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Our commitment to accessibility

At Scribd, we're committed to our subscribers. Whether you’re using assistive

technologies like a screen reader, a magnifier, voice recognition software, or
switch technology, or if you find that you have other accessibility needs, we
believe all of our subscribers should be able to access and use our service via our
website and mobile website. Because we embrace the values of diversity and
inclusion in all that we do, our mission is to make Scribd the choice for reading
leisure, for all individuals.
How do we accomplish our goals?

We set high standards for web accessibility and are striving to ensure we are in
compliance with all laws and guidelines. Our team of professionals is dedicated to
making our website and mobile website experiences the best they can be, and we
collaborate with advocacy groups, industry partners, and vendors to identify areas
that need improvement.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA are recognized and
acknowledged as the international standard measure of success. We are working to
meet those standards, and will regularly test our site to ensure compliance. We are
incorporating accessibility and inclusive design as an integral part of all our
digital work: during project planning, implementation, and site improvements based
on subscriber feedback.

We are working with advocacy groups, accessibility and usability specialists to

make sure our sites function properly.

We're always learning. Our teams learn from everything we do, and we always
look for improvements in performance, speed, and accessibility.

Steps we are taking to improve accessibility

Here are some of the items we are addressing to make sure our website and mobile
website are as easy to use as possible for all Subscribers:

Site Structure: We are working to use appropriate headings, lists, paragraphs

and other formatting features on so that subscribers can understand the
content and navigate more easily with assistive technology.

Text Equivalents: People who either can't see images or hear audio may need
some form of a text equivalent to interact with our sites. We are working to ensure
our images and multimedia are fully accessible through alternative text, captions
and transcripts.

Full Keyboard Access: We are working to ensure that everything we build can be
accessed using a keyboard.

Site Consistency: We're working towards consistency in the way we build our
website and mobile website. Once you understand how our navigation and service
functions, our goal is to ensure that you will be able to interact with our website
and mobile website with consistent functionality.

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