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THE EUROPEAN NOBILITIES in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries VOLUME ONE WESTERN EUROPE Edited by H.M.SCOT" en ale rer Contents nl an Cg hag ld be ee Chad Sates fA ty fame Pit ee i iar one pa of i pti me “ony om ory ay mean, deems, methane peta tend copying th Ont Kingdon be “ye Capris Uninet 0 Toast Ce al nae 1 HE, Pf Chen of Teil Tres pid 1995 eee 1 tendacion: The Constaon of Noble Power in Fare, sa ose rx CD (Cen 800 HEM. Sut ad Chinen Se i Liteay Cageing in Peiation Dats 2 The Bish Nobility, 164-1800 fe Camm oe ed fo he ek 4. The Dutch Noiity i the Scwentcnth and Fighcemh ‘al fn te Bt Cy enn Pie acy of Congr Cain Fain Dat The Prec Nobili, 1610-1715 Rage Ar “eH ite sh mn ed ihe e/a HA Beas Beta pa nc iri ec ln (6 The Noein Spin, 1600-1800 A A, Taper Ss osama x eat SEM 1 =p 1."The Kain Nobis in the Seventh ane ghee "rH " Cece Cade Dont alten tn Guid w Ft Reng nner ea i on Cotte or Inde Prod by Langman Sate Pa 1 a 209 2s Preface “The ein of ti calleston hs heen amare extended proces than est Anocpael My peopel doe wal he contr Cth for thee SSurpenene sel frbarinee dng this ay sd fo hie wlingses ter mcy to pda he nv cape but to under erons Setar ala Pending etry vee eal eye Te eco hb prtay by ee Seats Rober Ores abel de Nutra mace my een Europe's oa and haves ‘emily pred both encouragement a prate? advice, besides iovig ne to dew on ce prolound haowlsge of the sbfecs wie “Gai Stre has ben an enbeste calabrsor on oe hp teranls fre sue of ew nd ifs. Helen ie taal the caper on he alas pentas wih peed and eficney, and Caio Dont urdoek tec mio of he Engi ere ttn pl them th Pato te teat wee tped sd seve by Nancy Bae wad Licy Borst: witou shore si the colecson could not have been onple, My pret partes eb vo he suf at Longmans er cyto Ant Macau, Jun Poy a ay Sw orev, Excougumet and encance they have sereouay proved toa! {he eho proer-Anyoe eho fee Rec konunnte cough to pub ‘ok wth Longmen Wil ely andentnd the een of my Siigeion iis epee HM. scorr ‘Se Andeews| Glossary of Technical ‘Tetms lio OF lanl, eneaoing fal ommerhip ea wo say, ao subject vo a Toul sper sacha the king Daring he seventeen and egitenth enrich greater par of the landed property eld by the nobility In simon every European countey was or became alla, “Ars srann (Greet; Daring the ey mode pena many counter rice in wesc aod soubern Exrope posse or seq ws Sich prescribed les for, somtimes, suspension) of pieged seas for Aosidenn who engage denn commer sees and especialy Inthe ral tre Such conduct # war beleved, dered fom noble to: te naiity wa, in theory, expected Fe sley on dhe income Tit anded exter In practice, however, such avs wee ox alvin Hlemene and bythe eich century they i ile to prevent ny —tlemen engaging in wide vay of commercial aces phen Toe practice of choosing mating panes eachnivey from ones Moon voce proup.Serktly speaking endogamy means macrage win | the knoe family group, butt har come to Be aed moe lose, for fecampl, to cover mariage between member of the sme social group Uah 4 the nob. Daring te ety modern pesod ic was very wiley Praised among the European nobiles “nail posanent and unbreakable legal wast concing landed propeety Pit, semetimes, moveable forms of weath This ako regulated succes. Aion tothe ese, which wns rormally by male prmegeitte and w fo referred to under the name mara? (French), mapeaed Gaia) ad mere? (Spanish: (The bir was not petted to Alpoxe of aay ofthe ened propery, though he (or she) enjoyed the ~Tachme ding his (or he) fee Ents became increasing common Aig the exiy modern period, especially among the acstocracy and Higher nobility vod were fequenlylaconported sno wills oF marrige Hetlenen Though Were wee technica ferences arose these forms iL s practice these were unimportant and allem be rterted to imp a cna’ eins The practice of marying only outside one's own soca group. foo (aie: See ema Fidbowmis (Cenman)s See ental moore The Form of ental (7) previ in Spc, where i was widely upted among the higher and laser nobly. had evolve Bang the {ine Midile Ager and was codified in the Laws of Toro in 1505. Ia thoy it could not be beoken without specific permission from the Cow, sn wie the pareslariy igl form of emt In the second Tal of the wighteenth Century war subjected to tnresed elem tn some efforts were made to reste ts operation and Farther spre ies Bally abe in 1836. er cbetan "Toe practice of ving «father ded and moveable Property among all'of his heir. His sone would normally secure the Fegest share ofthe inheragce:Dusig the Seventeenth an eighteenth ‘enmincs thos inetesingly expensed among the higher aotty 2d famacracy bythe practice of mule pringensre(g) ata idertane The practice of dlviting an inheritence among the fathers male ene ringer: Succesion of and inheritance by, the fes-born cil who ‘lone tecured the tile and even the landed propery; male primate Uinherane by the eves som) became ineresrngly widespread amon the higher nobility im revencent and eigneenthcontry Europe sie siamo 8 foes of property ena (9) in England, where iti ‘reser the Resoation of 1669 wat one factor in the Hse the great landed exsin Introduction: ‘The Consolidation of Noble Power in Europe, ¢1600-1800 HM. Scott and Christopher Stocs ‘nw a St Ands and Dende A wring fxture of recent hitrical wring ha been the widespread feyial of inert in Earope’ nabiies. Since te mid-19s, scholars ave fedhenversd nobility a¢ 1 hiorieal phenomenon. This is ue for ll pe los und Yor mot counties Medieval hstorars, most aotably Georges Daly, ave done mach vo clanfy the development and charctestes of the Clie which emerged kn Europe during the centuries ater <1000, while Tier modern sca, above all Aamo Mayer snd David Cannan, have Aiploed the endaing importance of the aristocracy inte nineteenth and fst twentieth cnmares A seam of monographs, general stabs and feted wolersons have appeared whe an sereasig numberof came onterence thore barnes of schollyfthion — hare heen devoted ivthe tite! Tae comes after 4 generation daring wheh other social oops in particule the petsantry and the mide elas, seated the Bon’ ure of tention, There were sought to be moe worty oF study han I tliy scum co be in log-term decline. Thi rediazovery hat eon PDs ya hg conan non ee sen of orien Mite feng a OU gr tn nh Nee eh, Ia ace il ra rey es En an Wiss cater 8 Youn, Yn Ros, os Pca B36 Ace rine a tn en Nc Steen orn Senge pin ne te tr edo in Ane rn Se alison Xn ne Dos Rg te oT A oe int ch oo ago a accompanied by 2 widespced recognition of the él crac importance inall seas of human activity socal eons, pla and relioes He central and leat goveramenr, cura patronage, even econo eats Deke, Though this tenassance as been apparent from the Ancient Weld fo the teenth entry, it has heen eapecilly event inthe stay of The faily modern pera. I is unccsary to be am apologist for the aan ‘aie fle fo be eager fo ern 0 eeogaie the crucial and wide ‘anging importance of Esropes obits dating the screnicra and hecenh contre. “Tis shit dot owes soci to the carousel of stoic fh lon: many topics experince perinde of neglect followed by bout of popularity and intrave study But the eacrent revival has far mone fun Samental causes. A major stimulus has been the re-evaluation af “abla wth the ecogeiin tha adinal nsstons td the ies ‘who dominated them continued to ply an import rc fn government “hrooghout the cay modein period. Ta enany ways, however the question isnot wy the nobly amce again in Tan, but why we so ser Aeglected) and for so Tong. Here the nobly apparent eclive ding the vente cenary and even, to some extent, dung the nintcenth a wel fas cacti! en tnporeatintuenee on SIDSSINER HONOR. Fst rians tend to stady success though this peeference eam often be Subconscious By tht Janis the fea neler of the mobi may be comprehensible Yor tr meneen sory, but it anc Deas so for cer centurien Ie is dificult to escape the conclison that te Europe ‘obiy at suffered fom an exabithed tendency to write the wel of the continent’ history in tems of economic progress andthe accom ying and isin advance of the idle lv to soci cconom tad pole! power: The nobly has al t0 often seemed an seacheonsm in fn industal and democrat society» tenner of wend tat has ben tom and this has cooenbured to te ogee by modern scholar "The wpic poss certain ater problems. Al historian depen, to 2 very fret eaten, the acidetal sural af sources sn especialy weiter fecords Here the station regarding Europe’ dite m contadtory. On the one band, more records are Hly tobe arable thaw for ssboeinate Soria groups above al the peasantry. At te tame tine, however, te ‘obi prevcts source problems al of te we. The Popes of tany mies simpy donot suv, or where they do cher rma acces rave not ren adequately caaogue, ae in fragmentary frm Ths Isusully due vo chance, but sometimes tothe depts a even deliberate destrocton of records: Tr especialy the eae in France, where the Rev ‘luton of 1789, withthe dette of signcuhl archives andthe noble ‘migration that