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New to Flutter?

Once you’ve gone through Get started, including Write your first Flutter app, here are
some next steps.


Coming from another platform? Check out Flutter for: Android, SwiftUI, UIKit, React
Native, and Xamarin.Forms developers.

Building layouts
Learn how to create layouts in Flutter, where everything is a widget.
Understanding constraints
Once you understand that “Constraints flow down. Sizes flow up. Parents set
positions”, then you are well on your way to understanding Flutter’s layout model.
Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
Learn how to add a stateful widget to your app.
Get the answers to frequently asked questions.


Check out the Introducing Flutter series. Learn Flutter basics like how do I make my first
Flutter app? In Flutter, “everything is a widget”! Learn more
about Stateless and Stateful widgets in What is State?

Only have 60 seconds? Learn how to build and deploy a Flutter App!

Want to skill up?

Dive deeper into how Flutter works under the hood! Learn why you write standalone
widgets instead of using helper methods or what is “BuildContext” and how is it used?

To learn about all of the Flutter video series, see our videos page.

We release new videos almost every week on the Flutter YouTube channel:

Explore more Flutter videos

The documentation on this site reflects the latest stable release of Flutter.

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