shakespeare & the Globe

Use this link to answer questions 1-7:

1. William Shakespeare was born in what year? 1564

2. What date do we recognize as his birthday? April 26th
3. Where was Shakespeare born? Stratford-upon-Avon, England,
United Kingdom
4. Under Married Life: Whom did Shakespeare marry? He married
Anne Hathaway. How many children did they have? 3
5. Under Married Life: What time period covers the lost
years? Shakespeare lost years Why are they called the lost
years? Because there were seven years of Shakespheare’s
life where no records exist.
6. Under Theatrical Beginnings find the acting company
Shakespeare was associated with in the early days.The
Chamberlain’s Men
7. What day and year did Shakespeare die?April 23,1616 Why is
this interesting?Because April 23rd was his birthday. How
old was he when he died? 51 years old

Use google to answer question 8:

8. What does the word BARD mean? Why is Shakespeare known as

"the Bard”? Bard means a tribal poet-singer gifted in
composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds.He
is known as the Bard because of his stature as ‘great poet’
and the unofficial national poet of England.

Part II: Theater

Use this link to answer the questions below: (Click on
“Actors, Acting & Audience” on the left-hand side of the page.)
1. How many women actors did the company usually feature?
There were no woman at all
2. Was Shakespeare an actor? What term was often used to refer
to actors? Yes, Shakespeare was an actor. The term is often
used to refer to actors as players.
3. How were the seats arranged for the audience? How did one
get a good seat?The seats were close packed and there were
no reserved seats.
4. What would the audience do if they did not like a
performance?The audience would pelt the actors with oranges
or anything hand, and they would hiss or shout.

Part III: The real Caesar and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Use this link to answer the questions below:

1. When and where was Julius Caesar born? July 12 or 13 100 BC

2. What things did Caesar accomplish as the master of Rome? He
used his power to carry out much-needed reform, relieving
debt, enlarging the senate, building the Forum Iulium and
revising the calendar. What happened to Caesar on the Ides
of March 44 BC? A group of strongly republican senators,
led by Cassius and Brutus, assassinated Cesar on the Ides.

Use this link to answer the questions below:

1. What historical source(s) did Shakespeare draw from to
write his play? He used what happened to Julius Cesar and
his assassination, also he found the story of Cesar,
Parallel Lives, by Plutarch.
2. We’ll meet many people in the Tragedy of Julius Caesar, but
who are the main characters? Julius Caesar, Mark Antony,
and Brutus

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