fllwed, eased parila problems. The Peinsalar Wat ithe Inter cied war in Spun bods deatoyed und dapersed valuable vce material foe the study of the Spanish ete. Similar difcales were ‘reat by the polideal uphewals in Ros dung and ter 1917, These blems over sources ave Been exacerbated by ltr pla develope iments, which have often contsibuted to the subject neplect, One ‘speci obvious example is the was that the nity cout not be sted Aicely in the USSR for more than seventy years afte: the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 az eoughout Communist caters Europe for faut shcades aftr 1945, uni the siategation of the Sore nein 1989, This has been an especial bute tor knowledge of the bast Euro fam nobiti, #o which the second volume of tes coleedon i ge Hlvoted Here Western scholars, who have not heen suber to the ste Pola and idcologeal presses, have been in the fsefront of te In another sense, however, there ao the vey opposte problem: 0 any stacies of the nobiey, bu of the wrong type! radiomally, there Ina been evo principal way of wetng abou the European aalty. Fat ly histories have been the most common, ‘The nineteenth al eat feneth centuries were the heyday works of fay pede, with the Publication of significant numbers of books inspired and irequety Aewally wien by 2 deseendaneUnderstanday toch works celebrated the achievements of the house in general and glonfiedindvidal a 5 They were often principally and even entirely genealogeal Mate. Though they have roe bed with euton, they cone much ahbieinoemation and thos cenindy not be meget sel they have Aontinved to be produce, though in snalcr uber, un the present hy The late nineteen and rwentith centre aso sw some sigeant Polical and insttutional studies of the nobility” Por the aly modern io thewe tered to focus On relatons between the emerging mesee inte aod ee tadional soci dlc, who often appeared the gue of Inevinbleveuins of an irenistibie hatrical process These bok steed fiom perspecives that were Hinkered and incomplete, eather tan enely Miva ood hey too cnt tm 4 devckpne winrar ot he tobi ‘The modem scholarly study of the European nobility, however, goes Ick more than sist or sevemy years, and ie has flowed specially ing the past wo decade. The inter-war period aw the elle oom FRESE tome pment Sd of historical weitng that of poli naratve, slowly ive way to the ‘method of structural sms, nd an tecompensing broadening OF the fngeof topics studied by Mstorans. This feed a ieressing interest Inthe subjet of nobility. Sit Lewis Namiee elebated snveregstion oF ‘he political infeneeof the led classes in mid-necath century En- land was the bese known of a series of anaes of the composition and fle of dltes which appeared in Englch ding the 1920 and 1930x In France the inporanee of the topic of moby and the way in which t could best be investigated were set out by Mare Bloc, he pret historian find co-founder of the fatal, ina seminal aricle pubbihed ia 1986" ‘Among conttental scholars ome central text was Onto Brun Land wd Harboe fit edison of which was published in 1939." Brunner’ “elbried book was inthe foefrne of # wilepread reaction again ‘ional egal sad constitutional story, which foeaed almort ently on the ale of the monarch and of the Stat. Instead he empbatced che impornee of loship ints widest sense and rediectedatenton away from instutions and the cere tothe nobility and the locales and wd “Hora dik mach 19 exablsh the approach of the following generation (oF condneotl scholars and ie inlsence has remained considerable unt The study of the European nobly has been firmly evaisbed bythe ‘explosion of research and publiation darig recent decade, The subject fas been and continues to be approached in pluraliy of ways purl due ‘o differences in national hstorteal eadtons and to the elativeaealabity ff sources. Bet cern bond peoblems and perspectives ean be ented ‘One fandamseaal probe that in most Cantncntl count, the see fof the early modem te makes dealed and reasonably comprehensive Srodis of entieaatona noite very silficl and pecably tapes, ‘acept within narrow geogephical or socal boundaries. Even i+ felble nd extensive documentary nse could be found, such sabes are only Feasibeforvetaively smal tes, such a the Venetian mobile o the Beit Ssh peerage "The past generation has seen certain broad iypes of dete stay tablish dhemtcines, hough the distinctions berwea these ae often blasted tnd the amount of overap ean be considerable. The fit bl on the lraltional concern with the Foreanes of an indidal fam to prodoce Schell studies of the tajectory oF one noble Howse, offen over an ex tended perid of time, Outstanding fecent examples of this erm are 1. ren fiat en Cn on, 9 pee ‘2b; intl aoe pe dae Race, on 8 Soa ‘Siete ay An wi Mt i gm, pe nis a nosy Arinza Herindee’ sty of the charging forties of the Cat Jan House of Osuna acros four cenures; Grete Klngentcn's examination 19 te sea te Habsburg Court of the Moran bl dy of Kuna, Wee Hurtubise' survey of the Sait and hectic a ll the Popa and Tormayo Astra’ monograph on the Carel dt Brien st Naples These and sent works are broadly socio-economic 1h thes, paying considerable and occasionally overrhsiming ation 1 the hnnded power base, but ao finding spe foe seme tramination Wf lealing merbers of the family The particular mest this approneh Hear it recognizes that the eral uni of the cay modeen d= and Hh for Ws historian wo ~ i the noble fami, or Hen, which pal he sions of ividals and provided the Feracooce within which tee ok Enkei approach, shoagh fr lest numerons, have been biographical ‘f one espe prominent nobles, A notte aarple Rehan unoramic toganty, il in progres, of the dc te Chae, who to be France ening mister fom 1756 td 177 Such sade ad in thames, ae tended to be more concerned wih th ial than wih his le within tbe obi. They depend on the survival of ie dctrenaion wef thir mon hae mely bows af meee of tre cn o the higher nails: Oana, howe, he eons oF oures has embeds member ofthe les ly to xsnond ‘lil The cassie example hee i Ono Brannersremerae sty of the fl eon of a member of the Ritsted feng oc ker obi) of ‘Ausra, Wolf Helmhaed vo Hohberg (1612-86," In this ase 2 authorship of the areas Gi Carr enable Brine © the sola eral me of x ney inthe whe of eda Hono of Henbaed You Hohbery were, rte exceptional ad fs fn only be reconscted so minty becave ofthe wigae tare of | sla sorees ies of purtcua famies are now less common than monographs to regional sobites or to prominent groupe wihia a parcaat In cach ease, the sizeof the nobly selected for nwestigation ach five adequate sources and an extended pero of researc tie, iby comprehensive investigation can be undertakes, French hiso, hve been in the forettont of this approach, This r both because the prevailing fashion forthe egonal aograph during the generation the Second World War, under the influence of the nase schol Istria beans she lage sale French dnt dno recent led, provided the space and tine ene. The fine steh sly, I Aa er ee bm ie 8A De fi be tap a a trae ie icp, Oh Ma cana ane aa sate ris cen ag tig ontario Ye Woh 5 sid the model foe those tha lowed, was Jean Meyers remarkable thes ppublaed in 1966 and devoted to the nobicy of cightccnth-entury Breugne Othe examples of shit pate Jean Nicola study of the Sevoyand dite, Jenn Mare Constants work on Beate and most ree, CGalise Hudcmann Sioa’ thesis on cighteenth-centary Luxembourg {hen pat of the Austin Netherlands)" These and simile works devore pastas attention tothe ntemal competion and demsgrapve evolution Ef the de ad to ty tcl position and cconoate sts, This approach thas noe been emily the preserve of French histdans Heinz REP im prcsine and Jrgesale study af the Cathoie nobility of Wess 0 the end ofthe ealy modem period and Es Hatsenpag Kholrs stat tealvoncotated alysis of the mid eghtcnth contary Bohemian nobility ‘Alopr a very simile approach" Oa 4 more modest canvas, Dutch and ‘American schalars have so produced socto-scomnmnic tudes Of renal orton des” {broadly wi method has boca that of focusing upon an expels Important group within the moby Once agai, the manageable size of the group studed and the avalaey of sour materal are ipoeant ‘onsiletions. An oustanding example of ths approneh is Jeon Pere France, the sep Two Armerean scolar of ears modern Raia have sloped sis penpective: Robert O. Ceummey ia his excellent mono" graph on the scventccnth-centuty bye aristocracy aad Brenda Mechan-Waters in her examination of the aie, the members of the firs four divisions in Peter the Greats Table of Ranks” “The final approach, which has become expecially prominent dosing the past two dec, has been 9 otay the cites distinctive ethos and ‘iplor changes tthe cept of “nab ring the early modern pe od. This makes soassersble we of contemporary beray evidence, ad ‘om the ably through 4 sociocultural lens Te als employs cain nthropologilcxtepoies, above all the concen with ideniyng value ystems, Tae foremost exponent isthe Freneh scholar Aft Jouann, {nhs perspective has