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1 . What kind of video is this ?

A report an extract from a movie a filmed recipe for a TV show

2.What are the two little girls’ names?

Milly and Daisy Lili and Jenny Daisy and Poppy


What recipe is Jamie Oliver doing in this video ?


3. What are the ingredients ?

A teacup of…………………………..
A teacup of …………………………..
A little pinch of………………………
Some grated …………………….or……………………or…………………………

4. Describe the recipe step by step:

-Pour the flour in the bowl ! …………

- Pour some flour in a teacup ! …………
- Add an egg ! …………
-Measure the milk with the teacup ! …………
-Whisk everything and do little movements first ! …………
- Pour the milk into the bowl ! …………
-Put a little pinch of salt in the bowl ! …………
-Heat some butter in the pan ! …………
-Make big movements when it gets mixed up ! …………
-Grate some fruit in it and then mix again ! …………
-Make little piles in the pan and cook the pancakes ! …………

5. Find the English for:

Fouet / fouetter : …………………….

Verser : …………………….
Chauffer / Faire fondre : …………………….
Poêle : …………………….
Tas : …………………….

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