sao boon adopted by Kalan and Nowy Americas Se een meer ace cee eee ts ng nC Jes Awe Saf et a ae ‘een eypente treme =P ei he "ite apos ant it 72 ie en odd te Coc xt ine pas py Rs reo i eM, 48 Fr pa Se wlan! Thetedisiont ae no more than cad eats and cerany re ot mowullyexcusive Inded, the best eeaceh is asa infoaned Tip pray of appronches 3 for example, it Mana Armonia Visca’. Wuthable ees ofthe eadional ob of the Kengdom of Naples” Te avancer nour knowledge aod wndeetanding of the early modem ali slung thi pare encracon have been vey sting Yet suring) 1 ths scholihip It aeceable wo 49 English spesking reader, le the undoubted excaence of the det studies cannot hide the fue of gunerl pictte of Europes ite at = escape sn its nn. Tete appease oo eesonably eomprésense and op t-date othe early deen analy Sa any Eopean ngage Tw oer theres were published in French inthe 1970s, but both were very ‘have now beginning to show ther age” The onl com ive treatment of the eightcemh centery ie preiced hy 4 vintage lon of coy, but tis seven cer and ineviabiy or vroaty tin the information t consi ted the approach t rbd” _ pect collection aims tl his gap and to present an pa date Europe's nobles doring the seventeenth an eighteenth een hy imesating the nreauingl lena spect search nt ba haw citashod cenain toad appronches to the dy of the rand ther ae flowed inthe individual essays. i imitaons can be indicted atthe outact. One has alteady been tou passing. Titi that sources forthe midde and expecially at the asta are alwys key toe more plentfl ar ot of theve groups as more detec sod seat thn of the mach fnerous~ though usally ls porn ~ lower cabs, which to acy in any depth The nauoeal esas ne froughout more Jon the astoracy andthe higher nobility, for whom the surviving te aivays more abundant A econd limitation aries from the ite of development inthe sty of patteular national obltes, fr counes, tbe scholar eady of whe ete st i ts inane. iy oe’ 8 a Pe NY il a bt Presa’ etn a a ate Daeg tm ib) im Hea Fe Ms NA tp ae ie e179) er a ot nee seine GewrerensSinctioniectpapsuwacyes hace (MACS HEEOROPEAN NQBILITIES 1600-1800; WESTERN EUROPI ‘Thien especialy tre in Pregl and exp why this collection contains ‘ho sudy of the Portaguewe nobly. Fal, considerations of space mean that certain topics ean only be dealt with in outine or hve bee neglected together "The peinclal lana ~ both the ress of an editorial deson arin the national survey that follow are the nobler rOle i sod Links sith the vasous European Churches, and its cura ative, especially Is tole as arestc pao ‘One etablshed tre of recent weting about the ety modern nobly tas bec the manifold peslems which faced. Some historias have spo. Ken of seveneeath cent ciss of de elite, while others have seem a long tern secline im te face of the Leviathan State ane the sap mile ‘lat which wat a preparation for its subsequent cele. ‘The nobiitys problems doring the seventeenth and eighteendh ceneres have been ewe a the coneequence of three secocking developments. The fie thee economi, whsthort-et and sometime cate penod of difcles for the nances of many fami during the seventeenth centry and, in the longer perspective, asin the balance of wel, which moved sway fiom an increasingly indebted lite and towards the sing male dist j ‘The nobility har heen ten a sing its traditional sutost: politcal, to to other groups inthe community. Final tbe nobility has been viewed ft having undergone a ever efi of Ment ar the moral bass. of m0 buityiesif was undermined. The ite sufered 4 collective loss of self-confidence and parpose, avis presi waned ad ts pial, co- 0| Sse erect Ps ‘Sn fue to equip a0 wih the education that wae esental A wat {0 foun poor tm 2 changing world ‘The eaayrin ths collecuon provide vey ited support for such a pestimiste prognosis Individual famiies sod even whole sections of the Fobiny deadly experienced eel economic dificlies, paraealary Sonn the seventeenth entry, butte cite a 4 whole surmounted thete prob lems and prospered during the decades of renewed economic expansion teh flowed oe belo, section IV). "The mieary and adminrave Changs at this tine Gi ot destroy the nobis pola zle: on the “conrary, important cespect i comoidted and even extended this (ce below, section ¥), The Holga! challenge would ultimately prove to be the most serous Yet antl the Enlightenment began to queton the whole bas of prvdege and the inequlies which sutained i the notion oF roby Heel rarely came under direc stack” except, of course, during the Englah Revohiion of the m-seventeenth century. The House of Lond had been abolished ia 1649 and was restored atthe Restoration of {id (his volume, Chapeer2)-"This was gute exception, a least unl the French Reveution, Thowgh in the longer perspective the doctrine of ‘taal ight and the poll changer which tis npired would eventally Sinden the obit, they had ade next to no progress before 1800. OO op a a ee ce i i la ' fortunes duting these wo centuries ate 20 cn an oman hate pol oil cent centr they were everywore not ony rly en ei bot perhaps even in a more powerful poison. The meaas by ble power wae consoated and perpetted provide the dom ores nthe eas that follow: " Jeon of nobility had its origin i the elebrated hough Welz fhiewhc viene division of medieval socey rt thee orders = he os pied poston aan ob en the fiching Clee Ufmnr or elon). Waeress the Fist Et ty pred and the Tind Katte worked provide forthe thet in mre ssemol tas) the Second Entave prod pote ly tuck In some lnguages the very words be "obit oF Hof derived feo his eltary function for example, cro (le Vevin wench) arent Swedish “The European oobiity ‘ompinaly of the men on horeeback, the monte knights fone te backbone of modieal semis Tn et for this al. ce the nobles had been rewatded by lads and by ean politi I prviges and slow valved ino a separate progp within Mr le onicr had come int enstence in France by the end of th enury and theaout inch of Barope bythe end of the fu font. ts orion were primacy, though no exasively, mult ecompasied by # dtnctre Beste tons rctsinod alive inthe eatly modern period. A good def fot what it meant to live nobly” war prowtded by dhe Dutch f Wouter vam Gouthneven, in 1620 "Noble, he decaed, had row tome from Inds, Hbes and mann, nd [fio fom ee ean paral shopping, but pacing aad ering in ech eur ot in tome onc te, nd wing the ourty and oer ih) protection with thir weapons agama the wlnee, or Hack of i hat they have common from high auto, tars was acquired primarily by bith. Though this status was i however, twas not suficentK had to be defended and upheld ey on Nn i Had 9 ° ty the maitenance of enya ws svi noe The aaily ‘fare dntgeated by eg toe only cl grou cued te te uch ap cout oF ox ince. Tee impor a tes ds baton would eenc dung the events Sd eee entry ‘svi be sec. et the ms ins colecton mae Sew ha, event 1800, ais minoiy and omens a very call minory of the Second Etat pose tes Inevey conn cnt ost mes a the nay ere nly and gust oy in poetry the right wo employ the open parple ir Feneh, on anda in German. Tsetse degaton wee the mast of Spe say notes importa badge of ble tats was the omerhip or oes won of lade este Ys though nd and by fen we had Ein und new ox sping saben wee ava een eco Such prop iy the connection wt ft frm eke The moby was ala fo impocat and sommes dewinantandownes, but the Ling andthe CGhurch were al iy to contol subsea sates More torn tmay member of the Kater nya acrors Europe ted fo nde freer, though tht in inl mw'not tare tthe maimemane of conomic power thats conisted wet, however, conser and thet onesion everywhere the tim of te slay 4 we "he problens of terminology bare teed extnded and somesines heed State hough there hive so fr bern cones. price wheter the mais ean be scusicy dese teas ems be prove, especialy in view ofthe rempoone at now sround a ey {Bout the teonomieJetrninun of tc aes te seventeenth ae Sigueceth comes the bly” wis sins prop wie soc) ce Singstar by he nc and lol pegs which it eyed ae tyr psion a x yporan and oe dane andownet. Te suc 22 one on Esta” sen ech more fan an” deer ths die The ey mode sbi, moreover, as hushed omy {he vaso eer that have ested ifsrey pede of eras sey | an in difeeeecunscs aad conten by he erry nae Prion and power Noble tur and wea were ane most he (| Seman by ner nd it not depend po eter! pot sd Some crcamaence, Thee might change, bor lent ub th vey tod ofthe heen entry such srstons cate de faenc op the pose ef he Eoopeannoliy a an ete = j_ Noblity vss ths asaya herd ad oe tat ) [eaten inporane peer that we pots. nd-Soc @ (Sas re panier ater to oF eae ope. They wre anopaly decd rough the nity me hb eter empremnenes hy Me Rak Nabe br (Uybans. ‘THE CONSOLIDATION OF NOBLE POWER IN EUROPE, 7 haa {W1" Sev hat datngubbad them fom the set of society. Bat win tbe 0 ‘iy. the mace_powerl and weehy nda pone edna. Juilasss Fhe were oft honorific i eatre, sack a the monopoly of fren es or foxns of cthing, oe th right be adleaed in pa thar way and hey marked oats Nerarhy wth the ay fl. These gered scaly in nedence ad mprtance rom tne oan Ai t'Sotte and between exon of the ane county, he atonal ule ce Te pnp xp war Rami, ee ty fn seared the sight and peeleges tet thr eoerpars in oer coun Meta ang njyed In 1785 thro Caehenne II erated Cater In wiane ie Caper 8 ptt saicze nig aaa er Retin pieces radon sake Wher mproanite ein PA“? Bens suviet snd conch ty cx cargo pod thy wet 3 mossy omni by nian wc bended in foam YP cbse spy oes epraentie In nt ropes contin Sra fic wre noted rhea ce ea ox pron, nie Ta eed tral pean ve any oes fe rest Len foros eal sve Repe conde Co bi anode si c's pop ot prosorvned wy eae beyond, Notlowes wong sa the a Milos thing sot? snc of shod wile mca ge econ Ll of gelesen ulin mtr He tt matic at soe from country to country. In genera terms, however, tly we nx rest He eagles ne cmon Pope rope wits sey Asontan Sacaedo sce cod hn ocd! sean Hc woul ett ina sepre coe pcm of is gr spon sic, waa espe 9 tet Sg of pnts coved of mano anh a anes tc cam drape aly by ro ur th oe ih sh foe ace oto commea cna Acedia ect non en on for ony sod nen aly, the nobaty isc” pled an porta’ and conning dine nienistraion of jase. in rome counts: nobles served in I i andr hana es ch ove sean ae hr ty poviing justice atthe provncal and local level Noblemen con- Bi becupetice und ronesince ctl to einai tach of the ins their "own oclicy to 4 surprisingly Inte date” The prowih of idminsicred josie, and the caineaom of iw wich accompanied en tn rare ae pa AER oe i, Ae, Detterman thi, were important developments ducing the cacy moder petiod. But thovgh thse wend mid the scope of paiva juste they cera did or tadeate i Unt 1800 and yond, noblemen conic to hold thei ‘own courts now inerestingly safc by thet own Ine ano acne Inter juice ae they hod log done. Tis was one demon of a wider lordship wich they exercied one this cans ad ncghbours ad which ‘nferedconsiersie socal prestige a wel tring portant come {nthe form of te profs of jute. 1 ind group of prvdeges were exsemaly fac The most impore, and abo tmp ws te mal tapped erempa fem ‘ret sation. Thi han en a fee source of misunderstanding and txaggcrton, lgly Beene of the accom of the French moby i de- feng its excrmpcon fom the dae pose he princi sitet in lange areas of France) andthe aged role of thi pros bringing aout the Revolution of 1789 fac, te Seal postion of te Kurepean Soblies was much more complex snd genery lee favourable he Sie Tealso vate sigan berween Counties, and even within id vidal watesa8 the national ewan make cer. Nuch depended THe ‘ature of the Bra mytem, andthe dite clearly di not enya generalized Sion of laa and taxes levied onthe person, A ncbleman was much more Heels pay the former. Exemption fom det tsation wae iportant tnd, whete i eid asian peep, but twas fa om anivera ‘The Second Fats, moreover, war oot the only soup within sci nop fea eviews hog was the ost mporeane Daring the 2 Sateen and cghtenth century some of the nobly Baal exrpsons ‘were undermine by Graney hart presed States Even where these pe lege survived they were becoming more ofa badge of social stats than 4 teal financial adaneage by the coring decades of the cghteenth cent Chited and cxetcined extent ‘cighbous, tenants and peasants. A blew iht-tovtont "vee the lands thie ls aber ‘obleman fom the common people: significant, lmpoveshed membets ‘OF the nobly of Poland-Lihvania cased wooden words a8 ayo (oftheir ats even though they were too poor to be able to acquire el ‘bres The nobly alone were ened to meat certain Kinds of clothes {privilege thar was sometimes guaranteed by sumpeuary lesion 6 Doin Te Ml Tn ohh i TO ne nh 2 een could display ther cous of arms, for example over the potas thei eesilnces ot on thee carriages. They had the rit oe adresse urtcular ways one of the mou elebrited war the tse of the on! fevenieench: and eightcentecemtory Spain (this volume, Chapter 6). sone could seqeire designations of simple nobly (for example, nn the German tpeakanglande) and the hagher tle (sch ar duke our or bron) which were introduced ot Becune ore wieapresd phos Earope dati the early modern period. The nobility ad a yes pesion in any religous seule ceremony ce procession it ie tk pare Ia church, for example, they wood tormally have town pew and even priate box or galery, loetedcominetly next rp tad below tbe ar in onder so hadctine Her place tthe of she socal hierarchy. Where ~ at often happened ~ moe than one fin attended te tyme church, Here and prolonged dspates vee fe portance of such pre-eminence in a society in which visual in Mec al-importat fs cbviour euonphy Ar the local eel, the Si « ftir rcs of pivoges wba wore pein pres te and which lagely proceeded fom thir dnant pion 3b sunt seins In exe counties, heoteeally the atone cil groupe possesed the right to own lind bt this Privilege ‘cred during the seventeenth and eighteenth century, hen fnumcr of commoners clearly parched extatesNoblemen, hem Siviredsporant income and piles from their pre-eminent indowner. They eald compa te tenants to wie Ue il, ‘ine pres, and to pay forthe privilege. Loa! noblemen often ‘is menopaly over lea hunting ad fshing rights and over the Aesoarces of the estat, suchas mineral. They abo posed im igh oer tice tran, who were semictimes waable wo move oF Pethour the lords perminlon These were part of the wile lod oh the nob had tadonllyexerised over soe) a age atid Hi coatincd to exer. Iicgesbclonged both to the nobility as invidals and a a0 Sica tienen oc soblewsrean, rece wat reprise tthe demands of the wer Fuly cr hours, This & one of int conclusions of feant scholarship concer the erly mea iy, an is crucial any understanding of the subject. Dang ‘modern period and especaly the rwentcth estar posterre fm hat come to the fore sn all arse of uma acta. By tis the pursuit of personal ambition and advancement, ofen atthe fof family cohesion and yroup soldat, asin ot of the central lyr economie considerations The station ine aes moder Mas quite different, expecially among the cle for whom the eer aaiferpsgrntncn uch te aa Moone cr fe No se a 3 Individual was always a representative of 4 wier gsouping and whcte is wor het ~ interests were everywhere expected #9 take sccond ple 10 ‘hose of relatives and of family and to advance the onion, weltn and influence of the wider group or house. "The oveiding goal was always the success of the famiy and the increase of it fame and fortune — ‘whether bya advantageous marrige, «seceeful military or pola ca {eet oF simpy the sl management ofthe eater A younger som sight be depoved of an expected shae of a inheritance, or pusd into the Church or amy ac someone die expense, 4 daughter packed off tot omforabe seclusion ina nunnery, cath prevented fom arming becnoee fanuly stategy ted this course of action, Success and fade would determine the ejector of the fay within the nobly. The uate Aisaser of course, was extinction: the “name and ame” of the howe ce ‘ing to exist though a falure oF hens and especial of ie mae chdeen This wat a renter Une than mga fit be rane Smee — exe jn Besain~ al legitimate children of 4 nobleman were noble ~ and occ Sonal, sin Spam legate offepeing too ~ the tansmbsion of tates {nd property should have been reatnly secure, Usually, however, acing Alescee primary in the dec male neh, togechse wit he fait demographic seein ofthe ray men pein, made secession 8 ‘much lee entin business. The pte ave gaphaly sted by the ‘se of 2 Dutch nobleman, Johan Wolfers var Brederode (1599-1659), ‘Beederde maeied twice and fathered no ls tha twenty-one childrens twelve by Ns fst wile, Anna Johanna, coantete of Nase Sigen and rine by his second bed, Louse Chritina, countess of Solm-Brsunel Such fecaniy,it might be thought, would have ensured the survival of the House of Brederode: Infact the outcome was very diferent Seven SF his ele children by hi iret wife ded i ifancy he emai Be ‘ere all daughten. His second marriage produced nie cient id ‘ot survive tnfacy, four ced around the age of twenty and oly tee Survived, Two of these were daughters, leaving sity son, Wallen, 2 uate the line. ut Wolfert ed chides in 1679 and took one of Holland’ leading noble fies to the grave with fa.” "The extinction of the Howe of Hrederade uadelines both the fay ff the links beeen ome noble generation and the next a the impertance Of extinction a threat tothe entre Second Etat, Though mot of the ‘obit should have enoyed beter nuttin than the common peop nd ‘ith it an improved chance of survival and procreation, the hazard of alin andthe tret of cate were ever fee nthe aly modern pesod and did not respect soci hierarchic, Blac aus, tat it Say the extinction of an enere family or House, was 4 pesancnt and tbigaitoes danger for members of the Seeond Haare ees of such ute ‘arid hoth from one county #0 another and within eatona nis la 4 Hoga, of ssyshe pcrage fais in 1559, ony sented the isn he alee a entry en eBay Savoy the rt of entacon may hive bec a igh 9 per cot Pt ns Tre tse cl peste ea pe Thn at an epi probe formas vaeved of ace we exe the taf he Dah Repebe afe 157,of Ve He tr mucho the enty modem pvod and of Denmark before 1608 Ihe oss sharp samen! donee wise (hi vole, Chapters 3 ln Vohine Ws Choe 3 Bara tie fas Iver unde he pe nner en of exten od for may became vey. isp bolo fale wat act af coun new the pal ble amily fer msi France Ha ser ted ngs tan Uace our ey ion the male tet we not ently he cuane of bilge tha tat aly ad mac do th xnton a eae mune of demographic are he Regueny mad age of mu nthe ee fy hd a in Comm a ao payed prt Many file, capeciay among the hyer 0 iy opie aces to ovtome th xonomse tes wih hey ir cscs eateernen ees Gels thet objective and in mow case ~ thei effect wa the reverse Sct soon aoa ch of ser pi Toros of eral and petnopenire cuted he fly paimosy 0 mal ene, aly the lex sons Ts wm ofen compan by ogy of maced mage by which ousger sons and al the dag if be preven fos kang an lndepndene He and eel, pel or taring tn ts way pooper by encenang a aus ure prefs on the ul aber of mole who ul mary, fend he inoaec of the eruty of pata snes nd scaly feel te ponuby of extacton Se nd chapters me earth = eh some inpwtant excep * he tol mame nnatonl notice, seine: que ove ve eee ahd ech et ye the pi espanion of the gencralpopaaon. Yer ti epanion lint gute the rity of enon wlch feed any fies ine This ew toast barns weal fe, Many Homes en xgnat before 1600 surted propre in the enh evry td beyond THe expatuon ofthe Cis however, was poe by conan penne, th heey of oo fans the moby. Av families became cone, oer paced them, De ayn manson pyran BRE seme drag once again thatthe Second Estate was islfconsanny unde boing change. Such teplenishment was eucal to the consolidation of | ble owe, ange th portance the wa ck ly itelf could bese Sale adam of ways The most poran, ‘hich has bem refered Yo ae, wat ao the simplest: hgh eth On ‘he nine the ine cn fan orwell males ncnan ‘woe hams mean ecsonaly Boga decent to, wae ‘erin coun a wr prs ica sewn could so ‘amit hx pe ern, Te station n Baten wn er ‘iter, Het othe doesn of snot ete i xb sy the other cen ign nw coer nl the any posse adr ‘Sl side wich psc to oc or move jovegtsonr Thi ew que ‘acpi athe coat of ental ae wh bers noble as pst ahs ign ten “Te acco way in which aby cok! beac wat Gos eu ‘iter hy grantor sometimes rch: Derng the seventeen ad cgh teenth centres rere conicd to tward marinas erie by «pte of nobly ory advancing sober wit he Cte trough te ward St Ses ger tn at te pomce. he pep tert teh ‘noblemen ontined to Be mlay or admintetne sce: Dung te ite seventeen tnd cay eighceth cents, monarch in Denar, Sweden and Rainn putea format ir pace though the ce Son of Ter of Rank the bew Kaen of whch war itouch eter the Great n Rann 1728 (Vue i, Chaps 3 and 8 These ted eb sta seve tthe rer an Sate td provided at any indtual who tached apa nk tthe sy oF pad ne ad tinataton wold suoeatcaly be conoled. Prog es cok in te acquired by puchars ster of patent of mobi, of land tnt com ‘ered mabe status o by buying am cebling oe i acncted fod deal of saevounble comment fom conejo, tte name co ‘hie nhs manner war eal a rthely sal peoporion of eto Itwnn however of comical impos in Fase whee te antes ‘sho ected th sit of seb ole wee cone ecco the {ese of the sl of sc rg td the way in which the Sytem Became Systematnd ser the iosueton ofthe nt at he being of the Strescenhconcy hs volume, Chaps 4 aod 8). The gh sale Of ‘ey incl wan ch ern seventeenth and pect centay Ee tope. Occasionally fancy vd preseed tle woul pls favored tpflicae the sate of noble es ede wach alowed ham to fs win the die These were excepto nd wet slat iva to nas {bd aes dames wel wry ofthe honow ln the ft pace “me nl way wich moby mg be aged ws by suing the satin andre of 4 soble sad oping t tou be ackanwlede by ‘ther members of soccy. A commoner who ha acquired some wealth Flan or sped tos poston of samdng wit ht ea comm, 6 Seoul simpy begin to behave ike # nobleman: by carying a sor by Irering noble dies by ciming rome of the eter prvi f maby Bec forks bers abe oo eras acounes of tat rom eae Pcily of he privdoges which accompanied parca entry to the Finks those who were exempt fom taxation of other burdens imposed Iw the Sate, he might be able o coublsh hinset a4 member of the Wel escent and, in ean counts such a Spi, have his sus Finmaly acknowledged bya Taw coun. The growing ema ting the ‘rinlrm pevod pon tinng» Robe ifsc Fated thir way Il coring the lester wobiiy, which ws in any cae very dic 10 Mec Aman vho was prepared wo leave his own meat local ard fake vp vesidenee ekcwhere woud often be able wo eshsh cin to obi ts i he wy, espectly he potesed~ or could ected to Beeperence of military service: the connection between sms and ody Bisset croc. The cssye inti clccdonsogget thar te tsuapion able satis was especally common in countries sien 8 ance and in, where the fic! prvilees of moa were expeily waa, nd other counties which ada lage and i-defined wer nobility, sch Polt-tania and angry certain states, the revene Tot 0 ave nobler ed te govemment 9 ns entero the OB ur of fais within a parle ron: there were epeily common Jn svertentvcearry Panes, the soclled reer def mal within the chghenthecentary Habshns Monarchy. Roth roles and nobles thermclves were ken to prevent impostor scoring noble rand inthis way undermining the concep 8f wot. Yer kat cy fel co prevent a wealthy and fel commoner sping 0 ene otty and evening within fe the bate Between the Second cand the ret of soc ws always permeable Me reese of this was the question of how and under what crcam- ‘bleman might fal ote of the elite "There was aon a sey tof the obi and in the second half of the cheat cen this ver became «torent bas eeceny been suggested that a= ‘8 onethid gf the eae European nity sapped dig the sfie 1750 Once again, soch movement was sy coneentted ihe batom end ofthe nobility, with cosiderable movement st of the hut im the ranks of the commonaly. Inthe French province Dregne, for example, the sie of the Second Estate topped hyper ts much a «ha Between sound 1600 andthe eve of he Frac ton, fom some 4000 to 2060-25,000" By fa he major’ who tei dive stats id 50 more oc ls win a larly beease they rae wo suppor the Mes deranda of + aclman, Even poverty of a momber of the lesser nobly might he relative when In Lama ome 8.79 Bk ge im XV ce pin’ ae He v considered against that of a peasant, wat sil a formidable batt for sean ner nblemen faced wits te cots of sopping the se of ie toma bythe seus Another way whic t member of te leser Sey mig fl outa te Second Exe was by eomteacting » mariage {hat was fanworthyy tat to tay wha commoner The concason tiuiioer wld ofen depeves nobleman or nablowoman of ter sink magy eho eonmarted wach amon wing dopped out of the no iy ths war seengihened by the growing premzupon with ease Xin untamed desc daring the seventeen cent ‘pec aor exclsvelyin-wcatern Europe Tere were cereal ober wane in hich moe sas mig be Bost, all invlsng ten by he Stat, One hs arly been mentioned: the ile wind ft ilo by which the bard pressed Trench State, especialy during the sevemeenth century, sought seduce the numberof “ale ooble Soe th accompanying os tothe tessy of iret aration, This beexme {PSjufceon Eee te momescel edie ofthe mabey dring the {atlowing centr, hen bor she Spanish and Aastean Habsburg gover tents abo began to tvestigate and thus 0 challenge the nobly of Sonlant suv of the elites thoughout thst tetris. In a more ‘Sea any rieler thatthe ex modern pecod saw an nereaing hoy 2 tga ding the noly ere prey tha ceva incon id done ant tus ayng den what member ofthe Second ste could ed could note dove acta impact of these new laws, were, ies easy to eoubloh with any cern ‘kg ample oF this provided y the coneepe of derogation. to Aico ay naan ho emged i ein nde of ates, pineal mame pu is noble ses in opnd. Many States had or ase Scr epson dating ie pio. Yer the prctal effect of thee pa rowel ary esalih, I the fist place, able satus was olen opened, rather tan fore slog, ri be recovered te sets eatin some places ~ for exaple Beetagne ~ nobleman Intent eal o teaver is fn fovnes by a succes earet in'commace could pot se hic noble tse sply resume when Smensen The ets shincllectonsoggr that fora Ins Of de Savon were nether a univerdl nor a very effective deat against sSblemen engpeing in commercial acts ofall Kinds. Indeed, a» De ‘Thomo pacts ur ics probably ot late pest irony Teron ll and ccopome td commerc aesies oa Hd" wat sp sccptd tht anon cul explo iw landed eta, which sri wa tly to nvave commer sess of eran kinds Many Stblemen soppoted commer enterprises and invest in await of Financ oppnics cher openly gh a ered aa Fry fou safle low nf sor bees of this “Oc ton] way of nig noble ttn was becoming tig of the 8 hing the seventeenth and expecially the eighth centuries, This hough tebellon oe weason. Occasionally cis coul sill bea factor lmporance. "The unsoceestal Bohemian rbeton nine the Austin ipinans in 1618-20 led vo signGiant mumbers of the Kingdom no. iy ning thee lind, thee seats and, im some case hve, while iy uhers were fore nto obmeure exile. This was ‘allowed by = i ivan reconstitution of the Bohemian dite, with the ascent aod eins the arial of many noblemen devoted tothe House of Habe iy (Wolune I, Chapecr 5), A generation later, the English Chil Wars {he Iotls inetd sorpesingy ele damage, st ast the lg cet, the peerage hi volume, Chapter 2). Simultaneous a signiieane mi lyst the Portguere nobiiy remained lye to Nadsid during the ued ebelion 1640-58) by which Portugal regaiec its independence fr sinyyarn of ion wen Span. Thowghs th group lose lands and forced int exe, some of st members were rabeaquenly rewarded the Spanish king wth grants of tes and of lads. A generation ltr, yy Spins War of Successiog, sone Caslan nobles including out gen ot the fst cas suleed for choosing the song sie fn the je between Habsburg snd Bourbon atthe beganng of the igh th cen. nn cater were becoming exceptional, and underized that domestic er were everywhere now les wolent, ar the nobstys own mtr win reduced” By the eigcemh century, noble lin had snost me s thine of the past. Treason was ao now exteely rae, ard ikl tothe permunent ose of able statu ‘The moe celebrated rn tat of tt Portaguete Houses of Aveo and Tavors, who were residences destoyed, the very name of the Tavor temporary ct Sl Ver the fandy sonnel: Pomp lending mnie dong the unter of the etch centr, the targa of Pemba wns bad it cared oot the jal proceedings, subanquendy mac} one of Minyhters ino che Tavors Howse Tas highigine general ed hive would scenionaly afer a everefe fo eon ad oly scheint amis woud egucmy sre nd nme sh agtin. Nobtty was to precious a pant for singe st w be ed simply beeatsc one bod had fad to blo Othe sicmped repicte wes signifier ins second pect. Dung it fica sitermath, members ofthe wo nae Hotses involved were tn espocal any. The dike of Aveo andthe manga of sere both broken oa the whe, thi arms and es being ene a fe bing sane. Thc ening members ef the fardy whe » wets implicated were abo broken om the wheel, but wete fist pat i death ‘Such eeatment was not unfair in eighteenth century Europe, bat for common caiminals, and aot lending aramer andthe sentences wee or that roan widely condermed The episode endedined the extent of the Privilege the nobility posened and expect to enjoy even When con- ‘ited of the crime of teas 1 In 1600, the Earopean nobility wat the product of an evoation which intended buck orev ora Cntuney, jet wa in 3 ste of ‘The nobis of indvida! States mere oFensurpesngy heterogeocou, refcing ce vaced ways in which te sats of moi could be ad ad been syed his diverty in apparent io the essays which follow. The fo prnipal paths ito the obit ae eat lated by the ease of the Tala pentose (hit volume, Chapter 7). Tere wars tadional nobility ‘ru hy servi = ae eapeily miliary nevi ~ wa aver. f= ‘Sve ty grants of ind tte of lordship anomie peices, ard pate able eit which had evoved out ofthe aban pateiates The inter pak we lately wimporant oui Tay, Vet this tthe me thing fs soyng shat the nobly was exchively or even peedominaly be found ia the couneyee One general conelsion of syieane is tht the word of the noble spanned even and county: paral inte more Utbanived parts of Barope,»rgnifeant proportion of the nity or ‘ony ved in towne. The posession of landed exate andthe era fe file which accompanied tus were, however cteryhere widely seen 35 csc badges of noble stats determinedly defended by thei fortunate owner, avy sought by thone who lacked them. Indeed one hy devel opment, for example aster shaenth and seventh centary Tal, was lssench by the trbon paces for landed propery, where they might [atiate what they saw the atbute of tue nobly ‘One conelsion which emeres frm the nana sy is dat the ropean ability was not evenly ditbuted, either between indtedeal counties o within particular States. Each atonal de had been shaped ia dsc histor croton and th fluenced bod i sine and em postion The nda esay provide uch ges a are aalabe for the fae of parcalar nobiles, both aumenely snd se 4 proporton of that Sic wal population, La vow of the sgiicanevariatoas between cour wx ay anc ae te ea ce te Fae va whe would bevmleaing, Thre wat eather a spectrum, fiom thon Satee~ Benin, Desmary Brandenburg Psa whee the tobly smote so lens ~ and sometimes ich les ~ than 1 percent Sf the tel poplin, wo the counties whose ees were much hiper » Pease te th coping tee wa Sper cet in ml ithwann between and 75\per cen, while in Spin i wat een Fier and its peak nny have approached 0 per cent The remaining Ihinnce were located somewhere between these run extremes. One et fin! voncason of parla intrest i that everywhere, as move dealed oer isundertalen on the demography of the nobility employing fea nt oher cece, pevings estimates are bavig wo be fesed downveas. The Second Estate wat not a consistent proportion of the population ys second inportane respect Teas never dstbuted zeny throughout A pwcalu soci, Wichin inva counties there wee always Seif onal vacations In eaty modern Spi noblemen were much more mas in the noth av retely rece some ates of the south, ne of the Iberian pening ditinesve Nistor! exolution (ht vo m, Chapter 6) Thotgh this wat the exe cass the nobility was cere unevenly spend ography In prof tetra and eastern, pe, thud been pecs cary 10 secure the sts of noble, ac [ne soup encourage cola and emt of ior nhs wath eh ate Pomerania sn Drandeabat: rss and van Plan Liana contained whe vies composed age and aly estes of umpovershed nobles (Volume Th Chapters 4 and re were parts of Poland Lithuania, however, wher noblemen were Me nobly venywhere resembled pyramid though the steepness oF isco the sider vari acording ro the charstestics and the com fon ot the parteuar ete. Ati apes wete a small amber of wealthy rowed tame who together composed an aritecacy. Oily Mod, of Greck devtation, had simply meant ele bythe best: Bat he sehen century. iss incremsingly wed vo describe the noble in the sense ofan oer with immense soci ard pelea prveen” tas an nies of a process that wat underony by whch the ete of may became more sharply difereaiated fom toe midaing and by. At the wey op of te able pyramid thee were a hand oats faiie enong immense weats and power sce in Hur hour tn in the Austin and Bohemian Lands, beeen eeenty and i) in Spun. Below there came the sest of the astern and higher iy, famies whose wealth and poicalinfhaece were considerable the arstoeray ar whole woul retin some inuenee in at Fast tea, ts horn were always national rather tha regional Blow eee to be found the riddle ranks of the noble: ames of stand their patcuaeTecality, bat whose ambitions and perspectives fonally moved upward to he national ve. The bate of the pyramid ll everywhere coms of x numerous and sometine impoverished obit, whone inerests seldom extended far beyond hele own fn snd many of who even lacked land ‘These divsions were fad a Yet ae fundamental to an understanding of the xrcture of Europes oii. In 1600, the ets in the westem and southern Facopean Ser sere stuctcly rather more compler, wit tore levels separating the Attra te fom the mats of petty obi, han tase of counties Ising the non and eis reflecting thet longer and more vated evel sion. By 1800, however, the costrst ws les een et ad Ye nis tt ecntral and eaten Europe in patel became increasingly seu ‘Though these horizontal dvions were important, tee was aways i nifeant movemene within ee Second Pstste The tae and fal of fal fares wana permanent fear; and was probably none moran than the movement into and ost of the nobly which was dacansed cher, using the seventeenth snd cighseath centres, the principal develop iment, apparent in all European eoanties to some extent waste increased Alegice of seteaion within the nobly, wih he araiocacy everyuhere merging a more weal, more powetal and more shuply diferente {fom the tet of the nobiy, Ts was often ase by the Ste, which Ieeved it could reinforce sown asthonty by ehboetng the soe tarchy over whch presided. Bur calcd primacy fon the sucess finda fais securing ld, wealth an the pole! powcr that ‘hentia nto the arstoree ce The calc ofindvthal fares vided the nbiy vec, espe cialis middle and upper ean. Emphasis onthe cements which wed the Second Estat in paul, sated presen snd comsmon Meloy Goce not meta tat twat suited body On the conta was ether fan aggregation of val and ere compestie individuals, families and fromes The great and middlernking obiiy were engage ina cnc ‘ous stole for advancement ands search for addsonal satus and new ‘conome and pole opportunities for themncves and for tel follow fs Those fais that were suczesnul in ths acs moved up the none hierarchy, and the most sccessful entered the more clay defined a roerte dite that war emerging a his tne, In most counties, hn ite was alo divtinguished snd sometimes de fined by ts monopoly of certain heredary tls, These were ot of course nn innovation in the eatly modern pei, bot they did become ‘mich more important and wiespecad. Tiss exrplife by the deve! ‘pment of the ele of “dake in England. Un the Gloroas Revoltion St 1688, this had been sedom granted, and then usualy to members of the tpl family oF particule fvourtes of the rl of the day. Tere str tas granted mach mor icy to toured mes of he peerage {nd helped wo advance the staifiation of the Engh nobility hie ‘olume, Chapter 2)'On the continent new tides were introduced and epi eel emg malin il 2 bid one revived employes more free, while simultaneously a more Mlearcotbieachy wae tating shape, with = progessin apastc from Pron and count shrough etl and duke tothe eal, ad very sae ater of prince. The potesion of such ranks bepe! to diferente the hie nobly fom the test of the Second Esta. The grant of 4 Te wus often 4 wy for xn nposerished ruler to ewnrd 3 nobleman at He vost to himsel, and hn accelerated their diffsion a this time There were exceptions to this ten: the only tts i eady eno Poti Lithonia eer ad Libanian oF Ruthenian oni or were fr ris origin. In seighbouring Russia the situation was paruculaly Monmplcx. wih ative princes but no oder erediay Hes wat Pee 1 ns or aogetnersaceessfaly~ to introduce thee a pats of his roughgoing attmpt to erene 4 Wertrmatyic nobly (Volume I ers aol 9), In coutses such ae Sweden, Denar aod Branden ry rassa, indigenous tiles sccm to have been eelatively late vation ad ne that was of Iited significance (Volume Tl, Chapters and 4). lowers, howeve, they increased im numer an in import te Tsing the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Ts wore a they fd lng Been» yf reo eros een centres, however they increasingly became away offering Iba the same cine, dsengushing the aistocatie Hive and simul nly alvaning the proving internal seatifeaon ofthe obi. The ie example of th tread ws the tie of the ac of pars in seven wv-centry Pane." Suecesive king snetoned ane in some measure, dan ete of wealth and power athe top of te Peach noi h the grantor eatnson of the tle of dav andthe privieges 30 ed with his, togeter mith pts of lan and, oceania, eth to the ly favo his volume, Chapter) A brody sna paces wat 2 n Spin, ton, wth the rp Inereae inte namber OF prandecs Ton-one (1627 o over 0 bythe ety eqheenh centy (Ot ne, Chaps 6) Tales wer everywhere imporane aa public mick of ys power an achievements al of the exec in whch it vas Red von hea rary ts weg wt yf engaged in the ceaslese search for power snd advancement. There fn'chment of socal engncting inthis cers atch at Lois XIV tonite in pare by desire wo create a moe staid hiertchy ‘win the arora ete and within the nobly a4 shoe Mike granting of nach advancemene, rcover,fcopized an exstng chy ore dan efeating a new one. ws ery fate ora commonet ovens member ofthe leece nobly eo be homed ines way. The fof s hpher tile was scaly siple mcogtion of vocal at po Blcainy ac of the dntibation of weak inl powes Tt eckowledged ass growing importance an, sometimes is coonoaie might, moe 2 ‘han comtibaing oi ie. A notble expe of this is provided bythe srry fami whose seventeenth cen stea fet mint ani pore Hungaan nobles vo pest snort wat de son scale Sites sty oft age Iwas Urugh aboorby smite o tine toc pics ol sere the Hote of abnbug andthe ewes that oop, picpally the frm of lanes The we mane in 1687 shen gta Emperor ces te Palin Pal Eoterhay pine of The Roman amp This secon as emphised the vet and hoon drone within the ery modern noby snd ta one the decent dyn of rato peer and wah These were une spac and boeame more ‘ darig the wo enn sher 100, Yer, the same tie, he European Tiree ao remarkably uid seced groupes payin tee alg wth ocher sss of oct. The very concep of molt wat + power alae By ealing oot who way sed efor wo wr mt ‘chic tare comadere any to te cond Eau Te proses of consolidation as adrnced bythe development of chen tn pr tronage inks among al Exopc sober Garg the ent modern peed. By thee meant s Svcs of Pesos and swore that verily iad ied in exter prod pemely forthe parpne of mltere ‘hey aoe became mon cbc sod cave, sd Concred pencaly wit the hancement of ables gress wal! Oe element the power SF the pet aratoras wan the Boks they enabled and calmed wih the male anda, loner na of che moby. An anc pr tron would secure soil 2a profenioal operant: and ecvncement {ors cen, who mn eu would provide loa, cuppost ted, come tines, payment in ash or Le, TH aonshp oat proce ae ft ‘eo conta aru bythe dnrbton of al mannr of voi ae Srannges to 4 posable chest tek These opporenies fll ake many Toms font marine, 4p of ind cay int Sradeaezment within the my, goneones or (here ds wa presen) ‘be Roman Cathe Chur Thee veil bond al ch Yo ey he Sceond Este ad they wee everyehere the means by which enon Ivor mainaioed important lnk withthe fopona adic v ‘Wealth was an importa accompaniment of nobility, enabling families to live nobly and so uphold thee paved stat. Noble descent was only to be vaaed i scompanio! by aie sie that was visly noble Beonomie foccess was not exentl Bs economic failure might be fatal to nble House, Individual familie were concerned puimaiy to support that Pa UGB CORRE oe NORE arena ee fey and thus the socal posion, ad 4 mainsin te cage inde iy The meant shat consi was sully more inpotane than pro on where their own finances were concerned, and iong-etn stably important than shor-tim growth. The patimony and the othet eee a ary income wee valued pringpally ft their ay to ice the income extent to maintain Dat ee: be e the expenses age os Kner (ovo occasions on wich splendour would be tw'cuphasse the honour and power of the Tal) the cost ray ora miliary commision for younget son Fury finances ‘ministered with these consereatve and tural ends in view, ethan the captain pores of later cents Th clive advan, by wan the wees soup tery in every Earopesn county, eth the important exception o ch Republi. During te seventeenth and egmecnh cent, thece ups le change in the voures of that weak which emained lig lined nrg ad characte. This sae to 94 at the Wie uninterested in commerce, Asace or manufacturing at bas ben 9 Teopnton was scons much of a baie to ch scevtes, patie by the ecech cena, Th ey weh, more es ade iment. Yet te peincial ong’ of that weath wn vay and, and for clement in noe forses, he estates which hey coool and ed rogetber with he income generated fom i ght of lok. linportanceof land for the elite rales the wiingnes of the Swedish cyto scbmit co Kad XI resumption of aerated Crown estates th more remarkable (Volume 1, Chapter 2). Though the see of these tons femains tS estabithed, de epaode i wigue example of ican lose of lnd by the nay dang te two cena ewer Ms callccton Indes, the nobly wee sly anon to create the tinder tt comer Tae Second Estate had done well oe of the tion of Church lands atthe Refocmation inthe szteenth cent, throughout the ery modem period india nabs sucess ported pata holding nto ie own properics ons considerable MT cconomicheah of the soy at group daring he seventeenth ipbcenth cenures i subject of cro importance, yet one where jntor nerves te empl fel tnd pehape imposible fen the shorter probleme of one family hare een tsed rt speculative theories abou the eotie it. Thee i also need ew developments in the longterm, where the rlience of nd in aries andthe nobly ue a Whole x imprsive A fay rincing nancial problem Stone pint cont,» gnerion Ot 190 Fomce agin be peerpesig. A good ibutacon of this provided the changing foruner of the Neapoltan Carccilo & Bicara. This ly expesioned an extended pein of economic ficulen dating I rcp ee ee, nia ar pp 8 the second al of the seventeenth century, hat revered spectaclaly dhrng the flowing contr. A landowners the Gaccilo He met tale Howes ~ beneed frm the ighecnh-cemury bom anced ‘ch popolnion growin and pic inflaton’ Though some impressive Studien ave Beem polished there Hl'« need for much more de: taled research into the finances of individual families nod the Economie etcumstancr of purl groupe within atonal bliin One eons burt ch vestige the Py of sre ing recur espechly foe faker ate the higher mobi.” Even sthere the source for sacha sudy ent the aces inthe way of {Sploking shee wcone ae sill cnaceble® Neves rome es ite conclusions shout the subject nf goble nance at. becoming Pole One api, mac more Sealed information Hy wo be aah tte for the atocate hn than for other rope within the obit, {oe whom generations ae more problemas Diferet gp were sary aed in afferent wae, while the cvonok of cline an seconey aso vane sigateant in ne wi the highly regonazed strate of the Earopeat economy as aol ‘This why th impacto eat pec shout he Caenclogy of deine and recovery doce eterno mer fm county fC, try and region oregon ba as Eaaly fy Al tha an aed ‘ty ceiny that many noe ale expetented ered of Teute cconomic eae dating the century she e158), att he ferns of the moby sss ploup proved sigafeany dating the ‘stead ped of economic expanion aad laced prope whch brim inthe dechdes sound 70 Throuphowt se nobly, moreover ‘nv tamer were prospering, mantmng ther pono or dec, tng ding ths period tony cre princply eenge of cconomc {Geom he enor of tn veal soe Rowse would fea be temined oot by ts inthe economy but by Saas rah a the succes of 1 spent boro fn had ar Banily ‘sue Blog Canc alo played pre. Too many dnuhtes wih owns to be pall upon mariage or'anty to the Reman: Coa ‘Chore, might Llp er undermine stan faces Convey, oo imany ona who had wo be lance on # eater or provided th prions full impar the forsee of = noble we. Bu ee might abe ferieved= sometimes inthe moat spectaclr fashion = by ton for tenn surage or caring succers nary or Ste serve, wh the ‘ewacdh thre right bon "Tere bower, sgnicant an accamlatng cridece tat in many counts secon of the not were cng seas sonomic problems bite ty ge pp Be ae Ney Te ly Hap seGott abe aS Ve wa hw tn mel aon A GSE AA eS 26 ty ees acu 14" Oe lhe expt wi a tee iis were eyed coequence othe sender em ie, uaa of foods. The etc wa squeezed berwer inten eos wnt bor fren i inflaton and fom tem song eer, incomes ht were sable ao ometines decreasing eves Were te patter inthe form of log-ter lemses of land) and ould tobe aed rar he es selon cmd he wiespeal como ably apparent ding he terse int hat of the severceah entry rth the en of the long petod economic an demogenpi expan, abe price ad gnee prosper rv of te leet ably wee parca vere affected ad Counties fact nor somone by the dels aoond 6, vc teion whee thn wan end the cae war Lowe Aust, Noble sc mote of whom ected ener ewes of thei neon Mow of red feudal rot servicer and oer duc were severely a- pny te lr moter anyone fom experince thse iter wed e801 The eles nee vol ke wemmpanpingdrmogephc expats whence mre al sles yh a decee fhe enh Coy ay mane a pee ble npr wre a ve] oe rob ion Hoe The se and prot eu nthe costars ruc ae Denmark and Send In ooh hi es ured tte ces Hat were abe and ee acai tegen entre chee nas he, sir ora Des aries iene Lecpaiie a eee ch esi Kes a pn al anmelden pes nent e . : 5 ep om th Haein Monarch by Fe to tam ma Nabe ty Me nae st iy Sap as Se Jal + —Peraeprsiegpeaiemmmnnertaeittentidec:::mmeanmecsies sci gin pices and uoings ta were sig hay Yet ths wend war a on univer ol pln apneton fo the undo comes prem any thie mies ts ne Inthe ft te, here wo pond tr of hettc lees ih so hich eu cy bred hgh Popo of come co) | talento ws i ob pn in pl oir ome prorection agin inflaton. The tle of great surpluses, te | ceived ae rent or dues, oF prodaced by diret fatning. alo helped ‘cushion the nobility against iacteases i its own expenditure, One espera ‘norworhy example i provided by the Junkers of Bracenburg Pros ‘who had prospered hroughout the siktecaeh century and continced to do 0 uni the 162s (Volume Il, Chapter 4)."Ther weath was based ery laggy ow the profitable sale and export of grat, main produced by demesne firming involving see about, and was only unetnined by the Twidespresd destruction of the Thiry Veqrs War, which devastated coma ‘Germany and Brandenburg in pastcalt" The economic problems of the Junkers owed eventhing tothe dilociron ad destwcuon eau by hi phn and tothe esd problems aftr i ered in 1648. Yet tha ame confi also enabled some Junkers to bud their forms though ats essfl carers at monary siden ‘The arco tree of the leer sstecoth and seventeenth centaris eabled many fades to reone thei eonomie position: many of the ‘Mary Emecpeiser activ n Get many curing the They Years War were noblemen, The lang ped of vl war in France between 1562 and 1598, for example, exempiied cx ‘ety this combination of opportriies for eachment and scree damage fo the incomes of invita and families cased by the dsropion oF ‘heir eaablshed apiulurl profs.” This undennet nce sein thatthe fortanes of india! famibes and of groupe within toe moaiy were de termined by national and oe! factors as wll a by Entopean semis ‘More importa, however, i the proving consests tet the oti’ fconomic protien around 160 were cased pinay by the ew seal rd [puposs of expendimre being undertaken, expecially but not caclusivey [ry the aristocrat ete, ther than by he coion of incomes by ination ee soatins cons had several otigns. The tannixmation of wartare dh lng the ears modern period (ee below, ction V) wa accompansed by Increased onlays om the prt OF every nab ofcer, Miltary carers ght sand sometimes did yield Sgifant income, bt the investment deme hd gone up subtanaly ‘Changes in noble Meples were even more important. Conspicuous coneumpion,underaken especialy by elite fami in ovder to Resp ap ctr thy ee Me Gr nt eer m ances was wikxprend. The impomance now placed wpon maining hc tha was seeidenty noble was paren in al these expendi By the Jecadee around 100 noble wee Bang ct resplendent ry rl fen ih rae and ony ude, wie te tendency the hgher mt, paral inFraer and Spin, co ee ato net he wal Coun fo rest prt ofthe yea volved (e running cots Mownctmes the cnataction of second major trier inthe expt Diss prcese was undereny tv tne Beth sen where the Union of| Crown in 00% wat followed bythe migaon of pomsinent Seosk to umes Ui aad Ty Coat in Lomo. Though his bought new inthe fom of soya patonage and economie opie, it so ue aperture sbaply, sod desing op an overal balance set hs Ate end of te cvoween cen. snr evan can be nthe lands of te Ansan Habbo (Vohome Tl, Caper 3 and 6 Ahsto-Dohemianarstotacy and, to 4 lesser exten, the Hanan es were drawn tothe Cour in Vienna where they bulk impressive ues nd thea rubra palaces Residences, enainment even were becoming more fesplendet and therefore expensive, pa {roa westem Fro een eats se torts whe groups of te aoiliy were Tapeiencing sian finance probleme teoagout te ater Sa hruy andthe Bn hall of the fevnteeth cnr. The mobility, free no immune (om the general economie difieuis ofthese ih" the vy at =the dig othe Seca band the prosperity that ad Brough. Yet the Second state, ferpecialy te aerate clit, wete frequry bei placed thn other to cope with Yese peoblens. This was pemipaly becuse of thie new souees of eome ach more npr, Ce wich fen fiom ‘line noblemen. Span provider 4 notable example of this ine Tat of the seventeenth coury saw somethig approching = the Monarchy nobly. Mon mies overeane these problem ean ah xp he Ste by Seng me hci om pockes ard by extensive borowing rewenty fc fe run as volute, Chaper 8} Dating this petiod borrowing and sin eae pra faa ah icy for tmope and an important factor inthe apparent prosperity 0 hee nobly, Throout Eueope, the heer nbiy bend rmm fw nancial and economic opporunies oer by the monarch Pensions and eas te went to 2 fvoured mio‘. but and and geo economic opportoniis were more wielyAatebuted, whe les and ber income waa to dhe agents ofthe expanding State stg oa fri. 2 5 serseutes (ction V) benefited the nobly not lee. This aces 10 the Court al the central government wat ao samen in cng sone loans, which wove croc ia enabling the noble ete sure te pence sificsees of the seventeen cena. The price af this tare all one Europe wns a growing interdependence butwcen teeta Tree lic “The nity 4 whole, and rpc tc seinouncy.pinpered ding the long economies recovery which began darn the eeond halo he seventeenth cenory and eomtnid ator unt the end ofthe pel ce tred by thi collection. The downteen which had sein eevee eld Soe save wy w renewed and, before long spectacle ped of eapancog and prorpetiy. Prices stabilized and soon began to merase, tele nod onomie atvity stared 0 expand once again tnd popainens ee The sobty was wel paced, as producer snd anand bene ons te seconery: Thogh the fortunes of inva fais rose sed el, he soblity a a roup id claiely well ut of the hong pened of Pronpesne ‘Tace canes wee eter famed dicty or leuwed oat we nto hoe there was considerable variation frm county to county anaes fey region to ten, asthe atonal says ake Clea The chapce i te second volume qualify the fiat emphasis onthe dined beereee esten Faroe set the inde lun tte tat ote ae Pe Rey fake car thar thoughout cent snd eastern Europe, deme fame Base one ur Cs ean ius ba Here, to, some pars of the noble extate were led sun rey ee ‘exploited direct by means of » ube peau. AC the top ofthe noble pyramid the poner Of certain. amie was te immense. A few individls~ notably the Exschiny pincer nate em Hungary and several magate Tumis, rach the Radi te e2stem reions of Poland tania ~ ruled over har were isan poe {He Legdoms snd maintained thei own acniistatons, eal yee Se sven panel Coors, By the eighteenth century h van incest tons mon for aitocrtc estates to be profeionly administered ehh fe Intention of maximizing the income which the family could ej, Prof 29 and indiflernce had not been ceadented, but they see ao a become les common, especially among the higher nobiles loa holng wer at times as ange a ome of the sale sverige tn the Holy Roman Empire, and the authori of the rang atatccat ee scarey les complete, at ast over his own peasy al tent Sate ower wis censinly escepiona, ital eros Easope the soremcaah tad cightcentscentanes saw the consolation of res fu kane tras of lind owned and dominated by the ible dies be k the ead ‘aronae inthe Kingdoms of Naples and Sty, the grandee Spin oe the assocacyof the Aust-Bohemian lands Theos apace cn

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